
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Tranh châm biếm
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106 Chs

Chapter 99

"Damn it…now is not the time…"

Both hands and feet were clinging to the mountain, but his body was still slowly sliding down. Lott cursed his own incompetence in his heart.

Unexpectedly, just because he hadn't slept for three days, he was so tired that his chakra control ability dropped to the point where he was worse than a genin. The soles of the feet are the most difficult place in the human body to gather chakra, and using this technique to tread water and climb trees is a must for every ninja. A basic skill to know.

But sometimes foundation does not mean simplicity. The amount of chakra condensed into the soles of the feet must reach a balance point. If it is less, you will not be able to stand; if it is too much, you will directly step into a pit and fall down.

Now Lott can no longer find this balance point. Every time he steps, he will step on a shallow pit in the mountain, so that he will not fall to the bottom of the mountain all at once.

He raised his head and saw in his blurred vision that he was still about half way to the top of the mountain, and his body was already more than a hundred meters above the ground. Once he fell, he would be dead even on soft snow.

Lot gritted his teeth and simply took off his gloves with his teeth, then took off his shoes with his heels, and then the chakra transport to the palms and soles no longer looked for that balance point.

The deliberately increased amount of chakra caused an obvious blue light to appear on his palms and soles.

(It works!)

Seeing that pressing down with both hands directly created a pit that could be grasped on the mountain, Lott felt happy, and the climbing progress that had originally stalled could continue to move forward.

(My hands are so cold…but almost there…)

(Hold on a little longer…)

(If we fall like this now, both people will die….)

(I can't feel my hand anymore)…)

(My feet don't seem to be working anymore either. )…)...

His head was as heavy as a lead ball, and his thinking became slower and slower. Slowly, Lott forgot why he was here. There was only one thought left in his mind: inject chakra into his hands and feet, and then climb up, but he seemed to I can't feel my arms and legs anymore….

I don't know how long it's been—

(Miss Nami, I'm leaving it to you!)

(We will figure it out ourselves! )

The voice of his partner at the last moment suddenly exploded in his mind, his dilated pupils suddenly focused, his blurry and dim vision gradually recovered, and Lot slowly saw the scene in front of him clearly.

"I'm kneeling here…flat ground…Have you reached the top of the mountain?…"

In his sight, Lot saw his knees kneeling on the snow and his bloody hands.

Raising his head with difficulty, he saw a castle.

(castle…Dalton seems to be talking about where the doctor lives….)

Just as he was thinking about this, Lot's eyes suddenly moved down, and finally he lay on the snow with a snap.

(No, we haven't found a doctor yet, so we can't stop here!)

He tried to control his body and stood up but found that his legs had lost all feeling. Lot bit his lower lip hard. The stinging sensation restored some clarity to his mind, and then he In this way, he supported his arms on the ground and dragged his lower body slowly towards the castle gate.

A trail of dragging marks was left on the snow. When his fingers were about to touch the door, he finally couldn't hold on any longer, and his whole body lay face down on the snow.

(Consciousness is about to disappear…) half-opened his eyes, feeling unwilling to fill his heart. He had already reached this point and was clearly just short of the last step. He had a hunch that once he fainted this time, it would be difficult for him to wake up without external help.

In this icy and snowy weather, there was no guarantee that the doctor inside the castle would notice the two of them lying at the door in time. If discovered a little later, the doctor might see two frozen corpses.

(Is this the end?…)

Rustling – the sound of heavy objects trampling on the snow sounded, and a sturdy figure approached Lot. Just when he was about to squat down and do something, looking at Lot, who was no longer moving, he suddenly reached out and grabbed it. His hairy ankles

"save…help me…girl behind…she is very ill…please…"

An extremely weak voice reached his ears, and the tall figure was suddenly startled when he noticed Lot's dilated pupils.

(Already like this, the first thing he thought of was someone else. This man is so awesome!)

Just as he was about to answer, he saw Lot's eyes completely closed. It was obvious that he had completely passed out, but he The hand that grabbed his ankle still didn't let go.

"Chopper, what happened to those two people?"

"They all fainted, the man looked very pale, and the woman looked like she had a high fever."

Hearing the doctor's question, the tall creature called Chopper quickly replied.

"What's going on? I seem to have encountered a lot of patients along the way today…."

A wrinkled face made her look like an elderly woman, but her figure and clothing were similar to those of a young girl. She raised her sunglasses to her forehead and glanced at the other two people in the sleigh behind her.

"Forget it, Chopper, these people look strange, they should be in the same group, carry them all in, they should be able to get a good reward after they are cured, Gudu——"

As she spoke, the old woman picked up the wine bottle and took a sip of wine into her mouth.

"Yes, doctor!"



Nami slowly opened her eyes and felt something heavy on her forehead. She subconsciously raised her hand to take it off. When she put it in front of her eyes, she saw that it was a bag of ice packs used to cool down.

(Wait! My strength is back!)

After being stunned for a few seconds, Nami suddenly realized that her physical condition was much better now. You must know that since she fell ill, she didn't even have the strength to raise her hands. Now not only can I pick up an ice pack at will, but my head is no longer so painful and swollen. It is an acceptable level of ordinary fever.

(Did you find a doctor?!)

Nami couldn't help but feel happy. Her fever had gone down a lot, which meant that Lot finally succeeded in finding a doctor behind her back!

By the way, Lot!

When she thought of Lot, Nami sat up suddenly and wanted to find him. Then she saw a very short man wearing a red hat and a pair of antlers emerging from the hole reserved in the hat. A strange creature that stretches out, covered with hair, but standing upright like a human holding a book.

"Who are you?"

This strange creature made Nami ask unconsciously, and as soon as she spoke, this strange creature was frightened.


He was so excited that he knocked over a chair. After the two parties' eyes met, he ran out of the room in panic.

"…It's probably because I'm afraid of you, right? And you hid from me…"

Nami warned as she watched the strange creature make a hiding gesture, but its body that should have been hidden behind the door was exposed.

The strange creature immediately turned around and hid its exposed body behind the door. Only one eye and antler were exposed to peek at Nami.

"Are you hiding it completely?…Forget it, who are you?"

Nami resisted the urge to complain and continued to ask the original question.

"Annoying.. Annoying to death, of course I am human!"

The deer's face was covered with cold sweat, as if to embolden itself, the strange creature shouted loudly, and after shouting, it asked in a low voice,"Has your high fever gone?"

"You can actually speak!!"

Nami's voice suddenly rose. She had just asked subconsciously, but the creature in front of her, which looked impossible to be human, actually spoke and answered her, which shocked her. She was about to continue asking, but The strange creature seemed to be frightened and ran away without a trace.

"Hahahaha!! It looks like your fever is gone, little girl."

Not long after the strange creature left, another person came in. After lightly touching Nami's forehead with his finger, he told her that her current body temperature was 38 degrees 2.

"Who are you?"

Seeing that a human being who could communicate finally appeared, Nami asked quickly

"I am a doctor, Dr. Gureva."

Pushing up the sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, Gu Lewa introduced herself with a smile.

"doctor…So…here it is…"

"This is the castle on the top of the mountain"

"top of mountain…castle? Where is the man who carried me up?"

Seeing that Lot actually carried her up the mountain that was too high to reach the top, Nami quickly inquired about his situation.

"He's lying in the next room, but besides him, there are two other people. You should know them, right? A black-haired boy wearing a straw hat, one with blond hair"

"Straw hat and blond hair, if it's them, I do know them, but why are they here?"

Nami asked in a daze. Judging from the characteristics, Gureva was talking about Luffy and Sanji, but at that time she woke up once and saw Lot alone, wasn't it?

"How do I know about you? I found those two people at the bottom of the mountain after the avalanche. One had multiple fractures on his body and his spine was broken. He must have hit something while being carried by the avalanche. The other was not injured. , even though you passed out due to the cold, you recovered well after treating them, and are almost waking up now. Compared to these two people, the injury of the young man who carried you up was much more serious at the time."


The injury is more serious?!

In just a few words, Nami suddenly realized that Lott was not the only one accompanying her, and Lott was now seriously injured.

"Roth——Where is the seriously injured one you mentioned? Is he okay? How badly it hurts – can you take me there?"

Nami panicked all of a sudden and seemed a little at a loss.

"Hahaha! Don't worry, little girl, I just said he was seriously injured at the time, and I didn't say anything about his current condition."

That look, that expression, it was all out of fear that something would happen to her sweetheart, which made Gu Lewa want to sing about her youth.

"Let me take you over to see him."

Bringing the agitated Nami to the next room, she immediately saw Lot, who was sleeping soundly with his hands and feet wrapped in bandages. She was so excited that she didn't care that her fever had just subsided and was not completely recovered. He ran past the situation, but when he got close to the hospital bed, he immediately slowed down his steps.

"This young man is really extraordinary. He actually carried you on his back and braved such a heavy snowstorm to climb Cigu Mountain with his bare hands. He looked like a monster – Gudu! Gulewa said and took another swig of wine. She put a chair under Nami's butt and motioned for her to sit down. She took another stool and sat down before continuing:

"When I found him, the wounds on his arms that were bitten by wild beasts were relatively easy to treat. The more serious injuries were on his hands and feet, which had been severely frostbitten. Normal people would have to have their limbs amputated to survive."

Nami listened quietly. After seeing Lot at close range, her mood suddenly became much calmer. However, when she heard the doctor said that amputation was needed to survive, her heart suddenly picked up again, but what the other person said next made her think again. not worried

"But this kid is just like what I said before, he is like a monster. I just put nutrient solution on him and turned around to prepare the surgical tools for amputation. When I came back, I found that his frostbitten hands and feet had already been It's a lot better. I can't say it's completely healed, but there's no need to amputate it. Just treat it like normal frostbite.

Gulewa looked at Nami with a playful smile:"Why don't you sell this young man to me as payment for your medical expenses? If you can thoroughly study his extremely fast self-healing speed, but can you He left his shadow in the history of medicine~"


Nami immediately refused.

"Hehehe, I knew you would say that, but little girl, don't be too happy too soon——"

Gureva's expression suddenly became extremely solemn, which made Nami's heart suddenly rise again. Is there any more serious problem that Lot has not dealt with?

"The most serious problem with this young man is his spirit. Judging from various indicators, the fatigue accumulated in him is like a person who has not slept for more than ten days, dragging a body that can die suddenly at any time up to several kilometers. A hundred-meter high mountain, hee hee – should I say he is brave because of his skill, but he is not afraid of death at all."

(She hasn't slept in more than ten days!!)

Nami's pupils shrank suddenly. She finally understood why she had been seeing Lot watching her every time since she fell ill and fell into a coma.

"Is there any way you can cure his mental problems? Please, doctor! I can give you any amount!"

Nami stood up and bowed to Gureva, but what she got was a cold reply:

"I can't cure his mental problems."

(How could this happen?!)

Her eyes suddenly turned red, tears filled her eyes, and a strong urge to cry came to Nami's heart.

"Because there is no need for me to treat him. I will not say that he is just like a monster. He just needs to have a good sleep now, hehehe——"

"Then why do you look like 'he's going to die'? You old woman!!"

My heart was going up and down like a roller coaster, making Nami shout out all of a sudden.

"snort! If you weren't still a sick person, I would have to leave a deep impression on you. How dare you call me, a 130-year-old woman in my youth, an old woman!"

Pressing Nami's excited body back to the chair, Gureva changed the subject:

"In fact, you are the most serious among the four. Look at your abdomen."