
One Month Bride

What will you do when someone makes you his bride, marry you, took vows with you but not for lifetime. What will you do when your husband leaves you after making you his wife just for 30 days.. And leaves you but didn't even bother to tell reasons and giving divorce.. ......... There will be slight mature scenes.. so readers read this book accordingly.. .. And don't compare it.. It is copyrighted

Riverlovliness · Thành thị
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23 Chs


When Anshuman returns to the office, there is a silence prevailing in the office. He immediately goes towards Naina's cabin. It's been like a hell for him to pass these days without seeing her, without talking to her and without caring her.

Although he wanted to return earlier but he is unable to do so. He was lashing out on the employees, threatening them. After worrying her for several days, he didn't expected that he will get the biggest shocking news which will shake him upto the core. It was too much for him to take. Several arguments took palce, several questions were asked, several answers were given but there was not result in the end.

His situation became like he is surrounded by the troubles and only troubles which only came to anger him. It was like, in just one day, he gotcha hit by problems from all sided.

"Naina where were you? I was worrying for you. Please from next time instead of taking decisions rashly by herself, talk with me. May be we can solve it." He said  in worrying tone. May be he can be heartless in others eyes but he isn't. He is just ignoring the demands and need of the time. Sometimes you think you can change it and make things better but time can only prove whether you are right or wrong. Being a calculative businessman, his mind is full of calculation and profit and loss.

Although Tahir's and his mom's presence has some effects on him but how can you remained unaffected in the muddy place.  How can you remained unaffected when you're surrounded by calculations and profit and losses.

Naina knows that his mind is again being calculative and considering profit. Instead of replying him by words, she  is replying him by glares. If one can die from glares, Anshuman can be cut into tiny tiny pieces by this time.

Feeling that anger isn't good for her health, she turned her focus onto her work.

When Anshuman didn't get the reply, he felt odd as he felt that this time she is totally not only ignoring him but also presence.

"Are you angry this much that you didn't even replying?" Anshuman asked.

Naina again ingored him and resumed her work.

Anshuman asked many times but finds his words went into the vain again and again. With each passing second, his patience is draining. In his life time till now, there isn't any person who turned deaf ears when he is talking or asking as he didn't faced any this kind person. Everyone surrounded him, followed his words like they are command from the supreme authority.

In the anger, he grabs Naina from the shoulder and pushes her onto the wall when he gets up for leaving the cabin.

"What the heck is your problem ha..? When I'm asking you simply, you aren't replying but showing me attitude. What do you want to prove? That you're a pitiful person who didn't have anyone. You want to gain sympathy or want to create drama now. No one ever cared for you but now when I'm caring for you, you are showing me your bullshit attitude."  Anshuman said in anger. In anger, he forgets that his words again made bleed the wounds of Naina's heart as it is the harsh truth of her life.

Although she was ignoring him for not to leash out on him, she didn't expect, never in her dreams that one day Anshuman will say these words to her like this. She is feeling like she is sinner who trusted him and told him one of the darkest secret of her life. Secret of not being cared by anyone. Secret of always being alone even on the festivals, occasions. But it never crosses he mind that one day Anshuman spills it like this and use it for releasing his anger.

When Anshuman didn't aging get the reply from her, he again stared with his harsh words.

"Oh.. see see.. now you're being angry. What for? For telling the truth. But do you have the right of being angry. You have the right to be guilty as you're. What the said.. ohh.. yaa.. I remember... When one is damn poor and suddenly gets too much money, he became insane as when he saw too much money, he forgets how to  respect it. And got some ego with his sudden presence. Same goes with you. Till now you didn't even get the slightest care of anyone but now when we are caring for you, I'm caring you, you started with your drama."

His words are what that hurted her the most but she decided to remain silent.

Her silence is bringing out the worst of him.

When Naina still didn't reply, Anshuman's anger went beyond his control.

" Oh.. so it's like this. Now you're showing attitude like some kinda princess. What cat got you're tongue. Or you ran out of the words. You know what today seeing you like this I'm wondering whether the one in your womb is mine or not." Anshuman said.

His words hit Naina like a thunderstorm. She never thought even in her dreams that one day Anshuman will say something like this.

"What again cat got your words? Comeon I'm just asking. And why not I can ask. When we were only married for one month. Just 30 days. You lived like my bride just only for 30 days. Now when I am thinking about it, we did that only 8-10 times. So tell me now when you pregnant. " Anshuman said.

Naina became numb after listening his words. Her mind went blank. She lost her courage to talk and reply as well as words. She never thought that her one action, will show case her life infront of the masses.

Naina's eyes welled up by the tears who were threatening to fall. She is trying hard for not to let them fall  from her eyes. Her emotions becomes stirred up and she is finding it difficult to control them although knowing that it is bad for her and the child.