
One Piece: Reborn as a Fishman (COMPLETED)

When reborn in a world as a Fishman, in a world where you can chase after your ambitions and have unimaginable physical power... being average isn't something he plans to do. But his ambition is too big for just him to acomplish by himself... well then... he will simply have other people whom he knows will support him. And who is more supportive than family... He has no cheat, nor any amazing talent. His strongest weapon is his common and future knowledge. —————————————————————— Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N for 30+ chapters in advance: patreon.com/HolyJoker JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm **Disclaimer** -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

HolyJoker · Tranh châm biếm
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135 Chs

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

Title: Backstab...


Sengoku immediately went to fight Whitebeard, there was no warning or anything as a shockwave hit Whitebeard head-on. He couldn't even react as the man who had known him for so long attacked him.

The admirals reacted too, the Whitebeard division commanders wanted to act, but they were all stopped, with Itachi being able to hold back Marco. Vista being held back by Kuma and Jozu being held back by Dofflamingo. The other commanders could easily be held back by a vice admiral.

[Volcanic Eruption]

Whitebeard couldn't last long as Akainu's magma fist sank on his stomach, burning the old man's organs.

Whitebeard couldn't even react and as he went to punch Akainu…. 

[Ice Freeze]

He was frozen in place for a split second, of course as a Tremor Man he couldn't be frozen for too long, but that was enough as Akainu pulled back his fist and made another hole in Whitebeard's body.

Suddenly hard vibrations were heard and Akainu had to jump back.

"POPS!!!" Screamed some of the Whitebeard pirates. But their pleas were ignored as the Pacifista started slaughtering them too.

This was no longer a battle… it was a slaughter now. As the marines got a complete advantage.


But suddenly out of nowhere, a giant fire fist headed towards the admirals.

"You bastards!!" Yells Ace. "I will kill you all!!".

Of course, the fire fist wasn't able to hit anyone as Akainu casually created a giant magma fist and sent it towards Ace, not even looking back at him anymore. "We will take care of you later, trash. We will have to kill your troublesome old man first."

The Strawhats also were occupied during this, as unlike the others, one Pacifista was enough to hold back all of them. They were too outclassed in a battle like this… and it became painfully obvious to all of them that so was the case.

"Damn it!" Yells Luffy as he punches the machine.

Naruto frowns at this and says. "Stay back guys, this is the perfect opponent for me."

Naruto uses <Soru> to quickly run through the Pacifista, bisecting the robot with ease, as his Zipper Fruit ignores the machine's physical defense. But as he does so, he sees three other Pacifista surround him.

"Go on guys, I will keep them busy." Says Naruto, though he seems like he is being brave by doing this. He isn't… he knows that he wouldn't be able to stop Luffy, no matter what. He also won't be able to stop them from dying. 'Dead Cat told me of his ability, the more widespread the less effective it is. I have had some fun with the Strawhats, but I must ensure my safety at all costs.'

Naruto started showing his true colors when all things came down to it. He knew that Luffy with one arm wouldn't become anything, much less the pirate king. From his view, when his father ripped off Luffy's arm, it was a wake-up call. He pretty much told Naruto to stop daydreaming and come back to reality, not give his life to some people that he hasn't even known for half a year. 

'Sorry, Luffy…' Ponders Naruto. 'But it seems like my dream won't be completed.'

As Naruto wonders about that, his eyes turn fierce and he decides to go into the safest place for him. Which is in the middle of the Pacifista, at least this way even if an attack came towards him, he would have some steel bags to lessen the damage.

Though his Haki was minimal, as a robot, the Pacifista were easy to read.

At the same time as this happens, Whitebeard is in a pinch as Sengoku and the others attack him, he doesn't last long as he slips up.

As he is about to pinch once more, in a light-speed slash, Kizaru cuts off his arm. It had been less than ten minutes since the battle had started, and the Admirals nor Sengoku had any injury on them, but this was the power of numbers. They could kill Whitebeard faster, but none of them wants to be heavily injured, knowing what is most likely going to come next.

*cough* Whitebeard spits out a huge amount of dark blood and his eyes go hazy for a split second. 'No… I can't die yet…' Thinks the old man, as he is now missing one arm, has two magma holes on his body and countless other small wounds like bullets and sword slashes.

But as the old man thinks that, he looks up and sees a magma fist going for his head.


Whitebeard's head is obliterated, he couldn't even resist the attack. Tears come out of his crew's eyes, none of them could believe what happened. The way the marines ganged up on Whitebeard, the way they fought.

But the marines couldn't care less about something like this. Akainu looks at the Whitebeard Pirates charging at him in anger, he just shoots giant magma fists at them, killing all of them easily, not even the lower leveled Division Commanders could resist his attacks.

Akainu then looks at Ace saw the kid charging at him with an angry look on his face. 

"Bad idea to charge at me like that… especially with your Devil Fruit… you just made my job easier." Says Akainu casually, as he walks towards Ace as the young man charges at the Admiral. Many of the Whitebeard Pirates screaming at Ace not to do that.

[Vulcano Eruption]

A giant fist of magma smashes Ace away, he tries to resist, but his Flame-Flame Fruit doesn't give him an advantage in this fight.

"Gah!!" Screams Ace as he clutches his fist. 'What?!! I was burned? That should be impossible!'

But he doesn't have too long to think as he sees Akainu charge at him. So Ace gathers all of his flames in a giant, sun-like ball. 


He shoots the ball at Akainu, but the Admiral doesn't care. Casually dispelling the giant fireball, and going towards Ace.

"Know your place trash of the seas!" Yells Akainu as his fist plunges into Ace's body, plunging right through. "Weaklings like you shouldn't act so high and mighty."

As Akainu pulls out his fist, for a split second he lets his guard down at having killed his enemy. That split second cost him...

"GARP NO!!!" All he hears is Sengoku's yell.


'Huh?' Akainu is at first confused at what happened. He looks down… and sees a fist has pierced him. 'What?'

*cough* He coughs a mouthful of blood.


Sengoku's face pales as he sees this, he was in his giant golden buddha form, so he couldn't stop Garp.

As Garp killed Akainu… everyone is shocked. But at that moment…



A giant beam of fire pierced through the Marineford building and hitting right in the middle of the plaza, where a lot of marines were. 

The giant explosion shocks everyone, Sengoku looks back and his eyes widen. The situation has now gone from bad… to worse…

"KAIDO IS HERE!?!!!" Yells someone as the figure of a giant serpentine dragon is shown.



Okay, I think I figured a semi-schedule to write...

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkut My P.A.T.R.E.O.N

Pa treon.com/HolyJoker


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