
Chapter 88: Vivi vs Samurai

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 88: Vivi vs Samurai

Vivi's upper torso fell one way while her lower body went a different one.

Getting bisected was a new experience for Vivi. The pain was not as intense as she expected, but completely losing all sensation in her legs was very unpleasant.

However, she had no time to scream in agony. As soon as her torso hit the ground, she started to transform it and reshape it into a complete body.

Because she was still lacking half her body, she could only create a small version of herself, like the one that she used during the fight against Enel.

"Ugg. I don't wanna go through that again!" Little Vivi complained.

"W-what is this?..." Ryoma did not know what to think anymore as his foe keep using strange techniques.

Vivi looked at the other half of her body which was laying in a pool of blood, next to the samurai.

She grimaced at the sight. "Gross…I thought I would be more used to that kind of gory stuff."

She transformed her lower half into a mass of water and was about to call it back into herself when she came up with an idea.

'Since I am in full control, instead of retrieving that part of me, I could do something else with it.'

Vivi focused on reshaping the other half of her body and it soon started to change.

Ryoma was startled by this and took a few steps back. He decided that it was too risky to make a move without knowing what Vivi was doing.

The water mass keep morphing until it looked like an exact copy of Vivi, clothes included.

"It worked!" She celebrated.

'Although, she still looks like the small version of me… I was trying to create my real looks, but I guess this is as big as I can make it.'

With just a thought, the clone started to move as Vivi wished, like a puppet.

"Awesome! I have a water clone!"

"Are you a kunoichi by any chance?" Asked Ryoma.

Vivi laughed and her clone imitated her movements but no sound came out of her mouth, making it a bizarre spectacle.

"Nevermind…" Ryoma lost his patience and prepare to attack again.

"Hanauta sancho…"

Vivi got the clone in front of her to stop the attack.

"Yahazu giri!"

As soon as Ryoma's blade started to cut the clone, Vivi threw herself to the floor and made the clone explode like a high-pressure water bomb.

The force pushed Ryoma back and made him lose his grip on the sword.

Vivi quickly reformed the clone. "Alright!, let's go!."

Both Vivi and her clone used soru to close the gap with the zombie samurai.

They then bombarded the downed samurai with a barrage of attacks until it stopped moving.

She knew that this was not going to be enough to kill a zombie.

Vivi extended her hand over Ryoma and her clone turned into a mass of water again before returning to Vivi, allowing her to recover her normal size.

"Water blade!" With a vertical hand movement, part of the water mass of the arm detached itself and turned into a thin but long blade made of water that traveled at incredible speed to cut Ryomas neck, separating it from its body and killing the zombie.

"mmm. As I thought…this one still needs more work. It barely managed to cut the head when he was completely defensive. It was good that I didn't use it during the fight."

That was a move she created, based on the rankyaku attack from the CP9. Instead of cutting with high-pressure air, she uses water.

The body of Ryoma started to shake…then, all of the sudden, a shadow came out of him and went flying out of the window.

"That should take care of Brook's problem. I know he wanted to fight the samurai himself but…oh well, I'll apologize later."

She was about to leave and look for Nami and the others when she remembered something. Her eyes went to the fallen samurai sword.

"Right!, Zoro was supposed to get that."

She took the sheath from Ryoma's body and then picked up the blade and secured it on her back.

"All ready!, lets see…" She tried to use her observation to scan her surroundings and try to find Nami and the other two.

"I can't find them…how could they have gone so far already?...wait!"

She found five strong signals coming from below.

"I recognize those. Luffy, Robin, Sanji, Zoro and Franky."

Vivi pondered for a moment on what to do. She was more worried about Nami, Usopp, and Chopper than the others, but she had no idea where to start looking.

"I should go with Luffy and others and we can look together."

With her decision made, she started to run, following their signal. She had not even made it halfway when Saji's signal got separate from the others and started to get away until it was out of her range.

Moments later, the same thing happened to Zoro.

"I don't know what happened to Sanji, but Zoro definitely got lost…"

When she was about to arrive, something must have happened to Luffy because He started to move away really fast. The only ones she could follow now were Robin and Franky.

She entered a room filled with zombies, some of them looked normal while others were wearing heavy armor.

As soon as she entered the room, they all turned to her.

"Looks like there is another one to send." Said one of the armored zombies.

"I'm sure, Lord Moria will be happy with us." Another zombie said.

"Have you guys seen my Captain? He is the guy with a straw hat and red jacket." Said Vivi.

The biggest one of the armored zombies laughed.

"We just send that guy to Lord Moria."

"Yeah!, he is probably about to have his shadow taken by now!" another one said.

"His shadow…wait.." Vivi just remembered what Moria did with his shadow.
