
One Wish to Own the World

"I wish to have the highest intelligence possible, an intelligence that would allow me to perceive and thoroughly understand everything I see, even if superficially and only once, to the fullest, including strong points, weak points, and how to overcome them." Due to a mistake made by God, Ken is born with every type of perfect memory, but without anything else - he is weak, sickly, stupid, and unwanted. However, there was a saving grace - he made a friend, Leo. Leo would talk to him about hypothetical situations like what to say in case a genie granted him one wish. When Ken dies and God offers him one wish for his next life as compensation for his previous mistake, Ken simply recites Leo's words and is sent to the cultivation world. There, he slowly learns that he is the only one he can trust. Armed with the special remaining Godly Qi from his reincarnation and with the ability to learn and improve techniques and manuals easily, even creating his own original cultivation path, he cultivates with the goal of standing at the top of the world, even if it takes leaving his moral code behind. Follow Ken in his journey as he lie, blackmail, murder, rob, poison, and manipulate others to achieve his goals! ----- DISCLAIMER: The god in the story is completely random and made up, and is not the particular god of any religion existing today in the real world. This god only exists in the imaginary world of my story. Join my Discord server! https://discord.gg/ad64bjZXMm

Railvas · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
358 Chs

Chapter 54 – Strengthening the Core

"Great, see you on Sunday at 07:00 in the morning."

Annie stood up and left Ken's house, leaving him with a smile. He finally improved his shitty luck.

'With bad luck, I kept encountering people above my stage as well as bumping into annoying young masters. It should be much better now.'

Although he only got half of Annie's luck, it was still much higher than the average disciple he saw in the sect. If he used his previous luck as a luck-measuring unit, he estimated the average disciple with 25 luck units.

As for his current luck, it should be somewhere around 125, making him five times luckier than the average disciple.

If he went to find a master in the Alchemy Division with his current luck things would work out differently, but it was too late now. 'Oh well, I don't need a teacher to understand alchemy anyway,' Ken sighed to himself.