

This tale is about a boy that was abandoned and left to the mercy of the seas ,while he was in the sea a figure saw him and saved him ,raised him and made him a powerful figure on par with the strongest people to ever live ,join our protagonist EDWARD LINCOLN on his way to unparalleled strength and authority. first fanfic ,my English grammar isn't very good but I'll try my best . leave your suggestions in the comments . I'll try to update as fast as I can but sometimes I won't be able to post for an interval of time due to my preparation for entrance examinations some future plans I plan on introducing some characters from other stories and stuff . so y'all can anticipate some crossovers . and seeing the concept on ki ,yes I have used some inspiration from manhwas and the dragon Ball series .and I will have some crazy concepts of power and I don't want my MC to be downgraded by anyone so he will be kinda op. my grammar isn't the best and the first chapters prove it but along the way I improve so that I can convey what's on my mind . and the people who said that I do what I did to the one piece world ...it's a fanfic for a reason and try to look past the normal world building of the one-piece world and try this one a chance :) One piece belongs to eichiiro oda ,the only thing mine are the OCS I made and some extra islands I tuned to fit in the world .

godlyarrogantz_305 · Hành động
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67 Chs

CHAPTER 58(|||)

boros were having the time of his life, his adrenaline was pumping into his blood and he had never felt so alive, so free and so challenged.

at one point he looked at the blonde giant in disdain for even thinking he could pose a challenge to the great space emperor boros but as the fight dragged along he found a giant is a man of his cloth, of the same league of strength

a man who sailed and lived for his pleasure, his people pleasure-giving no fucks about anyone else but his own.

And he liked that, boros is a proud man, and he couldn't think of being defeated by a person screaming justice. hed rather be killed fighting a man looking for a challenge, who has the power to back his words and not aided by the armor that is the world.

Boro's smiled as he felt a hand Peirce his heart and blood spewed out his mouth.

Newgate had a grim face, blood was flowing down from his forehead and his mouth.his body had tanked hundreds of attacks that would destroy planets, but his will to live fought on but the damage was done and if he wasn't given medical attention then the monster of a man will be dead by the end of the week.

he condensed his devil fruit onto the point he had pierced boros before boros even knew his torso was covered in a goldish blue bubble.

Boros looked straight into the eyes of the new gate and said

" it has been an honor fighting you...if we meet again in hell let's grab a drink and fuck some bitches " he told with a grin

boros eyes glowed like a great. amount of energy gathered.

and both attacks were released at the same time.

the result was the world turning black and white for a minute before a loud thunderous sound rang throughout the world.

the oceans spilled and many seakings surfaced and covered the inhabited islands. protecting them from sinking due to tsunamis all around the world.

the whole world was in eerie silence.

on the shore of the island where Henry and the white-beard pirates were seeing the fight, a figure came out of the water dragging two bodies.

" fucking hell pops you had to do some. fucked up shit, didn't you?"

" Gurarara! this is how the strong live son! Gurarara!!"

" fucking hell"

the white-beard pirates upon seeing their pops and eldest brother ran towards them hoping for the best.

Lincoln was drenched in water and so was Newgate but a certain man on his arms was dry and he was almost going to die

Newgate instead of talking to his crew stood the corpse upright and looked at it with gratitude and respect.

" mortal it has reached to this...." the corpse said, it was none other than boros who had lost to Newgate.

" I have no regrets in my life, all hail the queen of lamia, and the empire of peccatum mortiferous "

Newgate looked at the man and said " even though you're my enemy. I can't help but feel respect for you...you sir deserve to be let free, die as a man and be proud that your services have not been unfruitful...it has been nice knowing you "

Boros died with a smile on his face.

Newgate stomped the ground and the corpse of boros turned into reddish black haki coating. the haki became permanent and connected to the sea due to the strong will the new gate had.

Newgate then turned and walked away but as he took some steps he suddenly stopped, crossing his arms.

he slowly fell forward, but before he hit the ground Lincoln caught him and ran to the doctor.

the statue of boros glowed in reddish gold, enormous seakings surfaced and gazed at the duo of father and son with complex emotions, some of them being happiness and relief.

they swallowed the statue of boros and dived to the depths of the ocean, to a certain place for safekeeping.

The fight took a huge toll on the body of Newgate and he had to be kept in the hospital for 3 weeks.

during all this time the Henry pirates and white-beard pirates stayed on the island and looked after the captain, a week after Newgate had been hospitalized, the roger pirates had come to visit but left to not gather more attention than they already had.

After Newgate woke up the Henry pirates left and the white beard pirates also went along with their adventure


the volume is. over, I've been busy 'cause college just started and it's been getting adjusted to it.

I'll try to update more often but I can't promise anything. trust me this hurts me more than it hurts you 😭. thank you guys for 1 million views and peace out 😊