Waking up into a world full of death, mystery and adventure was not as fun as Kal first thought it would be. Travelling the seas with the only goal being survival and riches, he turns to bounty hunting to carve out his place in this new world. Expect updates every Tuesday and Thursday around noon, :) Word count:86,000
Our first-week sailing was like a vacation, kicking it back on all our new furniture was nice and all the extra training we managed to get done was also a big plus. But it does get boring floating around aimlessly after a while.
"Alright Drake since you are the newest in our group I'll let you pick who we go after, nothing crazy though," I said from my new desk. He walks up and down the 'Bounty wall' until one poster seemed to catch his eye. Pulling it down he gives it a scrutinizing gaze before setting it on the desk.
30,000,000 BERRIES
15,000,000 BERRIES
"Hmmm, good pick. These are some wild girls, 'known to only kill men and hang their balls from their ships figurehead, last sighted near Minion Island'. Jeez who the hell cheated on them, stupid bastards" I thought after reading a brief description left near the bottom, unconsciously crossing my legs to protect my 'assets'.
"Yeah, what the hell Flyboy. You had to pick the 'Ball stealing pirates?" Mori asked in dismay.
"Have some pride Mori! This is a crime against all men, It can't go unpunished!" Drake said valiantly. 'I guess I can't help but agree, it's fine to kill em. But don't take their assets, that's just wrong on so many levels' I thought before pulling out my compass and focusing on her picture. Thirty seconds later it points in the direction of Minion Island. 'Hmm, looks like that might be their base. Or they're on vacation' I thought before doing a few calculations on how long it will take to get there.
"Hmmm, If I had to guess I'd say Jessie is definitely a Devil fruit user, I have no proof but I got an odd feeling about it. So keep that in mind if one of you gets to her first. I'd say it'll take us about three days to reach Minion Island, which I'd bet there still at. So get the ship ready for possible combat and rest up, we've got our mark" I said to Mori's dismay and Drakes approval. 'Can't really turn this one down, I'm only thirty million away from the third 'ALL THE TREASURES' questline, and that promised reward sounds way too nice to pass up'
'That'll be my first ever 1,000 coins Guaranteed Epic Draw, I might draw my first Mythical-grade item from the Gacha shop! but more than likely it'll be Legendary if I do get lucky. Still, it's worth the trip no matter the rewards'
"Man you two better make sure we win this because if my balls get taken, I'm haunting you bastards for all time" Mori said annoyed and mildly scarred by the situation.
"Ah don't be so scared, I'm sure you and drake alone could take out their crew" I said trying to give them a pep talk.
Luckily nothing eventful happened on our way to the island, no random pirates, no random sea king attacks, and everything went pretty smoothly. Finally, with the island in sight, I get my first look at the 'Black-cat' pirate ship, a Caravel about the size of ours. The only differences being pink paint and a cat figurehead with 'things' hanging from it. Turning to my right I can see X Drake seething in rage at what they're doing to our species and to my right Moris look of fright at the rumors being true.
"Fucking whore bitches!" Drake yelled to them in rage, well if there was anybody on board. Smirking at their carelessness I realize how simple it will be to completely screw their only way of escape. 'Like come the hell on, I know this is the four blues but damn. Gives decent pirates a bad name'
"Alright, boys it seems like we've gotten lucky. You two go on board and grab anything useful, I'll keep watch from here." I said with a devious smirk that Drake matched. They both gave a nod as we finally pulled up next to it, without a delay they hopped on and began searching relentlessly.
'It'll be nice to fight on land, considering this crew has only been reported to have ten members a fight on land will be less troublesome' I finished the thought while keeping a close eye on anything moving from the woods, looking down at my compass I notice it hasn't moved since we arrived. Looking into the sky and being greeted by darkness I can't help but assume the crew is either camping out there or in the town a few miles in that direction. It's only five minutes later till they both return, a few large bags with paper berries filled out a good amount of weapons. 'Only an hour or so before dawn, there asleep more than likely, trash'
"Anything useful? I asked curiously.
"I found about 5 million in cash and a few nice guns." Drake smirked.
"Not really sure, I have an odd feeling about this sword here but everything else I grabbed I figured we could just sell," Mori said handing over a beautifully crafted Rapier.
"Hmmm, she is pretty," I said grabbing the blade by the handle and unsheathing it to get a better look while Observe went to work.
"Well I'll be damned, good find Mori. A 1/50, too bad It's a primarily stabbing weapon" I thought causing his eyes to bulge out of their sockets.
"THAT'S A RYO WAZAMONO! What the hell is it doing here?" Mori yelled in excitement and asked a good question.
"Those trash pirates probably found it and none of them are swordsmen, at least that's my guess," I said with a smirk motioning to 'Tengoku' strapped to my back. "This is a Skillful-grade blade as well, didn't you know?"
"Enough about these little pointy things, let's get these bitches!" Drake said with mirth causing Mori to come back into focus.
"Alright then, why don't you try out your new move?" I told him motioning to the conveniently well-placed barrels of liquor on the deck. "Burn it to the ground" I ordered before hopping off the deck of my ship. Pulling out my compass to get the specific direction, I turned and began walking as a large explosion happened behind me.
"FIREBALL" Drake yelled with happiness as his blast caused the entire middle deck to implode, quickly catching the masts in the lower deck in flames as well.
"Got any Idea where they are?" Mori asked noticing me looking at my compass.
"I got a decent guess," I said with a smirk as Drake landed next to us undoing his Zoan transformation. It was only ten minutes later till we cam upon the smell of a dead fire and booze wafting throughout the air. Many vague human shapes could be seen laying on cots snoozing. Up in a tree surveying the area for any traps we come to realize something very important. 'Yep, there's no way a rookie crew like this isn't carried by a devil fruit user, man my sixth sense is getting good, or is it seventh now?'
"500,000 Berries says there rookies," Mori said with mild disappointment.
"Shit, I'd maybe take that bet if I was black-out drunk" I said with a smirk.
"So, what should we do? Go charging in or something stealthy, huh Captain?" Drake asked unsure of how to move forward. Thinking it over I turn to Mori gesturing to Drake, he gives a reassuring nod to my unasked question.
"You tell us, First-mate? This is your mission after all" I said with a smirk, watching his wide-eyed response, it seemed I would have to wait for his brain to reboot. He finally gets his barrings and goes into a thinking posture to come up with a plan to impress us, if I had to guess.
"We'll use the cover of night, if either of you are confident enough to silently kill the small fry it'll make the upcoming battle easier with fewer distractions, they may be a novice crew but not just anybody can get a bounty over 20 million. Their captain will definitely put up a decent fight not to mention their decently strong vice-captain, the others will just be an unnecessary nuisance once the real battle begins, so first lets thin the heard to attack the lions" He said before transforming into his Zoan form. "If only we had brought bombs, airel bombardment would've made this job a cakewalk." He finished turning to both of us, noticing our jaw-dropped expressions he gained a confused look instead of his earlier focused expression. 'Since when was this Dinosaur so smart!'
"You fuckers don't have to look so surprised, I'm not a damn Idiot!" Drake yelled in a whisper causing Mori and me to chuckle.
"Don't worry about the small fry, I can handle a little assassination work" I said withdrawing my Seastone dagger and dropping off of the tree while giving my crew a two-finger salute. Landing into the dirt in a silent crouch I slowly make my way to the closest cot, without so much as a whisper my first target enters an endless sleep.
+2,500XP ADDED
Less than 2 minutes later all my targets were dead, eight lives were taken without even a peep. However, the smell of blood was beginning to seep into the air. Noticing the Captain's twitch I decided to head back to the tree.
+6,600XP ADDED
+11,200XP ADDED
"Well looks like you two are up, Drakes got the Captain while Mori will take her Vice," I said landing beside them, they both seemed surprised by the proficiency I showed. 'Eh, give anyone a superhuman body that has also watched too much Anime and action movies and you'd be scarred of what they could copy' I thought while keeping a keen on on the Captain's cot.
"Oh and make it a good show boys, Huhaha" I laughed as I pulled out a bottle of booze and lit a smoke.
"Sigh…. lazy ass Captain," Mori said as he jumped from the tree, transforming completely before hitting the ground. 'Ha, he says that but he's sure making an extra flashy entrance'
"Oh and Drake, don't get cocky, as you said. She's worth 30 million, you guys may be about equals"
"Don't worry Captain, I got this!" Drake yelled before flying off towards the Captain's cot. He made it about halfway there before an orange blur slammed into him head-first. 'Ha, called it' I thought while looking over the yellow-spotted female captain land on the ground.
"You killed all of them!" Jessie yelled in fury, looking over all her dead crew mates.
"Your point?" Drake asked mid-air, no damage from her assault besides a small mark on his horn. The beast lady snarled before deciding that words were useless at this point.
"Fireball!" Drake yelled out, sending a 2-meter-wide fireball directly at the stunned Zoan.
It lands directly onto her position looking to be a direct hit, at least until she appeared behind him in a flash of speed.'Hmmmm, a cheetah Zoan huh? That might be problematic' I thought before debating if I should step in, Drake merely flaps his right wing to sidestep mid-air completely dodging her attack. Seeming surprised he was able to dodge she was now mid-air with no chance to escape Drake's next attack, or so I thought.
Drake sent another fireball, but this time she had no footing to dodge it, well until she kicked the air so hard it sent a ripple of wind in all directions. Appearing in front of Drake in an instant she turned her momentum into a spinning roundhouse kick that smacked him on the head sending him crashing toward the ground. 'Not bad at all, but she should've gone for a wing in that exchange. She won't surprise him with that move again.' I evaluated as Drake opened his wings like a parachute to completely halt his momentum.
With a snarl on his face he charges in, maxing out his fastest speed he's in front of her while she was still falling from her kick. He lashed out with a flurry of punches and claw stabs, Jessie blocked most but failed to notice the flying knee that smacked flush with her chin, nor could she block the axe kick that sent her crashing to the ground.
After the smoke cleared I was honestly surprised to see barely a scratch on her from that exchange, besides a busted lip. 'Jeez, I'm getting flashbacks of my fight with Barrels. I swear he would've died 10 times without his Zoan fruit' I thought spitting on the ground at the thought of that bastard.
Realizing this is going to take a while I turn over to see how Moris fight is going, well I would've if he wasn't already walking back towards me with a head in his hands. 'Well damn, I know the girl was only worth 15 million but still'
Giving him a respectful nod at his impressive display I turn back just in time to see Drake and Jessie clash mid-air claw to claw.
"How's he doing so far? Should I go help him?" Mori asked landing next to me.
"Nah, give him an hour. If this lasts longer I'll take her head myself" I replied grabbing the head from him and discreetly putting it into my inventory. 'Surprisingly neither of them has called me out on pulling shit on of empty space, eh this world is weird they probably think it's a sleight of hand or something'
Refocusing on the fight I see Drake dodge another one of her 'fake' Geppo attacks, turning his dodging momentum into a spinning wing slap, it hits Jessie perfectly again causing her to head toward the ground again. She almost gets her barrings before a large fireball hits where she was about to land. Seeing her jump from the flames, the only damage that could be seen was her foot looking slightly injured, possibly sprained.
Rolling to get the residue flames off her body, she tries to find Drake noticing she lost his position after his last attack, barely side-stepping a clawed stab from behind her, she turned quickly smashing a hook right into his chin. It would've been a nice attack if Drake didn't abandon defense to put his other clawed hand into her chest when she turned. Still, without footing Drake was sent flying, going through a tree or two before stopping himself with his claws.
Check over his opponent you see the young 'cheetah' woman on her knees holding her chest in pain. Drake seeing this begins to smirk before seemingly kicking the ground, the first hit only 5 times the next 7, and finally on his third try, he disappeared from my sight. 'No way, in only two weeks?' I thought in disbelief trying to figure out where he went.
Turning back to Jessie I barely see her head mid-air before it hit the ground. A decently banged-up Drake holding himself against a tree in exhaustion, already out of his transformation. 'Impressive, it only took him 35 minutes to defeat an annoyingly fast opponent worth 30 million'
Jumping down from my perch I head over to the girl's fallen head, quickly grabbing it and sending it to my inventory I go over to check on Drake.
"Well good job there Drake. I'm impressed a little shit like you figured out Soru before me" I with a smirk while slapping his clearly injured shoulder.
"OUWWW… Fuck… you…. Captain." Drake said with mild anger between exhausted breaths.
"Eh, don't be like that Drake you should be happy, you resoundingly beat a 30,000,000 berrie pirate, we're ready for some big bounties now that I can trust you a Morrie to take out the Vice-Captains of the crews" I said with a genuine smile and offering him my shoulder. He takes it gladly as Mori joins us on our walk back to the ship.
"Hey Cap? Is there a bounty office on this Island?" Mori asked the question I completely forgot to think about. Thinking for a moment I realize I have no clue where the offices are, looking up and noticing dawn breaking the clouds I come up with an idea.
"No clue. But I'll call old James, I can't believe I forgot to ask him where all of them are in the North Blue. Hopefully, he's awake by the time we get to the ship." I said with a sigh.
"Sounds like a plan, this hunt was way too easy. We should definitely go for something a little higher" Mori said with smirk.
"Yeah it was easy after all that training we did, but if we met this crew 2 weeks ago we probably would've died," I said morbidly to which both Drake and Mori nodded their heads.
"Whew, at least we didn't park too far away, dragging this guy is too much work" I joked as the beautiful 'Ebony Hawk' came into view.
"Again, fuck you Captain" Drake repeats his earlier comment while shoving me off and walking himself, with a slight limp but nothing more.
With all of us ready I jump on deck and head to the Bounty room to give James a call. Surprisingly before I'm even at the door I hear the Iconic sound already greeting me this morning.
'Huh wondering why he keeps calling this early, he's the only one with this number' I thought before picking up the phone. I quickly go to grab the phone assuming it's something urgent.
"Hey James, good morning. I had a que…" I greeted him but was swiftly interrupted to James mildly panicked voice.
"Silver where exactly are you right now…."James asked darkly.
"Uhh, well I just took down the Black-cat pirates on Minion is....."I answered only to be interrupted again only this time with a scream.
"KID, GET YOUR ASS THE FUCK OUT OF THERE NOW!" James screamed into the phone in worry.
"What why?" I asked feeling a sinking in my stomach from the fear in James voice.
"THE WHITEBEARD PIRATES! They were spotted this morning near Swallow island heading in your direction….." I would've replied but I was already mid-run, busting through the door.
"RAISE THE ANCHOR!!! FULL SPEED AHEAD, GET US OUT OF HERE NOW!" I screamed to my crewmates to which they ran at there fastest speeds. Drake used Soru instantly appearing near the anchor fully transformed, pulling it up in one grab then disappearing again to appear near the helm. While Mori already released the sails, we were ready in under 30 sec. Too bad we were already too late.
"Fuck…. Cancel that order, bring her back to port" I said with a sigh of defeat, looking at the rising sun I can see a silhouette of a large galleon ship, a huge black sail with a skull with a big white mustache.
"Captain, we could still make it!" Mori yelled confused about the situation.
"They're from the New World, a Yonko crew at that. We were fucked the moment they even spotted our ship…." I said to which they both had varying reactions, Mori just looked wide-eyed shaking in disbelief, while Drake just seemed in stunned disbelief. 'I wonder how they treat someone that is not the brother of one of their commanders? We've only seen how they are from Luffys perspective, I highly doubt they aren't like normal pirates…' I finished the thought with a sinking feeling. Jumping onto the mast I put a prepared white flag onto it .
"We could have at least tried to run!" Drake yelled after dropping the anchor.
"Drake, that is a commanders ship. A commander of the Whitebeard's is on that ship. If they wanted they could have already been on our ship, negotiation is our only option!" I said out loud not even believing that would work to which the crew caught onto quickly. It's was only stunned silence until Mori started laughing.
"Guahhha, man this has been a good run. This has been the best month of my life, really! Thank you Captain, now lets show these bastards who we are!" Mori yelled with vigor, drawing his sword and preparing for his last fight. 'Ha, what a crazy bastard'
"Mori's right Captain, fuck em. I know we can leave at least a few of them dead" Drake said also gaining a battle lusted smirk. 'Looks like I've got no choice'
"Dammit, why did you guys have to be such likeable bastards" I said before appearing behind Mori to give him a chop to the neck, instantly knocking him out.
"CAPTAIN, What the hell!" Drake yelled throwing a clawed jab at my face, easily parried by Tengoku before my blade was at his throat. He looks so shocked I actually attacked him that he continued forward for moment before the pain of the blade stopped him.
"Drake, I'm going to say this one time. You are the Vice-captain, you follow my orders unconditionally. Grab Mori, with your new speed you should be able to make it to Rubbeck island, just keep going west." I said removing my blade from his throat.
"But Capt…"
"DRAKE, You have 30 seconds at most before its too late for you to get away. LEAVE NOW, IT'S A DIRECT ORDER" I screamed at the end before stabbing my sword into the ground, pointing my body towards the encroaching ship. It's five seconds later I hear something eerily similar to a sonic boom, marking my crew's departure.
Five minutes later and I'm faced with the worst situation I could've dreamed of, arguably the second strongest in the whitebeard Pirates, looking down at me with a slight smile. I can't help but widen my eyes when he reaches the hundred meter mark for 'bounty vision'.
850,000,000 BERRIES