
first idea

the MC is original and may or may not be reincarnated. the MC chooses the pirates path. has eaten the birth birth fruit (paramecia),as long as there is stamina he can create children. the children created through the devil fruit start at 5 years old.

---------- unique strength 1 :

the user can decide which race his children are born as and can add few things like talent, innate ability and so on and so forth (like a very detailed character creation).

---------- unique strength 2 :

the children are absolutely and infinitely loyal to the user.

---------- unique strength 3 :

user can only be killed once all his children are dead.

---------- unique strength 4 :

children can be revived, half as taxing as is there creation.

---------- unique strength 5 :

the only limitations are the user's imagination and stamina needed for the creation (can train stamina to cover this limitation).

---------- unique strength 6 :

user gains 10% of the overall strength of all his children ,along with a weaker version of any and all skills they learned,and devil fruit they ate. gains none of their weaknesses.

------------unique strength 7 :

the user and the children have a telepathic connection.

+++++++note 1:

all devil fruits eaten by the children are gone and are never in the cycle of fruits,this is due to the fact that they can be revived.

+++++++note 2 :

if the user dies,his devil fruit would reincarnate in the location it was first found in by the user, as for the one eaten by his children ( the devil fruits can reincarnate since the father died) are reincarnated in the location the devil fruit using child first died in.

++++++++note 3 :

the children's revival doesn't require an intact body, the more of the child corps is present during revival the less taxing a it is.

+++++++note 4 :

though I call them children they grow up like a normal person after birth.

#### side effect :

the user would love his children regardless of his personality.

×××× unique weakness 1:

can't naturally have children.

×××× unique weakness 2 :

experience serious physical and emotional pain with the death of any of his children even if he knows he can revive them.

×××× unique weakness 3 :

loses 15/x of his overall strength for each child that dies (x= the amount of children he has) for one week.

×××× unique weakness 4 :

if user is restrained by sea stone, all children lose 10% overall strength each, for as long as the user is restrained, telepathy is also severed.

×××××× devil fruit natural weaknesses.

========awakening :

user has the ability to permanently remove any weakness from children (and created children capable of removing his devil fruit weakness), along with reincarnated dead people as his children (can reincarnate them with their memories or not, can give them their memories back any time, they retain their talent , skills and looks regardless along with their devil fruit power [just the power no curse, but they have to have eaten it before reincarnation], regardless of getting their memories or not, they will become as loyal to the user as his children,even if they know their loyalty comes from his fruit.

=======××××awakening weakness :

can only enter awakening mode for 10 seconds ( can be trained to an hour, a day, or even eternal).

become a yonko like big mom.