
Chapter 332: Vivi vs Mom

Dialogue: "sample" Thoughts: 'sample' Author's notes: -sample- Disclaimer: One Piece and all its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 332: Vivi vs Mom

"I want more!" Big Mom shouted while flailing her arms like a toddler.

"I'm sorry, Momma. The cooks told me they ran out of flour; they cannot make any more cakes for now," Pekoms looked very troubled. He knew this was not going to calm her down, but they did not come here very prepared.

"Mom, please, the Strawhats have already entered the castle; we should…" Smoothie was smacked by the back of her mother's hand and sent flying.

"Don't tell me what to do, you ungrateful loser!" Big Mom screamed with rage.

Vivi caught the flying Smoothie. "You treat your food better than your kids. What a great mom."

"It's you!" Smoothie turned her head around and stared at Vivi with shock.

"Strawhat Vivi!" Pekoms glanced at her.

"YOU!" Big Mom had her face contorted with rage.

"Release me!" Smoothie demanded.

"I'm not even restraining you…" Vivi let Smoothie back onto the ground.

"You touched me!" Smoothie exclaimed.

"Hey, don't go around saying those things. I didn't touch you anywhere inappropriate… well, okay, I touched your butt a bit," Vivi admitted.

"That's not what I meant!" Smoothie said.

"It's a nice butt; you should not be ashamed." Vivi gave her a thumbs up.

"I-I could have used my ability on you!" Smoothie became a bit red.

"And I could have turned you into a pincushion, but you didn't use it."

"Why did not you kill me and my sisters?" Smoothie asked.

"Ah… that… I don't know. I guess I didn't want to look like the bad guy. You looked all heroic protecting your sisters. It was very adorable," Vivi grinned.

"What?! Adorable?" Smoothie looked troubled.

"Strawhat Vivi!" Pekoms came closer. "Did you come here to kill Momma?"

"I certainly didn't come here to bring her cake," Vivi answered.

"Cake!" Big Mom yelled before running to her.

Vivi's eyes shone brightly as she activated her full awakening.

Her body grew in size until it was as big as her opponents. She then transformed her skin into ice, making herself look like a sculpture.

Big Mom jumped at her and threw a powerful punch capable of shattering an entire mountain.

The ice on Vivi's body turned black, making it seem like it was all made of metal.

She then deflected Mom's punch, allowing most of the force of the impact to pass behind her.

This generated a shockwave that destroyed the ground in a wide area.

Vivi pushed her hand away and proceeded to hit Big Mom on her belly using both her arms. 

The giant woman yelled and was sent flying like it was nothing.

Vivi glanced at the two stunned individuals who were standing by her side with shocked faces. "You may want to stay further away…"

"You think I'm going to let you fight my mother and stand here doing nothing?!" Smoothie screamed.

"Do you wish to die protecting a woman who would trade you and your siblings for a piece of cake? And she will do it without hesitation or remorse," Vivi told her.

"That's not…" Pekoms could not bring himself to finish that sentence.

"The best you can do is survive and then go back to your home. They will soon be in need of a new leader."

"Are you that confident to kill… her? I can't imagine that happening," said Smoothie. "In the eyes of her children, their mother has always seemed invincible."

"I am… Charlotte Linlin is dying today. They should have never let that monster live for this long…"

"Cake!" Big Mom's eyes were completely white.

"She has lost all reason already," Pekoms observed.

"Pekoms… it's best if you stay away for now," Smoothie decided.

"As you say, Madam Smoothie."

Big Mom came charging at Vivi.

It was like a massive train going at full speed. There would be no way to stop her.

"Let's try anyway." She extended her right hand, and beneath it, a mass of water materialized from the air.

It then started to condense to form ice and changed shape until it looked like a medieval cannon.

Vivi aimed the weapon at the big figure of Mom and pulled the trigger when she was almost upon her.

The cannonball that shot out was filled with sharp spikes and impacted right in the middle of her belly.

Big Mom screamed with pain, and for seconds it seemed like she was going to stop.

But then, her enraged eyes landed on Vivi. "Die!"

She brought together both her palms against Vivi's body with tremendous force.

Her black ice body could not take the force of the impact and shattered into millions of pieces that were then scattered all over the area by the shockwave that followed.

Big Mom looked surprised. She did not expect that to happen so easily. "Is she dead?"

Big Mom recovered her ragged breath and looked around. There was nothing but pieces of ice that were turning back into water and sinking into the ground.

Pekoms and Smoothie were also surprised.

"She lost?" Smoothie said with a hint of disappointment.

A voice then came from nowhere in particular. "Round two."

A geyser seemed to erupt right beneath Big Mom, sending her away.