
One Like No Other

surviving airplane crash in the middle of the storm, Rick found himself in another world. it is a different, yet somehow have a semblance of earth. trapped with no way back to earth, heart broken and desperate, Rick tried to rebuild himself into someone new. he will face difficulty, challenged beyond his limit, but in the end of the day he will do anything. he will be the One Like No Other

Northsouth · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

ep 13 human

everything is like a dream

Rick know where he is.

Rick know what he is looking for.

Rick just not realize who he is.


a muscular lion crouching while walking slowly, stalking its prey with careful steps and total focus.

one single mistake and it will have to bare the hunger for another day.

its prey is an ox. black furred with muscle as thick as their own body. with that much meat, the lion will not be hungry for a few day.

the lion move slowly and carefully. until the distance between them is only a few jump away, the lion spring to ambush.

surprised and afraid, the ox hurriedly turn back and start running. but the lion is not just any ordinary lion. it is the Muscled Prairie Lion. it proud muscle not only give it extra strength, but also extra explosive movement.

by the time the ox manage to put its face back, the lion only smashed the ox's back side. disabled its movement and in the next second the put its fang in the ox neck. instantly shattering its bone.


Rick enjoying his meal happily. the ox meat is very thick and juicy. the bone is good for jaw exercise and loosing some sore jaw. all in all Rick enjoy the ox meat very much.

but why do i enjoy a raw ox meat? Rick think.


after done with the meal, the muscled lion stretch his body and begin to wander aimlessly. there is no tree shade in this grassy field and the view plants that grow taller than common grass barely have enough leaf to make a nice shading place. so the lion just walking aimlessly in lazy manner.


Rick wonder where is Gunda house.

he need to tell Gunda that he win and manage to merge his body with the lion. Rick look to his left and right, trying to find any clue for direction.



Rick currently is in the condition written in Chimera Body Arts Manual as Integration Period. this is the time where the practitioner must fight to maintain their humanity and not loose their sense of self or identity as a human.

Rick target is to reach the Equilibrium State, where he remain and keep his human self while also adapted to his beast self. according to the Chimera Body Arts Manual, the More monster the practitioner put in themselves the more difficult equilibrium will be reached.


it has been two weeks, Rick estimated.

in this two weeks, Rick mind keep shifting between active and passive. some time he will awake and remind himself about his identity and purpose. other time he will be passive and see everything like a dream.

the moment between the shift is also random. sometimes Rick remain awake for a whole day, then goes passive for a few minutes. other time Rick just awake for a few minute before his mind goes passive.


another two weeks passed by.

Rick don't have a clue anymore about his whereabout. the huge prairie spread wide around him. cool breeze of wind blowing in his way, like the touch of love from a lovely lady. it sooth Rick heart and brighten his mood a bit.

Rick don't know if his Integration Period is over or not. bt since he is awake now and he have no clue where to go, Rick decide to move anywhere his eyes point to.

and so he begin to walk, on his two feet.


few days passed like a breeze.

today Rick can be sure that he have reached Equilibrium State.

how did he know it? because he can feel, in his mind and his core, that sense of balance. like when you try to stand on one foot and manage to balance yourself perfectly.

Rick can feel the beast will remain in the back of his mind, ever waiting and ever preying on his body. but for now and as long as he remain focus on what important for him, the Equilibrium State will not be broken.

then realization come to him. he is now a full fledged cultivator with complete arts. he has finally put his step in the path of focus and power.

Rick begin to observed his body.

he is muscular, like a giant body builder. his hand is huge. his feet is huge. fur growing on his body with the same color with the muscular lion bro. fortunately he is still wearing clothes. a pair of pants and loose robe he got back at the village.

Rick never really care about clothings as for him the robe feel like a loan and will be returned later. never did he think that it will be the only item he have with worth among human.

Rick touch his head and he can feel a long hair, like almost reach his wide shoulder. his face is that of a lion, but with clear sign of human face shape on it. his jaw is one of lion. that can open wide and deliver a deadly bite in second.

standing on his two feet, Rick hand for a fist as he try to feel the power coursing through his body. it feels so good to be this strong. but Rick know that this power is only the beginning.

the world is vast and many, many strong living being exist.

what he want is to be a new Rick. and that will start now.

with new power, Rick will make his own path.

with a body of beast, but the heart of human.