
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
106 Chs

Chapter 32


Sure enough, Luffy shouted and ran out of the smoke in the next second. Fortunately, this time he did not target Lot, but quickly headed towards the Black Cat Pirates. The boat ran over and hugged the huge black cat-headed bow.

"Wow ya ya ya!!"

Luffy screamed strangely, veins bulging in his arms, and then under everyone's stunned eyes, he tore off the black cat's bow!!

Then he tore off the two more than 20-meter-tall boats. The huge bow of the ship that can only be held by an individual waved.

"Help!! Kudos to Captain!"

"Is this guy crazy? Is he still human?!"

The Black Cat Pirates who were targeted were jumping up and down, just wanting to stay away from the crazy Luffy.

Seeing more and more casualties among his men, Zango gritted his teeth and could only yell under the huge pressure and cut Luffy's attention drawn to him

"If I say [One or two likes], you will fall asleep!"

"[One or two! Thumbs up!!]"


Luffy, who was shouting that he was about to smash the bow of the ship on Jango, suddenly stopped, and then fell to the ground and fell asleep, and the huge bow of the ship held him down.

'Phew—this idiot finally stopped….'

Seeing this scene, Lot was relieved from the bottom of his heart.

Although Luffy's misbehavior has caused harm to the Black Cat Pirates, if they are not careful, their friends will also suffer serious consequences.

But just as he breathed a sigh of relief, a black shadow came from the right and launched an attack on Lot. clang!

The short knife blocked the metal cat claws that were attacking his heart. It was the skinny cat of Brother Kitten!

He looked towards Zoro with his peripheral vision and confirmed that he was still fighting the hypnotized fat cat and that the situation had not yet developed into the most serious direction.

But just when he was about to deal with the skinny cat as quickly as possible, Nami's screaming voice reached his ears:

"Lot! Where are you? Come and save us!!"

Clang, clang, clang!"

The hypnotized Slender Cat was both fast and powerful, making Lot, whose physical skills could only be considered average at the moment, a little tired of dealing with it. Nami's cry for help made him even more anxious.

After a series of blocks , After the next few claw attacks, Lot finally took the opportunity to kick the thin cat away. After pulling away, he quickly looked towards Nami.

On the top of the slope, Kraha – no, it should be said to be Klaha. Luo's man was standing there looking down at them, and Usopu was pointing the slingshot at him, but his legs were shaking. Nami was also waiting with a stick.

Even with a weapon in his hand, Crowe completely ignored Uso. Thorpe and Nami, his cold eyes swept across the slope. When he saw that the members of the Black Cat Pirates were suffering heavy casualties, and the bow of the ship was torn off, this unexpected development made veins pop out on his forehead..Claude

's angry look made Jangao's body tremble uncontrollably.

"It's dawn! No wonder you haven't come yet!"

"Do you want me to kill all the members of your Sea Cat Pirates?! He was actually blocked by such a little devil!!"

Claude's voice was full of murderous intent.

"No…no! Listen to my explanation, these guys are very strong!"

Zangao wanted to explain, but it made Decloo even more angry:"Are you saying these are stronger than me?!"


Zangao quickly defended himself.

"Go help them, Lot!"

Suddenly, Zoro quickly flew in front of Lot and helped him withstand another attack from the thin cat, while the fat cat that was dragging him was struggling to get up from the ground.

His chest had just been ripped off Long took the opportunity to cut an X-shaped wound, but the extremely thick fat and the ability to forget pain after being hypnotized meant that he would be able to attack again soon.

"rest assured! Just two cats! I can handle this on my own!"


Without hesitation, Lot left the battlefield here and ran to the top of the slope.

"Get off here! Crowe! You coward who is greedy for life and afraid of death! I'm going to beat you up!"

When he was still some distance away from the opponent, Lott shouted provocatively, hoping to draw his attention to himself.

"oh?"When the proud and arrogant Crowe heard someone calling him a coward, the murderous aura around him almost became real. He looked at Lott coldly.

But just when Lott thought his provoking method was working, Crowe's eyes actually looked at Nami aside, and then he disappeared.

The next second, bright red and hot blood was thrown into the air.

Lot's eyes widened, and Nami's eyes also widened, looking at it in disbelief. Usopp fell in front of her, and there were five wounds on his back.

This coward who was more afraid of death than she actually pushed her away and blocked the attack that should have fallen on her.


Rotte's eyes were cracked, but his reason made him know what to do, and the seal of the ninjutsu was completed at this moment. The water dragon attacked Crowe, who flashed a look of shock when he saw the water dragon, followed by others It disappeared like just now.

Bang – the attack failed, and the water dragon knocked down the trees behind.

But it was enough to buy Lot time. He flashed to Nami and Usopp, and formed a seal The clone squatted down to check Usopp's wounds, while the main body stared at Crowe who appeared in the other direction.

"oh? Devil fruit user? Crowe glanced at the two identical people and was a little surprised:"No wonder he can block the Black Cat Pirates.""

"Fortunately, the spine was not cut."

After the clone checked the wound, Lott breathed a sigh of relief. Although the wound was bleeding continuously and looked extremely scary, the result was much better than the result of being paralyzed due to cutting the spine. As long as the wound is bandaged as soon as possible, it will be fine..

Crowe raised the frame of his glasses with his palm, and Lot finally understood why this man had this unusual gesture of raising his eyes.

His hands were wearing an alien weapon, and the top of the black gloves also From the tips of his fingers, ten sharp blades extend out!

Like cat claws.

This is why he can hold his glasses frame with the palm of his hand. Otherwise, the protruding sharp blades will hurt his face.

Facing a Devil Fruit user, The cautious Crowe did not attack again immediately, and Lott was also wary of the strange disappearing and reappearing trick and did not take action.

The two sides were in a stalemate.

"Krahatl! enough!!"

A new figure broke the silence. Usopp, who was lying on the ground, heard the voice and immediately got up anxiously and shouted to the new figure:

"Keya, why are you here!"

"What a surprise…"

The appearance of Keya made Crowe briefly stunned, and then calmed down:"Miss, why did you come here?"?"

"Mellie told me everything."

Keya gritted her teeth and said

"oh…Is that man still alive? I thought I had killed him…."

'No!! this person…Not Krahatl!! '

When she heard those extremely cold words coming from the mouth of the familiar yet unfamiliar man in front of her, the last hope in Keya's heart was shattered.

She really misunderstood Usopp.

Regret filled my heart instantly.