
One Piece: I Want to Find A Wife

Those who bravely sail the seas are those who have great goals. Some want to have a family. There are those who surpass their father. Some want to be the strongest. Some want wealth. Some want to get One Piece. But Eto (MC) sailed the sea with one purpose: I Want To Find A Wife ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just a fanfic written for fun. There might be some problems with the chapter updates but I will try to finish it.

BugatiCatForm · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Rebel VS Monkey

Sorry for the delay in updating, but I've been extremely busy with my college work. My thesis advisor is incredibly hard to meet with, and his stubbornness is really giving me a headache. His schedule is impossible to pin down, and sometimes I think about slashing his tires just so he can't go anywhere.



"I am screwed, aren't I?"

Eto struggled to get back on his feet quickly and immediately searched for a new hiding spot.

He knew that the cannibal monkeys had marked his scent and the rebels who had seen him wouldn't let him go easily.

Eto's only hope of surviving this situation was to pit the cannibal monkeys against the rebels. The monkeys wouldn't tolerate humans invading their territory, and the rebels wouldn't sit idly by if attacked by the monkeys.

He hoped to find a chance to escape during the ensuing chaos.


"Mbo! Mbo! Mbo!"

The sound of gunfire and the cries of the monkeys echoed around him.

Eto, running frantically, looked increasingly desperate. With only 5% HP left, one more bullet would finish him off.

He had to zigzag from tree to tree to avoid the bullets, which slowed him down and allowed the rebels to catch up.

Before a rebel could aim at his legs, Eto raised his hands high and shouted, "I SURRENDER! I SURRENDER!"

"Don't kill him! Capture him! Captain wants to question him!"

Luckily, none of the rebels decided to test their swords on Eto. They quickly cuffed his hands and dragged him to Captain, who was not far away.

Eto was forced to kneel in front of the leader of one of the rebel units. Fortunately, the system didn't count his knees hitting the ground as damage.

That's when Eto saw Captain's face for the first time. Although he had been a rebel before, there were many units with their own leaders. However, Eto could recognize this Captain from his distinct features.

Captain Antonivo, often called Captain Ant, had a face etched with gloom.

Dark circles under his eyes and a furrowed brow made him look like someone burdened by the world's debts. A long scar ran from his left cheek to his forehead, resembling a line of ants.

This scar wasn't why he was called Captain Ant, nor was it a short form of his name. He earned the nickname due to his frequent use of human wave tactics to exhaust the enemy.

The number of rebels lost under his command likely reached thousands. The relentless, swarming attacks of rebel soldiers resembled ants overwhelming a centipede.

With Captain Ant leading this rebel unit, it was clear they were the infamous Unit Ant.

"Is it true you're the rebel known as Stone Face?" Captain Ant asked, his face as grim as ever.

"Yes, Captain," Eto nodded.

"I heard you couldn't speak. So why are you answering me so fluently now?" Captain Ant sneered.

"I'm honored you know my name, Captain. But I'm not mute, I just don't like talking," Eto replied honestly.

"Oh, is that so? I hope you like to answer my questions. What happened to your unit? Specifically, what happened to Lieutenant Guardi's Unit?"

"We ambushed a supply convoy on an unnamed hill. At first, the attack went smoothly, and many royal soldiers were killed. However, our success was short-lived because the royal troops we attacked were just bait.

"Once we were deep into their formation, another contingent of royal soldiers came from behind and surrounded us. I and the other rebels fought against the royal forces for two full days. I managed to escape, but I don't know about the others," Eto explained.

"Is that so? And what about your unit leader, Lieutenant Guardi?" Captain Ant asked, his brow furrowed.

"I don't know Lieutenant Guardi's status. When we were surrounded, communication with our higher-ups was cut off. Most likely, the royal forces used signal-jamming snails," Eto replied.

"I see." Captain Ant nodded, reaching out to one of the rebels who handed him a sword. Captain Ant raised the sword into the air.

"Now, why didn't you report to the rebel base immediately? And what happened to the soldiers chasing you?" Captain Ant asked.

Eto knew that whatever answer he gave, Captain Ant would still behead him. But he didn't care anymore; the only reason he was answering was to buy time. And it seemed what he was waiting for had finally arrived.


"I found my dream, so I refuse to remain Caesar's puppet! The soldiers chasing me are now frozen corpses in this forest!" Eto shouted.

"DIE!!!" Captain Ant swung his sword, but before it could decapitate Eto...


A gunshot rang out along with the sound of a body falling from a tree.

Captain Ant quickly redirected his sword upward. At that moment, a two-meter-tall monkey with a gunshot wound in its chest appeared in front of them. Still alive, it swung its wooden club at Captain Ant's head.


The club and the sword collided, creating a loud clang. Knowing his moment had come, Eto quickly rolled to the side.

"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!!!" Euroka, hiding in a tree, shouted.

The rebels were stunned by the sudden turn of events. However, their military training kicked in, and they instinctively drew their swords. But the cannibal monkeys were faster.

In seconds, dozens of two-meter-tall monkeys descended from the trees, attacking the rebels below.


The cannibal monkeys, wielding wooden clubs, struck the rebels with such force that their bodies exploded upon impact.

However, the rebels were not amateur soldiers; they were from the Ant Unit, accustomed to facing tough enemies. They quickly counterattacked with their sharp swords and rifles.

But the physical strength of the cannibal monkeys was too tough to be easily subdued with just one or two strikes.

It took considerable effort to injure them, let alone kill them. However, with Euroka as a sniper and Captain Ant as an expert fighter, the situation was somewhat under control.

Euroka could shoot the monkeys in the eye, ensuring each bullet from his rifle incapacitated one enemy quickly.

Captain Ant's swordsmanship was also impressive; he could fight and defeat four cannibal monkeys at once in a matter of minutes.

Despite the smaller number of cannibal monkeys compared to the rebels, the human wave tactic, the specialty of the Ant Unit, proved to be an effective weapon.

But it seemed their victory would be short-lived. Suddenly, a massive creature over three meters tall fell from the largest tree.


When its feet hit the ground, it was as if an earthquake had shaken the world.

Everyone's attention was drawn to the newly arrived creature: a giant monkey over three meters tall with thick black fur and a glowing white mane on its chin.

The cannibal monkey carried a huge wooden log in its muscular hands. A long scar stretched across its chest, making it look even more menacing. Two sharp fangs protruded from its closed lips, and its glowing yellow eyes seemed to harbor darkness.


Its deafening roar filled the entire forest. Despite its enormous size, the Cannibal Monkey Boss leapt towards Captain Ant with astonishing speed.

Captain Ant had been watching the Cannibal Monkey Boss since its arrival. It was as if they both knew their greatest enemy was each other.

The Cannibal Monkey Boss swung its massive log, and Captain Ant ducked to avoid it. The rebels nearby were thrown into the air by the gust of wind created by the swinging log.

The battle between these two titans captivated everyone in the forest.


A hot bullet pierced the skull of a cannibal monkey, killing it instantly.

"What are you doing? Kill all the enemies and leave that big guy to the Captain!" Euroka's voice rang out, commanding the rebels.

The rebels, momentarily distracted by the Cannibal Monkey Boss's arrival, refocused and resumed their assault on the nearby enemies.

The cannibal monkeys, emboldened by their boss's presence, also attacked with renewed ferocity.

Meanwhile, at the edge of the battlefield, Eto strangled an injured rebel with his handcuffed hands until the rebel's neck snapped.

[You Level Up!]

The long-awaited system notice sounded.

"Finally!" Eto whispered, exhaling in relief.

His HP was fully restored with the level up. Unlike previous levels where Eto only needed to kill three rebels to level up, this time he needed to kill four.

Initially, each rebel gave Eto 35 EXP, but now they only provided 25 EXP. As he suspected, the higher the level, the less EXP he received from the same enemies.

"Now, what should I do?" Eto asked himself.

[Event Name: Pinched Gamer.

- You are between two dangerous armies that are approaching your location. Neither army has good intentions towards you. The cannibal monkeys want to eat your delicious flesh while the rebel army wants to capture and torture you for information. What will you do?

Event Accomplishment:

Survive : 10 EXP.

Kill 5 Cannibal Monkey (0/5) : 50 EXP, 6 AP.

Kill 5 Rebel Soldier (4/5) : 50 EXP, 6 AP.

Kill 10 Cannibal Monkey (0/10) : 120 EXP, 13 AP.

Kill 10 Rebel Soldier (4/10) : 120 EXP, 13 AP.

Kill 50 Cannibal Monkey (0/50) : 1 SP.

Kill 50 Rebel Soldier (4/50) : 1 SP.

Kill Rebel Captain (0/1) : 2 SP.

Kill Cannibal Monkey Boss (0/1) : 2 SP.


"Maybe I can complete the mission of killing five rebels," Eto whispered as he returned to sneaking around looking for his next prey.