
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Tranh châm biếm
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106 Chs

Chapter 80

After a hearty battle with Rab, Luffy drew a crooked Straw Hat Pirates logo on Rab's head, and asked Rab not to hit the Red Earth Continent with his head again before they returned. So as not to destroy the symbol of their agreement.

After doing this, Luffy said that he was hungry and wanted to have a party here.

Of course, as far as the food storage on the Merry is concerned, if you don't want to starve during the next voyage, it is definitely impossible to hold a banquet according to Luffy's wishes, but Sanji still used the elephant trunk tuna he bought in Rogue Town. Made a hearty lunch.

During the meal, Krokas also talked to everyone in the Straw Hats about some things to pay attention to on the Grand Line.

This is undoubtedly extremely important information for them who have just come in.

While the captain ignored him and just kept his head down, the others were listening attentively to what this old man had to say.

"When sailing on the [Grand Line], [Recording Pointer] is a necessity."

When talking about the navigation direction of the Grand Route, Krokas proposed a new concept – the recording pointer. The recording pointer is a special compass that can record the magnetism of the island, and it is the only compass that can be used on the Grand Route. It works, other compasses just spin randomly like they're broken

"It also looks different from an ordinary compass. The recording pointer is generally spherical."


Nami was stunned. She had never seen a spherical compass before, and it hadn't been mentioned in the navigation knowledge books she had read before.

"Is that what it looks like?"

Luffy, who had a large piece of fish stuffed in his mouth, suddenly took out a spherical object from his pocket. It looked similar to the record pointer Crocas said.

"Well, that's it. Crocas looked over, then nodded, confirming that what Luffy was holding was the record pointer he mentioned.

"Without this record pointer, it is impossible to sail in this sea area. It is very difficult to obtain this from outside the Grand Line."

"I see….But wait a moment…"

Nami raised her hand and waved, indicating that the topic would stop. Just when everyone looked over to see what she wanted to do, she punched Luffy away and roared loudly:"Why do you have That!!"

As a navigator on the ship, she had never heard of the recording pointer before, but Luffy, who was like an idiot, took out a sample directly. She couldn't accept this fact.

"Really, this was what the two people left on the boat when they left just now…."

As a rubber man, Luffy touched his head after being punched without any pain, and asked back in confusion:"And why did you suddenly hit me?!"

"So that's it, those two people were left behind…."Nami smiled and then continued:"I just hit you for fun!"


Luffy showed an expression of disbelief. Why would he, a captain, be beaten for just a whim?

In fact, other people on the ship who are usually persecuted by Luffy can completely understand what Nami did, especially just now Usopp spent a lot of effort to repair the main mast that was broken by Luffy.

After talking about the record pointer, Crocass talked about other things for almost ten minutes before finally Finish telling what he wants to tell the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Wait, old man. Seeing

Crocas stop talking, Lot, who had been listening silently, immediately answered,"You said you have been to the New World, right?""

"That's right. Crocas nodded. At that time, he happened to want to go to sea to inquire about the Lombard Pirates. He happened to meet a group of pirates who looked very good and invited him. He went to sea and became a pirate for several years. The ship's doctor, who returned here after a week of sailing around the world, has naturally been to the New World.

"So, do you know what domination is?"

Lot asked with a serious face.

When they heard this name, Luffy and Zoro both cheered up.


Crocas had a look of surprise on his face,"You actually know this name?"…Logically speaking, this name was rarely mentioned in the first half of the Grand Line. You, who came from the East China Sea, the weakest sea area, actually know it…."

"Hawkeye told me"

"Hawkeye? Crokas looked stunned,"It was indeed published in the newspaper a few days ago that he went to the East China Sea. I didn't expect you to meet him. He also told you about domineering…Forget it, I'm too lazy to discuss the relationship between you."

The old man seemed to be recalling the days of travel many years ago. After a moment of silence, he continued to speak:

"I do know about domineering, but if you want to learn this power from me, you will only be disappointed. I was just an ordinary ship's doctor on that ship, not a combatant like those monsters. He is good at fighting and spends most of his time studying medical skills, but I can still briefly talk to you."

Crocas's words made Lot a little disappointed, but after hearing the last sentence, he immediately cheered up.

For the unknown power, knowing a lot is not a bad thing.

In Crocas's subsequent explanation, everyone also Gradually, I gained a preliminary understanding of Haki.

Haki is a power that must be learned if you want to survive after entering the second half of the Grand Line, that is, after entering the new world. Only by acquiring Haki can you be considered to be in the world. The new world divided up by the four sea emperors has the capital to protect itself.

There are three main types of domineering, namely overlord domineering, armed domineering and knowledge domineering.

Overlord domineering is something that some strong people are born with. Ordinary People cannot acquire it through acquisition. A strong person with overlord color and hegemony can make some timid people faint with just one look.

And the latter two types of hegemony can be acquired through acquisition.

Seeing and hearing color hegemony can feel the breath of the surroundings. It can sense the enemy's position or predict their attacks to avoid them in advance.

Armed Haki is like an invisible armor attached to the place where the user wants to attach, which can greatly improve defense and Destructive power, and one of its main effects is that it can break the defense of some Devil Fruit users, such as those with natural abilities who are immune to physical attacks. Armed Haki can catch and hit them.

"Let's not talk about the innate Overlord Color Haki, but if you are going to enter the new world in the second half of the Grand Line, then I suggest that you master the Armed Color Haki and the Knowledge Color Haki before then. No, I can't say it is a suggestion, it should be a warning. You and Rab made a promise, and you must master these two powers before entering the new world."

Krokas folded his hands on his chest and looked unusually serious.

Rab's waiting had just regained its meaning, and he didn't want to receive the news that the group in front of him was completely destroyed soon.

"Not all members will be domineering, but the main combatants must master this power"


The members of the Straw Hat Pirates also felt the importance of domineering, and their expressions were extremely serious. Even Luffy, who was always heartless, temporarily stopped eating, and the atmosphere suddenly became silent.

"So, old man, do you know where your former pirate group companions are now? If possible in the future, I would like to visit them."

Lot broke the silence.

"I don't know, maybe I'm staying in a prison, maybe I'm still in the New World, or maybe I'm living a secluded life in a remote countryside like the old man."

Crocas shook his head, breaking Lot's hope of acquiring domineering power as soon as possible. After a while, he continued:"But if you meet each other in the future and are recognized, those people will I am happy to teach you how to be domineering."

As he said that, his eyes were intentionally or unintentionally placed on Luffy. To be more precise, it was on the straw hat hanging around his neck.

"Okay, old man, that's all I can tell you. I have to eat. I'm even hungry."

Before anyone else noticed, Krocas withdrew his gaze, saw his expression relaxed, and the topic returned to eating.

"Yes, let's eat. It seems that we won't be able to touch the domineering thing in a short time. It's still delicious.——"

As a chef, Sanji quickly greeted everyone to eat when he saw this, but when he turned around, he saw that the plates on the table were all empty, and Luffy's belly was as if he was ten months pregnant. He knew what happened without saying anything.

"Did you eat it all by yourself?!"

Sanji yelled frantically.

The dish made from that fish can be eaten by 10 people!!

"oh! Not even the bones are left!!"Usopp's eyes also bulged out, as if he could find some leftovers from the empty dinner plate.��

"The rice is just there, I must eat it."

But Luffy still acted like it was natural. This made Sanji intolerable. He stood up, turned around and kicked Luffy on the back of the head. Knowing that the rubber man wouldn't hurt, he exerted all his strength and let Luffy fly away. Go out.

Unfortunately, Luffy who flew out happened to hit Nami's hand, who had just put on the record pointer and was looking down at it, which directly caused the record pointer on her hand to shatter.

She was still immersed in using this record in the future.

Nami, who had a beautiful fantasy of leading everyone to a safe voyage with a pointer, was stunned, and then her eyes moved to Sanji.

Sanji, who noticed Nami's eyes on him, was happy, but the next second he was kicked by the opponent When we got to the sea, well, Luffy was taken with him

"You two! Just calm down and come back!!!"

Seeing Nami's frantic look, Lott patted his chest with lingering fear. Just now, he also wanted to beat up Luffy, a bastard who cared about himself and not leaving any for his friends. Fortunately, Sanji came out faster than him. His feet are broken, otherwise he would be the one flying out now

———— the other side

"It hurts so much, Mr9, are they so harsh?"

On the sea not far from Twin Capes, there was a bamboo raft floating with two figures sitting on it.

Miss Wednesday touched her head, her beautiful eyebrows trembled, feeling the pain in the back of her head, and casually complained to Mr9 a sentence

"Have it? Now I just feel a little soreness where I was hit…."

Mr9 looked stunned and said he couldn't quite relate to Miss Wednesday's words.

"never mind…Never mind this matter…"

Blaming the fact that she still feels pain on the fact that she, as a woman, may be more intolerant of pain, Miss picked up a pair of binoculars and looked at the shore of Twin Capes on Wednesday.

"I'm so sorry, Miss. On Wednesday, I actually lost such an important record pointer, so we had to go back again."

Mr9's apologetic voice came to her ears. Regarding this, Miss bit her lower lip on Wednesday and slightly expressed her dissatisfaction:

"It's already past the time to complete the whaling. It's just a matter of not being able to go back or going back too late. We must return to the town as soon as possible and report the situation to the boss, otherwise it will be miserable!"

They said, planning to use force to take back the record pointer that they didn't know had been broken from Luffy's hands.

But before they took action, they encountered the unfortunate messenger responsible for monitoring the activities of the organization's members, Mr. 13 the mysterious sea otter and Ms. Friday is the mysterious vulture.

They regarded Miss Wednesday and Mr9 as enemies who had not completed their mission and were planning to rebel.

They dropped a bomb directly and blew them up without giving them any chance to explain.

They fell into the sea.

They drifted with the waves, and their survival instinct made them subconsciously struggle to swim towards the land.

But when they put their hands on a piece of land and planned to climb up, a shadow enveloped them.

The two of them.

Looking up, they saw the expressionless face of Lott, the demon who had knocked them out and slapped them in the face not long ago!

What was even worse was that Lott, who was standing in front of them, had already Put your feet up!

"etc! We have something to ask for!"

"We can give you a lot of money!!"

Seeing that Lot wanted to step them down, Miss Wednesday and Mr9 said quickly.

After losing a record pointer, Krocas said that he could give them a brand new one, and Nami was happy to hear it. After receiving the money, he immediately appeared next to Lott at the speed of teleportation, showing a sweet smile to Miss Wednesday.

"You said you could give me a lot of money, right?"


People have to bow their heads under the eaves, Miss Wednesday quickly nodded and admitted.

"Okay, Lot, you can pull them up."

Nami immediately ordered.

As the person in charge of the ship's finances, Lot naturally obeyed the order. He lifted it up one by one and threw it on the ground.

"it hurts…"

Miss Wednesday touched her butt and glanced at Lot with an annoyed expression.

Why does this man have no gentlemanly manners at all? No, why does it feel like this man has always been at odds with her?