
The Western Woods

For several days after, Xiao Yujin was in an extremely bad mood. Xiao Moxian did not hold back when he slapped, so Xiao Yujin's cheek was completely swollen and red. What made it worse was that the slap had left a vague handprint on his cheek, so everyone knew that the fourth prince had been slapped.

"Your Highness! Your Highness!" The majordomo ran into Xiao Yujin's office. "We have a problem!"

"What? Can't you see that I am cranky right now?!" Xiao Yujin shouted.

"Your Highness, your casino in the eastern part of the Capital was shut down by the Ministry of Justice today!"

"What?!" Xiao Yujin stood up immediately. "The one in east Capital? The one I have been operating for several years?"

The majordomo bobbed his head. "Yes, that one! All the account books were taken and all the money currently in the casino was seized!"

"And Manager Jia?"

"Arrested and taken to the Ministry of Justice for further questioning."