
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Tranh châm biếm
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44 Chs

Chapter 25: Trust

~Kuro POV (10 years old) ~

Right now, I and Cinder are now in the open quad area of Haven Academy and we meet Ram waiting for us with our worried expressions shown.

When she saw our faces, she grew worried and asks in concern, "Kuro! Cinder! What happens why are you two shaking!"

I raised my finger at Ram to say with a wry smile, "Let's just say we just found some real dark shit and the kind that will be hunted from the leader of Grimm herself if we spill."

Ram looks surprised at the sudden information, but I quickly say, "Will talk more on the subject later please tell me you found the Spring Maiden Blossom Sakura because some good news would nice right about now."

Ram nods her good then that means we have to make a plan with that I say to her, "Alright will make a plan first but we're going to need Rem and Kagero's help on this."

With that, I floated me and Cinder to the Re: Onigashima tower while Ram has her shadow flying manticore going to the tower as well.

As soon as we arrived at the tower gate Rem and Kagero quickly comes over to us, but Rem is surprised to see our somewhat scared expression.

Rem tries to talk about what happened, but I stop her by saying, "Not now can you please meet us at the top of the tower and will explain what happen and you're not going to like it."

Rem looks worried but nodded her head and after a few minutes of us going to the top, I told Kagero, "Kagero make sure that your ready and please make some extra food for dinner be ready for Nora and Neo as well as ourselves I'll give you the full details after talking to everyone ok? Also, make sure to keep Nora and Neo out of our conversation."

Kagero replies with resolve, "Don't worry sir I'll make sure to make enough for everyone I'll be right on that."

But before he left, I also asked Kagero one more thing, "Oh yeah one more thing here you go Kagero this would suit you for what I have in mind…"

I didn't know for sure, but I knew Kagero was surprised right now when I gave him something that will help us in the long run.

~Third POV~

When everyone from the Kuro group has finally made it to the top of the tower except for Nora, Neo, and Kagero there were four people listening to what the three found out during their time investigating Haven Academy.

When Rem and Ram heard the news, they didn't want to believe that there was a possibility that there was someone commanding the Grimm to kill everything in life and to that, a Headmaster would give vital information about the Huntsmen's out to her.

When Ram heard about this, she was really scared about the idea that someone like Salem even existed and to further believe the tale that Kuro and Cinder said she believes it since the twin Oni never saw them that scared before.

When the twin Oni heard the truth about Salem, they wanted to give up here and there since how they could win against such a force but when the topic switched to the Devil Fruit Awakenings…

Rem and Ram didn't know that there was another step of their Devil Fruits much less another stage to them and when Alex explained the power of each category of Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia to their surprise they believed they can reach that unknown realm of power.

With Awakening they could stand at equal footing to the leader of the Grimm herself then Ram reveals the location of the Spring Maiden is in the Dorm room locked inside today since she wanted to escape from her supposed jail.

When they heard that Kuro smiles at this and he says to the group while revealing the pocket watch, "Alright thank you Ram for the info but while I was looking for information of the Spring Maiden I manage to find some important documents that are important to our growth and remember my true Semblance does?"

When they heard that they all grew wide-eyed expression when they remembered his gaming Semblance (System) then Cinder says with clear surprise in her voice, "Then… you got a mission for this!"

Kuro nodded at this and explain the mission he needed to do and the risks as well but most importantly the rewards that follow and when he explains the relic can do and the risk, they were all concerned.

Rem was the next to say her concern, "Kuro are you sure this is a good idea to get the relic? From what you told us wouldn't us getting it to be bad since it'll attract Grimm to our very location?"

Kuro nodded his head yes in confirmation, but he also said, "Yes but when I saw the option to sell the item which included the relic for 10,000,000,000 Lien and with it I can get some stronger Devil Fruits to choose from or some valuable items to get."

When they heard the 10,000,000,000 Lien amount their brains short-circuited a bit at the amount and knowing he can get some more powerful fruits how it cannot be a good idea to sell it but…

Cinder says in concern with a sigh of defeat, "Sigh… If we get the relic, we can get a massive powerup for everyone or for a new member… but it involves getting this Ozma person and Salem trying to figure out who it was which is us right?"

Kuro nods his head in agreement to the cons of getting the risk awards, but he says, "Yeah that would bring troubles of their own but, I found an island that would be useful for us but it requires a fruit to activate it I could get it from the normal reward but it won't help us a lot if we can't find a way to increase your guys' strength."

Kuro also says to the three of them with a face full of concern, "The reason I say this to you three is because I can't choose this decision by myself with this mission because your just as much have a right to make this choice to make."

Kuro looks at all three of them in the eye with conflictions clearly shown, "So if we take the risk then I endanger your lives as well as the others involved with me so I need to know if you want to follow me then you know what it means you have the choice to make if you want to leave then you can…"

Cinder, Rem, and Ram looked at each other eyes and they all nodded their heads in unison agreeing to the idea, Ram says to Kuro first, "Very well then Kuro was grateful for what you have informed us, I and Rem agrees to take the mission with the risk after all you haven't failed us yet no why doubt you now."

Cinder says her piece with a smug look on her face, "Did you already forget what I said to you, Nero? I told you before I have your back-you idiot cat and I will keep your back safe got it!"

But suddenly the door was opened to reveal a small Nora and Neo seeing everyone with Kagero standing behind them while Kuro says to Kagero, "Kagero! I thought I told you to keep away Neo and Nora from this conversation?!"

But to Kuro surprise Kagero replied with a reason, "Yes you did say that Kuro sir, but these two have much as in to say to this conversation as you three I figured if you were going, to be honest about this level of a secret then you yourself must place faith in those individuals."

When Kuro heard what Kagero said he thought to himself stupidly, 'But… I guess Kagero is right I guess if I keep holding this secret and lie to my group… I'll become like Ozpin withholding the truth would I…'

When Kuro looks at Neo she starts to talk with clear annoyance in her voice but gratitude towards the end, "Kuro I heard and listen to what everyone has said and I know that we're new to this… but what you hold back can damage the people close to you but I understand why you chose to keep this a secret…"

After a moment of silence Neo looks at Kuro and sighs to him, "But next time if you want help just ask but when I talked to the other three with you I can understand you actually care for your group enough to hold this meeting and save them from trouble…"

Neo finally says to Kuro with a gaze of gratitude, "But you have been the first person or rather Faunus to care for kids that you deem worth helping even if you have no reason to… what I want to say is thank you for helping me and I wish to help."

"[Congratulations you have made a loyal ally: Neopolitan (10 years old)]"

Nora was crying as well and saying to Kuro holding him, "Mister Kitty you can beat the mean old lady Salem, right? Right?"

Kuro looks at Nora while he wasn't sure but where there is a will there is a way so Kuro responded with a smile while scratching her head, "Don't worry I'll deal with the mean old lady Salem ok just worry about yourself and leave that problem to me ok?"

Nora just nods her head while crying on Kuro's body he finally says, "Yeah sorry about that guys I promise to let you guys in on our secret the next time. But now that we have gotten to this point it's time to make our plan of action."

With that everyone started to make a plan of action on who would do next and who would play their roles…


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro, Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Armament Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Intermediate), Kami-e (Intermediate), Tekkai (Intermediate), Rankyaku (Intermediate), Shingan (Intermediate), Soru (Intermediate), Rokuogan (Intermediate)

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi, Moa Moa no Mi

Equip: Reject Dial Fingerless Glove, Omen

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User), Rem Arashi (Paramecia User), Ram Arashi (Paramecia User), Kagero (Paramecia User), Nora Valkyrie, Neopolitan

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon, Vari Vari no Mi, Hito Hito no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Leopard, Suna Suna no Mi, FIT

Lien: 1,492,544

What Devil Fruit would work well with Neo?

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