
Chapter 5

The news on the seas travelled fast, and only three days after defeating Kreig Pirates, they found themselves mentioned in the Newpapers. There was even an image of their ship from distance, and all the Marine Branches in East Blue had been instructed to look for them. The presence of three Logia Fruit Users on the same crew was not something that could be ignored.

It was only a matter of time before the Marines would recognize Bonney, and Law's Devil Fruit, putting them on the list of one of the most wanted Pirate Crews in the world.

What the Crew was glad about was that the public had not given them a strange name. The newspaper addressed them as Blackstar Pirates, which meant that informing the Krieg Pirates of their name did the work. However, their ship was being called 'Nightmare' and they were quite fine with it.

Right now, they were a couple of miles off the shore of Conomi Islands. And their target was a former member of Sun Pirates called Arlong.

He was a Fishman who formed his own crew and entered East Blue nearly 2 years ago, and it was reported that he had established his Headquarters on one of these Islands.

"20 Million Berries is not much, but it's still a decent bounty in this sea. 9 Million, 5.5 Million, and 8 Million. The total bounty of the Crew stands at 42.5 Million Berries." Bonney looked at the Wanted Posters of Arlong, Kurobi, Chew, and Hatchan and commented. "That's a good sum."

"They should have loads of Treasure on them since Fishmen can easily gather it from the sea beds," Bepo commented and began stretching his limbs, getting ready for the battle.

"Augur." Sin called out the name of their Scout and Marksman.

"The Fishmen are alarmed at the presence of our Ship here. There are thirty-three on the beach, and four have already entered the waters. They should be coming on board any minute now." Augur informed them. "Your Orders, Captain?"

"Let's wait and see how they greet us." He smirked and patiently waited for the arrival of four Fishmen on their ship.

Nearly five minutes later, the Fishmen climbed onto their ship, and the one leading them was Kurobi of the Arlong Pirates.

"Humans, we are taking this ship. Scram!" Seeing that there were only eight of them, their confidence was boosted, and one of the Fishmen impatiently said.

"And if we don't?" Bonney curiously asked.

Her question made the four Fishmen laugh at her, and it was something that Bonney did not appreciate.

"You will die, little girl." Korubi simply stated and looked at Bonney threateningly.

"Little girl, eh?" Her eyes had a dangerous glint in them, and the four Fishmen felt chills up their spines.

Kurobi did not understand what happened at that moment. Bonney rushed at him and threw her palm at him, which he blocked by crossing his arms since there was no power behind her move. However, the next moment, he found her growing taller and taller as if she was a giant. He turned around and saw that everyone had turned into giants as well, and it was then that he realized that the problem was with him.

The other three Fishmen were shocked to see their Commander suddenly turn into a four-year-old child. And Bonney, soon, put them in the same predicament.

"I am a little girl, huh?" She sinisterly smirked and picked up Kurobi by his neck. She flipped him over in her lap and then started madly spanking him, making him scream his lungs out in pain and wail loudly like a child would in his state.

Even the crew felt that she was being a little too cruel, but who were they to judge?

The other three Fishmen kids received the same beating from her, and then she bound and gagged them before returning them to their normal state.

She left the four in the care of Bepo, who was more than happy to receive four punching bags to practice his Mink Arts on.

By now, the delay in the promised signal of Kurobi and the other three Fishmen had alerted all of their companions on the beach, and they were about to jump into the water, when a loud gunshot halted them. One of their brethren fell on the beech, lifelessly, with a bullet hole right between his eyes.

They were scared at how good a sniper could be to shoot so accurately from a distance of over a mile. And one foolish Fishmen ignored the warning and took a step forward again, meeting the same fate, dying in a similar fashion.

Fear makes people useless and senseless, and that was what it did to the Fishmen, who stood frozen in their place as they dumbly watched the Blackstar Crew board a boat and approach them. Not one of them dared to move from their place in fear that the hidden Sniper would mark them as his next target.

Though physically superior to the common humans, these Fishmen were but normal grunts. And as soon as they were engaged in a fight, their bodies moved on their own to attack their enemies. Law and Bepo took care of all of them using the hand to hand combat. Unlike the rest of the crew, both of them were still hesitant about taking lives, so they just knocked them out and piled them up in one place.

Sin, Hancock, Robin, and Augur spent that time scanning the surroundings with their Observation Haki. They could hear the whispers about them starting to spread through the nearby village, and they managed to gather some information as well.

The tyranny and oppression Arlong had exercised on the people of these Islands were heart-wrenching. And they also managed to gather a piece of useful information.

Apparently, Arlong had the Captain of the 16th Marine Branch in his pockets. That explained why a former member of Sun Pirates, who was known for his cruelty, was able to establish a base on these Islands. After all that he had done in this place, 20 Million Berries was not enough bounty on his head. It should have been considerably higher, and for it to not be the case, it meant that everything that transpired here was not reported to the Headquarters by the Captain of the 16th Marine Branch.

"Law, Bepo, Kuina." He called out to the two boys, who had just finished their work, and the girl, who was silently standing by the side of Bonney.

"Yes, Captain?" They responded to his call in unison.

"Follow Augur. Your task is to wrap up all the scattered Fishmen on these Islands. Get it done before lunchtime." He said to them and then turned to look at Augur. "Do not help more than finding the targets."

"Aye, Captain." Augur nodded to Sin, and then took the three youngsters with him to complete their task.

Sin, Hancock, Robin, and Bonney made their way to Arlong Park, where Arlong and the rest of his main Crew were.

The Fishmen were leisurely lounging by the side of the pool, and Arlong was sinking in his chair, taking a nap, when a loud knock was heard on the main gate.

The shark Fishman opened his eyes and narrowed them at the gate. It was unusual for anyone to knock on it. The villagers stayed away from this place, and his kin did not bother with the knocks since the gate was always open.

A Fishman approached the gate, and right when he opened it, he was hit squarely by a punch right in the guts, sending him crashing into the adjacent wall that was dozens of meters away. The crash was so harsh that even the wall broke down, and it was unknown whether the Fishman had survived the knock or not.

"Good Morning, Gentlemen!" Sin brightly smiled as he stepped inside the gate, dusting his hand after delivering the punch. "It is a lovely day, isn't it?" He casually asked.

No one replied to him, and Arlong was up on his feet, ready to shred him to pieces for what he and done to his kin.

"Who are you?" Arlong gravely asked.

"Black D. Sin," He brightly replied, and then suddenly his smile disappeared. "You have a very aesthetic face, Fishman. I have decided to hang your head in the lounge of my ship."

The shark Fishman seemed to have seen blood at his words. His body trembled in rage with visible red veins emerging in his eyes.

"Shark... Darttt!!!" Arlong shot at Sin with tremendous speed, intending to impale him with his saw-like nose, but what entailed was a dull sound on impact. The nose failed to penetrate through Sin's skin, and Arlong fell face-first into the ground before immediately getting up and looking at the boy in shock.

"Ouch..." Sin furrowed his brows. "That tickled." A sinister smile crept on his lips, and he proceeded to show the Fishman the difference in their speed and strength.

Arlong did not even realise when Sin appeared right behind him. He just felt the back of his head get hit by something hard, and his mind blanked out in blinding pain.

When his mind cleared again, Arlong found himself embedded in one of the outer walls of his park, and the sight that greeted him made his heart go cold.

All of his crew, including Chew, were piled up in a corner, knocked out after receiving a beating of a lifetime.

"You finally woke up, huh." Sin chuckled as he approached him, and his light footsteps hammered in the ears of Arlong. "I thought you would be able to handle one kick, but you are pathetic."

Arlong lost his sanity once more at his words, and as Sin reached for his neck, he lunged at his arm and ferociously bit on it with his shark teeth. His heart thumped hard when he found his teeth unable to pierce through the boy's skin. He used all his strength, but all his effort proved futile.

"You are not just pathetic, but you have no table manners either." Sin gravely said, and used his Lightning Power to electrocute the Fishman.

As soon as Arlong let go of his arm, Sin proceeded to grab him by the neck and kept electrocuting him. He did not raise the voltage to a level that would fry his brains, but he made sure that the Fishman would feel death trying to hold him in its embrace.

Even if Arlong screamed, no voice came out of his throat, and he just kept shaking as Electricity pulsated through his body continuously.

The girls did not stop Sin as he tortured Arlong. And there was a little orange-haired girl of around ten years old, tightly hugging the leg of Bonney as she watched what was happening to the Fishman.

Most children would have been scared at the sight, but the little girl was not crying in fear. She did not take her eyes off the Fishman, who was being inhumanly tormented.

All her tears were in the remembrance of someone she had lost.

Sin stopped after several minutes, and allowed Arlong to fall unconscious. He had no qualms about killing the Fishman, but he did not want to do it in front of a little girl, who was uncontrollably shedding her tears.

He threw Along among the pile of other Fishmen as if he was some trash, and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"All done. Now, let's ransack this place." He smiled at the girls, and they brightly smiled back at him.

"Aye, Captain!"

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