
One Piece: I am Imu

Transmigrate to the world of One Piece, reincarnate as Saint Imu; Control the world government and sit on the throne of the void. He obtains the star map of the omniverse and contemplates the sea of dimensions. Gather all individual combat power, military power, financial resources and all material resources to open the star gate, conquer all dimensions, and break the limit of individual power! Unite or be destroyed, how to choose? --- This is a translation of a Chinese Novel, with minor changes in some parts of the original story. I don't own the picture in the novel cover.

TitoVillar · Tranh châm biếm
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158 Chs

Chapter 76: The Pirate Emperors join the War

"Dai funka!"


When the first pirate ship took the lead in approaching a navy warship, a huge lava fist more than ten meters high and several meters thick appeared with a cloud of black smoke. Like a small building formed by magma that was rushing towards the pirates...


Sakazuki stood majestically above the triple cannon of the warship, looking down where the pirates were resisting the lava attack with all their strength and ferocity.


The building-sized fist of lava erupted completely, engulfing the pirate ship and the pirates on the deck with burning magma.


Meanwhile, Shiryu, who was preparing to board the ship and wreak havoc, stopped his steps upon seeing the scene. His excited expression froze, his face darkened, and with frustration in his heart, he complained in his mind: 'Again, how can he be so brutal in killing? There is no beauty at all!'


At this time, on both the pirate and navy sides, more than forty warships continued to fire cannonballs at each other. The difference was that the pirates' cannons only left superficial marks on the navy warship, while the navy's easily pierced the pirate ships, causing shells to explode inside them, wreaking havoc.


The weather in the 'New World' area changes drastically at any time. While both sides engaged in a fierce bombardment, a storm had completely formed, and giant waves hit both sides without distinction.


As the confrontation continued, a pirate massacred the marines on the deck of a warship in the blink of an eye. When a Marine Captain tried to stop him, the pirate used his Busoshoku Haki to harden his weapon and hit him fiercely in the chest, causing him to spit blood and fly backwards, then continued to take the lives of the Marines one by one.


"It's so troublesome~"


Suddenly, a dazzling golden light pierced the pirate's eyes. At the critical moment when he closed his eyes, subconsciously relying on instinct and Kenbunshoku Haki, he tried to use his weapons to defend himself, but the brown leather boots were already pressed against his cheek.


At the same time, a speech that sounded extremely lazy, with an inexplicably long and slow tone, reached his ears at this moment.


"Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light~~"




In the next instant, the pirate turned into a golden bolt of lightning, shooting backwards. He first smashed through the railing of the warship, then his own ship and another pirate ship, flying hundreds of meters above the sea before falling headlong into the turbulent waves.


This wasn't over yet. After Borsalino kicked him, he turned into light spots and instantly passed over the warship's mast, appearing in the air a hundred meters above.


Then, it turned into a diamond-shaped ball of dazzling light.


Because of the thick dark clouds caused by the storm, the entire battlefield seemed extremely dark, but when he came up, he suddenly became the most eye-catching presence in the scene. Almost everyone subconsciously squinted their eyes and raised their heads.


"Yasakani no Magatama~~"




Thousands of beams of light, trailing long trails of golden flame, covered the entire area behind the fleet, where at least a dozen pirate ships, large and small, were within attack range.


[Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!]


When the light beams touched the sea, huge fireballs were formed, evaporating a large amount of water from the ocean. Those who hit the ships left their hulls shattered; Two hits turned the ships into rubble that sank in flames.


All the pirates, and even some marines witnessing the power of Borsalino for the first time, and the viewers around the world watching the live broadcasts, were dumbfounded, their jaws dropping.


Especially those people in the four seas can't imagine that there can be such terrifying combat power in this world. This is simply a natural disaster!


"This guy sure wants to finish this soon and retire early, huh?" Sengoku commented with a gesture between ironic and sad, ending with a sigh. "But with Sakazuki and Borsalino, I don't have to take action with that bastard Garp, which saves me a lot of trouble."


[Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!]


Just as the 'little sun' began to reduce its light, thick and sinister purple electric snakes began to emerge from the dark clouds.


"Um?" Garp raised his head and squinted his eyes to examine the situation above his head. The next moment, the sky, which was now completely a storm, suddenly burst.


Purple rays the thickness of an adult arm fell directly, targeting only the navy ships and officers who had a strong presence on the battlefield.


In the distance, Shiryu, who coincidentally had just killed two pirates, looked in surprise at the purple lightning bolts bearing down on him. "Another user of a Logia-type Devil Fruit?"



Drum Kingdom.


The weather here was as gloomy and cold as ever. Snowflakes like goose feathers fell from the sky. The cold wind blew, carrying snowflakes at will, while people dressed in thick coats worked outside.


Especially the construction workers from the World Government, regardless of their red cheeks from the cold, used their hands wearing thick gloves to push boxes full of materials and tools onto the already widened mushroom cable car.


On the other side, the majestic ice stairs created by Kuzan, with an endless line of people going up and down. On the spacious platforms every kilometer, cabins and pavilions for resting had been built.


From above, the crowd of people looked spectacular, especially at the top of the Drum Rockies, where the general structure of the Medical School building could already be clearly seen.


At this moment, Doctor Kureha was with a group of doctors from various specialties, watching the live broadcast images projected by the Den Den Mushi.


At that moment, the doctor Kureha got up and left. She wasn't really interested in these things, but after all, the current Medical School was established with the support of the World Government, so she came to pay attention.


Now that she saw that the Navy seemed to have the advantage, she couldn't contain her impatience. Her mind was focused on researching Amber Lead Syndrome. The fact that she was able to squeeze out some time already showed her appreciation for the World Government.


Furthermore, she had recently heard that a Navy Admiral would be coming for treatment in a few days. Oh yes, he was a former Navy Admiral...




Ten thousand meters under the sea, in the Ryugu Palace on Fishman Island, King Neptune, Princess Otohime, along with several officials, watched the great naval battle between the pirates and the Navy.


"I am very glad now that I have agreed to the Navy setting up a branch here. Vice Admiral Sakazuki and Vice Admiral Borsalino are both so powerful. I guess Vice Admiral Kuzan, who is also a candidate for Admiral, must be just as strong. We won't have to worry about pirate attacks on Fishman Island in the future…" King Neptune said sincerely.


In fact, the officers and soldiers of the Ammo Knights were a little scared by the battle in the projected image.



Holy Land, Mary Geoise.


At the Socializing Plaza, Imu sat on the couches with Mihawk, Gion, and Stussy, watching the high-definition live broadcast being projected.


Early this morning, he introduced Mihawk to Gion and Stussy. Interestingly, Gion knew Mihawk, or had heard of his reputation outside. However, she did not expect to meet him here, much less find out that he was a Celestial Dragon and, surprisingly, a descendant of the Nerona Family.


Therefore, Gion is now full of curiosity about Mihawk. No, while watching the live broadcast, she secretly glances at the latter who is watching the battle seriously.


'Ah! I would love to have a showdown with him, but he is also a Celestial Dragon! What can I do?' Gion's mood was extremely complicated at this time.


At this moment, a purple electric snake rolling in the dark clouds appeared on the projection screen. Seeing this scene, Imu raised the corners of his mouth slightly.


The main characters have arrived. The first one to appear is Charlotte Linlin...


In the next instant, a series of violet rays filled the entire screen.


"A Logia-type Devil Fruit user?" Mihawk asked in surprise.


"No, it's 'Big Mom' who has arrived." Imu responded.


And sure enough, captured by the Propaganda Department's skilled cameramen, a skull and crossbones flag with a chocolate-colored top hat, curly pink hair, and bright red lipstick appeared in front of countless people.


"That's the Queen Mama Chanter of the Big Mom Pirates!" It was the reporter from a newspaper who relied on his knowledge of the major forces to loudly shout out the information he knew in the square of the Sabaody Archipelago.


"The Pirate Emperor joins the war?!"



[Boom, boom, boom, boom]


"Mama-hahaha!" Charlotte Linlin stands alone on the bow of the Queen Mama Chanter. She opened her arms high, facing the sea wind, big waves and heavy rain, looking at the purple thunderstorms falling in the distance, and laughed heartily. She laughed louder and louder, until tears came out of her eyes.


As soon as she finished laughing, Charlotte Linlin's eyes flashed with terrible anger. She stared at Sengoku and Garp in the distance, gritting her teeth as she said: "You guys broke the rules of the game..."


"Hmph!" Suddenly, a domineering cold snort seemed to spread across the entire battlefield, and then amidst a buzzing sound, a golden light bloomed on a warship.


Many people subconsciously thought that Borsalino had used another big move, but when they looked around, they saw a golden Buddha looking indifferently at the thunderclouds above.


"Don't be too presumptuous in the face of justice.."


"Impact Wave!"


The golden Buddha stretched out his hand and punched the air. Instantly, a semi-transparent, golden air wave, accompanied by golden lightning bolts, shot out, heading towards the dense storm cloud.




With an explosion that resonated so loudly that spectators miles away felt stunned, both sides, both enemies and allies on the battlefield, even paused briefly at the roar.


"The sky... The sky has cleared!" Far away from the battlefield, a pirate ship was approaching at full speed, and the crew members were preparing to join the battle. They all stared blankly at the thick thunderclouds that were blasted away by the golden light.


The blue sky appeared before people's eyes again, the strong wind dissipated, the heavy rain stopped, and all the purple thunderstorms were swept away.


"This is too exaggerated. Is the power of an admiral so outrageous?"


Stussy covered her mouth and exclaimed in shock. She had never seen a battle between the strongest combatants. Even she, a CP9 elite, had such an attitude. You can imagine how shocked and horrified people around the world were...


"Mom, it hurts a lot... sniff, sniff..."


A mass of clouds with purple electric currents, with a very humanized appearance, returned crying to Charlotte Linlin's side as it complained sadly.


"Mama-mama, you are part of my soul, Zeus, you cannot die." Big Mom said, with a mocking smile, to the little storm cloud.


At that moment, Katakuri, emerged from among his brothers, holding a trident spear and asked. "Mom, shall we join the battle?"


"No, um..." Just when Charlotte Lingling was about to answer her most outstanding son, she suddenly turned her head and looked at the distant sea at the other end, where something that made most people frightened and despaired appeared.


Waves. Gigantic waves.


A super tsunami rolled up rolling seawater and was visually estimated to be hundreds of meters high. Its range did not seem very large, but it was enough to cover an entire navy warship.


"What is this!"


"Ah! this battle is too scary, captain, let's run away!"


The pirates who were fighting with the navy suddenly panicked, an atmosphere of fear spread on the already chaotic battlefield, and even the low-level navy was a little scared.


"Bwahaha!" Suddenly, Garp's heroic laughter echoed throughout the audience. "Whitebeard, you're finally here, you really kept me waiting for a long time!"


Then Sengoku saw Garp disappear in an instant from the warship, and with a roar he rushed towards the tsunami at a speed many times faster than sound.


"This bastard left without permission again..." Sengoku shook his head helplessly, and then sighed. "Well, this is the best. If he acts, the waves will not be able to pass. Let him block Whitebeard."


He then focused his attention on Big Mom, on the other side of the battlefield. There was still a troublesome woman there.




I will post some extra Chapters in Patreon, you can check it out. >> patreon.com/TitoVillar

