
Deal with the Devil

(Government POV)

In a large white room in the holy land of Marie Joise, the five elders who were practically the true rulers of the world, were all staring at the seven remaining members of CP-0 with frowns on their faces.

"So let me get this straight. The masked man stood before you all alone and managed to kill off your entire crew, destroy your ship, and killed the five missing members, while also injuring you to this degree, and he may have gotten a few scratches?" One of the Elders asked in a tone of disbelief.

Stussy stepped forward before bowing her head. "This masked man, he is unlike anyone we have ever seen before. He killed two of us before his men showed up, dozens of them using the Rokushiki techniques. They were all extremely proficient in weapons as well, and they made sure to guard each others blind spots."

She paused for a moment to think about her next words before saying, "I believe this is an organization that has spent decades training, to prepare to make their move. The way they fought, they could rival most groups out there." The Elders were all silent, no sure of what to do now.

They were told how Jack declared he was going to pay them a visit sometime in the future, and they couldn't help but think, 'We fucked up'. What they didn't realize was that Jack was coming for them regardless, just now it was gonna be sooner rather than later. "Go to the medical ward and get your wounds looked after, take a few days to recuperate. We will call you for further instruction later." One of the Elders said dismissively.

After CP-0 left the room, the five Elders looked to each other, not sure as to what they should do now. "I say we call Sengoku, have him make a deal with Prime. The man's already talked to him, maybe we can let him keep East Blue in exchange for him to not act out." One of them added in a hopeful tone.

"We will lose a lot of credibility, but we could spin it in a way that he purchased it from us." Another added to the idea. "We have essentially attacked him already after his first warning, and whose to say he will hold to his word in the off chance he does agree to this?" One of them interjected.

"All of this is a waste of time if Prime doesn't agree. If he says no, we need a way to get out of this." The oldest among them stated plainly. "Let us contact the Fleet Admiral and discuss how the marines will act. We could even try to pit Prime against one of the Emperor's, see if one of those monsters could take care of him for us, but for now we can't afford to have anyone go anywhere near East Blue. So far he has holed up there, let's try and keep it that way!" They were all in agreement on that last part. If Prime left the East Blue, they had no idea what they could do.

(Sengoku POV)

"YOU DID WHAT?!!!" A furious Sengoku shouted angrily to the Transponder Snail in front of him. "Know your place Sengoku!! Don't forget who is in charge here!!" The voices on the other end of the Transponder Snail shot back.

Sengoku was burning with rage. He had no intention to provoke Prime until it was necessary, and especially not when the marines were in a particularly weakened state.

Holding down his anger he said, "We are spread too thin as it is, and a fight with Prime will be too costly! If we go against him now, one of the other factions will take this opportunity to try and finish us off!!" Sengoku couldn't believe these idiots would do something like this, and not even tell him about it until after it was done.

"That is why we want you to try and get into contact with him. Try and get him to stay in East Blue and not act out in an irrational manner. Bargain with him that we will give him East Blue as a show of sincerity between us." The Elders commented like they were the ones doing a service, but to Sengoku, it sounded more of a death sentence.

"And what if he says No?!! He already owns the God Damned East Blue!! He's most likely already preparing to go to the Holy City as we speak!!" There was a moment of silence after Sengoku's outburst.

"We will overlook this outburst Sengoku, but we would advise you to watch yourself. As for Prime, just deliver the message and terms of agreement. We have people watching every way out of East Blue, should he decide to come here. We are already coming up with ways to deal with him." After saying that, the communication ended, leaving Sengoku alone in silence.

It didn't last long as his desk was shattered to pieces and thrown through a few walls. "THOSE WORTHLESS OLD BASTARDS!!" Sengoku roared as he smashed his office for a few more minutes before finally managing to calm himself down.

Looking at all the destruction he caused he could only sigh before calling a few dozen assistants to gather everything and put it back in order. They moved all of his paperwork to another office with a new desk before he sat down in his new chair.

'I hate this job!' He thought as he looked at the Transponder Snail in front of him. He was deliberating on calling Tsuru to get him in contact with Prime, but he was dreading the call. Thankfully Garp walked into his new office with a confused expression on his face.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Garp asked in confusion. "My office is being renovated at the moment. There was too much ventilation in there, so I was moved here until it can be fixed up." Sengoku answered calmly. Garp shrugged his shoulders before walking over to an empty chair and taking a seat.

Garp watched as Sengoku continued to stare at his Transponder Snail with a serious look on his face, eventually asking, "Are you waiting for a call to come in?" Sengoku looked over to Garp with a defeated look on his face before telling him what had happened with CP-0 and Prime, and how the Elders wanted him to make contact with Jack to work things out.

"Well it sounds like the Elders and the other dragons have signed their death warrant!! When Prime moves towards them, you can bet it won't be just him. The Revolutionaries will move with him as well." Garp said, bringing another factor Sengoku had forgotten about into the picture.

"*Sigh* I think Prime isn't going to listen to us, and that the marines have doomed themselves. Ever since Prime showed up, the Nobles have been doing things more out of reputation than what is right. I'm sick of it." Sengoku said tiredly. "So what are you gonna do?" Garp asked curiously.

Sengoku thought for a few moments before saying, "I think I've been Fleet Admiral long enough. I'm gonna step down soon and take a vacation to a nice warm island with lots of pretty girls who will wait on me hand and foot." Garp had a smile on his face as he said, "You know, that doesn't sound like a half bad idea. I can't remember the last time we had a proper vacation."

Sengoku looked over to Garp before shouting, "What do you mean 'WE'? You take a vacation every other month!!" "HAHAHAHA Don't be like that Sengoku!! We can go and see Whitebeard and hang out on one of his islands! Now that we're not marines, I'll bet he'd even welcome the company!" Garp said happily.

"Oh yeah! He'll like that, clear until you eat him out of ship and home!! He'll go broke at the rate you eat!!" Sengoku said with some mirth in his voice. "Look on the bright side!! We would have taken down an Emperor!!" The both burst out laughing

"So are we really gonna do this?" Garp asked skeptically. He knew that after what the Elders did, it wouldn't be long before the marines got obliterated. "I'll make the call to Prime, but regardless of what he says I'm done here. I'm far too stressed, and with how the Governments running things it won't be long before other factions rise up. First it was the Revolutionaries, now Prime and his association. Others will follow soon enough." Sengoku said before calling Tsuru.

After a few moments they heard a voice, but it definitely wasn't Tsuru. "Hello!!" The child-like voice shouted from the device. Sengoku looked over to Garp, who looked just as confused as he did. "Hello? Who am I speaking to?" Sengoku asked curiously.

"Don't you know it's rude to ask for someone else's name without giving your own first? Didn't your mother teach you that?" The Childs voice reprimanded him. Looking a little abashed, Sengoku said, "I'm Sengoku. Now may I please know your name?"

"Oh hey Sengoku!! My name is Soran!!" The child's voice, now known as Soran answered cheerfully. "Is Tsuru there, Soran?" Sengoku asked, not sure of what he was experiencing. "Oh Yeah! Granny is up on the main deck!!" Soran answered happily.

"May I please speak with her?" Sengoku asked politely. "Nope" Soran answered instantly, still happy as ever. "Why not?!" Sengoku asked, already tired of this. "What's in it for me?" Soran asked, her tone changing completely to an experienced pirate.

"Are you extorting me?!!" Sengoku asked back in disbelief. "Yup! So what do ya got for me?!!" Soran shouted happily. "*Sigh* A new doll?" Sengoku asked defeated. "Hmmmmm... how about a new doll, $100,000 berries, and we keep this between us?" Soran answered back.

"WHAT?!! That's Robbery!!" Sengoku shouted back. "That's the deal, take it or leave it. Also you should know, Granny said I could be in charge of the communications for the entire trip, which is a few weeks from what I know." Soran said victoriously.

"FINE! You have a deal!!" Sengoku finally agreed, wanting this day to be done with already. "AWESOME!! I expect payment in full in less than a year. You can send it to Warship Island in East Blue. Hang on for a few minutes while I go and get Granny!!" Soran said happily as she ran outside.

"HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA Y-Y-You got extorted by a kid!!" Garp managed to get out before he continued rolling on the floor, almost dying from laughter. 'Why me?!!' Sengoku thought tiredly as he rested his head in his palms.

After a few minutes he heard the voice of Tsuru through the Transponder Snail. "Hello?" Tsuru asked in confusion. "Tsuru it's me, Sengoku!!" He shouted, finally able to talk to someone reasonable. "Sengoku! How are you?" Tsuru asked with a smile on her face.

"I'm so glad to talk to you!! From now on, keep your Transponder Snail with you at all times!! Don't let Soran be in charge of it!!" Sengoku shouted hurriedly. The face over the Transponder Snail changed to a frown. "Sengoku!! I know she is young, but she is just learning with all of this! She will figure it out eventually, so be nice!" Tsuru reprimanded.

"I don't think Gramps likes me Granny. *Sniffle*" Soran's sad voice was heard in the background. "No dear, he is just going senile in his old age. He doesn't know what is going on. Run along and I'll come get you after." They heard Tsuru dismiss Soran before the face on the Transponder Snail turned serious.

"Are you out of your mind?!! She is a little child Sengoku!!" Tsuru barked back angrily. "Bu-" Sengoku couldn't even defend himself as Tsuru asked, "What is it you called for?" 'Damn kid!!' Sengoku shouted internally. "I need to talk to Prime." He answered back, already knowing he was beaten by a child.

"If you want to talk with him, upsetting his little sister isn't the best way to go about it!" Gion's voice cut in. Sengoku's mouth hung open, as his eye started twitching. "Does she know how to contact Prime?" Sengoku asked warily. "Yeah..." Gion answered in confusion.

"Take the Transponder Snail back to her and tell her I want to apologize. In private please." Sengoku said, already knowing what was gonna come next. What followed was the earlier price being tripled and in exchange he was forgiven and she would get Jack to call him ASAP. "Alright Gramps, next time just be more reasonable. And don't you worry, I'll make sure to help you out next time for free!" Soran said happily.

After they ended the call Sengoku looked over to Garp who was having difficulty containing himself. "Not one word Garp!! Not. One. Word." Sengoku said seriously. "This day can fuck right off!!" He shouted as he put his head on his desk.

As he was trying to forget the last few minutes, for some reason he heard it playing over again. Lifting his head up, he saw Garp with a video Transponder Snail watching a small screen with him on it being extorted by a child-like voice.

"You recorded that?!!!" Sengoku was about to get up and try and take it away from Garp when his own Transponder Snail started going off. Pulling the mic off, he shouted "WHAT?!!" There was a pause before Prime's voice asked, "Are you alright Sengoku?"

Realizing who he was talking to, Sengoku sat back down and glared at Garp. "I'm fine. Sorry about that." Sengoku said, trying to calm himself. "She robbed you blind, didn't she?" Prime stated, more than asked. "You know?!" Sengoku asked, hoping to bring his innocence to light.

"Well she wouldn't sing those kinds of praises about just anyone unless she was getting something out of it. Nami has been teaching her things behind my back and I'm not sure I like it. She got me for 14 million berries last night, the greedy little...." Prime trailed off before he could say anything terrible. "So what is it that you want?" Prime asked curiously.

Sengoku felt better knowing he wasn't the only one, and smiled as he said, "I'd like to make a deal of my own." There was a pause before Prime asked, "Oh? And what is it that you want, and what is it that I get out of it?"

Sengoku was going to quit the marines anyway, but he may as well get something out of it. "I know you are going to go after the World Nobles after what they recently did, and you are most likely planning an attack. My deal is that Garp and I will leave the marines and go travel around on our own. In return for our leave, you don't go after the World Nobles." Sengoku said all business like.

"Oh really?!! You and Garp will leave the marines, not attack any members of my organization in any way, shape or form, and not assist the marines or world Government at all?!!" Jack asked once again for clarification. "You have my word on it." Sengoku stated. "And mine" Garp added as well.

"You two do know that I am eventually going to go after the marines and World Government sometime in the near future regardless right? This deal will only save them for so long." Prime stated plainly. He would never agree to leave them alone permanently.

Sengoku looked over to Garp, who only nodded at him. "We know. Just hold off on it for say... two years." Sengoku said, not bothering to say a more ridiculous number. "That will be acceptable, but we will still raid them and take all of the slaves when we can, that part is non-negotiable!" Prime said seriously.

"Deal!" Sengoku answered back happily. "Before you get too worked up there, let me clarify that for you. I will not kill any of the World Nobles in the Holy City Marie Joise, for two years, but after that they are fair game." Jack stated plainly. Sengoku didn't miss the loop hole about being able to kill them if they weren't in the Holy city, but he didn't particularly care.

"I got the meaning behind that. I really don't care. This is my last act as Fleet Admiral anyway. Just don't go all kill crazy on any marines you see. Some of them are actually trying to do good. Anyway, I'm gonna go and tell the old fuckers I resign. Bye" Sengoku said before he ended the call and sat back in his chair.

"In two years time the Holy City will probably be no more." Garp said beside him. "Not our problem anymore." Sengoku said before he called the five Elders. "Hello" An elderly voice rang out. "This is Sengoku. I got Prime to agree to not attack the Holy city for a few years." He said bluntly.

"That excellent news!!" The Elderly voice said happily. "I resign from the marines and your service" After saying his peace, Sengoku ended the call. "Anyway, let's call a meeting with all the higher-ups and get out of this shit hole." Sengoku said in a no fucks given attitude.

An hour or two later and both he and Garp were standing before all three Admirals, Vice Admirals and a few dozen Rear Admirals. "As of right now, Garp and I both resign from the marines. I recommend Aokiji for the next Fleet Admiral Position, but it isn't up to me. Akainu, you are probably going to have many objections and complaints, but I would save them until this meeting is over, otherwise Garp might actually kill you now that he isn't a marine." Sengoku stated plainly before said man could say a word.

Everyone looked over to Garp who was eyeing the hot-tempered Admiral like a monster about to attack a defenseless victim. "My promise from earlier still stands. I might not be a marine anymore, but should you attack another soldier and I find out, I'll hunt you down!!"

Garp was all sadistic smiles as he said that, and everyone was scared because it didn't look as though Sengoku was going to intervene this time around. "To all of you here, good luck in the coming future!! Here are they keys to your new office, whoever it is that becomes Fleet Admiral. Also it's being renovated. Anyway, We're taking Garp's ship with us and a few of his crew members. I don't particularly care what happens now so goodbye." Sengoku gave them all a wave of his hand before he walked out of the room.

Garp stayed, not taking his eyes off Akainu as he said, "We'll be here long enough for the next Fleet Admiral to be chosen, and we are only a call away. I personally think the marines would be better off if I ripped your head off right now, but I won't just yet. I really hope you give me a reason before I leave."

Garp didn't realize it, but his body was covered from head to toe with a red-ish black Armement Haki, and it wasn't just contained to himself, it was effecting the area around where he was standing. Akainu liked to think of himself as a man who wouldn't back down in the face of death, but at this moment he knew Garp could, and would kill him at a moments notice.

After a few minutes, Garp reined in his Haki and walked out of the room, not giving anyone a glance as he strode towards his quarters. 'The worlds either gonna be built better than before or be burned to nothing.'