
Meeting Zoro and Kuina

After a couple days sailing to zoros island we finally reached the small port on the coast of it. Not really waiting for Garp I hurried off the ship and asked directions to the sword dojo. After getting pointed in the right direction I ran at top speed, hey what can i say I'm excited i love sword play and zoro is a favorite character of mine.

Entering a clearing through a set of trees I see a large dojo with a traing feild next to it with a few sparring rings. In on of the rings I can see a green haired boy with two swords striking furiously at his opponent. A girl with dark blue hair (A/N just to let you know I am color blind so ya that's what I see I'm not sure if its right.)

one traing sword in hand easily blocking all his strikes with little movement though seems to be struggling with strength.

It seems she has the skill to block the strikes as well as the speed but the strength behind the boys furious assault are testing the limits of her own physical strength. The girl looks to be getting annoyed and slightly angry decided to end it fast before running out of stamina. With a quick duck and sweep below the boys strikes she knocks his feet out from under him then slams the handle of the sword into the boys throat effectively causing him to choke for a bit and lose strength.

Seems to be a vicious strike out of frustration though who can blame her to constantly be challenged multiple times a day by the same person who barely tries to refine his skill and focuses on brute strength behind his swordsmanship. Noticing me she walks over.

"Who are you I've never seen you around before." She asks looking a bit suspicious of me. What have I done to get that kind of look I was only watching. "I'm Monkey D Luffy nice to meet you I'm just on the island for a bit with my grandpa and I heard that this is a great place to learn swordsmanship." I greeted cheerfully, I have to say kuina will be quit pretty when she matures I look forward to it.

"I see, well I'm Kuina the choking boy behind me is Zoro and yes this is a great place to learn swordsmanship are you perhaps interested?" She looks to be excited at the thought of another person joining the dojo. I shake my head as I'm not here to learn as I'm guessing my level is beyond east blue standards. After all no swordsman can creat Wind blades with a sword here, even if mine cant be considered all that strong.

"No, actually I was looking for a couple people my age to join my crew when I set sail and be my swordsman" I answered while looking around feigning that I didn't seem interested in them at all. Seems she got curious at that statement.

"Oh are you forming a pirate crew?" She asks while looking a little upset at the thought of me being a pirate. once again I shake my head. "That wasnt my intention you could so I'm more of anal adventurer than a pirate I just know that down the line I will be labeled as one anyway even I dont ever commit a crime.

She looked a little confused at my words. 'What does he mean he will most likely be. called a pirate even if he doesnt commit a crime'.guessing what she meant I clarified

"Well you see the government doesnt like unknowns and people who dont now to them so even if I was nothing but good the government would lose and say I did mass murder or something and place a bounty on me cause I'm a threat to their authority" saying this Kuina looked shocked. I cant blame her the world government does a very good job at covering any bad they do and pushing the blame on others.

She doesn't really seem to believe me. "You dont have to believe me it doesnt really matter to me if you do or dont I'm just here to look for future crewmates so. who are the strongest in your age group around here?" Changing the subject to get off that awkward topic. Kuina hearing my question puffs her chest proudly "That would be me I'm the strongest of my generation and Zoro is the second."

Nodding my head even though I knew that already but I cant just say that ugh playing along lik le you dont know anything is so annoying I hate asking for information I already know. It's like sitting in a classroom learning that teaches about a subject you are already an expert in. But I need to endure this no matter what.

Looking over at Zoro who seems to finally getting over his coughing fit from Kuinas hit to the throat. "So you are the second strongest even though you looked to have been easily handled by the first and what's with your swordsmanship brute strength wont get you far in the world you need technique and to learn to not waist movements and energy. Right now you look more like a flailing monkey with two swords more then a swordsman." I know its bit harsh but I need him to change faster then in the story when he more relied on strength and ferocity then style and technique I dont need any fancy swordsman but I do need him to be efficient and not waist time on a single opponent.

Zoro hearing me starts to get red in the face from anger while pointing at me with his training sword "Shut up what would you know about swordsmanship you dont even look like you ever held a sword!" Well he's not wrong my body construct is more on the lithe and fast side the bulky I'm accounting that to this world as well as maybe my desire to not be overly bulky even of I can lift 1ton with a single hand right now. It certainly doesnt look like i have any strength at all.

"Ya sure whatever you say moss head." Turning to Kuina who seems to be holding back a laugh at what I called zoro. I must admit it a fitting name that sanji made for him. "So since you two are the strongest would you like to join my crew and go on an adventure with me once old enough?" Ya a little blunt and straight forward but I plan to get her to duel and make it so if I win she has to join me and Zoro will naturally fall into that plan as well. Maybe face them at the same time to save time.

Just as she was about to answer a tall slim man with black long hair and glasses came out of the dojo. "Ah Kuina here you are it's about time for today's lessons to start. So be ready you are almost to my level in technique already and this last class will be very important for you to reach my level." He then looks over to me. "and who might you be are you looking to join classes at well?" he asks I shake my head.

"No I'm already past anyones level in the east blue I'm just here looking for potential crewmates for when in older." He looked startled at that but seemed skeptical. Kuina and Zoro on the other hand dont believe me what so ever. That's fine it's a perfect opportunity to get them to join me.

"You dont seem to believe me. That's fine how bout we make a bet then shall we?"

alright guys here is another chapter sorry for the lack of updates once again I do have a life outside of writing lol that and I end up busy and forgetting I know how you guys feel I also get frustrated when a story I like doesnt update fast enough. I'll try to do better. Also I'm thinking of having kuina join luffy when he leaves the island under the excuse of training as she is already about to surpass her father and she wont grow much stating there let me know what you think!

Clorixcreators' thoughts