
Chapter 161 The Luffy Golden House Hidden Beauty Incident.

Julie probably knew what his father and Luffy were talking about.

But there was nothing she could do to prevent this from happening.

But Julie knew that there was something she could do at this moment.

So he turned around and ran out of the tavern.

Regardless of the image, he ran quickly on the country road in the small town.

He didn't even pay attention to the greetings from the aunt next door.

At this point Julie only has one goal.

That is to contact my former best friend.

Tell them.

Luffy is back!

Their long-awaited lover came back today.

And now they are negotiating with their father.

Julie believes that as long as they work together, they will be able to dissuade their father from beating up the mandarin ducks.

Just in case Luffy is scared away.

Do they still have to wait?

It's just that the negotiation on the other side did not happen as Julie imagined, and something that shouldn't happen happened.

There is no such thing as Luffy being scared away.

On the contrary, it was the group of ferocious fathers who were frightened.

As the saying goes, if the essence (gold) and sincerity (money) are added, the solid stone can be opened.

Although Luffy is not good at eloquence, he is also clumsy.

But Luffy has a sincere heart!

I still rely on Luffy's sincere heart.

Completely impressed, the father-in-laws in this tavern.

Don't talk about them.

Even if it were someone else.

I will also be moved by Luffy's sincerity.

Looking in front of him, Luffy's golden light shimmered with sincerity.

After a while of silence.

Fathers-in-law have compromised with reality.

For country people, don't they just want their children to live a better life?

What's more, the other party was chosen by their daughter herself.

When Julie, with her many sisters, returned to the tavern in a panic.

What I saw was not the imagined scene of dragons and tigers fighting, water and fire incompatible, and a carving up and confrontation.

On the contrary, it is a picture of joy and happiness.

Whether it is a hotel owner with a sinister face, a big man with a red nose, or a middle-aged man who likes to wear a green hat, etc.

They all put their arms around Luffy's shoulders, drank wine, and sang this country ballad.

Full of joy and harmony.

"Why is this different from what Julie said?"

"Didn't you say they were already fighting?"

Little Buddy, the daughter of farmer Barritt, said in surprise.

Because Julie made the matter very serious before.

The girls were terrified that things would get worse.

in particular.

Afraid of the potential possibility that Luffy will be scared away by his vicious fathers.

(In their hearts, Luffy is still a little boy.)

Their father, they knew nothing better.

Because country people are short-sighted, they like to ask for high-priced gifts.

Completely ignoring Luffy's potential.

Luffy is the grandson of Marine hero Garp!

They were so scared that they didn't even have a place to cry.

That's why they hurried over to the tavern without even basic attire, with messy hair and coarse clothes.

It's just that the scene I saw was completely different from what Julie said.

"It wasn't like this before I went out."

"Sisters, I really didn't lie to you."

Julie was also very surprised by the scene in front of her. The plot changed too fast. How long had it been?

This made Julie feel a little unreal.

"Julie, are you back?"

"I was still wondering where you went. So you went to find your sisters?"

The tavern owner had a smile on his face at the moment, but his face was so sinister that it didn't look good when he smiled.

"Little Buddy, what are you doing if you don't stand up?"

"Why don't you come over and pour some milk for Xian?"

Farmer Barritt no longer has the inferiority complex he used to have, and now calls out his daughter's name with a puffed-up chest.

Farmer Barritt's confidence is Luffy's heavy sincerity in his pocket.

This sincerity is really deep.

The other father-in-laws also quickly called their daughters' names, asking them to come up and connect with Luffy.

It was completely impossible to see how he was so aggrieved and couldn't hold his head up because of his daughter's incident.

It's just that girls are no longer timid.

A woman should look good to those who please her.

Girls who are not well-dressed dare not approach in front of their lovers.

Luffy understood this little thought immediately after seeing it.

Maybe it was the filter of childhood, but Luffy didn't think these village girls looked any different.

"Uncles, I think it's better to go see those babies."

Luffy stood up from the round chair at the bar and said to them politely.

"It should, it should.

"Xianyu, walk slowly.

Everyone laughed and said.

In this way, Luffy took the girls and left the tavern.

Under the guidance of six older sisters, Luffy soon saw the crystallization of their love lying in the cradle.

[Didi didi!]

[Identity: twenty-five sons]

[Name: Monkey D. McGee]

[Sex: Male]

[Talent: D immune disease]

[You are born not to be troubled by diseases, and viruses and lesions will stay away from you. ]

[Qualification: D]

[Identity: twenty-sixth son]

[Name: Monkey·D·Shanyong]

[Sex: Male]

[Talent: C has good water properties]

[You are naturally good at swimming, diving and other water sports, so you have an advantage in battle. ]

[Qualification: C]

[Identity: Twenty-seventh son]

[Name: Monkey·D·Peach Blossom]

[Sex: Male]

[Talent: C Peach Blossoms]

[There is a certain chance of triggering the admiration of the opposite sex and becoming very popular. ]

[Qualification: C]

[Identity: twenty-eighth son]

[Name: Monkey·D·Erjie]

[Sex: Male]

[Talent: D wins at the starting line]

[When you take action, you will receive an additional 10 points for all basic attributes. ]

[Qualification: D]

[Identity: Twenty-nine Sons]

[Name: Monkey·D·Xiaoji]

[Gender: Female]

[Talent: D Xiaoji (hidden)]

[Turn on the hidden attribute of good luck, good luck +10. Only those who turn on the hidden attribute can see the hidden attribute. ]

[Qualification: D]

[Identity: Thirty-year-old son]

[Name: Monkey·D·Manjie/Di]

[Gender: Male Female]

[Talent: B among the best]

[You are born with two genders and can change freely. ]

[Qualification: B]

As Luffy guessed, children born to ordinary mothers have relatively ordinary qualifications.

The talent is not particularly outrageous.

Of course, the exception is the [Dragon and Phoenix among Men] talent. Luffy doesn't want to know the meaning of this talent at all?

Maybe Bentham would like this kid very much.

[Didi didi!]

[Congratulations to Host for giving birth to 30 children in a row. ]

[All basic attributes are increased by 10, and a Devil Fruit is awarded. ]

[Devil Fruit: Zoan·Mouse Fruit·Kangaroo Form]

[Eating this fruit will turn you into a kangaroo and enhance your fighting and jumping abilities. ]

[The most important thing is that this fruit provides a pouch, and any baby can be placed in it, with no limit on the number of areas. ]

[The baby in the pouch can see the outside world, hear outside sounds, and play inside. ]

[System prompt: Only babies can be installed. ]

Luffy looked at the Devil Fruit emerging from his hand and was silent for a while.

Zoan's Devil Fruit, the others are pretty much the same.

It is to transform into a certain animal and then possess the special ability of that animal, which greatly enhances the upper limit of physical skills.

Moreover, Zoan fruit's general recovery power and physical strength are greater than those of Paramecia and Logia.

But this pouch is very interesting.

It's perfect for Luffy's current situation with so many babies.

Just do you want to eat it yourself?

Luffy hesitated.

"Luffy? What's wrong?"

Julie looked at Luffy in a daze and asked curiously.

At this time, only Julie and Luffy were in the room, and the other girls took the opportunity to dress up.

"It's okay, I'm just thinking about some issues."

Luffy put away the Devil Fruit in his hand and answered Julie's words with a smile.

"What are you thinking about?"

Julie held Luffy's arms and used two teddy bears to add pressure to Luffy.

"I'm coming back this time just to see you. I won't stay too long."

Luffy said calmly.

"That's right...hehe. I can understand..."

Julie froze when she heard Luffy's words, and responded with a smile.

The sound of things falling was heard in the next room, probably stimulated by Luffy's words.

After waiting for a period of time, the lover chose to come back instead of being a betrayer.

But now this happiness did not last long.

Because he is leaving again.

This made the girls feel extremely depressed.

The movements of the dressing table became slower, and even started sobbing.

"So be mentally prepared, I plan to take you and the children away."

"Don't worry about your parents, I will arrange it properly."

Luffy pretended not to notice Julie's disappointment and said with a wicked smile.

"Disgusting! Luffy, you are bad!"

"Do you know, what you just said made me almost cry!"

Julie's pink fist hit Luffy's chest directly, and her eyes were red.

This damn Luffy actually used this kind of thing to tease her.


"Why do you think Sister Julie looks so cute when she's angry? It's fun to tease her."

Luffy hugged Julie's waist and kissed her gently.

Little Buddy and the others also rushed out from the inner room wearing makeup that looked like they were crying.

Punch and kick Luffy to vent his dissatisfaction.

Luffy could only coax them one after another.

I haven't seen these six close friends for a long time, so of course I have to make up for everything I owe now.

After a period of tenderness, Luffy and the six close friends left contentedly.

Luffy asked Julie and the others to wait for him in the town, and they wouldn't have to wait too long this time.

Because Luffy still has some things to deal with.

After the processing is completed, we will go to Windmill Town.

If they are impatient, they can go directly to Windmill Town to find Luffy's adoptive mother Curly Dadan.


After settling the matter in Yuyu Town,

Luffy immediately rushed to the royal city of Goa Kingdom.

Not that he was in a hurry to meet Queen Sally and his five 020 children.

It was because I was confused about the news I heard outside the mayor's house in Windmill Town.

The beauty hidden in the golden house?

It was still in brother Sabo's luxurious old aristocratic mansion.

Luffy was a little confused.

In his memory, there is no such thing at all?

So last time I helped Queen Sally solve the thunder cloud phenomenon and natural disaster.

Luffy never thought about it

Go and have a look at that luxurious old aristocratic mansion.

So who is using his name to operate in that luxurious old aristocratic mansion?

The strangest thing is that Sally serves as the queen of the kingdom of Goa.

Didn't they expel the people inside?

This is very strange.

Because the luxurious old aristocratic mansion was always the place where Sally and Luffy secretly dated when she was still a princess.

There's no reason why Sally shouldn't pay attention to this place.

So Luffy wants to know what the truth is.

It's as quiet as ever, and the surroundings are very clean.

It doesn't look like it's uninhabited.

Including the paths leading to Sabo's old mansion, the roads were also cleared.


There was someone inside, someone who moved in without Luffy's permission.

This makes Luffy very angry!

Because this is Sabo's house!

It was just when Luffy got angry and went in to see who had the audacity to do so.

The door to this luxurious old aristocratic mansion opened.

Their eyes met.

Both sides were stunned.

When the other party saw Luffy, he was completely shocked and couldn't even speak.

I stood there crying.


"Why are you here?"

Luffy blurted out.

Isn't this Lida who regards Luffy as a knight and is willing to give him a child?

It was when Luffy first went to sea that he encountered Alvida robbing ten luxury yachts.

The girl who was saved by chance.

Later on the yacht, Luffy had a night of love with her.

"You were the one who said I could come here to find you."

Lida's eyes were red, he held the iron door with his hand and said with an aggrieved look.

She was waiting for Luffy here quietly, but the first thing Luffy said when they met was "Why are you here?"

If Luffy hadn't remembered her name, her heart would have been broken.

I was reminded by Lida.

Luffy's memories came back to him.


Luffy said this at the beginning, and they did have a relationship after all.

Unexpectedly, the rumored beauty hidden in the golden house turned out to be true.

Luffy couldn't deny it now.

I also understand why Queen Sally didn't evict the residents. .