
one piece :my Version

in this story luffy will ate 10 devil fruits 5 before the time skip and 5 after the time skip he will also train under shanks before his journey and all the 5 fruits before the time skip will be an insanely powerful mutated devil fruits. you can read this if you like an insanely op mc

Daoist236167 · Tranh châm biếm
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start of the training with shanks

luffy moon walked and reached shanks ship and said hello to him

"Well Luffy," Shanks said getting Luffy's attention, "Welcome to the crew!" he said causing everyone to began cheering and Luffy to start crying.

"Okay guys no stop, we have enough supplies to last us so set a course for the Grand Line," he said.

"Aye Captain!" replied everyone. Shanks then turned towards Luff who was looking around with a huge smile on his face causing Shanks to chuckle.

"Luffy!" yelled shanks getting Luffy's attention, "Come with me." he said as he began walking towards what appears to be the sleeping quarters, "This is where you will sleep," Shanks said indicating to the room with a single bed, desk, and closet inside. It wasn't a big room but at the same time, it was big enough for one adult person. Luffy looked around and noticed his stuff was already in there waiting for him. He stepped inside and smiled.

"I love it," he said causing Shanks to smile.

"Okay, Luffy let me tell you how things are going to happen once we enter the Grand Line," Shanks said getting Luffy's attention. Luffy also noticed that Benn, Roo, and Yasopp were standing by the doorway. "First thing that will happen is Lucy Roo is going to teach you how to control that devil fruit of yours a bit then from there every day in the morning Benn is going to teach you navigation and history along with battle strategy assassination skills and anything else he comes up with. That will be for about three hours a day every day. the rest of the day is either spend with me teaching you more about Haki or Yasopp teaching you how to shoot. whatever extra time you have you will train to master your devil fruit powers or you can do that after you either master Haki or sharp shooting. Understood?" asked Shanks to which Luffy nodded and spoke.

"Yep, now I have one question." he said to which Shanks nodded for him to proceed, "Do you have any meat?" he said causing the four of them to comically fall over. After Shanks had explained everything to Luffy again to make sure he understood . Luffy kept begging Shanks over and over to start his training until Shanks finally caved and started teaching him more about Observation Haki. It had been three days since the crew left Dawn island and the entrance to the Grand Line was in sight. Luffy was excited at the thought of sailing up a mountain. As the ship began ascending the mountain and peak was becoming visible Luffy dashed to the front of the ship and began climbing to stand on the figurehead. Everyone saw this an began to get scared when Luffy finally stood on the figurehead. As the ship reached the peak and began descending into the Grand Line Luffy stretched out his arms and screamed to the heavens.

"I AM GOING TO BE THE KING OF THE PIRATES!" he screamed causing everyone on board to smile at the determination in the young seven-year-old.

Timeskip: 3 years later on an island in the New World**

On a small island in the New World, a pirate ship could be seen docked close to the island. On the shores of the island, a large group of people could be seen standing with their backs towards the sea while looking at a man standing in front of them. This man was the now twelve -year-old Monkey D. Luffy. Luffy was now 6'5 and well built. He was wearing long black pants with a pair of steel-tipped boots and a crimson red dress shirt with the top three buttons opened revealing a necklace with a elemental dragon pendant. Strapped with a black cloth around his waist was two katana with a black and white diamond pattern and the other red and dark pattern and they were supreme grade swords with sea stone coated over them and the handle hanging off the left and right side of his hip. And to top everything off was the thing he treasures more than his own life resting on his head, the straw hat that Shanks gave to him. Everyone from the Red-Haired Pirates was gathered on the shore today to see Luffy off to start his own adventure during this time he also ate the genius genius fruit which he told Rayleigh and he brought that fruit as a surprise gift and it instantly made his iq1000 and gave him the ability photographic memory.

"I want to thank you guys for all you have done for me over the past ten years and I am truly grateful for all you have taught me," said Luffy while looking at everyone.

"Ah don't sweat it Luffy," said Lucky Roo who was walking over to Luffy carrying two large barrels on his shoulder while somehow able to hold a piece of meat in his hands as well. "Here, got you something for the trip," he said as he placed the barrels down. "There should be enough meat and booze in there to last you the trip to the east blue." he finished. Luffy smiled at him and thanked him for the food. As Lucky Roo was walking back to stand with the rest of the crew Yasopp began walking towards Luffy.

"Hey Lu, I got a bit of a going away present here for you," Yasopp said as he pulled out a medium box from his coat and handed it to Luffy. Luffy took it and looked at the nice wrapping around the box before he spoke.

"Yasopp, you really didn't have to do this. You guys have done way more for me than anyone ever had," Luffy said.

"Nonsense kid, we're a family and you can never do too much for your family," Yasopp said while patting Luffy on the back. Luffy smiled and opened the box to see a black and red flintlock pistol. (It is Doflamingo's gun only black and red instead of black and gold.) Luffy held the gun in his hand and looked in the box to see the holster. He strapped the holster around the waste so the gun would be on his right side. Luffy then took on a puzzled look on his face. He had a gun and a holster, but no ammo. He looked over to Yasopp and spoke.

"I don't see any ammo in the box and there is none loaded into the gun. Am I going to have to buy some?" Luffy asked genuinely confused. He looked around to see everyone else confused just as he was. He then looked at Yasopp to see him with a wide smile on his face.

"No, you don't have to buy ammo for this gun. Never will," he said adding to the confusion of Luffy and everyone else there, "This is a special gun made especially for you. I always wanted one, but even if I bought one for myself I won't be able to use it. You see this gun is powered by your devil fruit and in your case, it will not fire regular bullets but instead, it will fire your your elements as bullets." Yasopp said surprising everyone there and causing Luffy's eyes to widen.

"I never knew they made weapons like this," Luffy said as he looked at the gun in his hand. He was brought out of his admiring by Yasopp's voice.

"Before you can use it you need it to register your devil fruit. So, channel some of your black lightning into the gun first ," he said. Luffy held out the gun and began channeling his lightning powers into the gun and soon the entire gun was covered with black lighting. He then looked to Yasopp who nodded to him to stop with he did only to see the excess lightning get absorbed into the gun. "There, that should do it. Try shooting this." He said as he pulled out an empty sake bottle and tossed it into the air. Luffy held the gun in his right hand, aimed it at the bottle, and pulled the trigger. Out of the gun came a bolt of lighting that moved faster than anyone other than Luffy could see racing towards the empty bottle in the air. Upon impact, the bolt of lightning didn't just shatter the bottle and continue on its path as everyone expected. It hit the bottle and exploded. Everyone was stunned at what they just witness. Luffy wanting to test something out he aimed the gun at a nearby tree, compress his lightning, and then he pulled the trigger. Like before a bolt of lightning raced out of the gun towards the tree. However, this time it pierced through the tree before doing the same to 20 more trees behind it before it finally exploded destroying the last tree in the process.

"What did you do differently there Luffy to make it pierce through all those trees?" asked Shanks, Luffy placed the pistol in the holster and turned towards Shanks before speaking.

"I simply compressed the Lightning a bit more this time, but I didn't expect it to do that much damage." He said before turning towards Yasopp and continue, "Thanks Yasopp, I love it!" Luffy said with a huge grin on his face. Yasopp smiled at him and patted him on the back before leaving to go stand with the rest of the crew. While he was walking back Shanks started walking towards Luffy with a parcel in his hands. He didn't say anything he just handed it to Luffy and stood there. Luffy looked at it with a smile on his face before he opened the wrapping to see a coat folded inside. He took the coat out to examine it to see that it was a Black and gold captain's coat. (Think Gold Roger's coat only black instead of red.) Luffy then took the coat and placed it on. He wore it the way he saw every other captain of a pirate crew wearing theirs, just resting on his shoulders. Luffy looked at Shanks and spoke.

"Thanks, Shanks, I love it. It fits perfect," he said with a smile. Shanks smile at him and replied.

"It's nothing Anchor. If you are going to be captain of your own crew might as well look the part." Shanks said with a chuckle.

"Again thank you guys for everything. Without you guys, I don't know where I would be, or if I would have learned the things I learned with you guys over the past 3 years." Luffy said as he looked at everyone a bit teary eyes. He then wiped his eyes and took on a more serious look on his face as he looked to the sky and began concentrating. In the sky above everyone could see a thundercloud starting to form. It then started to increase in size, getting bigger and bigger until everyone realized something. It wasn't getting bigger, it was getting closer to them. Everyone was wondering what in the world was Luffy doing. The cloud finally came down and hovered just about a half of a foot above the ground. It was a dark thundercloud about the size of a small 6 person boat. Luffy then walked over to the two barrels he got from Lucky Roo Picked them up and placed them on the cloud. The sank down a few inches before staying in place. Everyone eyes were wide.

"THAT'S YOUR RIDE!" they all screamed. Luff looked at them and gave them a wide grin.

"You betcha!" he said with giving them a thumbs up. He then placed the rest of his stuff on the cloud. He then began concentrating on the cloud once more and from the cloud, a lounge chair began to form. Luffy then climbs onto the cloud and sat on the chair before turning towards the group to speak.

"I should re-enter the Grand Line after some years. When I see you guys again I'll be a famous pirate," said Luffy smiling. Everyone gave him a warm smile.

"I'll be looking out for you Anchor," said Shanks.

"We all will," said Benn. Luffy then waved at them and began speaking.

"Bye guys. Thanks for everything again," he said. As he said that the clour he was riding on began ascending into the air before it shot forward and began climbing to higher altitude. Everyone just stared at the flying Luffy and waved.

"I'm going to miss that kid," said Yasopp. Everyone just nodded their heads in agreement. Luffy who was laying in his lounge chair made out of clouds was just relaxing as the and enjoying the scenery of the world below him. He was traveling at about 65 MPH and was about 20,000 ft in the air. At first, it was a bit heart to breath but after a couple of minutes, Luffy got used to the thin oxygen that was present that high up. On his journey, Luffy could see various small Sky Islands with people on them, some waved at him with he waved back, while others were wary of him so they ran into their homes and hid. Luffy didn't really care all he did was continue on his journey to the East Blue, it would take him about one day to reach the East Blue or less then a day if he decides he wants to go faster. For now, Luffy is just enjoying the relaxing ride.

"So, this is The Holy Land Mariejois," Luffy said as he stopped the cloud and have it hover high over the capital of the World Government where no one will be able to see him. He had been traveling for about six hours now and finally reached the Red-Line. Seeing as how he can fly with the cloud he didn't need to go down to Fishman Island, he could just fly over the Red-Line. Luffy couldn't help but admire the city, even though he didn't like the bastards in the World Government, he couldn't deny it was a beautiful city with amazing architecture. "Well I am not here to admire the sights, I have places to be," Luffy said as he narrowed his eyes forward and concentrated on the lightning in the thundercloud before blasting off a lot faster than which he was moving at first. Luffy now entered Paradise traveling at a speed of 100 mph. He had taken off his straw hat because he didn't want it getting blown away. At this speed, Luffy is estimated to arrive in the East Blue in about three hours.

**Timeskip: 3 hours later**

Luff is now in the East Blue after being gone for 6 years. He immediately slowed the cloud down to only about 40mph and lower the altitude to just about enough so he could see the world below him quite clearly and he decided to remove all the accessories in his body that is gold d Roger coat pistol swords along with his necklace in the cloud and decided to lower his height since he was very tall and muscular for a 12 year boy using his zoan type and started doing some bloody training by completely stopping his regeneration abilities as it will heal in split second and after making many wounds in his body he bandaged all of them with only bandage as Rayleigh and shanks had told him to never reveal his powers to others and your training and only use your water abilities and act as a idiot before his journey to avoid attention .

"Feels good to be back home. First stop Makino-neechan, then off to find a crew." Luffy said as he began traveling towards Dawn Island.

Foosha village:

"Here's your food sir," a familiar bartender said serving lunch to a customer. The villager said 'thanks' before digging in leaving Makino to clean some glasses. Ever since the kidnapping, she hasn't been the same. She is a little colder now and not as polite.

Purupurupurupuru Purupurupuru the den-den mushi started ringing making Makino leave the glasses to get the mushi. Gatcha, "Hello, who is this?" Makino said into the mushi.

"Hey, it's me," Garp said on the other end. He only said one sentence but Makino knew who it was. "Hey, Garp, calling to check in?" Ever since Luffy's kidnapping, Garp has checked in every week without fail. Never stopping on trying to find him, he still comes back to Foosha every once in a while and goes up into the mountains but no one knows why.

''Yeah, how are things over there?" Garp asked and if you listened closely you could hear him eating rice crackers.

"Pretty normal actually, just working an-" Makino replied getting cut off by a villager busting into the room where Makino was talking yelling "MAKINO!" Making both Makino and Garp worried. "Calm down Fred, whats wrong?" Makino asked calmly but inside she was freaking out.

"You're never gonna believe it! The Mayor wants you to see it. Come on I'll lead you there." Fred said motioning for her to follow him.

Makino started toward the door but heard a shout, "HEY! I want to know what it is too. Bring the mushi with you Makino," Garp said. Makino smiled then left with the den-den mushi in hand.

Fred leads Makino to the docks where Mayor Woopslap was waiting, "Oh, Makino your here thank goodness. This little dingy came into view on the horizon a few hours ago when it finally got here we found him in there." the Mayor said pointing to the small dingy.

When Makino got closer she noticed a small figure in the boat. 'A child?' as she got closer and the figure got closer she saw who it was and she almost dropped the den-den mushi out of shock.

"What is it, Makino? Why'd you go silent all of a sudden?" Garp asked concerned and pausing in eating his rice crackers to listen.

"Garp i-it's Luffy. Luffy has come back!" Makino said tears of happiness falling down her cheeks. Garp dropped his rice crackers and almost broke down and instead asked a question which they were all thinking, "How is he injury wise?"

"He's covered in bandages and he may be unconscious," Makino and Garp grimaced at the other end of the line.

"Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can. Makino, I assume you'll be taking care of him until I get there." Garp said already heading towards Sengoku's office to get a vacation.

"Of course," she whispered and carefully picked up Luffy and walked towards Party's bar. When she got to her spare room she immediately started treating his wounds. And since Luffy didn't exactly have anything but bandages to treat wounds with, Luffy's wounds were pretty bad and possibly infected. "Luffy, what happened to you?" Makino said deeply concerned with Luffy's wounds. She disinfected, and wrapped almost his entire body before she was done. When she was finished a group of concerned villagers, and a bandit family a ways away staying out of sight were swarmed around the bar.

"How is he? Is it bad?" some villagers asked and the bandits got closer.

"He'll be okay now. I just wonder what that man did to him." Makino said and the villagers gasped.

'She didn't say anything bad.' the villagers all thought. "What do you mean Makino?" Mayor asked.

"His wounds would have been infected if he floated there for another day, and I had to wrap almost his entire body because of the wounds he had," she said and everyone gasped even the bandits. After that, the bandits left out of respect.

"Well we'll just have to ask him when he wakes up right? He's a terrible liar anyway." Fred said and the villagers let out a chorus of "Yeah!" after the little meeting the crowd dispersed and went back to work but with Makino checking on Luffy every once in a while.

Same time with Garp:

Garp was going towards Sengoku's office worried about Luffy and not seeing where he was walking. Sengoku was ready ever since Garp came in that one time telling him about his grandson. He was ready to give him a vacation for the first time in a long time.

"Sengoku! I need a vacation. He did it, he made it back." Garp said excitedly shocking the fleet admiral.

"Fine Garp, I'll give you two weeks and only that," Sengoku said a smile pulling at his lips. "When are you leaving? And you better be back in two weeks."

"I'm leaving now of course and I promise to leave the island in two weeks," Garp said heading towards the door that for once he didn't break. "Oh and Sengoku. Thank you," he said and then making a beeline towards his ship and crew even smashing through walls.

"Thank you huh, DON'T THANK ME BY SMASHING WALLS GARP!" Sengoku yelled with shark teeth.

In the outside world Garp was at the docks giving orders to his men then speeding off towards the bar. "Makino I'm back! Where is he?" Garp said busting through the door and towards Makino. Makino threw a finger to her mouth in a shhh motion. Makino then pointed to the stairs with a sad smile.

They both headed to the spare room where Luffy was sleeping. When they got there Makino told him his condition before going in the room. In the room, as they were walking in Luffy sensed how strong Garp was and shot up and into a fighting stance. Garp and Makino saw this and frowned thinking something really bad happened while he was gone.

"Luffy it okay you're safe here," Makino said inching closer to a Luffy who was now staring at her. He then looked confused and got a look of recognition, "Makino," he whispered and Makino got tears in her eyes and nodded.

"MAKINO, I'm back. I'm really back." Luffy said jumping into Makino's arms. Garp was watching the whole thing with a smile. That smile got wider when Luffy launched into him, "Gramps, I missed you." Garp almost broke down with that one comment. One thing Garp noticed was that his grandson was stronger.

"Luffy, I see you've gotten stronger. Let's go test that strength out." Garp said with a smirk going to pick him up.

"But Gramps, I don't want to," Luffy whined dogging out of the way of Garp's hand.

"Cheeky brat," Garp said moving faster and succeeding in grabbing Luffy and walking out the door toward the forest.

"Okay Luffy I want you to beat these monkeys," Garp said reaching into the forest and pulling out several monkeys.

"But Grandpa I don't wa-" Luffy started until he got a fist of love to the head. 'He has to be using Haki, how about I show him my devil fruit Rayleigh said not to use my strength so I'll use my water devil fruit. It's a good practice.' Luffy thought instinctively getting into a fighting stance. "Guess what Gramps I got a devil fruit! But I don't know how to use it well." Luffy lied then murmuring Water Water Pistol and making his hands into the shape of a gun and shooting water bullets at the monkeys making the ones in front unconscious. He then used a small fraction of his speed and moved towards the monkeys punching and blocking the monkey's. Even though it took about 30 minutes Garp was still shocked at how it seemed Luffy was used to fighting the monkeys and he didn't know luffy was just using little of his strength .

Garp then asked the question he was dreading the most, "Hey Luffy, do you know who your father is?" that question made Luffy's head snap up because he heard the seriousness in it.

"No, I don't know who he is," Luffy responded and Garp then got a contemplative expression on his face.

'He deserves to know, it's his father.' Garp thought then turned to Luffy and said, "Your father is Dragon, leader of the revolutionaries, and the most wanted man in the world."

"Really, is he a bad person?" Luffy asked and Garp thought for a moment then shook his head and Luffy then said: "Then I don't care." Luffy said then his stomach rumbled and landed on the ground in a heap of Limbs.

'So different' Garp thought before laughing and saying "Lets head back to the village."

Luffy was about to jump up and run towards the village but his precious straw hat flew off his head and started floating toward the ocean. "Ah! Oh, no hat is going to fall." And at that moment the straw hat flew into the ocean and Luffy jumped in after it.

"LUFFY! What are you doing you're a devil fruit user you'll just sink!" Garp said panicking and taking off his coat to jump in after him.

"It's okay Gramps, trust me," Luffy said falling into the ocean after his hat. Under the water Luffy could breath and go deeper than any human could so he found the straw hat easily and headed back to the surface. On the surface Garp was watching the water intently for any movement.

When he broke the surface and climbed up the side of the cliff and said, "Man hat almost went all the way down to the bottom,"Garp's jaw dropped.

"How did you swim! Devil fruit users don't swim!" Garp said very confusedly for once.

"I'm water!" Luffy said shaking the water off of him and Garp tested this by punching him without using Haki. And as expected by Luffy his hand went straight through him getting wet in the process.

"Huh, what do you know you really are water. Well, let's go back to the village. When did you get that devil fruit anyway." Garp said acting like he didn't care, on the inside, he was just about to burst with curiosity.

"The day I met Shanks," Luffy said simply which made Garp falter for a split second. "Red-hair Shanks was here," Garp said and suddenly Luffy's straw hat looked very familiar. All he got from Luffy was a simple "Yeah."

When they got back they went straight to the Party's bar where food was waiting for them courtesy of Makino.

"Thanks, Makino! This is great!" Luffy said eating all his food in record time. And then Garp started eating his food. When they finished a group of villagers came in and started talking to Luffy all at once.

"Stop! I can't understand any of you," Luffy said shutting the villagers up.

"Okay Luffy, what happened to you? You had so many injuries." a villager asked and there were murmurings of agreement throughout the group.

"He took me to a island in the calm belt filled with beasts the size of dinosaurs. He put me in the middle of the forest and made me fight them," he said and the villager's jaws dropped and Garp's eyes went wide, he knew the island he was talking about.

Luffy was good at half lying but full on lying is where he had trouble with.

The next days that Garp was there were filled with training, Laughs, and reuniting. On the last day of the two weeks Garp got a warning call from Sengoku and because of the whole ordeal with Rayleigh Garp decided Luffy was going to live in the mountains instead of the village.

"Don't tell Garp but I'll come and visit you every once in a while, okay," Makino said and Luffy nodded. They hugged and Garp and Luffy set off into the forest.

"Hey, Gramps why do I have to live in the mountains? I want to be the Pirate King, not a marine." Luffy said then realize just what he did wrong and he slowly turned toward Garp.

"What did you say Luffy?" Garp said dangerously before yelling out "You and Ace will be great marines!" he then gave Luffy a couple of Fists of Love and continued on toward their destination.

"Whose Ace Gramps?" Luffy asked ignoring the bumps on his head and walking on.

"Well he's uh my, oh look here we are this is the mountain bandits the Dadan Family. You'll be staying with them." Garp said and Luffy forgot about Ace for the moment and grimaced at the mountain bandits part and Garp ignored it and walked up to the door and started banging