
ONE SHOTS [tagalog]

daltsuki · Thanh xuân
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21 Chs


Hi I'm Azura, I have a boyfriend

His name is Oreo, I love him.

He has Othello Syndrome

He's always jealous because of that.

But I don't mind it

Because I love Oreo.


One day some random guy had a chitchat with me

Oreo thought that I'm cheating with him.

He killed that guy

And I just watched him die.

I didn't stop my boyfriend

Because I love Oreo.


I found out that Olivia like him

And she's planning to seduce him.

My blood boiled so I hold a knife

And killed Olivia for that.

I killed my sister

Because I love Oreo.


Thea saw what I did

She told me that she'll call the police.

So I hold my knife again

And killed Thea when she took her phone.

I killed my cousin

Because I love Oreo.


Claudette said that I don't love Oreo

She said that I had a disorder called obsessive love disorder.

I knew to myself that I love my boyfriend

How dare she lied to me, so I strangled her.

I killed my best friend

Because I love Oreo.


I saw Tiffany dancing sexily

In front of my boyfriend.

I remembered that I brought my knife with me

So I stabbed Tiffany using it.

I killed my mother

Because I love Oreo.


Oreo didn't like what I did

He said that he didn't really loved me.

I looked at my hand holding a knife

I slitted Oreo's neck using it.

I killed my father

Because I love Oreo...?


I didn't like what Azura did

How dare she hurt my boyfriend?!

So I used my knife again

I stabbed her straight into her heart.

I killed myself

Because I love Oreo.


Akane Daltsuki