
Chapter 75 Another Deal With A Down-And-Out Princess

Luffy must have something going on when he saw Army Commander Bello Betty and her two deputies coming to him.

I lament that leisure shopping time is so short.

Luffy glanced at the bosses who were selling cooked food, melons and fruits, desserts, and ready-made staple foods.

Luffy waved his hands and said with some melancholy: "I'm sorry, everyone. I originally wanted to take the time to take a closer look at everyone's products before making a big purchase.

"There is nothing I can do now. Someone is looking for me. I must deal with important things first."

The group of shop owners surrounding Luffy.

Although I felt a little disappointed because the business couldn't be done.

But they all said they understood.

After all, I want a big shot like Luffy to save the Kingdom of Rurikra.

He must be busy with things.

Luffy rummaged around in his pockets, grabbed out a thick stack of Baileys, and said, "I want all your stuff.

Luffy went shopping empty-handed and only bought expensive things.

Pack a backpack full of food and go home.

The three commanders of the Revolutionary Army looked at each other to confirm.

This man in a straw hat.

He is a spendthrift captain.

The Straw Hat Pirates were doomed sooner or later under Luffy's leadership.

Luffy was carrying a pile of food on his back and a pile of food in one hand.

They also made the three regiment commanders of the revolutionary army do coolies.

Help carry large and small bags of food.

Luffy's other hand was from the bag.

He randomly took out meat and fruits and stuffed them into his mouth.

While asking Bello Betty, the commander of the army: "I wonder what the leaders of the revolutionary army want to do with me, a pirate?"

Captain Bello Betty also took out the meat from the bag and said while eating: "Master Straw Hat, you are making a fool of yourself by saying this. We have a friendship that has experienced life and death together.

Luffy pursed his lips: "Tsk, tsk."

After all, what should he and the three commanders of the Revolutionary Army East Blue Corps say?

Because of previous cooperation, we are somewhat close.

Each has a general understanding of the other's character.

Especially Captain Bello Betty, who was holding a cigarette and patting Luffy on the shoulder not long ago.

He hinted that he would take Luffy to visit the Revolutionary Army's East Blue branch in the near future.

Familiarize yourself with the route so that you can move around more easily in the future.

Bello Betty also hinted at being with Luffy.

The two of you need to move around more.

This way we can get to know each other deeply.

As for what path.

How to move around easily.

What postures should be used to understand each other deeply?

Bello Betty, the commander of the Corps, did not go into great detail.

It just means that everyone who understands understands.

Luffy made it clear that he didn't understand 840.

Request Captain Bello Betty to stop being the Riddler.

For Luffy, a person with an IQ of 250.

It doesn't work!

Captain Bello Betty looked at Luffy with contempt and said: "The Straw Hat Master overestimates himself.

"How high is your IQ, Straw Hat Master?"

"I, Bello Betty, don't know."

"But what I, Bello Betty, am sure of is that you, the Straw Hat Master, are 250."

Luffy blushed and said, "I would be embarrassed if Bello Betty praised me so much."

Commander Bello Betty chewed a cigarette: [I didn't praise you!!!]

Deputy Commander Ahilu pulled the coat of Commander Bello Betty from behind and whispered to Bello Betty: "Legion Commander, don't let that kid lead you astray, talk to him directly about the topic! '

Bello Betty nodded to Ahilu, saying that she would pay attention.

"Master Straw Hat, I'm looking for you this time to discuss a business deal with you."

"Oh? What business?"

"Of course it's Straw Hat's favorite, the business about the Princess Hunter!"

Bello Betty, the commander of the army, brought a princess.

Olena, the princess of Belis Kingdom.

Luffy looked at the so-called princess carefully.

She has blue hair and wears black-rimmed glasses.

This is the first time Luffy has seen a princess wearing glasses.

Commander Bello Betty sat on a chair with his legs crossed and a cigarette between his fingers.

While blowing out smoke.

While introducing the situation of this business to Luffy.

About the Kingdom of Belis.

About Princess Olena.

Of course Luffy's thoughts were not on that at all.

To be honest, Captain Bello Betty attracted Luffy's attention more than the princess.

Even the battle-hardened Luffy.

Every time he faced the commander of the Bello Betty Corps.

They will all be a little overwhelmed.

I don't know where to look with my eyes.

He is just wearing a coat and is ready to come out.

Two towering mountains.

Still shaking his legs.

A mysterious area looms.

And those seductive red lips, Luffy almost wants to be that cigarette.

At this moment, Luffy admitted that he was still too young.

"The Straw Hat Master? The Straw Hat Master?"

Straw Hat Luffy was distracted and caught by Captain Bello Betty.

Captain Bello Betty was a little unhappy. She found that every time she talked seriously with Straw Hat Luffy, the guy was always distracted.

It was the same last time, and it's the same this time.

Luffy wiped the existence's saliva with his hand, came to his senses and said, "I'm listening! Go on."

There is no other way, I have to ask others for help.

Commander Bello Betty could only tap the ashes from his cigarette, clear his mind, and say it again.

"The Straw Hat Master, that's how it goes."

"Although the Kingdom of Belis is a small country, its technology is very advanced.

"Now it's occupied by the infamous Poker Pirates."

"The Poker Pirates have always requested that the Belis Kingdom use their high technology to create weapons of great destruction for their pirates in an attempt to unify the Eastern Blue Sea.

Luffy tilted his head and said to Commander Bello Betty:

"Oh! These people are all sick. Whether it's Saw Dragon, Krieg, or the Poker Pirates, they always want to unify the Eastern Blue Sea."

"How does this area of ​​the Eastern Blue Sea hinder them?"

Commander Bello Betty said with a helpless smile: "There is no way, the Eastern Blue Sea is the weakest in the world.

"Then what? If you just tell me this information, what's the difference between not telling me anything?"

Commander Bello Betty glanced at Deputy Commander Yingli.

Deputy Commander Ying Lili took over the conversation and told Luffy the intelligence collected by the revolutionary army:

"The captain of the Poker Pirates is called Big Bear King."

"Those with steel fruit abilities."

"He is a ferocious pirate with a bounty of 11,600,000 beli.

"The vice-captain is nicknamed the Clown. He is good at using swords. It is said that he was once defeated by a pirate hunter from East Blue, so he always likes to hunt down pirate hunters."

"The bounty is 9,900,000 Berry."

"The main cadres include the Sweetheart Queen and the one with the sticky fruit ability."

"The bounty is 7,800,000 Baileys."

"Skunks like to fight with stinking gas."

"The bounty is 6,000,000 Baileys."

"Pfft Jack, the bounty is 3,200,000 Berry"

"The Poker Pirates have 10 large pirate ships equipped with about 5,000 pirates.

Luffy stopped eating food, crossed his hands to support his chin, frowned and said, "Judging from the information you provided, this poker pirate group is not weak."

Commander Bello Betty relit a cigarette and nodded in agreement with Luffy's statement.

"Princess Orina originally planned to ask our Revolutionary Army for help. Indeed, our East Blue Revolutionary Army is also very interested in the technology of the Kingdom of Belis."

"But because I was tied up by other things, I couldn't spare my hand to help Princess Olena."

Captain Bello Betty took off his sunglasses, looked directly at Luffy with his big eyes and said, "That's why I recommend you, Straw Hat Master."

Luffy pointed at Princess Olena and said, "Does she know my conditions? Regardless of success or failure, my conditions must be fulfilled."

At this time, Princess Olena, who had been sitting quietly next to her, spoke up: "I am willing. I have heard about your deeds, and I also know that it is your credit that the Kingdom of Rurikara was able to recover from the five major pirate groups. "

Luffy glanced at Princess Olena, paused, and then said:

"There is no way, my new ship Going Merry is still under construction, and now my crew cannot leave the Glass Bead Island for the time being, because there is a shortage of manpower.

To be honest, Luffy didn't really want to help and didn't agree with the Revolutionary Army's business.

He is not very interested in Princess Olina.

Commander Bello Betty knocked the ashes from his cigarette and said:

"I will ask Deputy Commander Eiri and the Straw Hat Master to go to Clockwork Island to solve this problem together. Is that okay?"

"The Straw Hat Master."

Yinglili? Luffy smiled.

Since Bello Betty dares to put the pear to his mouth, Luffy dares to eat it!

"Okay, no problem, I'll take over this business. As for how to divide the accounts, you can discuss it with my financial controllers, Nami and Kaya."

As soon as Luffy mentioned the names of Nami and Kaya, Deputy Commander Ahiru broke out in a cold sweat. One Nami is so scary, and adding Kaya who has never been seen before?

Zhepu stayed on Glass Bead Island to look after the house, and there were veterans Zhepu, Zoro and Xiangyoshida.

The rest of his crew are safe.

There's nothing we can do about it.

Because now there are a lot of pirates and Marine prisoners on Glass Bead Island.

Luffy didn't dare to let his main force leave Glass Bead Island.

Who knows, if the leader of the Straw Hat Pirates is not on the island.

Will someone show up to save them?

To overthrow the regime of the Kingdom of Rurikra again.

After all, the military strength of the Liulikra Kingdom has not yet recovered.

Luffy took Princess Orina, deputy commander of the Revolutionary Army Yingli, and one of his gold medal thugs, his wife Kuina.

Board the Goa Queen.

On the boat, Luffy kept playing tricks on Kuina.

Kuina covered her mouth and laughed.

It had been a while since Luffy had been alone with Kuina like this.

And when Kuina saw Princess Olena, she knew she wanted to give Luffy a child as an exiled princess.

I feel a little uncomfortable mentally.

So Kuina deliberately put down her usual airs today.

So Luffy and Kuina.

In front of Princess Olena and Deputy Commander Yingli.

Qingqing, me and me, tired and crooked.

And Luffy's shameless behavior towards Kuina.

It even made Princess Olena lower her head and blush.

It also made the deputy commander Ying Lili curse.

Luffy couldn't stand these two outsiders.

A princess carried Kuina directly to the captain's bedroom.

As soon as the door closed, the matter was settled.

Princess Orina and Deputy Commander Eiri were left on the deck blowing the sea breeze.

Let Princess Liu Olina be responsible for navigation.

Deputy Commander Ying Lili went to take charge.

Queen Goa winds up

Drive towards the island.

Watchman Kuina was absent due to some matters and was not at her post in the watchtower.

Therefore, the deputy commander Eiriri did not realize in time that the Poker Pirates were ahead.

He recklessly drove the Goa Queen into a circle surrounded by the Poker Pirates.

To be honest, the Poker Pirates were also confused at the time.

Are there any yachts delivered to your doorstep these days?

It is still a luxury class like the Goa Queen.

The pirates of the Poker Pirates, holding weapons, burst into laughter.

Princess Orina turned pale with fright when she saw the five-ship pirate crew of the Poker Pirates.

Isn't it so unlucky? He met half of the main force of the Poker Pirates.

Compare the strength gap between the two sides.

Deputy Commander Ying Lili immediately turned around the Goa Queen and planned to escape.

Jack, the leader of the Poker Pirates, stood up.

Shouted loudly: "The yacht on the opposite side, please stop resisting! Surrender obediently!"

At the same time, under the command of Poo Jack, the Poker Pirates dispatched four pirate ships and surrounded the Goa Queen from the front and the left.

Then they threw iron hooks one after another and hooked the Goya Queen.

The minions of the Poker Pirates followed the rope and attacked the Goa Queen.

Seeing that the enemy was already attacking, Princess Olena was so frightened that she didn't know what to do, she just screamed.

Deputy Commander Ying Lili showed a disgusted expression.

Tell Princess Olena to call Luffy.

He drew his double daggers and went to answer alone.

He is worthy of being the deputy commander of the Revolutionary Army.

The minions of the Poker Pirates are no match for her.

Jack, the leader of the Poker Pirates, also died personally.

There was a fight with the deputy army of Yinglili.

Skunk, the leader of the Poker Pirates, couldn't take down Po Jack when he saw Po Jack, so he jumped from the Poker Pirate Ship to Queen Goa.

Two cadres attacked Yinglili alone.

Let Yinglili focus on one thing and miss the other, and the danger will be endless.

At this moment.

Among the five playing card pirates.

The largest ship in the lead was the Poker Queen.

A beautiful figure emerged from the hot spring pool on the bow of the ship.

Her golden wavy hair was soaked by the spring water.

Also tied with two ponytails.

Beautiful and voluptuous appearance.

There are charming eyes under the purple eye shadow.

Sexy red lips, like ripe apples.

I saw her stretching.

Unintentionally reveal amazing capital.

With her breathing, she continued to rise and sink on the water.

He asked in a lazy voice: "Why are you so noisy? Is it possible for people to soak in the hot springs in peace? What do you want to do?"

Seeing no one responded, I stretched my head to check the situation.

I saw Skunk and Poo Jack besieging Yinglili, and they couldn't take it down for a while.

Oh! She is a pretty girl!

The Queen of Hearts lay down and observed carefully for a while.

Found this besieged girl, "Inconvenience is quite strong.

She also has good looks and a petite figure.

He is the type that Captain Big Bear King likes.

He likes petite, average-type girls.

Not the Queen of Hearts like her who has the world in mind.

Immediately I became interested.

Use the paste fruit ability.

Quietly assisting Skunk and Poo Jack.

At this time, Eiriri had a dozen or two cadres, as well as a bunch of minions from the Poker Pirates.

Who still has the energy to pay attention to the Queen of Hearts' sneak attack.

In the case of mental arithmetic but no intention.

When Yinglili wasn't paying attention.

The Queen of Hearts successfully captured Yinglili in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, I found a gift for Captain Big Bear King just after I went out. .