
Chapter 15

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The sky slowly darkened, around ten o'clock in the evening. Will checked his sword and sorted out his clothes. The three of them went out.

Walking through the streets at night, even at 10 o'clock, this commercially developed city remained brightly lit. Some pedestrians, having had a bit too much to drink, were making their way home.

Vail was very excited at this time, embracing the night, the bustling city, and the people in front of him.

Others venturing out at night might be seeking entertainment, indulging in drinks, and unwinding. Meanwhile, he was going to kill many people, and one of them was a simple, drifting beauty, creating a stark contrast.

It didn't take long before they reached the entrance of the target manor. The siblings had already vanished, leaving only themselves to confront the guards at the door.

"Gentle good evening, so please die," Vail finished this bizarre monologue, crossed his arms, drew out his double swords, and simultaneously activated 'Lightning mode,' rushing directly towards the guards at the door.

The two guards at the door didn't react. They felt a tingling sensation in their bodies, then a chilling sensation, and finally, they lost consciousness.

Vail's swords cleaved the guard into several segments, splattering blood and internal organs everywhere.

Keville didn't find anything wrong with it. To him, the act of murder and killing a beast seemed no different. However, he couldn't help but remark meaninglessly before the guard died.

After Vail dispatched the two guards, a young guard farther away was already terrified. Having never witnessed such brutality before, he didn't even call for reinforcements or an alarm; he simply turned and ran, seeking salvation.

Considering the young man's response, Vail thought his quality was acceptable. An ordinary person might have been scared to the ground in such a situation.

The young man's shouts played a warning role, and a swarm of guards from the manor rushed out.

Vail both hands held his swords, letting them naturally droop. As the crowd approached, he silently grinned and then charged straight into the fray.

Vail quickly dispatched several guards, first splitting a middle-aged man with a few sword strikes, then engaging in a clash with an enemy wielding a knife. When their weapons met, sparks flew, and Vail's sword, like a saw, cut through the enemy's knife, subsequently slicing the opponent diagonally in half.

Continuing to advance amidst the enemies, cutting down one after another, Vail soon realized that no one was left around. Only dismembered limbs and two individuals moaning on the ground, slowly crawling away.

Some guards in the distance, looking at Vail, had eyes filled with fear and hatred. However, they dared not approach, and a few were even more timid, having wet their pants, giving off an unpleasant odor. The darkness of the sky and the pervasive scent of blood provided them cover.

Just as Vail intended to continue slaughtering the guards, a sense of crisis emerged from the side. It was a feeling Vail had experienced many times before, the kind that heralded imminent danger.

Reacting swiftly, he sat back and jumped, narrowly avoiding a bullet that whizzed past his eyes.

"You all retreat. I'll deal with this person, but I'll be charging extra afterward. This person is too strong," said a young man in his twenties.

The young man had short gray hair, stood at two meters tall, wore a leather coat, and had holsters strapped to his legs, filled with pistols. What caught Vail's attention was the large wooden box he carried on his back, measuring half a meter in width and one meter in height.

The young man who fired the shot earlier had used a gun from the Pirate World. The bullet wasn't fast, but the one fired by this young man was exceptionally swift.

Examining the young man's gun, unlike the typical Pirate World burst pistol, it had a longer barrel, indicating increased gunpowder capacity wherever possible.

Perhaps the increased bullet power came at the cost of a shorter lifespan for the pistol. After a shot, the pistol was essentially rendered useless.

Having assessed the opponent, Vail sensed that this guy was formidable, and he wasn't interested in closing the distance. Instead, he opted to maintain a distance.

However, just as he approached a few steps, the young man fired again. Drawing two guns from his leg holsters, he shot directly, discarded them, and continued retrieving more guns.

Vail sensed the bullets flying towards him. While he could dodge them if he tried, doing so would mean forfeiting any chance to get close. Relying on his reaction speed and sword technique, he used a sword to break the bullets into two pieces, rendering them harmless. He didn't want the young man to escape and put more distance between them.

In less than a minute, the young man depleted the guns on his legs, but he remained unfazed. He then shot the wooden box on his back, causing it to unfold into legs, revealing more pistols.

Vail observed this and felt it was a bit excessive. Although he could deflect bullets, sustaining the impact of so many would be challenging. He decided to engage, activating 'Lightning mode' to maximize the dual swords pointing to the ground.

Upon seeing this, the young man felt a chill running down his scalp. Once again, he shot the wooden box, revealing a long rifle with a shell-shaped iron ball affixed to the butt. Observing the large amount of gunpowder and the wooden box's composition, Vail deduced that this guy had loaded it with a significant quantity of gunpowder. The rifle was then raised.

Vail didn't pay much attention to the young man's actions and muttered a sentence.

"Sword, Yan back."

The young man suddenly felt everything in front of him vanish, his focus redirected to the swords that appeared in front of him. Two purple sword auras formed a cross.

Undeterred, he fired without hesitation. With a bang, the swords clashed against the bullets.

The bullets, previously unstoppable, failed to halt the sword auras in front of them. Moving at an incredible speed that the young man couldn't react to, the sword auras not only smashed the bullets but also cut the wooden box into four pieces. Finally, the young man's left hand and left chest were struck by multiple contorted sword marks, severing his left arm.

Enduring the pain, the young man prevented himself from losing consciousness. He quickly reached the side wall and climbed up, grabbing a peculiar device resembling a cannon. The device had a seat at the rear.

The young man activated the cannon directly, not firing shells but launching himself, seat and all.

Vail was somewhat speechless. Having just executed a major move, he experienced a period of weakness. Typically, during this phase, he wouldn't use Yan. He had assumed the guy wasn't far away, but to his surprise, he had such a hidden device, loaded up, and made a swift escape.

"This is an inventor maniac, but with that kind of injury, my hands and ribs might have been cut off by me. I probably won't survive. Even if I do, it's not bad to seek revenge on me." Vail didn't care about the enemy's escape. He knew that those who relied on guns weren't strong in the later stages. The real threats were elsewhere.

However, it was intriguing to block the wood that Yan returned to cut. Vail picked up a piece of wood with both fists. Examining it, it seemed unremarkable. He swung his sword at it, finding it to be hard. Activating 'Lightning mode' on the wood, Vail confirmed that it wasn't made of Adam, the mysterious and powerful material.

Carrying this piece of wood, Vail entered the Level 3 building of the manor. He noticed a middle-aged man calmly observing him from a second-floor window.

Without hesitation, Vail sprinted a few steps, leaped into the room where the middle-aged man was, scrutinized him, took out a photo, and compared it. Confirming the man's identity as Steve Louis, Vail proceeded.

"I've long expected that a day like this would come. I've wanted to put an end to my actions. Unfortunately, Doris disagreed. She became enamored with the slave trade, feeling free to dispose of others' lives. She made me a promise. I'd give up all my belongings. They're all yours now," Steve Louis spoke, gazing at Vail.

Ignoring Steve Louis entirely, Vail swiftly sliced him into two parts. Exiting the room, he pondered the concept of property. Real estate? Absurd. What use did he have for it? The owner had just died, and people were already looking to sell his real estate. The World Government would turn a blind eye. Even if it were incompetent, it remained the world's largest organization. As for any cash, Vail intended to search for it himself. If he found it, great. In short, Vail had deemed Steve Louis a threat and promptly dealt with him.

As he took a few steps away, he felt a tightening in his trousers. To his surprise, he discovered that Steve Louis, now in two pieces, was crouched at his trousers, speaking with difficulty.

"Let me release my daughter. She knows nothing. Even if she's my wife, she's beautiful. Let her live," Steve Louis pleaded, spitting out a large amount of blood, but determination evident in his eyes.

"Sorry, the quest I received was to kill your family, so feel free to die. Take care of your daughter down there. I won't do it for you," Vail coldly declared, delivering a kick that opened Steve Louis further. He then walked away towards different corners of the manor.

"You devil, you can't escape. My Steve Louis won't let you go even in hell. I curse you. One day, your fate will intertwine with mine," Steve Louis' haunting words echoed as he seemed like a ghost in the background.

"Haha, oh, haha, hate me all you want, you pig. Even if our fates end the same way, I'll live on," Vail retorted, turning and leaving without looking back. Steve Louis, now devoid of urgency, was left behind.

Before his demise, Steve Louis gazed at a ring on his hand. The expression on his face was not entirely malicious; rather, it reflected a mix of kindness and reluctance.

It was a white gold ring with a green diamond, worn on his thumb. A gift from his daughter on his 50th birthday, purchased on a gem-rich island. For this gift, his daughter had taken a boat for nearly a month, almost falling prey to pirates.

Today, his daughter might have to face death.


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Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Blaze987creators' thoughts