
Chapter 141 Is That A Kite Flying In The Sky? No! It's Nami And Robin's Clothes

Haredasi was very happy after taking these wind shells.

For a while, I held it in front of my eyes and observed it carefully, as if I could see some secret from the lines on the surface of the shell.

After a while, I held the wind shell in my ear and listened, and kept tapping the shell with my fingers.

As a result, he accidentally pressed the switch of the wind shell, causing Haledas's beard and hair to fly messily.

These funny behaviors made the Straw Hat Pirates laugh.

Faced with these laughter, Harlevos showed no concern at all.

If it weren't for Haredas' current main mission, which is to take Luffy and his party to visit Victoria's small Sky Island.

With Haredas's previous personality, he would have already gone to the laboratory to study the secrets of wind Berry with other meteorological scientists.

"Cute little girl, what's your name?"

Haledas asked Aisha cordially.

"Hello, grandpa, my name is Aisha."

Aisha knew that the humble old man in front of her was actually a knowledgeable scholar, a big shot like the great elder of the Sandia tribe.

Unexpectedly, a few rare shells on Sky Island could make Haredas so excited.


"I remember this name."

"The great progress of meteorological science, I will definitely remember your gift today."

"By the way, since you gave me such a magical shell as a gift to my little old man."

"I also have something good to give you."

Haredas took out an ordinary twist rope with a few slip knots on it from his pocket.

Involuntarily, it was stuffed into Aisha's hand.


Aisha looked at the rope in her hand and didn't know how to react for a moment.

Would a normal person give someone a rope as a gift?

Forget it, after all, it was a gift from an elder, so it's better to treat it as a gift than as a gift.

"What? I thought it was something good, but it turned out to be an ordinary rope."

Nami complained.

Because there are so many magical items on Victoria Sky Island that the Straw Hat Pirates have never seen before.

So when I heard that Halledas was going to give a gift to Aisha.

Everyone thought it was some precious good thing.

After all, Haredas's identity is there. If it is an ordinary thing, Haredas will definitely not be able to get rid of it.

As a result, Yinjia gathered 31 before taking a look.

It turned out to be just a very ordinary rope.

Compared with the magical items in the previous Little Sky Island, this full sense of disparity made everyone feel disappointed.

"This is not an ordinary rope! It is a very precious thing. It is the great invention of our little Sky Island that has never been told about the wind knot!!

The expressions of the Straw Hat Pirates certainly caught Haredas's eye.

This made Haredas, the little old man, anxious. He didn't want to be misunderstood by others, so he quickly explained to Luffy.

"Isn't it just an ordinary rope with a few knots? What's so great about it?

Nami's face was full of expressions like "Don't lie to me about my lack of reading, I won't be fooled."

"Forget it, I'll show you."

"Open your eyes and see clearly."

"The first thing is to unbutton the first 'button' and feel the breeze.

Haredas held a 'wind knot' rope with two fingers and untied the first knot on the rope.


A breeze blew towards the Straw Hat Crew.

This is a wind speed, a 'breeze' that can reach 12 kilometers per hour.

The breeze caressed everyone's faces, causing Robin and Lanqi's long hair to flutter in the wind, and making the leaves on the small Sky Island spin and take off.

"Wow! It's really amazing!"

Aisha shouted loudly, she didn't expect that the rope given to her by the old man was so magical.

"Next, we unbuttoned the second 'button' and the wind blew. "

Haredas' face was very proud, and then he slowly untied the second knot on the rope with two fingers.


A stronger wind than before blew towards the Straw Hat Crew.

This is a wind speed that can reach 40 kilometers per hour as a 'strong wind'.

The wind was so strong that Nami and Aisha's short hair was constantly blowing.

Robin and Lan Qi's eyes were so blown by the wind that they could not open their eyes.

The trees planted on the small Sky Island are also constantly swaying by the rope wind.

"Next, let's unbutton the third 'button', and the strong wind is coming!"

This time Haredas became even more proud.

Then the two fingers slowly untied it again. The third knot in the rope'.

"Hoo!~~Hoo! Hoo!~~~"

This is no longer a wind blowing towards Straw Hat Crew people, but blowing towards Straw Hat Crew people.

This is a wind speed that can reach 60 kilometers per hour.

This kind of wind is so strong that it can cause branches on trees to break and fly into the sky.

The strong wind blew even more, making Nami and Aisha scream "Wow!"

"What a thing. This humble rope can actually blow strong winds as strong as a medium-sized wind shell!"


"If it can be improved into a weapon, it will definitely be a terrible weapon."

The great warrior Vaipa couldn't open his eyes at all. He could only force the spear in his hand into the ground and support his body to withstand the strong wind.

There is one exception.

That's Luffy.

Luffy's rubbery face was blown by the strong wind, folding into many wrinkles and shaking like waves in the water.

Even so, Luffy still forced his big eyes open with his fingers, reluctant to close them for fear of missing the wonderful scenery.

Because of the 'strong wind' created by Haredas, the wind is really strong.

Nami and Robin's skirts were blown up.

Those slender white legs.

It shows a beautiful picture openly and generously.

This is still Nami and Robin-chan, not to mention Aisha and Lan Qi.

You know, Aisha and Lan Qi are wearing special priest costumes carefully designed by Luffy.

Luffy has a pleasant office environment in order to be able to be a dragon god.

The costumes of priests, maidservants, etc. have been specially improved.

In order to serve the dragon god Luffy, the girls will not be bothered by the hot weather.

Luffy deliberately reduced the fabric and designed it with a mini skirt underneath and a cool jacket on top.

This kind of clothing is not only beautiful, easy to put on and take off, but also can eliminate the influence of hot weather.

This is entirely a reflection of Luffy's caring employees.

Absolutely no selfish motives.

[Luffy dares to swear by Sanji's happy married life. ]

[If Luffy lies, Sanji will never get a wife!]

It's just that when Luffy originally designed this dress, he didn't consider windy weather.

Now it is blown by the strong wind.

Lan Qi and Aisha were hidden under those miniskirts and cool clothes.

The romantic figure of a girl.

The reality is revealed in front of Luffy.

Facing such beautiful scenery.

Luffy's mouth watered when he saw it, and he couldn't stop it.

Luffy: [Wow! This little old man is so good!]

[I like!]

[How good at pleasing the new boss!]

[Wait a minute, I will give him a promotion and a salary increase!]

[Give Haredas chicken drumsticks to his three meals a day!]

"See, this is the power of "Wind Knot"!"

"This is no ordinary rope!"

Haredas laughed loudly, but the wind was so strong that Haredas couldn't open his eyes at all.

"Stop it! Smelly old man!"

Nami grabbed a big tree and ordered Haredas.

It's just that the wind was so strong that Haledas couldn't hear clearly what Nami was saying.


"You still think this is an ordinary rope!"

Haredas shouted to Nami angrily.

"I said smelly old man! Stop the wind quickly!"

"Who told you about the rope?"

Nami was furious and Hallevos shouted.

"They say it's not an ordinary rope!"

"Why don't you believe it?"

"Didn't you see that I created such a strong wind?"

Haredas was made furious by Nami's "ordinary rope" remarks.

"Mr. Haredas, please stop."

"We already believe this is no ordinary rope."

Robin-chan used the ability of Flower-Flower Fruit to capture Aisha and Lan Qi, and also strengthened the safety of himself and Nami to avoid being blown away by the strong wind.

"What! I didn't expect that even the knowledgeable Miss Robin didn't believe what I said!"

"Think it's a regular rope!"

"I'm furious!"

Haredas grabbed the rope with one hand and shouted to Nami and Robin.

Nami-chan: "(→_→)"

Robin-chan: "(→_→)"


This kind of cross-server chat between a hen and a drake.

Both parties are not on the other side's channel, and they are completely talking about their own things.

"I want you to know the power of meteorological science!"

"Just so you know this is no ordinary rope!"

Haredas shouted.

"No! Stop! Old Mr. Haredas!"

Seeing Haredas's furious look, the smart Robin realized something was wrong and wanted to stop Haredas from further action.

Then Haledas didn't hear Robin-chan's voice at all, and his anger had overwhelmed his reason.

"Since you all don't believe in the power of meteorological science.

"I'll let you see why the "Wind Knot" is called a great invention in meteorological science!"

"Next, let's unbutton the fourth button and 'a strong wind is coming!'"

Because someone questioned the meteorological science, Haredas became so angry that his face became ferocious.

With a feeling of anger, I planned to untie the fourth "knot" on the rope.

"Smelly old man! Stop it!"

Nami was so anxious that she burst into tears, just untying three "knots".

There has been such a strong "strong wind" blowing. If the fourth knot is untied, who knows what will appear.

The important thing is that there is a sixth knot on the rope!


What the hell kind of rope is this!

So dangerous!

This is life-threatening.

"Eight Rings of Flower·Backflip"

In desperation, Robin couldn't care less and quickly used Devil Fruit's ability to stop Haredas.

Arms appeared one after another on the ground, running towards Haredas.

It's just that after all, it's not as fast as Haredas' fingers.

Haredas used two fingers to pull them apart with an angry force, directly untying the fourth knot on the rope.

"Next, let's unbutton the fourth 'button' and the strong wind will strike!"



This is no longer a matter of wind, nor is it a matter of arguing about ropes.

This is completely on the level of a natural disaster.

The great warrior Vaipa had not forcibly nailed three spears to the ground beforehand, and tied several trees with ropes on his body.

It had long been hit by the strong wind and blown into the sky.

It's just not easy now.

The great warrior Vaipa was blown into the air and kept swinging in the air.

If you look from a distance, you will see the great warrior Vaipa. Like a big kite hanging in the sky.

"Help! I can't hold on anymore."

"How could such an unfortunate thing happen to me!"

"It's all that stinky old man's fault!"

"Luffy, save me!"

Nami cried and shouted.

Nami could already feel that the big tree she was hugging began to sway and was no longer strong enough to support her.

This big tree seemed to be uprooted by the strong wind and carried away.

Moreover, the powerful wind was not satisfied with just taking away the tree, but also tried to pull Nami away from the tree.

"Ah ah ah, help!"

"Grandpa, please stop, Aisha doesn't want the rope anymore."

Although Robin-chan's Flower-Flower Fruit pulled Elsa and Lanqi along, the wind was too strong, and Robin-chan was sweating profusely and trembling all over.

Facing this kind of wind, with Robin-chan's current strength, there's no way he can get too close.

"Luffy, I can't hold it anymore, help me."

Robin Jiang, who has a strong self-esteem, finally wants Luffy to send a signal for help.

This is a wind speed that can reach 90 kilometers per hour.

Enough to uproot trees.

Nami and Robin deserve a lot of credit for holding on until now.

Facing Nami and Robin's call for help.

If it were normal, Luffy would have rushed to rescue the two of them in danger, regardless of his own safety.

Moreover, the act of a hero saving a beauty can also increase each other's favorability.

Make the relationship between the two parties more intimate.

Why not?

There is a scientific basis for this.

According to the two-factor theory of emotion, it is the so-called suspension bridge effect. 960

When humans are in danger, they will have the emotion of fear.

It can lead to abnormal physiological manifestations such as involuntary rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath.

This is independent of people's will.

If a hero descends from the sky at this time to save people from distress, they will definitely have a good impression.

If you are of the opposite sex, you will feel more love.

But Luffy didn't do it right away.

Because of the picture in front of him, Luffy was completely stunned.

Pikachu, White Bear, Little White Bear, White Rabbit.

It kept dangling in front of Luffy, making him dizzy.

Elsa's calves are like autumn lotus roots.

Robin-chan's long ivory legs.

Nami's arms are as long as white jade, covered with onions and jade.

As a qualified female warrior, Lan Qi has explosive muscular limbs.

All of the above are beautiful and attractive pictures.

Luffy was stunned.

Luffy raised his head and looked at the sky involuntarily.

Luffy's action was not to stop the nosebleed from flowing out.

Instead, he looked at the colorful "kites" in the sky.

"Armed colors!"

Luffy pinched his face hard with his weapon color.

Further confirmation that I was not dreaming.

"Big idiot Luffy! Come and save me!"

"Mr. Luffy, I can't hold it anymore, help me!"

Nami-chan and Robin-chan's calls for help reached Luffy's ears again.

This time, Luffy was awakened from the wooden chicken state.

He quickly went to rescue the four babies.

The cute girls waiting for Luffy's rescue.

"Don't be afraid, I'm coming!"

"Rubber to the Rescue!"

Luffy stretched out his arms very long and wrapped all four lovely girls in his arms.

I also said hello to Pikachu, Big White Bear, Little White Bear, and White Rabbit.

And take the opportunity to check on the health of these cute little animals.

Well, it's developing well, Dr. Luffy diagnosed.

Especially Pikachu and Great Pyrenees, their physical condition is getting better and better.

It's probably because the food was good, so it developed better than the little white bear and the big white rabbit.

But it doesn't matter, after all, it's the first time for Little White Bear and White Rabbit to meet Luffy.

Unlike the Great Pyrenees and Pikachu, they are carefully cared for by Luffy.

Of course, I get to meet these four cute little guys.

The great hero is the meteorological scientist Haredas.

Luffy had a nosebleed: [This little old man did a great job! I like it. ]


[I must invite Haledas, this little old man, to join the Straw Hat Pirates. ]

[Have him pull the rope like this from time to time. ]

A strong wind attack made by Haredas.

The colorful "kite" in the sky is still blowing.

If you look closely, you will see that they are all clothes, both inner and outer garments.

I don't know whose clothes were hung to dry, but they were blown up into the sky.

Hey! There is also a human-shaped kite flying in the sky. It is really lifelike, and every detail is so clear.

Just why not paint this kite with clothes?