
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Tranh châm biếm
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106 Chs

Chapter 83

Shocked by the words"She has no feminine charm at all", Miss Wednesday, who hid her face and ran away, disappeared in a flash. Lott, who stayed in the same place, looked around and found that except for the bounty hunter lying on the ground moaning, there was no one who could move..

It's really boring. We can only kill so many pirates by relying on the sea of people….I don't even have the capital to get excited.

After shaking his head and waiting for a long time to confirm that no one was really coming to kill him, Lot planned to go back to the place where the banquet was held to wake up those fools who had really fallen asleep and talk about the island..

But just when he took the first step, a familiar but angry voice stopped him.

"Lot! You ungrateful fellow!!"


Looking around, I saw Luffy, who had a bulging belly from eating too much, with a livid face, glaring at him.



Several question marks rose in Lot's mind. How could he be ungrateful?.

And why did he suddenly wake up at this time?

"How dare you kill everyone who feeds us!!"

Luffy continued to roar loudly, and this sentence also made Lott understand. It turned out that this idiot saw the group of bounty hunters lying on the ground and caused a misunderstanding.

"Luffy, listen to me, this is——"

Lot raised his hand and wanted to explain, but an angry Luffy interrupted him directly,"Stop talking! I just asked a person lying on the ground! He said it was you who chopped it!"

"As I said, there are some——"

He sighed tiredly in his heart. Lot wanted to continue to explain clearly, but this time Luffy took action directly. There was no sense of clumsiness in his bulging body. In just a blink of an eye, he rushed over. In front of Lot, he raised his fists and shouted at the same time:

"You dare not act like this guy! Let's fight it out with me!!"


With just one punch, a wall behind Luffy Lot was shattered.

"Are you trying to kill me, you idiot?!!"

Rotte, who turned to hide, looked at the shattered wall and was horrified. This punch showed no mercy and was completely aimed at knocking him down.

"That's right! Go to hell!!"

The most unacceptable behavior is that of being ungrateful. Luffy was so angry that he completely lost his mind. He swung a few more times, and each punch could break the wall or rock.

"good! Then I'll fight you idiot!"

Being chased and beaten by his captain for unfounded reasons without giving him a chance to explain. Every time he was hit, he was still trying to beat him to death. Even a clay figure would be angry. Lot decided not to dodge blindly.

"Just right! I also want to see who is stronger in physical skills between the two of us now!"

Being chased by Luffy, Lot was quickly retreating. He kicked his foot hard and stomped on the ground. At the same time, his Sharingan was opened. He aimed at the right moment and grabbed Luffy's fist and pushed it to the side, causing him to lose his balance. He was empty. At the same time, his hands clenched into fists and greeted his face.


Luffy flew out and smashed into a house.

Eight-door Dunjia·Open the door, open!

Thunder Dunjia·Chakra mode!

A sudden wave of air It exploded from Lot's body, blowing away the gravel at his feet. Since it was a competition of physical skills, Lot decided not to use ninjutsu and the short sword behind him, and relied entirely on physical strength and fists to win. Negative!

Feeling the sudden increase in power, Lot stared ferociously at the house that had a big hole smashed out. The moment the smoke and dust rippled, his figure disappeared from the place, and when he reappeared, he was already inside the house, pushing Gang away. Luffy got up with the stone on his body and kicked him out again, causing him to fly backwards and hit the wall again.

"Oh oh oh!!

Luffy, who stopped his body with his feet, yelled and launched a counterattack,"Rubber rubber!" Machine gun!"

The fists punched at extremely fast speeds instantly give people the illusion that dozens of fists are hitting the body at the same time. The dynamic capture vision of the Sharingan wheel is used to coordinate with the extremely fast movement of the spoon. , Lot dodged most of the fists. Although a few of them hit him on the body and made him groan in pain, he once again got close to Luffy and had the opportunity to fight back. The two of them The battle broke out here and intensified


At the same time, on the other side, Sauron also encountered two uninvited guests.

Looking at Ikarim, who was blown to the ground, and Miss Wednesday, who was forced into a corner by a tall man wearing sunglasses and a woman holding an umbrella, with disheveled hair and a messy figure, Zoro tilted his head. He asked in confusion:

"what happened? Are you fighting among yourself?"

He had just finished killing a bounty hunter, and when he was about to go find Lot, he saw Ikarim and Miss Wednesday being chased by the two men. Ikarim's body suddenly exploded and collapsed after he had not run a few steps. On the ground, and Miss Wednesday was also forced into this situation

'Forget it, it was such a messy night, forget it, just do whatever you want! '

After taking a look, he found that the two people had no intention of doing anything to him. Zoro was about to leave to find Lot. However, the next second he felt someone grabbing his ankle. When he looked down, he found that It was Ikarem who had crawled to his feet at some point.

I saw him struggling to raise his head, his bloody and charred face full of anxiety and pleading. He looked at Sauron and said loudly:

"Swordsman hero! After seeing your strength, I have a request!!"

"Don't invite me! Who cares about you? Let go!"

Not long ago, he was thinking about the enemy who handed him over to the navy. Zoro naturally had no intention of listening. However, Icarem still grabbed his ankle tightly and continued to talk to himself:

"Those two people are people with special abilities, I can't stop them!! Therefore, can you protect the princess for me!!"

"Princess? What princess?"

Why did another princess pop up all of a sudden? Zoro felt that his head was getting bigger.

"As long as you can safely send the princess to the far east and fight through Alabasta, you will definitely get a huge reward!"

Icarem looked up at Sauron with eyes full of begging, but the next second, he was answered by a female voice coming from another direction.

"Huge reward? is that true?"

Nami sat on the roof of the room next to her, looking at Ikarem, with a money-loving smile on her face. She stretched out a finger and said:

"I'm interested in what you say. How about 1 billion Baileys?"

"10…1 billion Baileys!!"

This number is not a small amount for Alabasta, let alone Alabasta, which is now full of internal troubles. Ikarem was choked all of a sudden.

"Aren't you drunk?"

Looking at Nami jumping off the roof, Zoro asked curiously

"I said…This town is so welcoming to pirates. When encountering such a strange thing, can I just get drunk and rest peacefully? Only those three idiots were so naive. Nami replied. She came to Ikarem who was still lying on the ground, squatted down, and said with a cute and cute smile on her face:

"So, will you promise to give me 1 billion Baileys? Guard captain. If we don't help, the princess will definitely die."

Nami, who woke up long ago, has been secretly observing what is happening on the island. Zoro and Lot can deal with the more than 100 bounty hunters. She can just hide in the dark and watch as a navigator. By the way, she ransacked the house to see if she could find anything valuable.

Just now, she secretly witnessed the confrontation between the two Devil Fruit users and Miss, no, it should be said that the Princess of Alabasta and the guard captain, also Understand their true identities

"You see, those two people are getting closer and closer to the princess."

As she said that, Nami also pointed at the two people not far away who were slowly approaching the blue-haired figure.

"If the princess is sent back home safely!! Let's discuss it directly with the princess! Only in this way can you ensure that you can get 1 billion Baileys!"

Resolutely, Ikarem made a decision immediately. It is difficult for Alabasta to come up with 1 billion beli, but he can't control so much. He must save the princess first.

"So, we have a deal."

Nami nodded with satisfaction, stood up, then looked at Zoro and gave the order:

"good! Zoro! Come on!!"

"Who is going!! idiot! Why do I have to be your money-making tool?"

Zoro roared back. This woman looked like she was ordering him as a matter of course, and the sight of her made him angry.

"Who makes Lot not here now? Also, don't forget, you lent me money back in Rogge Town~"

Nami put her hands on her hips and said with a smile.

"Didn't I return that money to you? That knife was given to me for free. The 100,000 Baileys you lent me didn't cost you a penny."

"However, our agreement at the time was that you would pay me twice the interest, which means you still owe me 200,000 Baileys.~"

"I returned the money to you intact, and the interval was less than an hour. Isn't that okay?!"


Nami crossed her arms and looked at Zoro with a look of disdain that you only have so much magnanimity, and said lightly:"Can't you even abide by a [promise]?"


This move accurately stepped on Sauron's Achilles' heel.

"As long as you are obedient, the past events can be wiped out~"

Like a charming devil, Nami continued.

"You, a woman, must die!"

Complaining angrily, Zoro, who was completely caught, pulled out his knife and could only walk in the direction of the three people.

"It seems very noisy in the back…"

After eating the [Light and Heavy Fruit], Miss can freely control her weight and said to her companions on Valentine's Day.

"It doesn't matter, they are all weak people. Deal with the princess first and then take care of them."

After eating the bomb fruit, Mr5 could use his whole body as a bomb and cause an explosion," he replied casually.

'good chance! '

The moment she saw that the two enemies' attention was no longer on her, Miss Wednesday rushed out suddenly and called out to her seat,"Karoo Duck!

" When the duck heard his master's call, he immediately jumped out and ran over

"She's running away…"

"There is no escape."

Miss Valentine's Day and Mr5 looked at Miss Wednesday's behavior in silence. In their eyes, this was just a death struggle.

But what happened next made the two of them widen their eyes, because on Miss Wednesday The moment before he was about to climb onto the Karoo Duck, a black shadow flew over, accurately hitting Miss Wednesday and the Karoo Duck, and then flew past them in a confused ball.

"It hurts! That stupid rubber man!"

Rotte got up and shook his head. He was hit by Luffy's rocket launcher and now felt a sharp pain in his chest. At the same time, a doubt arose in his mind – Did he hit something soft just now

? With this question in mind, Lot looked down and saw a huge duck with circled eyes that must have fainted and a woman with disheveled hair covering her head who looked very familiar.

"Lot? Why are you here?"

Before he could think about who this familiar-looking woman was, Nami's voice attracted his attention.

"Ah, you are all here."

Looking up, after discovering that it was Zoro and Nami, Lot wanted to explain what happened to him:"It's that idiot Luffy.——"

"Don't worry about Luffy yet!"

Nami interrupted him directly.


Why don't you give anyone a chance to explain?!

Recalling what Luffy had just done, Lot almost went crazy.

"You deal with those two guys first – the 200,000 Baileys you owe me, Zoro, will be dealt with next time."

Nami said, while not forgetting to call Zoro.

"You woman!"

Zoro gritted his teeth angrily.

No wonder this woman was so happy when she saw Lot. It turned out that he had free coolies to work for him, and he could continue to owe the 200,000 beli.


Although this behavior of not giving him a chance to explain was really annoying, seeing the two guys who were clearly coming towards him with bad intentions, and Luffy not chasing after him yet, he decided to solve the problem at hand first. This is a man and a woman

"Fire escape! Magnificent fireball technique!"

When facing the enemy, of course, use Ninjutsu if you have the skills.

A huge fireball was spit out from the mouth, which made the two men and women who were unprepared suddenly widen their eyes. The fireball flew extremely fast and came in the blink of an eye. Arrive in front of them


Miss Valentine and Mr5 jumped away awkwardly on their front legs, and the fireball exploded on their back legs. The burning pain caused by the terrifying high temperature made them scream in pain.

Without giving them a chance to breathe, the fireball just dissipated in the air, Lot appeared in front of Mr5, grabbed his head and smashed it to the ground. The next second, he came to Miss Valentine's Day with a spoon and swept his kick towards the woman's abdomen. With the blessing of Lei Dun Chakra, the force of this kick directly made the woman foam at the mouth, roll up the whites of her eyes, and faint.


In less than a few breaths, Miss Valentine and Mr5 were eliminated.

Miss Wednesday, who got up from the ground, covered her mouth. Only at this moment did she realize how close she was to death in front of Lot not long ago. close.