
Meeting the bored goddess.

"Ugh,Where am i." Looking around i see nothing but a white endless expanse. Trying to get my bearings as I'm slightly dizzy. Last i recalled i was re-watching One piece for the 10th time out of boredom as There hasn't been any new anime's out that look any good for a few months and one piece is a good chill Show to kind of space out on without missing anything as I've seen it so often.

"Hello mortal" Suddenly i hear a very beautiful voice from behind me. Turning around i go into a daze once again as i spot the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. Red hair that goes all the way to the floor flowing like silk and a body that puts even the most beautiful girls to shame i cant even begin to even try to describe how beautiful she is only because i have no words that due it justice.

She giggles at me sounding quiet pleasant to the ears if i must say." Thank you for the compliment" she says making me blush realizing she probably read my mind.

"Now before you go asking a bunch of questions about who i am and where you are let me just do it for you. I am a goddess or i guess the goddess as i am the only one. You are in my world between time and space, i brought you here because i am oh so bored of watching the universe replay over and over again. So i have decided to have some fun and you are the lucky one i have chosen to entertain me." She says waiting for me to respond and process what i just heard .

"OK, How exactly should i do that do you want me to tell you a joke or something." I Deadpan at her i know shes a goddess but i have to mess with her a little its kinda what i do. She just giggles again and shakes her head ."That is the reason i chose you, That not care attitude The lets you do whatever you want, Helps you are quiet funny. No, I've decided To do something i have never done and that is to send you to a world of your choice like those novels you enjoy oh so much. while giving you a system that has no limits as long as you think of it it will evolve to allow that function you imagination is the limit on it. Usually i try to keep balance in the worlds i watch over but like i said i am bored and it doesn't really matter as the universe always goes through the cycle of collapsing in on itself and restarting at some point though it is different every time is not by much so ya bored."

I am trying to wrap my head around this whole ordeal " Ok, can i just get this clear you want me to entertain you....That's fine really i could care less about that but i also can do whatever i want in the world I'm going to? No string attached? " Sounding kinda hopeful on my part, Well cause i am. Who wouldn't want to Go to any world of there choice and cause some havoc with the original story. Lets not forget the girls in most these worlds are ridiculously hot. Kinda want a harem not gonna lie.

"Yes yes of course you want a harem how unexpected and original of you. *Sigh* Anyway along with the system ill also be giving you 3 wishes So what will they be anything you want no limit." She asks looking a little mad, must be the harem thing but oh well i love beautiful girls what can i say all during my life i stayed away from most women i enjoyed anime and books to much and they don't like that in a guy. think of 3 wishes for a bit i finally figured out what i want.

"OK first i want unlimited system currency i don't mind missions and stuff as well as training to increase my abilities as i don't want to be bored either but i hate not being able to afford something i need. Second i want to be incredibly handsome basically i want to look like a male version of you i don't like being above average call me insecure if you want but every guy want to be handsome the same as all girls want to be beautiful. Third i want to take luffy's place in that world while i love him as a character i also love his crew and i want to be part of it and the captain i don't want to take them away from him and leave him stranded and i know i wont be able to be on the same crew as him as our goal is the same it would be a conflict eventually. i'm assuming there are multiple parallel Universes out there i would be just another version of him is all."

Nodding her head she snaps her fingers as I'm engulfed in a white light and my body changes in an 8 year old male red head that already would make most girls blush including the goddess in front of me who is having a hard time looking at me. Though i know this isn't the original me i cant help but feel good about that. " OK it has been done ill be sending you to where luffy is at that time you will be next to shanks in the bar before the bandits come inside id advise you not to eat the gum gum fruit its a powerful ability if used right but it will also take away your ability to mature properly its a side effect and one of the main reasons luffy is oblivious to women though you may be mentally mature your body will not be I'm sue you don't want to wait tell your 30 to look like an adult finally. also don't worry about memories before that time ill implant the life memories of luffy up to this point in time so you aren't confused on what is happening." Snapping her fingers i vanish from the white space in front of her.

"Have fun my future husband once your strong enough ill tell you my name and grant you godhood. Oh i cant wait to see what trouble you cause." saying this she also vanishes.