

Early the next morning Jack and Luke walked downstairs to the bar where they found Smoker already eating. "Where's Tashigi?" Jack curiously asked. Smoker paused his eating as he said, "She is out back doing her morning routine. She likes to get out and train a lot." After speaking he went back to wolfing down food as he read a newspaper.

Jack sat down at the table as Makino walked into the room humming a tune. When she saw Jack and Luke had arrived she walked back into the kitchen and brought out two trays of food. "Are you sure you don't want to be our cook Makino? I would be more than happy to marry you if you'd agree!" Luke practically pleaded. "I'm afraid not. I've already told you that I will not be leaving here." Makino oncen again declined their offer to join.

"Has Tashigi already eaten breakfast? I'd like to set out immediately after eating" Jack asked Smoker. Makino answered for him as she said, "She was up really early, and we ate together." Jack nodded then continued eating his food. After they were done they headed down to the docks where Jack pulled out the little ship.

"On our way back we will be sailing the bigger ship, so it will take us quite a bit longer than usual." Jack said to Makino, who had come to see them off. "Could you also see if the villagers will prepare some tents and huts? Get lots of food ready as well? When we come back we will most likely have a few hundred people with us, maybe even a few thousand." At Jack's words Makino got curious and asked, "Who are these people and why would they join you?" Smoker perked up at this because he also wanted to know.

"They are slaves who were taken from their homes because they wouldn't swear loyalty to the World government. There are lots of children who were born into slavery and all they know is work. I want to give them all a better chance here, and see if some would be willing to join me. I think the odds are pretty high that some of them will join."

At Jack's words Makino gasped and covered her mouth, Tashigi looked as though she would burst from anger at any moment, while Smoker turned away. He knew that the ones who imprisoned them there were most likely the marines.

"Get on the ship. We gotta go convince a navigator to join us" Jack shouted with a smirk on his face, which didn't go unnoticed by Smoker. "What's so funny giggly bits?" The white haired man asked as they all got on the ship. Jack was snapped out of his musings and looked over to Smoker.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure that everything will work out." Jack said brushing off the looks from those around him. "This is about that letter you sent to that girl isn't it?" Luke asked, already having an idea of what was going through his Captain's mind. "*Cough* You know I don't know what you are talking about..." Jack refuted with sweat running down his face as Makino glared daggers at him.

"What was in the letter that made her mad enough to beat an innocent trader?" Luke asked curiously. At those words Tashigi started glaring at Jack as well, while Smoker looked on with a smirk of his own. "I may have sort of teased her and hinted at the idea of... propositioning her... sister."

Luke burst out laughing, while Tashigi started to make her way towards him. Makino was still glaring at him with clenched fists as she spat out, "When you get back you are getting a lecture on how to treat women!!" Before Tashigi could reach him Jack started charging up a blast of fire as a shouted, "You better hang on to something or you're gonna fall off!!"

Tashigi quickly sat down, but still glared at Jack. A few seconds later and they were flying through the air in the direction of the Conomi Islands. As the ship flew through the air, Jack went into his Shop and was looking at ships for sale. He made it so that he was only looking at ships made of Adam's wood.

To his surprise there were only two, Gold Rogers Ship, and Luffy's future ship. 'What bullshit is this?!!' Jack thought angrily. Looking around he selected a Galleon Ship model, but he typed Adam's wood. Only Roger's ship appeared on the screen.

'I want my pearl!!' Jack decided that he would just use the ships he hadn't sold in his inventory until he got to water 7, then he would have Iceburg build the Black Pearl, but with some changes for this world. The figure head would stay the same with the graceful Black Angel to guide the ship, with a dove in her outstetched arm to symbolize freedom, but there would be more luxurious rooms inside, showers, and a proper dining room.

The ship wouldn't have to be super big because he didn't want lots of people with him at all times, maybe like 20-30 people at most. 'I need to get to water 7!! Or do I...?' A thought occurred to Jack, and it was one that he was extremely proud of. He would have to wait until he had some time to himself before he could pull it off, but if it worked out then he wouldn't need to wait for so long to get his ship.

They flew through the air for awhile, but eventually Luke pointed out an island in the distance. They graually decended then made their way to the docks, Jack acting as a propellar with his power. When they docked a few people recognized Jack and came to greet him. "Hey Jack's here!!" Someone shouted happily.

News of their arrival spread like wildfire through the town and many people came to welcome Jack. "What's with the warm welcome?" Tashigi asked curiously. One of the towns people heard her question and answered, "Jack is a hero here. He liberated all of the Conomi islands from the fishmen who tortured us and kept us as prisoners."

Another villager also spoke up, "He also got rid of the corrupt marines that were taking bribes from the fishmen to look the other way." Smoker was stunned at the news more than anybody else. He turned to look at Jack with a questioning gaze.

Jack noticing Smoker staring at him answered the unasked question, "It's true. I actually recorded the marines coming here to get payment from Arlong. These people were held as entertainment for the fishmen and had to pay ransom for years, so it wasn't too surprising that the marines knew about it."

Smoker turned to look at the people of this town and vowed in his mind that he would try to do better for them. As they walked in town, many people were already gathered to say hello, but what caught Jack's attention was the man in the police uniform that was walking towards him with a certain redhead.

'Fuck' Jack thought as he saw the angry woman march towards him. "You have some major explaining to do mister!!" Nami shouted at him as she got extremely close to him. Jack leaned down and whispered, "How about we discuss this in a few minutes in a more private place? I'm sure you wouldn't want everyone to know the deals we will be making. I can promise you more berries than you could ever collect in your life."

At the mention of berries Nami's face grew stars and she welcomed him back to her place. Jack told Smoker and Tashigi to explore the town if they wanted to, and that he would be in a house on the outskirts of town. Tashigi took off to mingle with the residents, but Smoker just followed the man in the police uniform.

He apparently wanted to talk with him about some things. Nami led Jack and Luke back to her place, and when they walked through the door they saw Nojiko reading a newspaper while sitting at the table. When she looked up her face went dark, and the paper fell to the table as she shot to her feet.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!!" A pissed off Nojiko asked. "Calm down, it's nothing like you think. Nami just invited me back here after I offered her lots of berries for a deal. I mean you did tell her about my offer from the letter right?" Jack said cryptically.

Nami looked to Nojiko with a confused look on her face as she asked, "There was something about me in the letter?" Nojiko got even more angry and she shouted, "Like hell she is going to sleep with you for money!!"

Nami raised a brow at that, as she had never met this man before so why would he want to sleep with her. "You do know I was messing with you with that right? Anyway that's not the part I'm talking about. I'm talking about the part of having her join me as the navigator of my ship and sail the world.

In the letter I mentioned that she will be protected and anything she needs will be taken care of. I will also give her... how about $500,000,000 berries up front, and any treasure we find gets split between the crew so she will get lots more down the road as well." Jack declared with a smug look on his face.

Before Nojiko could argue Nami shouted, "You have a deal!! I take cash." She held out her hand towards Jack. Nojiko tried to argue, but Nami wasn't even listening to her. Jack pulled out 5 breifcases, each filled with $100 million berries.

Nami opened up each case and looked at the contents. Afterwards she looked towards Jack with an evil grin on her face, "I also want the berries you stole from me!" Jack rubbed the back of his neck before he said, "How about I get you the best books on Navigation instead?"

Nami agreed immediately, and Jack quickly bought the books and gave them to her, while also handing her the first navigational book as well. Nami looked over the books with just as much happiness as the berries.

"Pack your bags, we leave first thing in the morning" Jack said to Nami. "You can't be serious?!!" Nojiko exclaimed angrily then added, "You don't even know this guy, and he... he is very annoying!! He might try to do things to you!"

At that point Luke actually interjected, "Actually the Captain would never do that. I'll admit he is not above paying for women to Willingly sleep with him, but he would never force himself on a woman. If that he did sleep with your sister it would be consensual."

Nojiko looked more angry and stormed out of the house. "You better say your goodbyes to everyone Nami." As Jack said that he and Luke walked out of the small house. "You got a thing for Nojiko don't ya?" Luke asked as they walked towards the town.

Jack smirked as he said, "Oh you have no idea. She is just extremely fun to tease as well. I'll admit Nami is attractive, but I have no intention of going after her. I would go bankrupt if that happened. Nojiko may act all sweet and innocent, but she's got quite the temper and devious side to her."

Luke just laughed at Jack's confirmation as they made their way to a bar. When they walked inside a fancy looking bar they saw Smoker and Genzo sitting over in a corner talking to each other. They made their way over to their table and Jack sat beside Genzo, while Luke sat next to Smoker.

As soon as they were seated Jack said, "We got ourselves a navigator. Nami was extremely expensive, but in the end money won." At Jack's words Genzo's eyes went wide as he shouted, "You made Nami part of your crew?!!" At his outburst many of the other patrons quieted down so they could listen in.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I? She is really good at navigation, and it makes Nojiko angry. Win-Win I'd say." Jack said happily. "You don't know what she's been through. She had it worse than any one of us here."

Before Genzo could repeat the depressing tale he was cut off by Jack, "I already know how she was forced to join Arlong and his crew. I don't care about that, and I will forget about it as should all of you. She is stronger now because of it, and a talented thief I might add."

Genzo stared at Jack for a few minutes not saying a word, then he got up from his seat and left the bar. "You guys stay here and enjoy yourselves. I'm gonna go and have a chat with Genzo for a bit." Jack said as he too got up from his seat and left the bar.

He knew that Genzo would be heading to Bellamere's grave like in the cannon so that's where he headed. When he got there he saw Genzo talking to a mound of dirt with a cross on one end. "I take it the grave belongs to Nami's mother?" Jack asked quietly. Genzo turned to face him with a serious look on his face.

"*Sigh* You really know how to cause an uproar wherever you go don't ya?" Genzo said tiredly, dropping his serious expression. "This is just the beginning. The whole world will know me and my companions in the next few years. The government might even put out bounties for us, but we will strive to do what's right." Jack said plainly.

"I'm gonna warn you right now kid... If you ever hurt her, I will hunt you down and kill you myself!" Genzo said with all the seriousness he could muster. "I can assure you that I would rather die than hurt those who I consider my friends." Jack paused his words before a smile appeared on his face as he continued,

"I consider my friends mine and I am also extremely greedy and will not let someone take what's mine. Should the marines or anyone else try to take what's mine, I will hunt them down and slaughter them all." Genzo smiled at those words. "I'll hold you to that" Genzo said as he started walking back towards the town.

(Nojiko POV)

Nojiko was sitting out in her tangerine grove thinking to herself. She didn't want her sister to leave her, but she knew Nami's dream was to go out and explore the world.

'What's my dream? Do I want to travel the world?' She thought to herself as she looked around at the tangerines growing around her. "This is all the bastards fault!" She grumbled angrily to herself as she thought of Jack.

The man had made it his personal mission to annoy her even when he wasn't even on the damn island. He was never shy about his words and took what he wanted. 'Why does he even bother me? I should be the one to mess with him!' After she thought that an idea formed in her mind.

'I could go with them! I could mess up his personal life and keep track of Nami. Who cares that I don't know what I wanna be yet, it will come to me!' After thinking that she ran back into the house where Nami was packing.

"I'm coming with you!!" Nojiko declared seriously to Nami. "W-What?!! Why?!" Nami asked perplexed. For as long as she knew, Nojiko had never shown any interest in traveling the world.

"I'm going with you so that we can spend time together. I only just got you back and I'm not about to lose you to some immoral asshole!! I also want to see the world and find something that excites me!" Nojiko declared proudly.

Nami looked happy for a second then her smile fell as she asked, "Do you think Jack is gonna let you? I mean he never mentioned it before." Nojiko looked to Nami with a stern expression as she said, "We're a package deal. Either he takes us both, or he doesn't get you! I'll go tell him the wonderful news personally!"

After saying that Nojiko left the house towards town, but to her surprise she saw Genzo walking with Jack towards town from her mothers grave. 'What the hell was he doing there?!!' She thought in confusion. She would ask Genzo later, but for now she had to make sure that she was going with Jack.

Marching over to the two men she said, "Hey Jack!! I'm coming with you on your ship!!" Jack turned to look at Nojiko with a confused yet clearly excited smile on his face. "Deal!!" Jack said happily.

"Either I go as we-" Nojiko stopped speaking when her mind processed what Jack said. "Wait, what? Just like that and I'm on board?" She asked in confusion.

Jack laughed at her before he said, "Of course. Teasing you from the Grandeline would be super difficult to pull off, but with you on board it's gonna be so much easier. Plus I got a way better shot at getting with you if that you're with me all the time!!"

His words made her eye twitch a few times, but she couldn't even be mad. She had gotten what she wanted, also he didn't need to know that she would be messing with him too. "Aright, I'll go pack!" She said happily as she turned and ran back to the house.

(Jack POV)

Jack was standing next to Genzo with a big smile on his face. 'I knew she had a thing for me!' He was brought out of his thoughts by Genzo snapping his fingers in his face.

"Hey!! What we talked about goes double now!! I know you like her, and if you break her heart I'll also come for you!!" Genzo said sternly. "Yeah okay. Although this one is entirely not my fault." Jack said trying to defend himself.

"Oh yeah?!! So the letters didn't have anything to do with her?!!" Genzo said, daring Jack to say that it wasn't his fault again. "You know.... now that I think about it, I might actually be responsible for her as well." Jack said with a stupid look on his face.

"Anyway enough of whose fault this was, lets go get a drink on me!" Jack headed to the bar after the offer. "Your damn right your paying!" Genzo said as he followed along to the bar.

That night the villagers had a going away party for Nami and Nojiko, while also giving proper thanks to Jack. Genzo lectured them both for a good hour about trusting people and doing whats right.

Smoker and Tashigi looked as though they weren't comfortable being here with everyone, but they still stayed. Luke drank like a mad man and even danced around with some villagers.

Jack talked with a few people, and even gave Genzo a pile of weapons to pass around to the other villages to fortify themselves from pirates. He also asked Genzo to build a big tavern like building with a few dozen rooms for people to stay in. He told him that in the future this would be a branch of their organization and that it would be like guild hall for mercenaries.

Smoker actually really enjoyed the idea of the Adventurers Association and even talked about the ranking system. Jack said that right now, Smoker would be classified as a B rank adventurer and that he was an S rank. The highest rank would be SSS, but only someone in the Four Emperors strength could be classified as that. Genzo was a little disappointed that he was only an E rank, but he knew he was weak.

The party lasted well into the night, but come sunrise Jack and the others were down by the docks will all of the people there to see them off. "Oh Genzo, I got you something" Jack said as he passed over a transponder snail.

"I'll give one to Nami and Nojiko so that you can keep in touch, I also left our numbers on this paper." Jack said as he gave the paper to Genzo. The man looked as though he would start crying at any minute, but held himself together.

"Thanks, I appreciate this" Genzo said as he put the item into his pocket. Jack walked over and stored all of the girls things into his inventory before he walked over to the water and pulled out the little ship.

"There isn't enough room for all of us to sleep on this thing, but that will change at our next stop. We will get there sometime today, then we can use a bigger ship." Jack said as everyone boarded the ship. "Where are we going next anyway?" Nami asked curiously.

Jack looked to his crew that were watching him with their full attention. Everyone but Nami and Nojiko knew that they would be fighting on this next island and were curious about it.

"Our next stop is a World Government project called Tequila Wolf. For the last 700 years they have been forcing people to build a massive bridge that crosses the ocean. What it's for I'm not actually sure, but we will be taking all of the slaves with us to Foosha. I will train all of you and make so that you're at least A rank by my standards before you can set out."

Jack didn't hide anything and he could tell that Tashigi was ready to go and end the lives of the government. "Anyway, you better hang on to something" Jack said as he went to the back of the ship. Everyone grabbed hold of something and then they blasted off into the sky.

I had planned to release the bounties on the marines in these early chapters, but I really don't want to just jump the story ahead. I wanna work towards it so it might be a few more chapters. Anyway enjoy the chapter

GrimsReapercreators' thoughts