
Chapter 4: Talking to Reiju

Year 1511

It was early in the year 1511. But, there was a cold atmosphere in Sora's room. Sanji was just taken prisoner and declared dead to the rest of Germa. "It's time." Kai said solemnly as he looked at the floor. They had already prepared the body doubles the moment Sanji was captured.

Kai looked up and said "I really tried to give you and Sanji as much time together as possible, but I can't stand seeing him like this." He started to cry. "I love you mom, I never want to leave you!" Even with his knowledge he couldn't stop the tears. He cried for half an hour with his Mom while they hugged. They truly loved and cared about each other.

Kai turned to Reiju before leaving and told her about how it was his fault that their Mom was sick and that he could have stopped it. When he finished, Sora slapped him while crying. It was the first time she ever hit him. He was shocked until she screamed at him "If you ever say that again I'll come find you and kick your ass myself!! How many times have I told you that it's not your fault?! You can't do everything yourself! No matter who you are! Not even the pirate king, Roger, could do that! Why do you think he had a crew!?"

Reiju was stunned at all the new information but Kai just looked up as his Mom with tears streaming down his face, "I know that. But, I can't just watch you die and not blame myself! I know I did it for Sanji! But. But. I still can't just pretend I didn't know! I knew you were taking poison and I let you. It's my fault you can't live with Sanji and Reiju until you grow old! I can't even protect my own mother! How am I supposed to protect my little brother and sister?"

He couldn't make sense of his words anymore as he was just saying everything that came to mind. His accelerated thoughts helped him piece together the structure that he really wanted to. "I just wanted to make you all happy." he said as he started to cry into her arms.

Reiju finally snapped out of her stupor and stared at Kai in a daze. She wasn't mad at him. She felt bad. She thought about it and realized that she would have done the same thing. She had long realized it was her mother's fate to live a cursed life under Germa if she ever got healthy again. She patted Kai on his shoulder as he cried. "I would have done the same thing. It was for both Sanji and Mom. Even if you tried to stop Mom she would have done it anyway." She let out in a whisper as the room had quieted down.

"Thanks Rei. I love you." Kai said as the three started to get read for action. "You too you stupid brother."

"Hey, I'm not stupid. I told you that they were playing into my hands this whole time didn't I?" He said in a soft voice with a smirk on his face. Reiju giggled a bit with watery eyes. "I don't remember you ever saying that before though?" Kai lightly karate chopped her head with a smile glued to his face as they have had this exact argument before. Then he hugged her as tightly as he could.

"I'm coming back for you. It's going to be a while, but everyone here loves you so they will treat you great. If they don't just call me and I'll blow them into the ocean" He said as he waved and sent a small breeze around the room.

"When I come back I want you to tell me your dream. It can be anything in the world. Other than a boyfriend! Absolutely none of those!" He said, making her giggle before he said seriously, "Whatever it is I will make it come true. I promise. Just like I'm going to make sure Sanji finds the all blue." Reiju's tears started flowing at this point. She smiled and hugged him again as she said "I love you Nii-san, you the best. Don't keep me waiting too long."

"I'll give you the biggest cake in the world when I take you back." He said matter of factly while thinking it was pretty funny in his head. She rolled her eyes not taking his words seriously… Little did she know.