
Chapter 1: Ms. Black

A woman stepped into a large room, heading to a seated man and clasping her hands behind her back a few feet away from him. She is silent as she waited for him to speak.

"Good job on finding out who Ms. Wednesday is, Ms. Black." The man said before blowing out a puff of smoke.

"She was acting suspicious, Mr. Zero, I just regret not getting to her on time when she left for her mission." Ms. Black said. "Now she knows your identity." 

"I sent Ms. Valentine and Mr. 5 after her and Mr. 8." Mr. Zero said from around his cigar.

Ms. Black doesn't say anything but he knows her well enough to know that she isn't pleased about this, she did enjoy killing people after all. And she was his personal assassin.

"There was no reason to send you after them." Mr. Zero said. "She doesn't know who you are expect that you are my personal assassin."

Ms. Black bowed her head and said, "I understand, Mr. Zero."

He waved her away and said, "Good, now go do your side job."

"Yes, sir." Ms. Black said bowing once more before she straightened and left the room, her heeled boots clicking on the hard floor.


"...What!?" Mr. 9 asked. "Then why are you here!?"

"Don't you get it?" Mr. 5 asked. "Why would the Boss send the two of us?" He ignored the fact that the Boss would have sent the elusive Ms. Black after them, her identity was a secret that only the Boss knew and he was the only one who had seen her face.

"The Boss's exact words were, "My secret is out." Of course, I don't know what the secret is." Mr. 5 continued to say. "Our organization's motto is "mystery". We never reveal the identity of any of our people." He crossed his arms over his chest. "And especially not the Boss's or Ms. Black's."

"In Ms. Black's investigation, she discovered and shared with us...," Ms. Valentine said, smiling when she saw Mr. 8 and Ms. Wednesday pale at the mention of Ms. Black's name, the Boss' personal assassin. "...That agents of a certain monarchy have infiltrated Baroque Works."

"What?!" Mr. 9 shouted. "Hey, wait a minute! I may wear a crown, but I'm no King! I swear!!"

"Not you!" Ms. Valentine said.



My cover's blown! Mr. 8 thought. I'm finished!!

"The spy is...someone who's gone missing from the Kingdom of Alabasta." Mr. 5 started to say.

"Die!! Igarappappa!!" Mr. 8 shouted as he thought, I won't let you touch her!

"Mr. 8!?" Mr. 9 shouted in surprise.

On my honor as Commander of the Royal Guard of the Kingdom of Alabasta!

"Igaram!!" Ms. Wednesday shouted.

"Igaram!?" Mr. 9 echoed, confused.

"Run for it! Please!!" Igaram shouted.

"Kyahahaha! it's no use." Ms. Valentine said from above Ms. Wednesday before she kicked out, shattering the metal hair cuff.

"Oh!!" Ms. Wednesday shouted before she lashed out.

"Kyaha!" Ms. Valentine laughed as she took to the air once more.


She hears a loud explosion behind her and looks to see Igaram getting it by an explosive, "Huh!?" She runs to him as he falls. "Igaram! Igaram!!"

"The enemy Agents are..," Mr. 5 said. "...Igaram, Commander of the Royal Guard of Kingdom of Alabasta!! And..." He held up a picture. "The Princess of Alabasta...Nefeltari Vivi!!!"

Vivi gritted her teeth as she said, "You fiend!"

"Ms. Wednesday...Y-you're a Princess!?" Mr. 9 asked.

"Cut it out, Mr. 9!" Vivi shouted, annoyed.

Mr. 5 started to pick his nose as he said, "In the name of the Boss of Baroque Works, I shall... dispose of you!!"


Rain Dinners, Rainbase.

Rain Dinners is shaped like a large pyramid, there was a golden crocodile head at the top of the building and is patterned in blue and gold. It is a casino, restaurant, and resort owned by Crocodile in Rainbase. 

Inside the building, a woman wearing a red strapless gown stepped out behind the curtain onto the stage, she walked the middle of the stage and started to sing, she didn't need a mic because her voice carried very well in the hall.

This woman was Ms. Black but the customers know her as Veles Lupiene, the casino singer. Veles is buxom and has a curvaceous body. She has fair skin and long, luxurious black hair with side-bangs that usually cover her right eye, her eyes are green in color with a gold ring around the pupil and outer band of the iris.

And no matter how she styles her hair, her bangs will always over her right eye.

"You had plenty of money. You let other women make a fool of you." She walked to a wall side and leaned against it, her back against it. Veles slid down it, slowly and sultry before she stood up in the same manner. "Why don't you do right. Like some other men do?" She walked to one side of the stage. She placed her hands on her hips and she continued singing the song.

"Get out of here. Get me some money too."Her hips swayed as she walked and her hands remained where they were, on her hips. 

"Now if you had prepared 20 years ago. You wouldn't be a wanderin' now from door to door." Veles crooned out. "Why don't you do right. Like some other men do?" She walked to a man and just as he stood up, she placed a hand on his forehead and gently pushed him down. Veles walked away from the man, sending him a sultry smirk.

"Get out of here. Get me some money too."She sang. "Get out of here. Get me some money too." She walked to the front of the stage. Veles leaned towards another man that was sitting in front of the stage and in response, he started to lean towards her. "Why don't you do right. Like some other men do?" She pulled away and stood up, Veles walked away back towards the curtains as it opened and she stepped through them.

The song ended and Veles received a standing ovation, she walked out and bowed with a large smile. 

She left the stage and quickly lost her smile, this wasn't something she enjoyed doing but she needed to do something while she waited for another mission from Crocodile.

Veles doubted that Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine could handle the job without their arrogance getting in the way and blinding them, Princess Vivi and Igaram will do anything to make sure they get back here alive.

Desperate people are dangerous.

She walked into her dressing room and sat down at her vanity, eyeing her black blazer dress and her thigh high boots before she looked away with a sigh. There'll probably be another long break until he has another mission for her, a long and boring break.


"What are you doing here, Ms. All Sunday!!?" Vivi demanded.

"What now!? Is she Mr. What's-his-number's partner!?" Nami demanded.

"She's Mr. Zero's partner!!" Vivi said. "She and Ms. Black were the only two who knew the Boss' true identity. So we followed her...and found out who the Boss was!!!" Since no one has ever seen Ms. Black and the only ones who have seen her are the ones that she kills.

And everyone knows that dead men tell no tales.

"Actually...," Ms. All Sunday said with a smile. "...I let you follow me."

Luffy looked at Vivi and said, "That was nice."

"We knew that!" Vivi said. "But then you told the Boss that we'd learned his true identity!Just what do you want!!?" 

"Well, that wasn't nice!" Luffy said.

Ms. All Sunday smiled as she said, "Actually it was Ms. Black." Mr. Zero had even told her himself, everyone knew that Ms. Black was only loyal to him and him alone. She couldn't be bribed or bargained with.

Vivi's face paled again, she was never able to find out who Ms. Black was and something told her that neither did Ms. All Sunday despite being close to the Boss.


Veles was stripping out of her dress and putting on her black blazer dress, she removed her makeup and puts on her trademark lipstick on. She puts the black tube back into her pocket as she sat down and puts on her thigh high boots , zipping it up. Veles stood up and smoothed her dress, before she walked to a secret door and opened it. She stepped through it and walked down the stairs, her heels clicking on the hard floor. 

She opened another hidden door and stepped through it.

"I want you to go to the Nanohana and just keep an eye on it, make sure there's no one there that can get in my way." Mr. 0 said as soon as she entered.

"As you wish, sir." Ms. Black said with a small bow of her head.

She turned and left the room, not what she normally does but it was better than doing nothing.