
Chapter 336: Finding her friends

Dialogue "sample" Thoughts 'sample' Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 336: Finding her friends

Vivi ran back inside the castle, following her friends' signatures.

"Wow!" She returned to the entrance lobby of the castle and found it completely destroyed.

It looked like a fierce battle had taken place here. People from both sides were lying on the floor.

Most of them were still alive, but seeing the severity of their wounds, many would be dead by the end of the day.

This was of no concern of hers. She was not a doctor, and this was not her war.

At this point, Vivi was only preoccupied with making sure her crewmates didn't die.

The auras of her friends were scattered around the castle, but the one that called for attention was the one from Luffy.

"His aura is so weakened that I can barely feel it anymore…he must be severely injured."

She made the decision to go find him first and went up the first set of stairs.

Going outside and flying to the roof would be faster, but her powers were completely exhausted after her fight with Big Mom.

She won't be able to use her awakening again for at least 24 hours.

Best she could do now was to move around and maybe fight some cannon fodder at best. But that was a small price to pay in order to kill an Emperor.

Vivi ran through many sets of stairs without encountering anyone else. The place seemed deserted, but she knew she was getting closer.

Kaido's power could be felt even without the use of haki.

'He truly is even more of a monster than Big Mom.'

The aura of Ace could be felt flaring up. It was easy to conclude that he was the one currently facing Kaido.

Vivi hurried her steps and reached a giant door that led to a massive room filled with people. On the other side of the room was a hole that led to the roof of the castle.

"Vivi!" Nami was the first one to spot her and ran to her encounter. She jumped into her embrace with tears in her eyes. "I was so scared! I thought I was never going to see you again!"

"...sorry for worrying you, Nami. But it had to be done," Vivi answered with a serious expression.

"Did you truly face against Big Mom?" Kinemon approached.

Everyone turned their attention to her after hearing this.

Vivi saw Momonosuke, Law, Hawkins, and Drake, as well as many of their crew members.

"I did," she simply said.

"The fact that you are here…" Law glanced at her.

"Today the world has lost another Emperor… Charlotte Linlin is dead," Vivi answered, much to their shock.

"You killed that monster?" Drake exclaimed.

"Are you sure? For what I heard, she has incredible regenerative capabilities…" said Law.

"I crushed her into a pulp of broken flesh and bones before throwing her into the ocean while trapped inside my ice and then felt as her aura completely disappear. What do you think?"

"If she can return from that, then she is an immortal Goddess…" commented Kinemon.

"I can't believe it… Big Mom is truly dead?" said Drake.

"The most terrifying woman in the world is finally gone," Law added.

"Does that make me the most terrifying woman in the world now?" Vivi grinned.

"You can certainly be terrifying sometimes," Nami commented.

"Thanks, babe… say…" Vivi looked outside. "What is going on out there?"

"Luffy came here and started to fight against Kaido," Nami started.

"I saw it too!" said Kinemon. "Luffy fought bravely against the Emperor, but alas…"

"Luffy lost," Nami frowned. "Not only lost, but he got completely destroyed by Kaido."

'Luffy… this is really bad…' thought Vivi.