
Chapter 23- Encountering the Grand Line’s beast!

After the shock of the skull and crossbones in Captain's skull cap, the Storm Pirates start to head out towards the Grand Line. "You guys be safe out there, the Grand Line is very unpredictable", said Crocus. "Don't worry, not only we have a great navigator, but he can control the weather!" Excitingly said Aeon. "I can create storms and control the ones I make, not ones that are created from nature", I said. "Come on Aeon we knew that!", Ray said. "How much you want to bet you were thinking the same exact thing", said Lizard, then Ray laughs nervously. "Im being serious", Crocus states sternly, " The Grand Line is nothing to take lightly! Most ships never make it to their first island. Speaking of Islands, wheres your log post pointing?".  "Hm? Oh its pointing to the right side of the Red Line", I stated. "Hmph, you my hit the kingdom of Alabasta", Crocus stated. "Wait, isn't that the kingdom Luffy saved from Crocodile?", Joe asked. "That is correct, but still take caution, that desert has probably taken many lives", Crocus warned. "Thanks for the warning old man, but I think we cam handle the desert and the ocean." I said. "Don't get to cocky kid, thats how you end up dead. But let me tell you something kid." Everybody turned to listen to Crocus. "If you are a relative, or only living relative to White Beard, then you got a damn good army behind you, but! You have to not only prove to them that you and White Beard are related, but you have to earn their trust and respect before they follow you", Crocus explained, "that skull cap might be enough, but I doubt it". "I will keep that in mind, but I want to make my own fleet, with the people I meet and trust, not inherited", I said. "Hmph, with that attitude, you may be the next king of the pirates, or give Luffy a run for his money", Crocus said smirking. "Hehe, you bet I will be, ARE WE READY?!". "READY TO SET SAIL CAPTAIN"! "Alight then, take care old man we will be back around the world to see you and laboon again." I said as we set sail. I hope these kids know what they are doing, because they can possibly beat luffy and his crew, Crocus thought to himselff.

        As we sail to our first island we start to notice that the weather went from hot summer to ice cold winter. "Brrrrrrrr!! Why is it so damn cold!it was just hot a second ago!" Ray complained. " How about making some soup to warm everyone up?" Suggested Joe. "You know thats not a—." BRACE YOURSELVES!!!" As I yell interrupting Ray, "WE GOR SOME MAJOR STORMS COMING IN!! SECURE EVERYTHING AND  GRT BACK HERE FAST!!" Everyone looked confused but they did as i said and came back, but it was still just heavily snowing. " Whats the big deal Captain? Theres nothing going on?" Asked Lizard. I created a cloud in front of me and punch it yelling, "Cyclone Punch!". A cyclone comes whirling out of the cloud clearing the heavy snow fall to two giant cyclones creating havoc and many dangerous whirlpools in front of us, this was the beast Crocus warned the crew about. "Holy crap those things are huge!!!" Aeon shouts in fear, "how are we going to dodge them both!!". I create a protective barrier around the boat's frame and take evasive maneuvers using the whirlpools and my cyclones to steer the ship to safety. As we exit the chaotic storm we see the island the log lost is pointing to. "Thank god we made it out of there alive!" "Yea! But if it was like this at the start, what will it be like later on?!". 

" ARE YOU ALL WIMPING OUT ON ME!," Everyone looks up at me, "We just sailed through multiple whirlpools that would sink us to the bottom of the ocean and dodged two raging cyclones, we can handle anything the Grand line throws at us, besides! Luffy and his crew is easily going to be 10 times stronger than that beast!" I yelled to the crew. I guess that got them going and they all got the ship ready to set of to the island. "Thats what I like to see! Alright next stop the isla—, wait... is that a small boat, with two people in it? "Seems like they are they waving is down" said Ray, "also one looks like a samurai".