

I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he pinned me to the wall. I was dumbfounded, I felt something I’ve never felt before. “Leave her alone” someone yelled. It was my savior again. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ava Brown, a young lady of 20 stayed with her mom as an only child. She helped her poor mom in making deliveries not until she got a scholarship into one of the biggest universities in town. How will her life be, being the poorest person on campus. What happens when she finds out that she’s actually in love with the four hottest guys on campus? A nerd, a prince, a model and a singer. What will her love story look like? Will they love her back? Who will she choose? Find out in MY MATE #suspense #romance #lust #mates #love

Craz_Writes · Thanh xuân
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"Ava please come here" mom called out from the kitchen

"Yes?" I replied

"You have a delivery to make. Apparently a guy forgot to order his cake on time and now you have to deliver it before the party starts" she said and I smiled

"Why's there a smile on your face?" she asked

"Oh nothing mom"

"Good. Now here's the cake. He said you'll be there until the party is over"

"But why?" I asked her with a confused face

"He said that's when he can pay up.."

"Okay then" I said, grabbing the cake off her hands

"Ava!" She called out

"Yes mom?"

"Be careful…. Don't do anything I wouldn't do" she said

What does that even mean?

"Of course" I said and hurried out..

This was actually savior's plan, and I'm glad it's working out great.

This was why he said I should read and leave the rest to him. I wonder why he wants me in the school though..


"I'm sorry I'm late" I said to the huge guy who was always with my savior

I later discovered his name was Luke…

"Where's savior?" I asked looking around

"He won't be with us today" he said and I felt sad.. then my phone rang

📞 " Hello Ava?" He said from the other line

📞 "Savior? Why are you calling me with a new number? Where are you? Are you on your way?" I asked all at once

📞"You ask too many questions Ava" he said laughing… I made him laugh omg

📞 " I had to take care of something at work.. so I won't be there"

📞 "oh" I said disappointedly

📞 "Do you also wear your mask to work?" I asked

📞 " Ava" he called out laughing

📞 "Tell you what? If you get the scholarship, then, I'll meet up with you as soon as you leave the school"

📞 " Will you also take off your mask?"

📞 "Hell no" he yelled

📞 " okay your name then?"

📞 " I have to go now Ava, I'll see you when you're done. Good-luck"

📞 "And please do anything Luke asks you to do" he said and hung up

Weird guy.. He can't even tell me his name

"Here… He insisted you change your clothes" Luke said and handed a bag to me

"Get in the car and change" he added

"Luke?" I called out and he stared at me

"What's his name?" I asked

"Do you want to be late? Or get him upset?" he asked

"Of course not" I said and got into the car to change

What was I expecting? He will act like his boss obviously..

Dumb rich people always hiding their identities.. He's so lucky I like him… I would have slapped him.

Gosh! I just want to see his face

"I'm done" I called out to Luke

"About time" he said and got into the car


"Welcome to Star Academy, if you are here for the scholarship exams please go to the hall on your left" a voice from the speaker said

I looked around the Academy. It was beautiful. I didn't get to see the whole thing cause Luke insisted I got into the hall on time.

I went into the hall and it was huge. The seats were neatly arranged and the gap between them were much. Probably to avoid any form of communication.

"Will I be writing the exams here? " I asked Luke

"Yes… I'll be out now. Meet me outside the school once you're done"

"Please stay here with me.. I'm scared" I said and held his hands

"It's against the rules ma'am Ava" he said and left

Gosh there were many people here and the place scares me

"Please all those for the exams should take their seat, the rest should leave" a lady said

We all took our seats, the doors were shut and we were all given our papers…

There were so many Invigilators in the hall and it scared me. I prayed so much in my heart to get the scholarship.. if not for anything for savior who helped me

"You have exactly an hour" the lady said

The questions were difficult honestly.. but I'll have to do my best


After the exams we were asked to stay in the hall for the results to be announced.

The hall was noisy but became mute as soon as the lady entered…

"Well good day ladies and gents.. I can see that you all are nervous for the results..

We have over forty candidates who sat for this exam.." she said and paused as she picked up her phone

After what seemed like forever she turned to us

" Well there's been some adjustments.." she said and everyone started murmuring

"Silence " she shouted

"Initially the pass mark for this exam should be 80% and above… but.. as directed now… we're giving the scholarship to those who scored 70 and above" she said and we all clapped

My fingers were crossed… I don't know why they changed their rules but I hope it's God working in my favour

"So here are the names of the people who are qualified;

Ella Peterson- 90%

Lucas John- 86% ...

And finally we have;

Ava Brown- 79%… " she added and I screamed.. Some people stared at me angrily, while others smiled

" The rest of you who didn't make it can leave.. seems we have only seven qualified students" she said and they left the hall leaving the seven of us..

"Now for the next two to three minutes you'll be having a personal interview with four students… if their remarks are good then you can school here" she added

An interview? What's this? A job application?


I was asked to go into a room and I met a guy there.. he was on his phone…

"Excuse me?" I called out and he stood up…

"Ava Brown right?" He asked…

"Yes…" I replied

"I'm Xavier… sit"

I stared at him.. he was like a god…

He was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the tone of his voice… He was stylish..the black shirt which he wore made him more attractive… He was tall and his skin was as smooth as milk.. He had an appearance that can make him stand out in the crowd..

He was fair. His unfathomable, golden brown eyes that I was lost in. You wouldn't blame me for getting lost in them, it was deep and expressive. He was tall. His pink lips which called me. Describing him was unexplainable. He was too good to be true. His coffee colored hair which dangled around his face. He used his right hand to flip them back…

"Are you drooling miss Ava?" He asked

"Of course not"

"I don't have time for these you know… just pray the others think you're good enough. You can leave" he said

"Just like that?"

"Didn't you hear me? Leave!" He yelled

"Okay" I said and left the room

That was weird. What got him so upset? He's too cute to be…


I knocked on the next door.

"Come in" a voice said.. it was deep but yet so calm

I went into the room.. were they all guys?

"Is it hot in here?" He asked as he stood up and took off his shirt. My jaw dropped.

Was he a model?

"My name is Liam. Do you like what you see?" He asked and winked

He was handsome.. not like the first guy, Xavier but he was good looking too.

He has a well built body..muscular… He had broad chest, and six packs. He was very attractive and I couldn't stop staring. It was hard to get the image out of my head. He was a hottie.

"You seem cool" he said and that was when I came back to my sense. I stared at the table in order not to get carried away.

I saw a magazine. He was a model truly.

"I don't have a problem with you, but…"

"But what?" I asked

"I need you to give me your word that you'll do anything I ask once I help you get admitted"

"Of course.. of course"

"Good.. then we're done" he said and pointed at the door


"You're not fit to be here, you dirty pig" I heard from the next door as a lady ran out crying

What the hell? My God please help me

"Are you that rude? Why would you say such to her?" I asked as I walked into the room

"Courtesy demands you greet first" he said

"Who do you think you are? Just because you were given such opportunity doesn't give you the right to talk to us like that" I said angrily

"You're a tough one aren't you? Do you know what they do to people who disrespect the prince?" He asked


"Hello? I'm Prince Blake… and you're now in my black book. Get out!" He yelled


"Get out!" He yelled again

For someone handsome.. he shouldn't be rude..He was well built and neatly dressed… He was breathtaking.. He had a pink lip but nothing attracted me to him cause he was rude. I didn't even get the chance to get a good view of him


God help me that this last person isn't as rude as the Prince. I knocked and was asked to come in…

I met a guy holding a book. He looked so calm and at ease

He was handsome too. Are all the guys in this school handsome? He was almost as handsome as Xavier.

He was fair, almost pale white. He had a curly hair and obviously pink lips. He was putting on glasses and he dressed decently than the rest…

"Please sit" he said with a calm voice

"I'm going to ask you some questions miss Ava" he said

"I don't really care about your personality…get my questions correctly and I'll give you a good remark"


After the interview, the lady decided to address us..

"Well out of the seven of you, I guess only five of you are students of the prestige academy "

I was so happy I made it.. it was only the Prince that gave me a bad remark. But screw him.

After the speech. I left the hall. I was asked to resume as early as possible. I met with Luke and we drove off


"I got the scholarship" I yelled as I jumped on savior's body

"Chill…. Congratulations " he said as he pushed me away

"Sorry.. I got carried away" i said

"I knew you were admitted"

"Luke told you?" I asked

"Who did you think made the adjustment?" He asked

"That was you?"

"Of course.. so how were the interviewers?" He asked

"You know about them?" I asked

"Why not?"

"Well, I think the prince hates me" I said and he laughed

"Why? Cause you talk too much?"

"Of course not… he was being too rude"

"Well he's a prince"

"Liam was cool but definitely a flirt"

"And how do you know that?"

"Can you believe he took his shirt off?"

"Hmmm" was all he said

"Are you okay?"

"Of course"

"It would have been much better if I can see the expression on your face"

"I'm not taking it off"

"Fine… Oliver was cool. He's a nerd though. He was the only one who asked questions related to education"

"Woah… I think I like him already "

"Right? And Xavier… he's cold but handsome.. so very handsome. I can't believe I drooled"

"Wow.. Ava has a crush" he said laughing

"You're in a good mood today. And he's not my crush, he's just so handsome more than the rest of them"

"Then who's your crush?"

"I won't tell"

"Fine. Congratulations again"

"Thank you for everything"

"Always. I better go. I'll be in touch"


"What's that?"

"Can I hug you?" I asked

"Just this once" he replied and I jumped on him

"Careful Ava"