
Bloodshed III

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Chapter 131: Bloodshed III


He did deem the punch incapable of killing him, but very much capable of fulfilling his true purpose in coming here, not fully but it was a step forward.

The sound of broken bones was heard as Yovan was shot into the horizon like a bullet, falling far beyond the perimeters of the Island.

He allowed that immense force to carry him along as long as doesn't fall into the sea. He allowed himself to fall upon the Lands of Wano Country.

The island of Wano Country is actually part of a larger geological formation resembling a mountain or volcano.

Its center, where Wano is properly located, and edges are actually very elevated plateaus while the in-between space descends close to the sea level and is filled with rainwater.

This formation makes it very hard for people to enter the country, making it very isolated, something its inhabitants prefer to the point that they have their own national newspapers that differ from those of news coo.

Kaido kindly sent Yovan to the very center of the country, ignoring the difficulty of entry.

He seems to have a natural affinity with flowers as he fell right in the Flower Capital, in the middle of a flower field.

The fall was heard by the entirety of the city, especially after a second collision was heard, and two impactful bodies fell into the city.

The field of flowers was almost entirely devastated, two massive craters taking its place. The scattering dust took a while to show the scenery of Kaido standing right before someone else.

To be accurate, it was Yamato who was standing before him, an obstacle between him and a slowly standing up Yovan.

"I will interfere only if they interfere," Yamato said, seemingly having confidence in Yovan, perhaps because she fought him for days.

"Fall back!! This is my fight!" Kaido's roar reverberated throughout the city, speaking to the three individuals that appeared next to him, seeking to fight alongside him.

They were the three highest officers of the beast pirates, or as called, the All-Stars, Jack The Drought, Queen The Plague, and King The Conflagration. All retreated, not questioning his decision at all.

Yamato's words weren't what forced Kaido into such a decision. No, it was his way of doing things. He alone was enough.

"Good lu..." Yamato turned around to wish Yovan some luck only to end up speechless.

Throughout her days of fighting Yovan, she had never seen him in such a strange miraculous state. That's perhaps because they really didn't go that hard on each other.

Still, she leaped back, leaving the scene but only after adding, "Remember your promise to me." She said to Yovan.

"Hah," Yovan let out a hearty breath of satisfaction, his state looking utterly incomprehensible even to Kaido.

His chest was deformed, the punch breaking his ribs despite coating his chest in Haki. However, what was most peculiar was the black inky substance on Yovan's chest, almost acting like tentacles.

He could see that same inky substance trying throughout his body like a poison, but Kaido could feel it to be Haki.

Its nature of being Haki made the scene of the inky substance forming into four inky arms, spurting from his shoulders along with four other feather arms.

The scene became even more majestic as Yovan flared his vast black wings in full intensity, drops of ink literally dropping from him much to the dismay of all those around.

Kaido realized why Yovan's hands still function despite them being broken... The inky substance took place of his bones.

"I felt it," Yovan murmured as he vanished into a bunch of feathers, appearing high high in the sky. His promise to Yamato was to keep the battle away from Wano country.

Kaido's response was a roar that destroyed whatever was left of the flower field before leaping into the sky.

If his leap wasn't able to allow him to reach Yovan, then turning into a dragon made that possible, the most colossal of dragons.

He transformed into a giant, serpentine, blue-scaled dragon. Apart from scales, he acquired dragon features including horns, a second pair other than his already beastly ones, sharp fangs, and limbs with clawed hands and feet.

He grew to the size of a town, so enormous he overwhelmed the sky, Yovan looking like a dot before him.

However, Kaido didn't stay in his Beast form. No, instead he transformed again into his hybrid form.

His Human-Beast Form, while not as colossal, is still very large and, in shape, comes closer to his Human Form, with scales on his arms, outer torso, back, and legs as well as six horns on his head, claws on the hands and feet, and a long tail.

"If it's a battle you came here for, then a battle you'll have! Let me show you the difference between us!!" Kaido's howl was a sight to behold as he stood on a flame cloud, consisting of rings of fiery clouds.

"That's exactly what I am here for," Yovan said, realizing that Kaido regained his composure to a certain extent, meaning that the battle will be completely different from now on.

One second, they were there, another they weren't. The people of Wano, however, could hear the deafening sounds of collision.

If having ten arms was of any use to Yovan, then he certainly showed none of that use as the ones that could even touch the beast that is Kaido left not a mark on him, nothing but dark cracks in space.

Yovan is very slippery, but Kaido seems to be the same because he could seemingly see through his moves with ease, so much so that even his scattering wasn't of use.

Not when Kaido could seemingly appear right by the feather Yovan would appear from as the latter was appearing from it, almost like he had seen the future.

Yovan could see Kaido's Haki-coated punch right by his head, merely inches apart, but his ink was there to receive it, almost like his ink could see through the future much to Kaido's surprise.

So Kaido changed the way he fights, not allowing Yovan to touch him at all, "Haa!" Yovan was hit, Kaido's punch nailed right in his inky gooey chest, but at the same time, a few of Yovan's punches landed upon Kaido, only the weakest though.

It was terrifying, having to face the beast, especially someone who can seemingly see into the future with punches that can knock the ink out of Yovan, literally.

The same ink that stuck to Kaido like glue much to his annoyance, creating a strange environment that would restrict most, just not Kaido.

The only reason Yovan was having even a chance against him was his scatter as well as the strange Ink, ink from which spurts condensed bursts of Hasshoken that Yovan hopped are able to at least harm Kaido inside out.

Kaido was just that much faster than Yovan, but the Ink seemed to be growing the longer the fight went, the harder Yovan was hit the more active the Inky became and the more condensed it became.

"It hurts so much," Yovan murmured, his face though was speaking of utter curiosity and desire, desire for the battle to never end despite getting the Ink knocked out of him so many times, "AWhhYahahahaha,"

his pain slowly started turning into laughter as he started to feel it himself, the Ink's instinct. The Ink is his Haki, specifically the evolution of Survival's instinct.

It's something created due to all the things he went through, so much misfortune and torture that his body had to adapt, the Ink that acts by instinct to preserve his life was the outcome.

And now, the Ink became so much more, extending beyond the realms of his body to assure his survival.

But nothing is perfect, even the Ink Of Instinct is flawed as it couldn't fathom the destructiveness of Kaido's Haoshoku Haki, sparkling with black lightning that seemingly traveled through it to reach Yovan.

He was able to react to it. His Observation Haki warned him of what was to come, yet he was still a split second too late.

He scattered but once he appeared again, a substantial part of his waist was missing, but soon Ink took its place.

"So afraid of death, curious how the strange substance was able to see through me," Kaido couldn't help but remark.

It seems that the Ink Of Instinct was indeed flawed, but not flawed enough. It acts by instinct, and its instinct told it to move Yovan away.

"Hm, I feel it even more," Yovan murmured as he closed his eye for just a second, "Quite the monster you are." He opened his eye to say to Kaido.

"I can say the same," Kaido said with his face twitching. He wasn't sure how Yovan was alive at all, and he wasn't sure how the Ink works or how it was even possible.

Kaido was out of Yovan's league... Because Yovan wasn't trying to win the battle, he was trying to win the war.


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