
Chapter 165 The Cp Organization Takes Action, And The East Blue Alliance Becomes More Powerful Than Imagined.

The Kingdom of Goa is a small country in a remote place in East Blue.

During the reign of the previous king, he was slightly famous.

East Blue is famous for its "spotless" beautiful environment.

Especially when Celestial Dragons visited the country, they thought it was a successful example of a "segregated society" country in the East Blue and praised it as the most beautiful country in the East Blue.

Although the former king believed that this was the highest praise for his governance and the greatest recognition of him by the world government.

But all this is empty praise without substance.

It's of no use.

The fact that the Kingdom of Goa is a small border country has not changed.

In the huge East Blue, I was always a transparent little character.

What's even worse is that you don't know people well.

Staley, his appointed future son-in-law, was so upset that he even took away his hometown.

Until Queen Sally came along.

Everything has changed together.

According to the intelligence collected by World government, cp organization.

The queen, who came to power at the critical moment, quickly showed off her amazing skills.

Internally, he purged the remnants of the aristocratic faction of the old era, and even went to Windmill Town to snatch a young man as his husband, the beautiful and beautiful King Qing of Japan.

After entering the palace, there was no news about this man again.


Queen Sally used the strategy of driving away tigers and devouring wolves against pirates, dispersed a large group of pirates around her, and secretly controlled a bunch of smaller pirates.

To deal with Marine, use the corruption characteristics of Marine's top management and adopt a monetary bribery strategy.

As a result, various Marine branches in East Blue started to seek green channels.

Turn a blind eye or close an eye to the gray industry in the Kingdom of Goa. "Two seven three"

It bought enough space and time for the economic development of the Kingdom of Goa.

She uses her approach to win over neighboring countries, and especially likes to help countries that have lost power recover. She only requires that the king must be a queen.

Alliance with those who can ally, make friends with those who can make friends, and trade with those who can trade.

Slowly, the whole East Blue chatter turned into a brother kingdom.

When the East Blue branch Marine finally woke up.

The East Blue Economic and Military Offensive and Defense Alliance, headed by the Kingdom of Goa, the Kingdom of Ouikot, and the Kingdom of Rurikra, has become a behemoth.

East Blue Economic-Military Offensive and Defense League, referred to as East Blue League

Because the East Blue Alliance is an economic alliance, direct trade between countries becomes more frequent, eliminating Marine's deductions, and the economy will naturally become more and more developed.

As the economy developed, it became more regular when handing over gold to Celestial Dragons, causing the total amount of heavenly gold East Blue gave to Celestial Dragons to increase instead of decrease.

This makes Celestial Dragons very happy.

So Queen Sally took the opportunity to convince other countries in the East Blue Alliance.

Let them jointly invest, spend a lot of money, and please a group of powerful Celestial Dragons.

This allows the East Blue Alliance to obtain privileges and make it legal to build warships and various weapons.

The Kingdom of Belis in the East Blue Alliance is very good at making various weapons.

As a result, with huge economic support, the military aspect of the East Blue Alliance became stronger and stronger.

At this time, the East Blue Alliance no longer needs to look at Marine's face.

The pirates were all exterminated by the East Blue Alliance themselves. As the power of the East Blue Alliance continued to expand, the scope of the East Blue pirates' activities also continued to shrink.

Since there was no need to humbly ask Marine for help, the Allies naturally refused to give Marine "protection money."

In the huge East Blue, the disputes between countries have been reduced because of the mediation of the East Blue Alliance.

The entire East Blue is becoming more and more prosperous, and it is likely to become the most prosperous in the world.

Because there is no need for Marine to help suppress pirates, and there is no need for Marine to go out to mediate conflicts, the additional income of the Marine branch continues to decrease.

This made the colonels of the Marine branch extremely ostracized from the East Blue alliance.

Secretly, he often causes trouble for the East Blue Alliance.

After being harassed again and again, the East Blue Alliance finally couldn't stand the Marine branch colonel anymore.

At the suggestion of Queen Sally, they once again raised funds and used a large amount of money to buy the Celestial Dragons.

Under the offensive of money, Celestial Dragons began to put constant pressure on Marine headquarters.

I believe that East Blue does not need to support so many Marine branches and needs to reduce expenditures to make the life of the Celestial Dragons better.

If it hadn't been for Marshal Sengoku who withstood the pressure and argued with reason, then there might not have been any Marine branch in the entire East Blue.

Good guy!

Good idea!

Sure enough, biting hounds don't bark.

He didn't even say hello, but went around the back and stole the crystals to drain the fire!

It was only then that the colonels of the East Blue branches discovered that they had underestimated Queen Sally.

To be so big, I just want them to pack up and leave.


Queen Sally is a devil!

Not willing to cut off people's money, but also cut off people's careers!!!

This made all the colonels of the Marine branch hate this woman!

Since then, Queen Sally has been on the blacklist of the East Blue Marine branch and has been under strict surveillance.

However, Queen Sally's growth history is very clean, and she is a standard queen template of a world franchise country. Marine can't find any black spots to impeach.

Naturally, there is no way to deal with Queen Sally using openly legal means.

What about using underhanded tactics?

Similar to repeating the same old trick, let the pirates attack the Kingdom of Goa, or attack the countries that join this alliance.

These are tactics that these Marine colonels are extremely familiar with.

When I turned around to realize it, I found that the entire East Blue was there.

Nowadays, any pirate group that is somewhat famous has either been wiped out or has been ordered to peace by the alliance.

This left the colonels of East Blue's Marine branch at a loss.

And even now, Marine and the CP organization don't know what methods Queen Sally used.

It can make other participating countries obey the plan and be determined to do so.

Marine and the World Government CP organization did not send spies and agents to sneak into the Kingdom of Goa, the Kingdom of Ouikot, and the Kingdom of Liulikra.

But in these three countries, nothing was investigated.

Except for knowing that these three countries all hid the true identity of the prince, no other useful information was found.

Of course, as a World Government spy organization, it is not so incompetent.

They still know from the mouths of other participating countries that the East Blue League is planning to make big moves again!!!

East Blue League

And it puts East Blue at nearly half of the country.

Of course, Marine and the CP spy organization would not let go of such a good opportunity. They had already set the bait a long time ago, which meant they took the bait.

You only need to wait a few days to get the secret of the East Blue Alliance.

Just outrageous things happen.

This group of agents who secretly infiltrated the alliance have disappeared!

No news came back!

Apparently, the agent they sent was discovered.

Now Marine and the CP spy organization can only stare at each other.

You must know that the identity of the princess of that group of spies is true, and the incident of the subjugation of the country is also true, from beginning to end.

So you can't find out what's fake at all.

It's just an additional secret agent's hidden identity.

Moreover, they have all received professional training and are among the best among agents, whether it is intelligence gathering or assassination.

Actually fell to the weakest East Blue.

So how did the East Blue Alliance find out?

The CP spy organization cannot understand.

Marine believes that the Four Emperors are behind this East Blue alliance.

Only Four Emperors can do this!

Especially the red hair, the possibility is very high.

The CP spy organization believes that this East Blue alliance has the shadow of Marine hero Garp, and it is this bad old man who left a way out for himself.

Why does no one suspect it is the Revolutionary Army Dragon?

Because if it were a dragon, he would definitely resist the World government openly and would not hand over a cent of heavenly gold to the Celestial Dragons.

Of course there is no evidence from either side.

"Another spy trying to pass himself off as the Queen."

"Fortunately, Luffy is here, otherwise we wouldn't be able to see through her.

"Damn it! We've obviously already selected members over and over again."

Queen Sally clenched her fists and said angrily.

"We can't say she's pretending, because she is indeed a subjugated princess."

"All resumes are true."

"Beauty, don't you think so?"

Luffy raised the chin of one of the beauties and asked her.

"Yes Master, Delis did not lie to Master, my identity is true."

A beautiful woman with blue eyes and blue hair was sitting on her knees and answering Luffy's question. There was only a tulle covering her body.

The girl's beautiful body is looming in the tulle shawl, and her eyes looking at Luffy are full of fascination...

"Master Luffy, Lulu is the most loyal master, so please wait and reward me, okay?"

Another girl with short black hair quickly answered, looking directly at the energetic little Luffy.

"Master Luffy, and me!"

Another young girl.

A young girl looking at Luffy with such a fascination.

There are actually several more in the corner of the palace.

The typical bait was eaten, but the fish did not take the bait.

"It seems that we need to strengthen the security around us.

"We underestimate the power of world government."

Faced with this incident of agent infiltration, Queen Morty put forward an opinion.

"I agree with Sister Morty, I don't want to become Luffy's weakness."

Queen Nuoqi Gao nodded in agreement.

"Your security really needs to be further improved."

"Don't worry."

"When the time comes, I will upgrade the defense measures for your palace."

"It seems that we have entered the sight of the world government.

Luffy narrowed his eyes and said to the three queens.

In fact, the CP organization is indeed the shield of Celestial Dragons.

This time, the carefully selected female agents kept the secret during the investigation.

He also escaped the numerous tests from Sally, Morty, and Nogi.

Faced with the harsh membership regulations, there was no unusual behavior.

Passed one level after another.

Finally, I successfully entered the finals and met the person behind the East Blue League.

It's just that the person behind the scenes is too careful.

They actually set up a hot spring pool at the last location.

As a result, there is no way to carry out assassinations, no way to secretly photograph and record.

But these are not problems.

As long as you can successfully escape later, tell the CP organization the truth.

The CP organization has various means to deal with this troublesome person.

However, when these agents saw the true appearance of the person behind the scenes, their hearts were in turmoil.

More scary than meeting the Four Emperors.

It's him!

The grandson of Marine hero Garp and the son of Revolutionary Army Dragon, Monkey D. Luffy!

It is impossible for a young boy to organize such a large force.

So who is the real person behind the scenes?

Is it a revolutionary army dragon?

Or the worse option Garp!

This news must be spread

Hand it out.

The East Blue League has exceeded expectations.

Who is Luffy now?

Although they hid it well, the trace of panic in their eyes and the momentary stiffness of their muscles did not escape Luffy's eyes.

Especially when these 3.9 female agents entered the hot spring, they didn't even have anything to cover up.

From the posture, the way you walk, the rhythm of your breathing, and the lines of your muscles.

Luffy determined that these people were definitely masters, masters who were good at assassination.

If they act rashly, they may be given the opportunity to take hostages.

"Sisters are so beautiful."

"Come over to me?"

In order not to alert others, Luffy did not choose to take action immediately, pretending to be like a pig brother, with a completely lustful look, "pretending to be seduced by their beauty."

"Little brother, are you the only one here?"

"Little brother, don't be so impatient? Let's chat with the sisters."

"This cute little brother..."

Sure enough, Luffy's behavior aroused their contempt. Although his face was well concealed, his eyes betrayed them.

"Yeah, I'm the only one here."

Luffy pounced towards them, causing a big splash.

For a moment, Luffy pretended to be a fool and answered all questions.

Deliberately revealed a lot of information to them.

Coupled with Luffy's stupid face, these agents were convinced.

The vigilance in my heart gradually relaxed.

While they think they have successfully deceived others, they put down their vigilance.

Luffy broke the news again and deliberately told them some explosive information.

Impact their psychological defenses.

Causing them to fall into the trap of high emotions.

Only then did Luffy catch them off guard and successfully subdued these assassination masters. .