
Chapter 3: Loguetown (Revised)

Standing in front of the raft I built I nodded.

Although I threw the thing together a bit hastily I am confident enough it can get me to Loguetown.

Or at least allow me to reach an inhabited island where I can get on a ship heading to Loguetown.

Either way, so long as I get to Loguetown in time for Rogers execution I will be satisfied.

Speaking of which it's been a week since I read that headline in the paper.

The article said Rogers execution would happen in two weeks. Meaning I only have a week left before it happens.

So there's no more time to lose.

Moving over to my raft I started pushing it towards the sea. But stopped when I noticed several pairs of eyes on me.

Looking upward I saw the bird creatures that called Sixis their home staring at me. Some of them with sadness in their eyes.

"Hey guys, don't cry." I told them. "I enjoyed our time together, and one day I'll surely come back and see you all again. Until then, take care." I told them.

Since a lot of those guys truly have become my friends over the past eight years I've lived on Sixis.

A few of them were food as well. But that is a story for another time.

Once I said my goodbye to them all I went back to pushing my raft into the water.

The moment after I did so I jumped atop it and unfurled the sail. The moment the wind picked up I was off.

As my raft went further and further into the sea, eventually Sixis just became a dot in the distance.

Adjusting the sails I soon found myself sailing the seas.

When I felt I had a good grasp of what I was doing I started heading in a general direction, until eventually I spotted a number of ships all heading the same way.

I turned my raft towards them and followed them.

In doing so I soon found myself surrounded by ships of all shapes and sizes.

I also noticed a huge number of navy ships in the area.

Telling me I was on the right track towards my intended destination.

Two hours of sailing went by before I spotted land again.

But when I did I spotted a familiar port.

The one the Straw Hats used when they docked at Loguetown in the anime.

"I made it." I said.

I maneuvered my raft closer to the dock, and then jumped atop it afer getting close enough. Immediately after I did so my raft broke apart completely. The pieces sinking into the watery deep.

'Well, that was a lucky break.' I thought.

I then turned towards town and headed in.


Walking through the streets of Loguetown I couldn't turn my eyes anywhere without seeing people.

A lot are civilians, but a good number of pirates are present as well.

However the vast majority of people flooding the streets are marines.

Which makes perfect sense.

Only the top brass know that Roger turned himself in voluntarily, but to the world at large everyone thinks the Marines captured him. As such, most assume an attack would take place on the day of Rogers execution to free him. Performed by his allies.

That's why the Marines are out in force.

I bet its also to keep public order, since with so many people in one place things are bound to happen.

"No, stop thief!"

Case in point.

Looking in the direction of the scream I saw a man with a black stocking covering his head running towards me, marines chasing after him. A purse in his grasp. As well as a dagger.

The thief closed the distance and then moved to grab me. Placing his dagger at my throat.

"No one fucking move!" He shouted. "Or else this brat gets it!" The man shouted again.

Annoying me. Since he is screaming right in my ears.

Seeing me captured the marines stopped in their tracks. While the civilians in the area started running away in fear. As for the pirates, they just laughed and watched the entire scene like its some kind of show.

"Hey man, just take it easy." A marine said to the thief.

"Everything will be fine so long as you back the fuck off! Unless you want this kids blood on your hands!" The thief shouted.

Completely ignoring Lonkhe, which I have in my left hand.


'Enough of this shit.' I thought.

Throwing my head back I smacked the thief right in the jaw with it.


Screaming out in pain he released me.

The moment after he did so I turned around and delivered a punch with my right hand straight to his face. Driving it into the ground.

"Well, that takes care of that." I said. 

Clapping my hands against each other as if they had dust on them.

I did this for a few seconds before I stopped.

Once I did I turned to face the marines, who were standing there looking at me with dumb expressions on their faces.

I mean their acting like they've never seen a thirteen year old kid defeat a robber before so easily. Which I find hard to believe considering this is the world of One Piece. Where people, even in there 60's and 70's, can destroy ships or mountains with one punch.

Well it's not like I truly care one way or another.

Especially when the marines and I will be enemies soon. Given my career choice.

"Hey kid, are you alright?" One of the marines asked. Having broken out of his surprised stupor.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied. "And not to tell you guys how to do your jobs or anything, but don't you think you should put the guy who just took me hostage in chains before he wakes up and tries to do it to someone else. Someone who likely can't be the shit out of him like I just did." I spoke.

"Right, of course." The marine said. "Hey, put him in chains." He spoke to his fellow marines.

Who then came out of their own surprised stupors and moved over to the thief to do just that.

Meaning my work here was done.

So since it was I continued on my way.