
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Tranh châm biếm
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106 Chs

Chapter 51

"Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

"Wind escape! Big breakthrough!"

The two separated clones formed a triangle with the main body and surrounded the fish-men on the shore. They released several ninjutsus one after another and eliminated a group of fish-men at once.

But the enemy was outnumbered and we were outnumbered. There were still a few fishmen who seized the opportunity to get close to the clones. The clones who lost the opportunity to release ninjutsu could only enter a state of hand-to-hand combat.

Fortunately, even the most ordinary fishmen have several times better physical fitness than ordinary humans. , but facing Lot, even his shadow clones are not enough to watch. Each clone is 1 vs. many, but they still fight back and forth.


Pressing the head of a fish-man caught by him into the ground, Lott glanced at the water again and found that there was still no movement.

'If you really can bear it, if you don't come out, your men will be killed by me! With a cold snort in his heart, Lot continued to concentrate on dealing with the enemy in front of him.

If you don't come up, I won't be able to go down. Fighting a fish-man who can breathe freely and is stronger underwater is something only a fool would do unless forced to do so.

And he also stayed on the shore to stop those fishmen who wanted to jump into the water and escape when they saw something was wrong.


Croobie, who had been hiding in the water, naturally clearly saw what happened on the shore. Although he was limited by his viewing angle, he could not see everything that happened on the shore clearly, but the screams and screams of his compatriots kept ringing out. The smaller and smaller sounds told him that all his men were about to be killed.

He scolded Lot in his heart for his cruelty.

But he didn't think about the human villagers who begged for mercy but were still killed. Now, Lot just did to them what they had done to this island and nearby villages.

'Can't hide anymore!

Croobie, who had been observing Lot for a while, decided to take action. He caught Lot with his back to the water, and his legs suddenly exerted force and he jumped out of the water.

"Fishman Karate·Straight punch!"

Kroobbi in the air aimed at the back of Lot's head and punched him, but Lot, who had been prepared, turned around after hearing the voice from behind and crossed his arms in front of his face.


The sound of physical collision sounded, and the huge force caused Lot to retreat repeatedly, and did not stop until he hit the wall of the room.

'Well, what a terrifying power——'

Feeling the constant numbness and pain in his arms, Lot stared at Croobie's figure, and at the same time sighed in his heart at the strength of the fishman's physical fitness.

This strength is not comparable to the group of fishmen he just dealt with, as it can be seen from the fact that it can push him back so far.

Now that he was under the influence of the medicine and his body was getting stronger through continuous exercise, he felt numbness and pain. If a normal person had received that punch, his arm would have been easily fractured.

"Fishman Karate·Wrist Slash!"

I saw Croob's arm bent, and the fin on it was slashing like a sharp blade.

Lot would not foolishly want to use his body to test whether the fin was really as sharp as a sharp blade. With the sound of"Boom" With a sound, the fishman blasted a hole in the wall and came out.

"Don't try to escape!"

Before Lot, who jumped away, landed, Kroobbi came close to him again. Kroobbi, who had been observing underwater for a while, had figured out clearly that the fire-breathing human beings in front of him could also create strong winds and split. The clone's actions require time to make those strange gestures in advance.

So, what he has to do is not to give this cunning human who pretends to be a weakling to eat the devil fruit time to make those strange gestures!

Therefore, after landing, Ke Luo Bi's offensive against Lot was extremely fast and tightly entangled with Lot, not giving Lot any chance to distance himself.

Even if he used silent steps to avoid it, the fishman would be able to catch up quickly.

There is absolutely no time for sealing


The continuous physical collisions made Lot feel pain and numbness in the parts of his body that came into contact. Human beings would indeed be in an inherently weak position when fighting fish-men in close quarters.

Occasionally, there were a few attacks that he dodged. When Croobie's fist or foot hit the stone, the stone was directly shattered. The strength of the stone was evident.

Although his practice in the past few days has allowed him to learn another body-strengthening technique besides the Thunder Chakra Mode, he has no intention of using it on the fish-man in front of him here.

Therefore, let's use ninjutsu to solve it – in order to keep Croobie away from the water and prevent him from jumping into the water just when he saw something wrong, Lott deliberately moved the place where the two were fighting slowly away from the pool. Attracted.

But as they fought, Croobie discovered that the two of them had returned to the shore.

Looking at the pool not far behind Lot, Croobie felt happy.

With a countermeasure in hand, he seized the opportunity and kicked Lot's stomach. He kicked this kick harder than before. Although Lot blocked most of the damage with his arms, the huge force still caused him to suffer. He flew out toward the pool.

The two sides took this opportunity to distance themselves, but Croobie was not afraid that Lot would have time to make those strange gestures, because there was water under him at the moment!

Then, as soon as he falls into the water, Croobie will jump in again!

In the water, that's the fishman's home ground! Those strange tricks like wind and fire are completely useless against him.

What Croobie, who was thinking like this, didn't see was that the corners of Lot's mouth had turned up. idiot! I really thought you had seized this opportunity yourself!

The water is indeed the fishman's home ground, but what Croobbi didn't expect was that he wouldn't fall into the water like an ordinary human being!

It was his intention to lead the two of them to the shore for their fight, and as he expected when they got close to the water, the fishman really increased his strength. In addition, he also deliberately relaxed his muscles, so he was easily kicked away. out.

All this was done to make the fish man relax his vigilance.

And this is the arrogance of the fish-men in the face of humans. Even though Lot has shown great strength, Croobie still thinks that his world is in the water. More importantly, this human is a devil fruit user. , what does it mean to fall into the sea?

It means that the outcome has been decided, he, Croobie, has won! Even if he does nothing next, Lot will drown!

Croob's thoughts were wonderful, but the reality was cruel.

His starting point of"Lot is a Devil Fruit user" was wrong from the beginning, and this is the benefit of unequal intelligence.

Do you think it's because of my Devil Fruit that I can breathe fire, create wind, and do all kinds of weird things?

This is ninjutsu, boy!

"Earth Escape·Earthquake Wave!"

Lot calmed down his mind. The main body and the clone were connected by thought. At the moment when Lot came up with the idea, he deliberately left a shadow clone hiding in the dark after dealing with the fish-men minions, then completed the seal and released the ninjutsu.

The clone Injecting the last chakra into the ground, the ground under Kroobbi's feet softened instantly.

"what happened?!"

The sudden change on the ground made Kroobbi lose his footing immediately and stumbled. He looked towards the side where the sound came from, but only saw a group of dissipating smoke, so he immediately turned back to look at the pool..

Although he didn't know what happened, as long as that guy fell into the water –

Croobie's eyes widened as he was thinking about it, because in his field of vision, the human was standing on the water!

How is that possible! That's them Something even a fishman can't do!

Is this also the ability of his Devil Fruit??!

Looking at the stunned enemy, the corners of Lot's mouth rose. In the time it took for the clone to attract his attention, he had already completed the seals. Several The words came out of his mouth:

"Water escape! Water shark bomb!"