
Chapter 13 Who's the fastest?

After taking stock of everything from my biggest Gacha draw to date I headed into town to see what my crew was up to, heading towards the weapon shop first I popped my head in to see it empty besides the cashier daydreaming.

Sighing, I decided to check the tavern in this town as my next best bet, it was across the street from the weapon shop so at least I didn't have to go around town. I'm greeted by a small gaggle of mook pirates and the bartender who greeted me with a nod. 'Where the hell did these guys park their ships? There are no other ships besides mine in the 'dock'.' I thought in confusion before sitting on a bar stool and ordering a glass of bourbon.

"Where are you from stranger? Don't get many of your types around here." The bartender asked curiously. 'Man these guys are always trying to get info, well it is almost like a second job selling information for them. Hell, that's exactly what I'm here for as well.'

"I came from Embassa city, names Kal. Bounty hunter. Just stopping at this city to turn some heads in and maybe explore a little. Got any decent info worth buying?" I asked the bartender curiously.

"I got something you'd like to hear for 10,000" He offered before I slid him the berries.

"Just yesterday a group of pirates came in here, they seemed decently powerful though. I overheard them talking about searching for treasure on this Island. From what I overheard I know the Captain's name was Killian I think, I'm not too up to date on bounty posters but I'm pretty sure they were a known crew. The man was very recognizable as well, one armed with black hair, a pretty nice Katana strapped to his waist.'" He finished before looking at me expectantly. 'So a swordsman then, that sounds perfect'

"Thank you I'll definitely look into it, I'm curious about something though, why isn't anyone using the dock at the front of the village?" I asked, it made no sense to have it if nobody used it.

"Oh, so you are the ones that parked there. That's a new port that's still under construction, the main port is closer to the western side of the city. It's hidden through the trees but you probably came from the east and never seen it from the sea." The bartender informed me.

"Huh, that's interesting. Oh and before I leave, have you seen a tall dark-haired man with a teenager with orange hair and a cross-shaped scar on his chin?"

"Yeah, those boys stopped by about 3 hours ago I'd say, no idea where they went afterward though" He answered as I got up to leave, throwing him a wave as I went. I decide to go check the bounty wall to see if I can find a pirate named 'Killian'. I would keep looking for the guys but they're probably out blowing off steam or something, no point in bothering them until I find out if this guy is worth chasing.

"Hey Capt…." I heard a shout to my left before turning to see Drake with Mori holding his mouth shut with his hand. Looking at them in confusion I turn my head up to the 'establishment' they just came walking out of. 'Tarzan's Retreat', my eyes widened before I started bursting out laughing at what these idiots did as soon as they got some extra money.

'Huahahha, you..fucking….degenerates" I said while Mori sighed in dismay.

"Mori brought you to a brothel, huahha. You fuckers are down bad" I said still laughing at them in the middle of the shop area, people passed by giving us strange looks before continuing on with their daily lives.

"At least we're getting some" Drake said with an embarrassed face.

"Hell at least I'm not paying for it, huahhah" I continued messing with them all the way back to the ship.

"Alright guys I know I said we were going to relax a little due to my injuries and that bs with a Whitebeards, but I got some solid intel that there are some pirates on the island looking for a treasure" I said with a devious smirk, they both looked me up in down, basically saying with there eyes 'Is this cripple serious'.

"Are you guys serious?" I asked them both with a tick mark forming on my head.

"Captain, you have one working arm right now, you can't seriously want to go hunt some pirates in your condition," Mori said while looking down at my completely bandaged arm hidden underneath my red cloak's sleeve.

"Yeah, this is not a good idea, like at all" Drake said while agreeing with Mori.

"How about a no-holds-bar spar? You two win, I'll go back to my room and rest...." I asked as we got to the middle deck drawing Tengoku with my non-injured right arm with no problem.

"Plus I got a lot faster, boys" I said disappearing and reappearing behind them in a flash of Soru, they turned their necks back robotically with surprise written on their faces. They both looked ready to take that bet before sighing and relenting in my actions.

"Fine, but if it starts looking dicey we're pulling you out" Mori said with a sigh that was soon joined by Drake.

"Well, who is it?" Drake asked, annoyed.

"That's the fun part, I've got no clue besides a name. Killian" I informed them and then looked to see if they remembered his poster before I went searching for it. Receiving two negative responses, I head toward the bounty wall to begin my search. Luckily it only took me three minutes to find it odd his crew calls him by his last name.

"Here we go guys" I said before reading out the contents of the poster.





"A big one this time, his name is pretty bizarre though," I said while wiggling my eyebrows at my crew's deadpan stares. 'I guess dad jokes aren't a thing here, what a tragedy'

"Well onto your guys' opponents" I said before reading over the captain's right and left-hand men.





'Huh, that's odd. The Captain doesn't have a moniker but his Vice does. Oh, the motherfucker eats his dead enemies, point taken'





"Ha, this is perfect, either of you can take out the girl and then focus on the small fry while the other deals with the 'Cannibal'. Does anybody want to volunteer?" I asked curiously, turning my head from the bounties to look at crewmates, Drake seemed to not care either way while Mori seemed ready to prove himself.

"I got him" Mori said with a battle-lusted smirk.

"Awesome, ok one more piece of intel. Apparently, there's a hidden dock on the western side of the city. Drake, I want you to go assess the situation. Their ship should be there, I want numbers, weapons, everything you can find out from the air, you got that?"

"Of course, be back in a second" Drake replied before blasting off mid-transformation.

"You sure about this one 'Cap', you've never fought someone worth 50 mil. Not doubting you or anything, just curious" Mori said.

"It should be fine, with 'soru' I'd say I can hit a little higher than my weight class, I'd estimate my strength right now at around 75 million," I said with a smirk causing his eyes to widen.

"Really, that's a pretty big jump from what you said a few weeks ago, how strong would you estimate me?" Mori asked in excitement. 'He does have a point. I made a pretty big jump in 2 weeks, but sadly I'm beginning to stagnate from focusing on Observation Haki, still, I'll receive a massive boost once It evolves. I have stat points saved up but I'm saving them for an emergency or when It's taking ridiculously too long to level up a stat'

"Hmmm, I'd say 30 million. It would get a good boost once you figure out Tekai and take your swordsmanship to the next level." I replied off handily while taking out my compass to search for 'Bizarro.

"So that low. Can't say I disagree but damn, why the hell is this muscle technique so hard?" Mori said, gripping his hands in dismay.

"Let me show you, here punch me in the chest as hard you can" I said while opening my body for an attack,


Mori went full-Zoan and hit as hard as he could, surprisingly to him I was only pushed back 2 meters, with no visible damage other than a bit of dust I wiped from my clothes.

"How? So that's why it's so damn hard, your body literally felt like punching a metal wall. Thanks, Cap, that helped a lot." Mori said with a smile while powering down from his Zoan.

"No problem, now where the hell is Drake it's been a whole 5 minutes," I thought while looking up to the sky to hopefully spot his silhouette in the air. It's about ten minutes later that a dinosaur's silhouette can be seen heading toward the ship.

"So what's the word?" I asked as Drake landed in front of us.

"A few mooks guarding the ship, about 6 cannons. Nothing too serious, I was able to listen in on a conversation the crew was having though." Drake answered, sparking my curiosity.

"Anything useful?"

"Apparently they found a treasure map about a month ago, their guess was that the treasure was from a crew from a bygone era. The treasure is supposed to be hidden in a cave somewhere on the western coast of this island'' Drake said with excitement over the hidden treasure.

"So that's what kept you, hopefully this treasure is real. After all, it's completely legal to steal from pirates, Huhaha" I replied to Drake, matching his energy.

"Alright Guys, how about a little competition? The first one on the western coast wins 2 million?" I bet them while taking off running.

"That sounds awesome!" Drake replied, accepting. Blasting into the air causing a sonic boom from his Soru.

"That sounds like bullshit!" Mori screamed from behind me trying to catch up to us.

"Come on Mori! At least keep the pace, huahahh"


Busting through a brush of twigs and trees after running from branch to branch 'naruto style' I can't help but be surprised to see Drake sitting on a rock looking bored like he has been there for hours. 'Little showoff, I guess it's pretty hard to beat a flying Zoan in a speed contest'

"Wow Captain, I was worried you and Mori got lost" Drake said condescendingly.

"Yeah yeah you little shit, I know you just landed less than a minute ago," I said with a smirk throwing a chunk of Berrie's at his head.

"What! How did you…." He began to reply before realizing his mistake and shutting up completely once he realized I caught him trying to act cool.

"Ha, well I guess we better get relaxed" I said with a smirk, hopping on a rock and lighting a smoke.

"What do you mean? Where is Mori?" Drake asked, confused.

"No clue, lost sight of him around 2 minutes after we started. He's probably about fifteen minutes behind if I had to guess. He doesn't know Soru after all, huahah" I said with a laugh before laying down on the rock and pulling out my Compass.

"Huh? Well, I guess I kind of forgot he was the slowest, no wonder he said this was bullshit" Drake replied.

"Oh I'll tell Mori this later but we're doing this raid a little differently than normal."

"How?" Drake asked

"Well we're keeping all of them alive" I answered with a smirk.

"And why would we do that? They're pirates, fuck em" Drake said while spitting on the ground to further prove his opinion on the matter.

"Well obviously, but I'm still turning in the Captain for his bounty. I'll spare his life and allow the crew their continued freedom"

"Ah, you want the Captain to do something for you" Drake deduced.

"Yep, it's all a part of my plan, just trust the process and don't kill anyone. It'll go a long way to make the bastard keep his word. Trust me it'll be worth it in the long run if everything goes smoothly."

Holy hell guys we hit 200k views in like two weeks, lets go!

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