
Chapter 14 Ace And Sabo Garbage Mountain Fire

There, little Luffy met Ace for the first time and got to know Ace for the first time.

Ace held a long hose stick dipped in Bloodline and a large piece of styptic cloth on his forehead, sitting on the prey he was hunting.

On the first day they met, Ace was very enthusiastic and gave little Luffy a gift.

A gift that will last a lifetime.

Ace spat all over Luffy's face!

He also looked at little Luffy with a very fierce and stern look in his eyes, telling strangers not to come near him. It was obvious that Ace didn't like little Luffy approaching him.

Curly Dadan didn't welcome Luffy at first. A glass of water and one meal a day were Luffy's daily food.

"As expected, I hate bandits. Bandits destroyed sister Makino's pub last time, and they even beat me!"

"I want to go back to Windmill Town and find Sister Makino. It's all my fault that the village chief of Windmill Town snitched."

"I miss Shanks too. He broke off his entire hand to save me."

Little Luffy held the straw hat on his head with both hands and looked at the starry sky at night.

Ace spat at Luffy, and Luffy was very angry, but he remembered what Shanks had said to him: "It's just that he got drunk. It's a small thing. There's no need to be angry."

So Luffy decided not to be angry.

Ace won't let little Luffy get close to him, but if little Luffy doesn't, little Luffy will pester him!

In the beginning, Luffy was obsessed with Ace, like a follower who couldn't get rid of him.

Ace tried his best to get rid of this follower, even throwing Luffy into the valley, but Luffy still followed Ace to the garbage mountain.

There Luffy met Sabo.

Ace and Sabo's secret base was discovered at the same time.

After experiencing the incident with Pulsemi of the Blue Sauce Pirates. Ace and Sabo reluctantly accepted Luffy's existence.

The three of them have been playing together since then.

Sabo is ten years old, Ace is ten years old, and Luffy is seven years old.

One day Ace stole a bottle of wine from Curly Dadan and threatened to become sworn friends.

"You know what? As long as we touch this glass of wine, we will be brothers, brothers for life."

So that day, Luffy, Ace, and Sabo became sworn half-brothers.

That day, Luffy had two brothers.

Usually the three of them would practice together on Gorbo Mountain. According to Grandpa Garp's seemingly ridiculous training plan, they would use the harsh natural environment of the forest to hone their survival skills, and use the wild animals living in the forest to hone their fighting skills. I thought it was really effective.

The three of them occasionally compete with each other to see the results of their training.

Sometimes we would organize a group trip to the Goa Kingdom's Uncertainty Terminal, commonly known as the Garbage Mountain, to hunt for treasures, and then go to nearby shops to resell them for money.

In a small city further north in the Kingdom of Goa, a thick city wall blocks the place, leaving only a small gate. Domestic garbage is generated twice a day and is dumped here.

"New garbage has arrived from the royal city. Ace, Luffy, let's go treasure hunting!" Sabo cheered, holding the iron pipe stick in his hand.

Luffy, Ace, and Sabo spent a long and pleasant time like this.

As soon as he recalled this, Luffy couldn't help but feel that his eyes were a little wet, probably because sand got into his eyes.

That day, I was hunting for treasure in the garbage mountain as usual. Because Ace stole the pirate sailor's belongings, he was chased by the pirate Blue Sauce and his men, and the three of them had no choice but to escape.

This was originally just a small episode of their good times, just like in the past.

Unfortunately, Sabo's biological father discovered Sabo's existence and hired the Blue Sauce Pirates to capture Sabo and the three of them. In order to protect Ace and Luffy from harm, Sabo had no choice but to leave Ace and Luffy.

In other words, the free Brother Sabo is imprisoned again.

Sabo left shortly.

Pirate Blue-chan doesn't know what's wrong with her, she must set fire to the garbage mountain at the Uncertain Object Terminal!

At first, Lan Jiang hired Ace and Luffy to carry things to a designated location in exchange for reward. Ace agreed to go to sea as soon as possible in order to save money faster.

Later, Ace discovered that the items they were carrying were kerosene and explosives.

Although he didn't know why Pirate Blue Sauce did this at the time, Ace decided to take Luffy to stop it.

Because the garbage mountain is a place where many people live, and there is a large group of people who have nowhere to go.

If you set fire to the garbage mountain, they will be burned to death. They are all living beings! Lan Jiang can't be allowed to do this.

So that day, Ace and Luffy had a serious conflict with Blue Sauce to stop the Blue Sauce Pirates from burning the garbage mountain.

But they were weak and unable to prevent the tragedy from happening.

The garbage mountain was still set ablaze.

That night, there was not a single star or moon in the black sky. Perhaps neither the stars nor the moon could bear to see such a tragedy.

There is too much garbage, otherwise how can it be called a garbage mountain. The fire burned all night, and what should have been a dark night was turned into day.

Many poor people died that day, many of whom Ace and Luffy knew.

Ace asked Lan Jiang why he did this.

I learned the truth from Lan Jiang and heard that the Celestial Dragons, the real nobles of the world, were coming to visit the Kingdom of Goa.

The king of the Kingdom of Goa ordered the mountains of garbage to be burned to please the Celestial Dragons.

In the eyes of the king, the low-class people who live in the garbage mountain are not human beings, they are things that can be completely discarded, and they are things that the beautiful Kingdom of Goa does not need.

In order to prevent the common people from knowing about this matter and eliminate the influence on the royal family, the pirate Lan Jiang was entrusted to do this, and he was also promised to give him a noble status and be able to live in Gao Town in the future.

The fool Lan Jiang believed the truth and thought that the king would not lie to him, so he set fire to the garbage mountain.

Ace told Lan Jiang that the king simply lied to him, and Lan Jiang ignored Ace's words.

As Ace expected, Lan Jiang was deceived by the king.

The pirate Lan Jiang was finally publicly executed by the king for burning a mountain of rubbish and causing the death of many people. Lan Jiang never forgot his noble status until his death.

On the day when the Celestial Dragons arrived, Sabo went out to sea alone without notifying Ace and Luffy. At the same time, Sabo's canoe was destroyed by a shot from the Celestial Dragons, and he never knew whether he would live or die.

Lan Jiang set fire to the garbage mountain for the sake of his noble status. And brother Sabo wants to give up his aristocratic status for freedom.


After the Celestial Dragons left, the garbage in King Goa's city piled up in the garbage mountain again, and a new group of desperate poor people went to the garbage mountain to live as if nothing had happened.

People are going back to their old lives, and the garbage mountain has returned to its former form. It seems that nothing has changed and everything has changed.

The mountain of rubbish was set alight, and the kerosene and explosives were carried by Ace and Luffy, although they didn't know it at the time.

Sabo disappeared into the sea.

This became a permanent thorn in Ace and Luffy's heart.

Ace read the letter Sabo gave him and decided that he would go to sea and leave this hopeless country.

Luffy also understood that day what a noble is, what a king is, and what Celestial Dragons are.


They are a bunch of devils.

The royal family and nobles of the Kingdom of Goa, the Celestial Dragons, are all a group of devils crawling out of hell in human skin.

Staley cannot forgive!

The nobles cannot forgive!

The royal family cannot forgive!

Celestial Dragons cannot forgive!

They have to pay the price they deserve!

They are all going to die!

The Kingdom of Goa is also in ruins and cannot be saved.

I can't be a hero, and I don't want to be a hero.

I cannot be a savior, nor do I want to be a savior.

Anyway, the Kingdom of Goa is in a terrible state and there is no way to save it.

In that case, why not give it to me as a toy?