
Chapter twelve- Let the grinding begin

It did not take them long to reach the island and with Nami giving the sailing instructions they moored the ship a mile or so away from the actual town to keep it from being found by the marines there.

As everyone started to get off Gabriel leaned against the railing of the ship and looked down on them all. "You guys go on ahead, I'll stay with the Merry and keep watch for a while longer, I don't like being so close to a marine base like this" he gave his excuse.

"Okay suit yourself" Luffy nodded, fine with him staying behind for a bit, it would mean that the ship had someone to protect it if only for a while after they were gone.

Once the others were out of sight Gabriel smirked and opened the system store, he really just wanted the excuse for privacy to browse the store at his leisure to buy some new things. Ever since he got the reward for beating Nezumi he had money to spend. And while it wasn't enough to buy anything major it was enough for him to make some fashion changes, he wanted to look his best for going into the grand line after all.

Time skip

It was half an hour later that Gabriel was jumping off the Merry's deck to the shore of the island. Dressed in his new outfit. He was really pleased with what he had bought.

The store had a wide selection of clothing to choose from and he had taken his time to get a nice selection for him to wear from time to time seeing as the climates varied greatly on the grand line he knew he wouldn't regret it.

At that moment he was choosing to pay homage to his second favourite anime and was wearing a black kimono that looked exactly like the one worn by the shinigami in Bleach and over his shoulders was draped the same white haori that a captain of one of the divisions would wear, and on it was the kanji for one. And on his head was his homage to his favourite character from the series, a sugegasa straw hat

It was like this that Gabriel began to make his way into Loguetown a smirk on his face.

Scene break

As he reached the main entrance to Loguetown Gabriel continued forward looking forward to seeing the events that would take place here.

But his steps were halted by the familiar chiming in his ear and the accompanying screens that came up.

Two new quests are now available

New quest: through the smoky haze


Join Luffy in his battle against smoker

Fight smoker one on one

Beat or escape from Smoker

Optional Objective:

Steal Smokers Jitte

Reward: 300AP,100,000 berries, ???, ???

New Hidden Quest: pop, pop, why!!!




Rewards: ???, ???

Gabriel stared at the screens confused as he read the second one, "hidden quest?" He muttered, "what's that about?"

Walking over and out of the street temporarily Gabriel tapped the screen and selected the hidden quest icon on the display bringing up the explanation for it.

Hidden quests are just like normal quests in the sense that once completed the user will be rewarded by the system for doing so, however the quest objectives are not revealed and there is no set time frame for the user to accomplish the quest in, and the rewards for completing hidden quests are significantly greater than completing regular quests of the same difficulty.

Reading that explanation Gabriel couldn't help but smirk, now this sounded like something he could get used to, hidden quests and objectives, sounded tricky but fun nonetheless, though he didn't have a clue what he had to do, he supposed he would just let things play out for now and just focus on the quest that he knew the conditions of.

Three hundred AP, one hundred thousand Berries and two discount shop tokens were already great prizes all he had to do was handle the criteria and he'd be set with them to become stronger and get some good gear on top of that.

But with that in mind he already had other plans on just what he was going to do while he was in this town and stepped out and began to walk down the street keeping his eyes out for what he was looking for.

Time Skip

It took him awhile, but he eventually found what he was looking for, a particular basement pub where a certain group were drinking in the gloomy darkness.

Walking inside the gloomy place Gabriel could count at least two dozen figures around the various tables all hooded and cloaked to hide their identities, but he knew who they were.

Casually walking over to the bar Gabriel bought a bottle of sake and took a swig of it had an interesting taste, smooth and rich with nutty flavours and a pear like after taste.

Setting the bottle down again Gabriel cracked his neck and turned to the tables at the back of the pub and grinned.

Ever since Gabriel had entered the pub he had been watched closely by a few of the hooded figures, when they saw him turn to them and grin they were confused.

Gabriel grinned as he eyed them all before pushing off the bar and walking forward, "I'm in the mood for a fight, anyone care to oblige me?"

His words caught the attention of all in the pub. The bar man's eyes widened, and he quickly hightailed it out from behind the bar and into the back room to get far away as possible.

One of the figures at the back of the bar laughed, "so you want to fight hm, you've got a lot of guts to just declare an open challenge like that"

Gabriel smirked, "you gonna take me up on it then" he called.

The figure laughed again, "hardly, but I'm sure one of my men can oblige you" he said and waved his hand at one of the others.

One of the other figures rose from the table grinning beneath his hood as he drew a cutlass from beneath his cloak and began to approach Gabriel.

Gabriel for his part just stood there and crossed his arms waiting and watching with a grin on his face.

The hooded figure took his inaction as an insult and growled before lunging at him with the sword. Only for Gabriel to turn to the side as the sword sailed past him.

Then clenching his fist Gabriel drew back his hand and landed a clean straight right into the hooded man's face. The impact lifted the man clean off his feet and launched him over the heads of the others and crashed into the back wall of the pub out cold.

Seeing one of their own beaten so easily all of the others rose to their feet as the first figure growled, "seems you have some skill to back up your words, but you picked the wrong place to look for a fight, men!"

At his orders the others drew their weapons and charged at Gabriel ready to beat him to kill him. Gabriel chuckled and shrugged his shoulders and stretched out his arms, the action lifting the top of his kimono as his haori falling to the ground as the upper part of the kimono parted and fell to his waist as he revealed his bare upper body, ready to fight.

The cloaked men came at him but he didn't pay them any mind as he simply moved to the side to avoid their swords, they were so slow and clumsy with no skill at all it was Childs play to avoid them.

Gabriel balled his fists and grinned as he kept moving avoiding every swing of their swords and moved in closer before he began to lash out, his fists vibrating as he began to demolish each of them one by one sending them flying over tables and chairs as he beat down each of them one after another until he was the only one left standing and all the hooded figures lay unconscious on the ground around his feet.

"Well that was a nice warm up," Gabriel said as he rotated his shoulders like he was limbering up more, "now for the main course, what do you say Buggy the clown, are you gonna fight me or are you gonna run"

Being called out the figure at the back snarled as he pulled back his hood revealing his painted face and red nose. "So you know who I am, are you a bounty hunter come to collect my head"

Gabriel laughed, "hardly, I'm a pirate as well, just passing some time until the rest of the crew has the ship ready to sail,"

Buggy glared at him, "if that's the case then we'll just have to give you a proper send-off then, Mohiji, Cabagi, end this fool"

The two figures next to him stood up one drawing a sword and the other a whip.

"Gladly captain," Cabagi said as he pulled down his hood.

"We'll teach him," Mohiji added as he and Cabaji moved to stand between Gabriel and Buggy.

Gabriel grinned, "I hate sideshow acts like you two?"

That seemed to trigger them as their eyes narrowed and they lunged for Gabiel, Cabagi's sword blurring as he thrust forward with it rapidly over and over, while Mohiji threw his whip forward in a power strike.

Gabriel just stood his ground as the attacks came and waited until the last second before making his body shake, the attacks just passed right through him making both men's eyes go wide in shock. But it was already too late.

Seeing his opportunity in their shock he stepped forward and with a sharp loud yell threw both his fists forward catching both men in the face each before Gabriel powered forward and brought both men to the ground in a loud crash driving them both back and through the floor with a loud crash.

Buggy's fists clenched as he stood up after watching his two strongest fighters get decimated with just one punch each, this was unprecedented, they were being made absolute fools of by this one guy, and he wouldn't stand for it. His view of Gabriel had been blocked so he didn't see how he had avoided Cabaji and Mohiji's combined assault but at that moment he just didn't care.

"Oh, you going to fight now big nose, about time," Gabriel taunted with a grin.

That did it. Buggy let out a yell of furry as his body burst apart as pieces of him flew all around the room, "You'll pay for this, first you beat my crew and next you insult my nose, I'm going to rip you apart piece by piece, die!"

Gabriel didn't say a word as Buggy's hands came at him, each of them holding knives ready to cut him to pieces, the attack didn't bother him in the slightest as he phased his body and the attacks just passed through him.

Buggy's eyes widened as he finally realised just how he had beaten his men so easily, but put the thought to the back of his mind it didn't matter he'd still kill him somehow.

But that thought was pushed from his mind as well as Gabriel immediately began to rush him.

Buggy tried to block his path by attacking him over and over with his body pieces but they just passed through him as Gabriel ran forward, phasing through everything in his way before jumping up into the air and drawing his fist back.

Buggy immediately tried to move his head to avoid the punch that was coming but couldn't move fast enough as the fist caught him clean across his jaw and sent him spiralling all of his pieces falling to the ground as he was dazed.

Gabriel landed and shook his head as he looked at Buggy, "Fifteen million, for you, what a joke, but then again this is the east blue, weakest of the four seas you probably feel right at home in this ocean" he commented.

Buggy groaned as he started to come back to himself and glared at Gabriel, "don't you dare insult me you son of a…"

But Buggy was cut off when instead of letting him continue Gabriel's fist shot forward in a fast hard jab backed by his devil fruit powers and smacked buggy right in his big red nose, the impact knocking the clown out cold.

Now the only one left conscious in the pub Gabriel shook his head as he walked back to the bar and took his bottle before drinking what was left of it and leaned against the counter to view the messages that he had been ignoring in the fight.

Twenty three Buggy pirates defeated, reward of 24AP has been added to user profile

Captain Buggy has been defeated,

First time Bounty of 15,000,000 defeated, reward of 1TP and 80AP have been added to user profile

'Nice' Gabriel thought to himself as he saw the rewards he had gotten, 'not a bad bit of grinding, these guys were chump change but it all adds up in the end' he thought to himself before looking back to all the knocked out pirates and smirked as another idea came to him.

"Well I am a pirate after all, no sense in not plundering my well-earned win" Gabriel said as he started to go through each of the fool's pockets and began to rob them clean.

Twenty minutes later Gabriel was walking out of the pub with a smirk on his face as he counted off all the loot he had gained.

Twenty-three swords (poor quality), a dozen common flintlock pistols, a log pose that buggy had been carrying, and fifteen thousand Beri in all.

'Not bad for half an hour's work' Gabriel thought to himself as he put his AP points into place, putting fifty into combat stamina and ten into his devil fruit to level things out and leaving the rest for the moment.

Almost instantly Gabriel felt the little energy that he had expended in the fight with the Buggy pirates get restored thanks to the system and he smirked, that was so broken.

Coming up to the main street Gabriel looked around to think where to go to next, "hmm, may as well go and see what Luffy is up to, Smoker is soon to make an appearance meaning I can have some fun with him next" he muttered to himself before he began to jog down the street to look for the execution platform knowing that would be where Luffy was heading.