
Gathering on the Island of the Sphinx

March 1468, Calendar of the Circle of the Sea

Sphinx Island, New World

A cheerful melody hovered over the island, interrupted by a burst of thundering voice. "Aike! I found you!"

A young man with flowing blond hair, barely out of his teens, turned toward the source of the sound. A giant named Edward Newgate stood before him, his laughter echoing through the ruins. Over twenty feet tall, he sported a wild mane of blond hair and a crescent-shaped beard. A terrifying naginata hung at his side.

"I never imagined I would find you here!" thought Aike, a hint of surprise shining in his eyes. Having heard stories of his uncle and cousin from his parents when he was a child, he never imagined their paths would cross on this desolate island.

Aike, a time traveler who had arrived in this pirate-ruled world 18 years ago, had faced hardships since the death of his parents when he was only three years old. He had barely survived on this unforgiving island on his own strength.

The surname Edward was common on the Sphinx, and Aike had always wondered if he had any connection with the legendary Bluebeard. Now, staring at the man himself, a strange sense of familiarity pervaded him.

"Don't worry, Aike," thundered Newgate, mistaking Aike's silence for apprehension. "We are family! From now on, nothing will touch you."

Aike offered a small smile, shaking his head. He would not question his cousin's strength. After all, the man had made his way through the ages of Rocks, the Golden Age of Pirates, and even the current era of the Four Emperors. He would not have survived so long had he not been a force to be reckoned with.

"Just a little surprised," Aike admitted. "Bluebeard is my cousin-I never thought I'd see that happen."

Newgate's smile softened. "I've finally found you, Aike. I finally have a family again."

Aike felt a knot in his throat. The word "family" carried immense weight for both of them. Despite his time travel experience, Aike longed for the warmth of the family he had lost at a young age. Newgate's search for a family was evident, culminating in the recent Summit War.

"Let's get on the road, Aike!" Newgate's characteristic laugh rang out again. "We'll find our family, or we'll start our own!"

Aike studied his enthusiastic cousin. "Wait a minute, brother," he interrupted. "How exactly do you plan to find or build a family?"

"Simple!" declared Newgate. "We find those like us, take them in, make them a family!"

Aike could not help but roll his eyes. "Brother, have you considered the darkness of this sea? Can you really trust these strangers?"

Newgate faltered. He was not naive. Treachery was rampant in the chaotic New World.

"Then what do you suggest?" he asked, with a grimace on his forehead.

Aike snapped his fingers, a sly smile spread across his face. "Since you want a family, why not start your own? Wouldn't sons and daughters born of your blood be the real family?"

A flash of insight lit up Newgate's eyes. He had always wanted a family, but had never considered creating one of his own. The idea of having children of his own, of growing up with them and passing on his values to them, filled him with a warmth he had never felt before.

"Aike," Newgate said, his voice deep and sincere, "you are right. We will create our own family. We will have sons and daughters who will love us unconditionally, and we will love them with all our hearts."

A smile painted itself on Aike's face. Finally, she had found a way to help her cousin and fulfill her own dream of having a family. Together.

The salty tang of the sea mingled with the acrid scent of stale beer in the dimly lit tavern, a cacophony of drunken laughter and boisterous chatter filling the air. Amidst the revelry, two figures sat hunched over a battered wooden table, their faces illuminated by the flickering glow of a single candle.

Newgate, the towering captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, leaned forward, his bushy eyebrows furrowed in confusion. His younger brother, Aike, met his gaze with an unwavering intensity.

"Give birth by yourself?" Newgate's voice echoed through the tavern, laced with disbelief. "What do you mean, 'give birth by yourself'?"

Aike's lips curled into a faint smile, his eyes gleaming with a newfound determination. "Brother," he began, his voice low and measured, "I'm talking about starting our own family, building a bloodline that will carry the Edward name for generations to come."

Newgate's jaw dropped, his eyes wide with astonishment. The concept of family, of blood ties, had never held much appeal for him. He was a pirate, a man of the sea, his loyalties forged in the crucible of battle and shared adventure. The idea of settling down, of raising children, seemed alien to his very nature.

"But... but why?" Newgate stammered, his voice uncharacteristically hesitant. "What's wrong with our current crew? We're a family, aren't we?"

Aike shook his head, his expression softening. "Brother," he said gently, "you know that's not the same. Our crew is our chosen family, the ones we've fought alongside, bled with, shared our lives with. But a bloodline... that's something different. It's a legacy, a connection that transcends time and circumstance."

Newgate's gaze drifted towards the flickering candlelight, his mind wrestling with his brother's words. Aike's words had struck a chord deep within him, stirring a dormant longing for something he couldn't quite define.

"Aike," he said slowly, his voice gruff but laced with a hint of curiosity, "tell me more. What do you envision for our family?"

Aike's eyes lit up, his enthusiasm infectious. "Imagine a bustling home filled with the laughter of children, the aroma of home-cooked meals, the warmth of shared memories. We'll raise them to be strong, to be loyal, to carry the Edward name with pride."

Newgate's lips curled into a reluctant smile. The image painted by his brother was both unfamiliar and strangely appealing. Perhaps, he thought, there was more to life than just the endless pursuit of gold and glory.

"And what about you, Aike?" Newgate asked, his voice softening. "Are you ready for this? To settle down, to raise a family?"

Aike's eyes met his brother's gaze, a steely determination in their depths. "I've been ready for this for a long time, Brother. I'm ready to build a family, to create a legacy that will echo through the ages."

Newgate nodded slowly, a newfound resolve taking hold of him. "Then let's do it, Aike. Let's start our own family, let's build a bloodline that will carry the Edward name for generations to come."

As the brothers rose from their table, a sense of purpose surged through them. They were no longer just pirates, adrift in a sea of uncertainty. They were family, bound by blood and shared dreams. And together, they would embark on a new adventure, one that would shape their lives and leave an indelible mark on the world.