
Chapter 31 The Resignation

My first and most hopeful guess would be that the orb gave him future sight. Dodged that without even looking, and his eyes flashed with Haki. 'Fuck it, let's really try it' I thought as I did a quick draw right in front of my still-dazed Vice.

My blade flashed at its fastest speed, right when my sword would've nicked his neck his head tilted slightly back, still not responding…. Like a body on autopilot. 'So future vision it is….. Hopefully, it doesn't comatose him, might have been prudent to try my skill orbs on pirates before testing them on my Vice-Captain. Mistakes were made today….. should be fine'

'Now to my first crew member' With a smile at the thought I walked over to my downed first mate. 

"Hey, wake your ass up" I said as I kicked him lightly in the side.

"Ugh….. Damn Kal, you really have to lay into us that hard?" Mori said as he rolled over and smiled up at me.

"Says the guy that literally made a forty-foot-long crevice in the ground trying to hit me. Berserk style: Earth rending was it? Badass name and pretty effective results" I said as I eyed the specific part of the now-destroyed forest.

"Yeah, I focus my Tekkai completely on my arms, leaving my body unprotected as I put everything I have in one swing….. Need to work on setting it up though, finishers like that are like a power punch, gotta bait your opponent into it" Mori said as he raised a fist up to me.

'This guy has come a long way from the princess-banging knight guard of a nobody king.' Smiling, I accepted the fist bump and dragged him to his feet.

"Need help with that?" I asked him, pointing towards his dislocated forearm. 

"No I got it... fuck!" He said as he 'twisted' it back in place. 'Zoans are kinda gross...'

"What's wrong with Drake?" Mori asked as he walked over to our unresponsive mate. 

"Hit him too hard, he'll be fine in the morning. You good to take him back to the ship?" I asked to which I received a nod. Soon after I was alone in the clearing again, well besides the sounds of munching popcorn. 

"So wanna mess around for the next few days, got about five days left on our vacation?" I asked Monet as I jumped onto her branch. 

"Yes, that'd be nice. I saw there was a nice-looking beach on the north side of the island." She offered an idea. 

"You know you can't swim anymore right?" I asked in confusion. 

"I'm aware, it still would be nice to tan on the beach. See girls doing it in magazines back in Embassa city."

"But you're made of snow...." I said while barely controlling my laughter.

"Kal.... Just take me to the damn beach" She said as she jumped on my back like a chimpanzee.

"Ok!ok! Watch the hat…" I said as I took off towards the beach. 



Little Law turned out to be a Conqueror, joining a rather small group of people. All at the apex of the world.

Kal is an absolute mystery. An uncanny ability to spot talent and inspire loyalty. I've been a part of his crew for about a month now, and I find myself wondering if I've been under the influence of some type of devil fruit power. 

Sadly that wasn't the case, it was just the kind of man he was. Honestly, he's had me sold on joining him since he saved Law's life merely on principle, but never complete loyalty. I'd always wait for the other shoe to drop.

Watching him from the background tells you a lot about people. He trains his crew with everything he has, forcing them to be their best selves and specialized training programs that would give Zephyr pause. 

He asks nothing in return but to follow him and pull your weight. 

He's a lot like my adopted father in that way, a man who cares more for those under him than himself.

Hell, I watched him take out a man worth well over a hundred million berries in a half hour. What will he be like in five years I wonder.

Maybe that's why the world chose him to be a Conqueror and why I'm making this call with a smile on my face.

"A sea tides rise" A voice spoke in code.

"So the Marines can return home. Can we cut the cloak and dagger stuff dad? I need to talk to you about something" I asked with a smile as I heard the 'Marine Hero' munching on crackers in the background and Sengoku yelling for him to get out. 

"You have a son Sengo…. SLAM" I heard him ask as a door most probably slammed in his face.

"Sorry, you are usually alone when I call. Figured it'd fine to break protocol" I said with a wary smile as I awaited his usual 'words of wisdom'.

"What's wrong Rosinate, it's been over half a year since you last called me asking for a vacation to help some kid. I thought you were dead!" The Fleet Admiral yelled at the snail.

"Sorry it's been one hell of a journey, I traveled about half of the North Blue looking for leads. Every hospital turned me away, it was a rather… trying experience" I said with a sigh.

"So the kid didn't make it after all. Amber lead syndrome... A horrible thing" he said with a sigh as I could just imagine him needing his brow.

"No, he made it. That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about….." I said with a sigh knowing this was going to be an absolute horror to explain. He gave a grunt as if to spit it out and it seemed I ran out of time to stall.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, I, Captain Rosinate, would like to offer you my resignation." I said. There was complete silence on the other line before a sigh reached my ears.

"Explain" It was calm, maybe a little too calm knowing my hot-headed adopted father, I realized then I was walking on eggshells. 


"…..Let me just make sure I understand it. Feel free to stop me if I misinterpret something." Sengoku said as I could hear him bringing out his notebook and the sound of his feather-tipped pen scrape against the ink slab.

"Random bounty hunter in the North Blue, somehow acquired the Ope Ope no Mi, remembered he had long lost 'family' that just so happened to be the boy Law. Who needed the fruit to fix himself" I heard him rigorously scribbling.

"Yes" I answered simply.

"Proceeds to contact the boy to meet him in Embassa city. You two then give up your quest for a doctor at the chance it could work. You arrive at the bar and utilize your fruit to hide yourself while the boy waits for his 'cousin' to arrive" even more rigorous scribbling. I just hum in acknowledgment, realizing he's going to stop many times during this. 

"He arrives and you notice he's a teenager with a sword strapped to his side. The boy Law enters and they begin their greetings. Said bounty hunter... proceeds to pull out the 'immortality' fruit and offer it to the boy if he becomes his crew doctor for twenty years and his personal physician for the rest of his life." Another hum. 

"You realize, you could just rob the young kid and make a run for it. He proceeds to notice you immediately despite your fruit power with Observation Haki. Almost killing you in the process."

"You argue, he threatens. You beg, then the boy agrees and eats the fruit. Your mission accomplished" he finished that last part with a sigh. 

"He then offers you a chance to join his band of hunters, knowing you'd like a hand in training Law in his new abilities. Here we are." He finished that and put his pen down. 

"Son this is the most bat-shit crazy resignation report I've received since Dragon left the Marines and created his band of revolutionaries." Sengoku said as he lost all professionalism. 

"Sorry?" I said. 

"It's fine. You're serious then? Really think he'll be able to take out your brother?" 

"I watched him take out Koro Riser in thirty minutes two days ago….." I said to which the pen was picked up again.

"That is moderately impressive, novice Haki at his age and above average swordsmanship. You said this Kal would be interested in a phone call, yes?" Sengoku asked with interest. 

"Yeah, he even gave me information to give you as an apology for 'stealing employees'." I said to which I received a chuckle in response.

"Go ahead."

"Doffy has an inside man in your forces, he was the Corazon before me. Names Vergo, uses a piece of Bamboo to fight with? Sorry that's all he gave as a description" Once I finished I could hear the distinct snapping of a pen.

"Rosie, I'll call you back in one week. Please make sure your captain is around when I call. Consider your resignation complete" 

"Yes father, it was nice talking to you after so long. Please be safe" I replied. 

"You as well….And I'm proud of you, I told you once that being a Marine isn't for everyone. A man is only a man when he realizes his purpose. Training that kid and catching pirates is an honorable choice" With a sigh, the call was hung up. 

'I'm not crying…. The rains just coming down extra hard today.' Smiling as I looked up at the star filled night sky from atop the crow's nest.