
One Like No Other

surviving airplane crash in the middle of the storm, Rick found himself in another world. it is a different, yet somehow have a semblance of earth. trapped with no way back to earth, heart broken and desperate, Rick tried to rebuild himself into someone new. he will face difficulty, challenged beyond his limit, but in the end of the day he will do anything. he will be the One Like No Other

Northsouth · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
14 Chs

Ep 1 Stranded

it was a stormy night at 2010.

Rick Sinclair is in the commercial plane from Indonesia going to England for business trip.

the plane is shaking but all the passenger is calm and relax. some even decided to sleep while listening to a song.

but not for Rick. he is restless.

he left his family back at home after a fight with his parents. they didn't approve Rick choice of business as they seen it as dangerous and unethical.

but for Rick, business is just business. he do it to make money, and that money will be used to make his family happy.

Rick's father is furious at his insistence on doing the business. at his rage he shout so loud it hurt his throat.


Rick's heart is torn apart by his father anger, but his pride can't take it and so he also response in anger.


as Rick rush out of his home only carrying his working backpack, he can hear his mother sad howling cry from inside their house.

that cry broke Rick's heart even more but he just have to do the business. he already made the deal and backing away now will only hurt him, and in extend, his family.

he make up his mind as he ride his car to the airport.

' i will be back rich and success. i will provide all their need. then they will thank me for not coming back and keep on fighting in this Dangerous business. '

done with thinking the sad memory, he harden his heart by thinking about the work and job that he had to do. it will not be fun, not even a little. but it will bring his name high and he will be success.

he can guarantee that for himself.



Rick feel his heart was left behind as the ship suddenly lost altitude. alarm sounds loudly as passangers going into panic.

flight attendance tried their best to calm everyone but when a creaking sound is heard from behind the plane, even they got into panic.

everyone lost their mind. mother crying while trying to calm her child that is terrified. old man pray to God to safe him. some younger people hurriedly put on oxygen mask then put themselves in safe position, not caring about anyone else.

Rick cannot feel panic. he isn't even scared.

in that shaking, almost destroyed airplane, he can only feel regret.

his mother once said that parents blessing is what makes someone safe and success in life. he left his family not only without their blessing, but even with curse from his dad.

"i am sorry mom, dad. you are right. i am ashamed of myself. "

as he said his regret in whisper, his vision went blank right as the airplane explode.


Rick open his eyes in shock.

he raise his body to sit position as he look straight.

a wooden room.

he touch where he sit and he can feel something soft. he look down and see a bed like thing, but not made of spring or fiber like one he used to.

this bed made of feather.

he also have a blanket covering his leg.

and there is no wound or bruise on his body.

it is as if he is just go to sleep and suddenly wake up.

but, where is he?

Rick remember that the airplane he ride explode in midair under heavy storm. he is sure that he died. it will be weird if he alive, and weirder if he have no wound on his body.

but here he is. fresh and alive.

while Rick is busy thinking about how he can survive the accident, the door on his right open up and a young boy, with black hair and white skin, come in with a bowl of water and a cloth on his right hand.

"ah... y-you awake? "

"yes? " Rick said feeling confused.

"I'll go call my dad. you wait here. and don't try to move anywhere! " the boy said as he run away.

but then he comeback again and bow a bit


then he run away again.

heh, cute kid.


after a few minute, a man come into Rick's room. he is around 40years old with wide chest and black hair. his face is like handsome african but with white skin, which is weird for Rick, as he already travel around the world and see almost every major races of the earth.

"are you okay young man? do you feel any pain in your body? do you feel dizzy or imbalance? "

asked the man as he inspect Rick's body.

"thank you sir, but i think i am fine. i don't feel any pain or dizziness of any sort. i even feel refreshed, as if i just wake up from a very tiring job. " Rick said.

"wow, very good then. but i insist you rest for another day here before i take you out. i guess you have some question, just like i do, but let's keep it for tomorrow. it is already dark anyway. " the man said as he stand up, his eyes still checking on Rick body.

"it is night? well of course i didn't know as there is no window here. "

"sure i will get some more rest, and thank you very much for letting me stay here" Rick said as the man nod then leave his room with the young boy who remain silent near the door.

after they close the door, Rick lay down on the bed and try to sleep. but his mind remain active and can't help to think.

he is like an pure african but he is white. the boy also have the same appearance. we can talk without issue. and this room looks so old fashioned and ancient but they act like this is normal. where am i?

how come i am alive? is there anyone else alive beside me?

my parents!

can i come back home? i will apologize to my father when i got back. it was a miracle that i am alive. i must use my life well and no longer doing business just for the money.

i must make my parents proud.