
Oh My...God?!

This is the story of the man who conquered the world, unified hell, and created heaven. and this is how his story started:

"AAAAAAAAA-OUph." Zeeth heaved out as he fell 10 feet from the sky and onto his back. He had closed his eyes, expecting pain but soon realized that he didn't feel any pain from the fall at all. He only felt the cold, hard ground.

When he opened his eyes and looked around all he saw was a white ceiling that didn't seem to end. Zeeth quickly sat up to look around and saw a never-ending expanse of white.

Suddenly a bright white light shone into him from the front, but… it wasn't blinding. He could see perfectly as a small black dot appeared and got bigger as it got closer. It soon came close enough to tell that it was a silhouette of a person.

"I… am God."

A loud booming voice rang out from everywhere, shaking the entire place. Zeeth was still too shocked at the sudden change to make a sound.

One minute he was just sitting down to study for his Advanced Biochemistry and Technology test when his chair and everything else disappeared and he began falling butt first.

"I know y'all are shocked but just wait and let me explain."

You all? There are others?

He looked around and noticed a few other people there too, 3 girls and 2 other guys. They seem to have just noticed each other as well, looking as surprised as him at the sudden change.

"Okay, I think this voice will be more manageable for you guys." Then a child's voice came from the silhouette which slowly came closer, but never enough to see the features of the face. It remained constantly covered by shadows created by the light behind.

"I was bored so I decided to read some things from your world and I find them very intriguing. I want to test it myself by sending my own humans to other worlds for entertainment like how they describe me in other books. First I will let you roll three dice and the number you get is the world that you will go to."

And three transparent glimmering die which numbered from 1 through 12 appeared in front of each person.

Zeeth quickly snatched his die out of the air out of habit after seeing the glimmer only checking it after to see what it was. The others did so but not as eagerly, but after some hesitation and getting over the fact that dice came out of nowhere and were hovering in midair.


One man on his left got up and yelled, "What the hell is this?!"

God paused for a second, snapped his head around to look at the boy and red eyes flowed from his dark face. "Don't. Interrupt. Me." The booming voice rang out again and the boy sat back down from fright.

God continued, "The higher the number the harder the world to live in. But don't worry, you will obtain abilities according to the difficulty. Now roll them."

Everybody waited for a few seconds until a girl on his right let them fall off her hand.


"Hmm… quite low numbers right off the bat huh. This doesn't seem interesting. Oh well. You're going to world 30, Jalgor.

Since your world is low on the rankings you're going to a relatively safe planet. Appropriate powers will be given to you later when you arrive."

After her, another girl at the other end rolled them. 4...7...2. God said she's going to world 56. So it seems all the numbers are multiplied. One after another they rolled their die. The results had a wide variety, ranging from 30 to 720.

When it finally came to Zeeth's turn he didn't roll them immediately. Instead, he held onto them and asked, "Why us? Why did you choose us?"

"Because you all have the features that I want," God said. They looked at each other and then themselves. They all seemed to be of the same age, 28 or 29, and pretty fit.

"Our age? Our physicality? Or is it our brains?"

"Well those played a role too, I needed people who are able to handle this. However, there is also a more important reason." He gave a dramatic pause, posed in an intense stance with his head looking down and hands clasped together, and said, "You guys, like me…are all...hardcore weeaboos."

While saying this god's voice became much more jubilant.

Every person here thought the same thing at once, '...What?'

"And you all love the same mangas and things that I do! Like that slime reincarnation one of the spider thing in another world, those were so cool! So I might do something similar to some of you and some may stay human just to see which one is more fun to watch."

the first boy, who was scared shitless by god, spoke up first, "Well I guess I do like those. So are we going to live in these new worlds like those main characters!" He spoke excitedly, expecting a great new life.

"Nope. Well not for you anyway, as your world is too low for you to get any amazing power like that.

Well let's stop stalling and you roll yours, schemer." God looked at Zeeth, "Stop trying to test the limit of my abilities. I am God. I can do as I please, my abilities go beyond any human comprehension. Of course, I can read the mind of a mere human of planet 15."

'Damn so he can read minds too. As expected, he knew all along, he was just playing along. No point hiding anything from him, but I still don't trust these strangers. I don't want to say any more than I have to.'


"Haha, I'm expecting a lot out of you after this. I'm gonna watch you closely." God said, staring at him through a hole he made in his hands.

"Ha-ha" Zeeth let out a weak laugh and rolled his dice.

'Please, please, please give me planet 15, please, god!

Oh, wait. I'm in front of him right now and he's the reason for my situation, he's not gonna help me. Oh, my die stopped.'

And after seeing the numbers on his dice he instantly froze up, along with everyone else. Even god.


'Did he really help me?'

"What…" Everyone said this at the same time, including god.

'I guess not.'

"Wow, what luck…

Well, too bad for you it's been written in the rule book that you can't go back to the same planet you came from. Roll again." God said

"What? What rule book, I was never told about any rule book!" he yelled.

"It's right here." God said as a thick book appeared in front of everyone's faces and it said in very fine print in the middle of tons of other tiny words, 'No going back to your original planet.'

He angrily chucked the book into the distance and yelled, "What the hell!"

"Hell is actually quite a nice place. I go there for my tans and the nice view of sinners suffering. Though Satan isn't very nice to me."

Hearing the voice of a young child saying that was strange, to say the least.

"Okay, well roll again then. Though that was quite a feat of luck, so for making something so interesting happen I will reward you appropriately later."

'Damn. At least I got something out of this. I wonder what the reward will be.'

Zeeth spun again, hoping for one or something to get the easy life for once. But as if the fates were toying with his soul, his roles were the exact opposite. 12...12...12.

"What…" and with a dejected look, Zeeth slumped back down. Then anger surged up as he thought about his past. "Why can't I ever get a nice, easy-going life?! FFF-"

"Aaaaand were gone." God held onto his shoulder and snapped his fingers.

"Huh, that's cool. First, your world and then a re-roll for the hardest world possible. What luck." god surveyed the dice with amusement, his hand rubbing his chin.

In the next moment, Zeeth's surroundings changed into that of a forest right next to a wide plain. the trees were nothing like he had ever seen before, puddles of water were trapped in their tall roots and they had a strange shade of blue to them. but the trees weren't what captured his attention.

When he turned around, he saw hundreds, if not thousands of light blue blobs of various sizes bouncing up and down across in the plain, looking a lot like the cliche low-level slimes that appear in a cliché manga or something.

'What is this, some light novel?'

"Nope. This is your new life." God's voice came out from behind him. God floated to his front and started explaining.

"This is world Xorbia. The most difficult world for a human to live in amongst my collection of planets.

There is some basic info you need to know about this world. First of all, this world is considered my hardest world to survive because Dragons have already run rampant, destroying most of human civilization.

This used to be one of my most advanced worlds until the Dragons of this world came and obliterated everything.

But I don't care. That's just how the story of this world went. I don't usually mess with worlds, I just let them run. I only make them watch them.

This giant slime field you see here is one of the few places that the dragons haven't destroyed and probably never will destroy."

'What? Why? Is there some sort of OP protective field here?'

"Nope, not at all. It's simply because most dragons find slimes adorable. It's kind of like what humans feel when seeing puppies or kittens.

But anyway, I sent you here because this is one of the last few areas with low-rank monsters, so just some advice, stay here and get stronger or you may die too fast and I will have one less person to entertain me.

But of course, venture out and explore. I wanna see interesting things from you too. Also, just a warning, don't kill slimes in front of dragons.

Dragons already hate other existences, even other dragons and if they see you killing their favorite creatures, even dragons would band together to hunt you down.

Imagine it like a person watching someone kill their pet dog. There aren't too many dragons for you to worry about here cuz they don't usually like to stick together, but there are some who stay here to look at the slimes.

There are nearly no other low-level monster-hunting areas left here on this planet but do as you wish."

'Wow, that's a lot of info.'

"And next, there are many things I must give you. They're all quite good for human standards too, the first thing will be this necklace. Check it out, I put the details next to it."

Zeeth snatched the simple gold chain necklace floating in front of him as quickly as he could, again, out of habit. He was an orphan for as far back as he could remember, living in poverty in recent years. Anytime he noticed anything shiny he would try to steal it as fast as possible.

His immediate thought was, 'How much will this go for? Is it real gold? Wait that's stupid if it came from God then, of course, it's priceless. I'm gonna be the richest man in this world!'

"Well, I have good news and bad news for you." said God, reading his mind, "That necklace is priceless, just the enchantments imbued on it will make it stand amongst the top treasures of even this world, not to mention the infinite durability and rechargeable shield."

"Wait, what!?" Zeeth quickly looked down at the necklace he was embracing and he noticed a small, transparent hologram screen. He didn't even check where it came from, he already experienced so much that this was one of the more normal things he's seen since meeting God. He had pinched himself several times before to check if this was a dream already.

It wasn't.

But as soon as he read the screen his eyes went wide.


Durability: Infinite

Enchants: -Increases luck by 100.

-Luck multiplied by 1000%.

-Binding (Zeeth)

Abilities: One-Time Shield

{Blocks any one attack and shoots it back to where it came from. Activates through owners' will. Recharges 24 hours after use.}

Gods number

{You can call god once a day for 20 minutes}(A.N.: An average humans luck in any world is 5-10)

"But bad news for you is that its binding. Which is usually good news for others."

"Is everyone else getting the same thing? Or is this because I'm in a harder world?"

"Nope and slightly. You are getting this because you were able to surprise me within a matter of seconds. Getting your original world in the first roll caused you to get a re-roll, which I wasn't expecting, and then getting the hardest world possible, which I also wasn't expecting, though I was hoping for it.

Those facts alone are deserving of a prize, but I also upgraded it again to better match the difficulty of this world so that you won't die so soon.

The second thing you are going to get is a skill. It's called Tamer. Check it out."

God slid a small hovering screen to him through the air.

[Skill: Tamer

You can tame a creature to be your pet and do as you command.

They will not disobey as long as they don't feel mistreated or threatened by their master.

Different creatures will require different standards of treatment.

This will instantly work on creatures weaker than you, either mentally or physically.

The higher the level of the creature as compared to you, the harder it will be to tame it and the more control you will need to tame it. Monsters with lower intelligence are also easier to tame.

You will receive a portion of your pet's abilities and your pets will receive some of yours.

Control: 0/100]

Zeeth quickly skimmed it and after reading to the halfway point he stopped and looked up with his eyes opened wide with surprise and happiness. 'This skill seems friggin awesome! I can make other monsters attack for me while I just watch and get all the loot at the end and not get hurt at all? But what's with the bland naming? For something this powerful, shouldn't it say 'Supreme Godly Peerless Tamer Skill'? Or 'Heaven Calling, Earth Shaking Necklace'?'

You can see why Zeeth isn't going to be in charge of naming anything important.

"Hey, practicality is more important than your stupid names. Oh one last thing, you are one of the few that I've decided to keep the human body. Giving you a slime body would be too easy and giving any other creature's body would be too complicated for you. But, to even that out, I will be taking your memories from your life on Earth! Yay!" And pointed finger guns at him. Under his breath, God muttered, "Man I bet I look so cool right now."

Hearing that his memories would be taken Zeeth didn't even question why he said specifically "for you" and panicked yelled, "WHAT?! NO! WAIT!"


"Too late now~."

And just like that, Zeeth couldn't remember anything from before he fell into that white space. It was all gone, no matter how hard he tried to remember them. He fell to his knees with his eyes looking down at the ground, dejected.

"No…" he muttered.

so the first real chapter is up! if you see any errors or anything you wanna point out just tell me, that would be cool. I appreciate any sort of feedback.

Zeeth_Ukinecreators' thoughts