
Chapter 8 Carnival Night In Goa Kingdom

As night falls, the sky is also hung with small stars, twinkling in a blur.

Kingdom of Goa, royal palace, queen's bedroom

Luffy felt like he got to know Princess Sally again.

This is a new side of Sally Nandkanette whom Luffy has known for so long.

Perhaps the psychological shadow caused by today's Staley poisoning incident is too great, and he needs to vent his accumulated negative emotions.

The most outrageous and unscrupulous time.

Luffy had never seen Sally Nandkanette like this.

Sally Nandkarnet took off that noble and luxurious crown. At this time, she was no longer the noble queen who belonged to the Kingdom of Goa in front of everyone.

At the moment she belongs only to her lover, Luffy.

She is still the ignorant Princess Sally from yesterday.

Taking off the mask of hypocrisy, Sally Nandkarnet no longer conceals her intense feelings.

Sally Nandkanet, undressed in front of other ministers and nobles.

No longer covered by the noble, complicated and gorgeous queen's costume.

In front of Monkey D. Luffy, Queen Sally Nandkanette's unabashed and unreserved sincerity was displayed.

It brought an unprecedented impact to Luffy's vision.

The white snow blinded Luffy.

Princess Sally has a long feathery golden wavy hair slanted on her head, draped loosely on her snow-white shoulders. Those blue eyes, like lake water, looked at Luffy with watery eyes.

The crystal red lips slowly opened and she spoke softly in a seductive voice:

"Luffy. Open your eyes and look at me."

Luffy didn't know where to look at this time. His intuition told him that it was very impolite to look directly at Sally like this, so Luffy moved his eyes elsewhere.

"Luffy, look at me and don't take your eyes away, okay?"

"Dear Luffy, am I beautiful tonight?"

Luffy's Adam's apple moved up and down, his throat swallowed several times, his face turned red and his neck turned sideways, and he spoke in a hoarse voice.


"Dear Queen Sally, you are so beautiful tonight."

"Dear Luffy, please don't call me Queen. I prefer you to call me Princess Sally. You said that I will always be your princess, and I am still the princess who needs you to rely on." Sally Nandkarnet The side of his face was pressed against Luffy's chest.

"What happened today was a nightmare, Luffy."

"I thought, I thought, I could only marry Staley and live my life with him, but I couldn't stay with you forever."

"Do you know how happy I am that you suddenly appeared out of the sky? My Luffy." Sally looked at Luffy with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry, Sally. I..."

"I don't want your apology, let me listen to your heartbeat." Sally ripped Luffy's thin coat directly to pieces.

"Your heartbeat makes me feel like I'm still alive and lets me know that I still have someone I can rely on."

"Thank you, Luffy, for exposing Staley's disguise as an outsider and his dirty heart hidden beneath his polite exterior."

"I can't believe that the spouse my mother arranged for me will be such a person!"

"A crazed murderer who was blinded by power!"

"I'm sorry, Sally, I should have done it earlier..." Luffy felt a little guilty when he saw Princess Sally.

Sally used those two slender fingers to press Luffy's lips.

"Luffy, you don't need to apologize."

"Luffy, I don't want to hear you apologize to me either."

"Everything that happened today was that stupid Staley, who overestimated his own abilities and peeked into things that didn't belong to him. That created all this tragedy."

"Dear Luffy, thank you. Without you, I wouldn't be able to stand on the balcony of the palace today."

"Without you, I wouldn't have the confidence to sit on that throne."

"Without you, I wouldn't have the courage to wear that crown."

"Without you, I don't have the strength to take that scepter."

"Now you are the only one for me."

"I have nothing but you."

"Luffy, I don't want to hear your apology to me." Sally leaned her head on Luffy's chest and slowly poured out her emotions.

"But Sally, I, Sally, your eyes are full of sadness, and your tone is full of uneasiness. It makes me feel bad, it breaks my heart." Luffy gently stroked Sally's blond wavy hair with his palm.

"Hug me, Luffy. Don't let go, I feel so cold right now." Sally Nandkanette, her seductive voice like a succubus, echoed in the room.

"If you feel sorry for me, don't say anything."

Sally Nandkanette forced Luffy's head back to the front with both hands, lightly touched Luffy's forehead with her own forehead, and looked into each other's eyes, sparks sparking in each other's invisible eyes.

"If you really pity me, please kiss me."

"Follow your orders Queen" Luffy said.

Formerly known as Sally Nandkanette, as a princess, she needs to pay attention to her identity and represent the dignity of the royal family.

In the Kingdom of Goa, the previous king over-promoted the Celestial Dragons and adopted a social isolation policy.

The combination of small nobles and common people would cause great controversy, and was not tolerated by the secular world of Goa Kingdom.

What's more, Sally Nandkanet is from the royal family, and her target is Luffy, a little person who is lower than the common people and hangs out in the garbage mountain all day long. The gap between their identities is as wide as the chasm.

Two people who were unlikely to meet each other, but on that night, they got to know each other because they missed the same person.

After that, Sally Nandkarnet was fascinated by Luffy, and she was so fascinated by him that she didn't care about her so-called identity, being a royal family, being a princess, she had long forgotten about it.

In the past, when two people were dating, they had to hide from the eyes of others, especially the king and queen.

Sneaky and secretive, although exciting, although it has a different taste.

After all, it's not as good as being upright now.

If she hadn't just sat on the throne, the foundation would not be solid enough.

Princess Sally wants to announce loudly that Luffy is her lover and tell everyone in the Kingdom of Goa.

Luffy came to the palace countless times, but most of them were at night. He avoided many guards, sneaked into Princess Sally's bedroom through the balcony window, and secretly met with Princess Sally. Before going up the mountain in the sun, he secretly leave.

So how big is the palace of Goa Kingdom? The previous Luffy didn't know, but now the Luffy knows.

Sure enough, the king's life is luxurious, just so luxurious.

The palace of the Kingdom of Goa is really big and magnificent.

From Queen Sally Nandkanette's bedroom, to the Queen's bathroom.

Go to the palace's large bathhouse and Luffy's favorite kitchen.

One after another, and then another, constantly passing through rooms decorated in various styles.

Sally just kept taking him around in different rooms, leaving their footprints in each room.

How many luxurious furnishings does the palace of the Kingdom of Goa have? The Luffy before didn't know, but the Luffy now knows.

From luxurious soft berths for four people to hard berths for one person.

From experiencing the softness of a plush sofa to experiencing the warmth of a rare fur rug.

Every corner of the palace witnesses the pure love between Princess Sally and Luffy.

The maids of the palace blushed and listened to the sound all night long.

It was the sound of the queen and her tame face reveling day and night.