
11. A Walk Down Linka Lane Part 1

AN: An original. Another chapter split into two parts.

Linka climbed the ladder that lead to the attic, carrying a cardboard box. "In my class, we're doing a time capsule project, readers. We have to collect items that represents memories of our past and present them to the class. My turn is tomorrow. And based on the life I'm living, this gonna be a breeze!"

After an hour of rummaging through the attic, in her box was her baby shoes, her distorted coffee mugs, and an old plastic tea set. "Nobody wants to see all this!" She dumped out all the contents. "I can't find anything from my past that's worth mentioning to the class! And I can't share my birth story because it's top secret! What am I gonna do?"

The twins climb the ladder and enter the attic. "Linka! We need answers!" Lexx exclaims.

"What's bigger, a tiger or a lion? This royal pain refuses to listen to the animal expert, me, and thinks it's lions." Leif says.

"Tigers. They're also fast and brutal killers who work alone; they go straight for the neck." Linka explains, with her back toward the twins looking through a box. Leif screams "Ha!" in Lexx's face and Lexx shoves him.

"What are you doing, anyway?" Lexx asks.

"Time capsule project. I have to find items that relates to my memories but I'm in a runt!"

Lexx and Leif glance at each other. "Do our memories count?" They say simultaneously.

"Sure, if it's about me."

"Don't move!" The twins race down the ladder. Linka shrugs and waits for them. Two minutes later, the twins came back with their own respective items. Lexx has a book and Leif has a bottle of Elmer's Glue.

"These items represent our favorite memories of you." Leif explains.

"I don't remember where those things are from. Enlighten me." Linka says, sitting down.

A stampede of footsteps is heard, and the other eight brothers entered the attic, each holding an item from their favorite memory of Linka.

"Oh, and we told the others about the project." Leif adds.

"Wow. We're in for a long afternoon, readers. But honestly, this should an educational experience. But I advise you all to not to read this chapter in one sitting." Linka says.

"Linka, who are you addressing?" Levi asks.

"Never mind. Who wants to go first?"

"I will!" Loki steps up.

"But we were here first!" The twins shouted.

"Well, I was born first! And we're going in birth order."

"Dang it!"

"Anyway," He holds up a surgical mask and gloves. "I have the gloves and mask I wore when you got sick over the summer."

Loki knocked on Linka's door. "Linka! Are you dead or something?! We called you to breakfast fifteen minutes ago!" He opened her door and saw Linka with bloodshot eyes, wild hair and she's sweating.

"Linka, you literally look dead!"

"Thanks, bro." Linka said sarcastically. "I think I have a fever."

His big brother instinct kicked in. "Hold on." Loki left the room for a minute. When he came back, he had a recyclable bag full of medical supplies and their electric thermometer. He wore a surgical mask and gloves. He pointed the thermometer to her forehead.

"100.7 degrees Fahrenheit? And this is your forehead! Linka, you have to stay in bed so the disease doesn't spread to the rest of us."

"Like I was planning on getting out of bed."

"I'll bring up your breakfast and some water. Do you want anything else?"

"Advil and tissues."

"There's tissues in the bag." He hands the box to her.

"Thanks. Loki? I'm glad you found me first. You're always know what you're doing and the first to jump the bandwagon when it involves me. It's really cool of you."

He lowered his mask. "Anything for my kid sister." He left the room.


Loki carried Linka's breakfast and the Advil to the stairs. His foot was on the first step, when he was questioned by Lexx.

"Loki, where are going with another plate of food?" If the other brothers can't have seconds, why should Loki?

"It's not for me, it's for Linka. She's sick and I told her to stay in bed." This caught the attention of the rest of the brothers in the living room. They simultaneously accused of why Loki haven't told them yet and they needed to help Linka too.

"Guys! I have everything under control. Plus, Linka only wants me to take care of her."

"What makes you so sure?" Lane asked.

"Because I'm her favorite brother." The rest of the brothers gasped. That was the wrong thing to say. In a family this big, picking favorites is strictly forbidden; creates too much tension in the family. So, Linka should know better than to pick a favorite brother.

"Did she tell you that?" Leif asked.

"No. But I can tell because she said she was glad I found her first because I always know what I'm doing. Sorry, guys." Loki went up the stairs with a smirk.

"No, you're not!" Lars accused then turn to the crowd. "You guys realize what this means, right? A favorite brother means that Linka loves him more and wants to be just like him. So with Loki, she could easily turn into a mini him one day!"

Leif groaned audibly. "Great. As if one Loki wasn't enough."

"This is bogus! How could Linka pick a favorite brother in the first place?" Luke said.

"More importantly, how can she choose Loki?" Lexx exclaimed. "If anyone should copy anybody, it should be me."

"That's even worse!" Leif claimed.

"Anyone of us could be a favorite, but some are more deserving because they've been around longer. I mean, me." Lynn said.

"Ok Lynn, you're the oldest here." Loni said. "But that doesn't – hey wait a second!" In their jealous fit, Lexx sneaked away to the kitchen, unnoticed.


Loki was on the last sentence on the story he was reading to Linka. Afterwards, he picked up her empty dish.

"Get some rest, Link."

She yawned. "Thanks again, Loki." He closed the door, not all the way, gently behind him. Before he went downstairs, he saw Lexx go into Linka's room. He walked back to stand by Linka's door and watched through the creak.

"Hey, Snow White!" Lexx said, cheerfully.

"Lexx! You shouldn't be here, I don't want you getting sick!"

"I'm not worried about that, I want to see how my favorite big sister is doing." He said with shining eyes. "I brought you an ice pack." He placed it on her head.

"Oh. Thanks, Lexx." He smiled and left the room.

Lynn walked past Loki and took Lexx's place. "How's my kid sister? I was thinking, a fever causes your muscles to tense. So, maybe a massage will help you." He flipped Linka over and started patting her back repeatedly and rapidly.

"Awkward…" She said in a shaking tone. "Down a little. I carry most of stress in my lower back."

"I'll help in any way I can for my favorite sister."

"These mofos are serious." Loki said in disbelief from his spot.


Later, Linka emerged from her room and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. She walked in on Loni sitting on the toilet; thankfully, he wasn't using it.

"Hey, little sister!" Loni looked up from his phone. "I warmed up the shower for you. And take your time with it."

"Wow. You never let me shower before you. It's because I'm sick, right?"

"Of course. And I think I should be your favorite brother."


"Nothing." He left the bathroom. Linka shrugged it off because Loni's always acting dumb and stepped in the tub.


A few hours later, Linka was napping but was awoken by Lane and his dummy, Mrs. Coconuts.

"Hey Link, how are ya?"

"I was sleeping, man! Go away!"

"But I have a comedy routine set up for you! You know what they say, laughter is the best medicine."

"Not when you're telling the jokes!" Lane threw his voice to Mrs. Coconuts.

"What? How dare you?"

"Listen girl, I guarantee you that what I say is way funnier than what will come out of this dummy." Mrs. Coconuts told Linka.

"Really? A guy got into a car accident and lost his left arm and left leg. But it's ok, he's alright now!" He laughs for a moment. "Get it?" Linka shook her head; not that she didn't get it, but because the joke was really bad.

"A lame one from Lane." Mrs. Coconuts said. "Get with it, partner. Kids love mature humor. For example: a woman told her boyfriend that the gynecologist told her she can't have intercourse for two weeks. To which her boyfriend replied, "what did the dentist say?" Har har har!"

It took Linka a minute to understand before her ears turned red and she laughed. "Holy crap!" She said breathlessly.

"Speaking of gynecologists." Mrs. Coconuts said. "What do they and the pizza delivery man have in common? They can smell it but they're not allowed to eat it. Haha, get it?" Linka just laughed harder.

Lane smirked at Mrs. Coconuts, believing Linka found a new favorite. Their moment was ruined by Luke pushing in one of his amps into the room, shoving Lane against the wall. His ax strapped on his back.

"Stop plaguing her mind with your immature humor, dude!" Luke scolded Lane. He turned his ax around. "What my favorite little sister needs is some easy listening music; that always makes me feel better." He plugged his ax into the amp, turned it all the way up and played the beginning of "Welcome to the Jungle". The music caused the room to vibrate and the other two siblings to cover their ears.

His ax is unplugged by Lars who just entered. "What were you thinking? Not everything is about rock, you know!"

"So why don't you roll on out of here?" Lane laughed at his joke then glared at Luke.

"If you want something easy listening, I wrote a poem about your current state." Lars said and cleared his throat. "Poor big sister, sick in bed. Tired, bloodshot eyes; she looks half-dead. But call yourself blessed; yes, you're in luck. Cause there are too many sick kids who never wake up. They-"

Leif ran into the room, wearing something green around his neck. "Alright Lars! Stop before you give us all nightmares. What Linka needs is a warm hug!"

Linka smiled. "Aww, Leif."

"Go ahead, El Diableo!" The green thing around his neck was his pet constrictor. The snake slithered onto Linka's bed, wrapped himself around Linka's chest and shoulders, and squeezed her a little too tight.

"Aww, El Diableo likes you!" Leif gushed.

"Leif, get it off of her! It's choking the life out of her!" Lane demanded, pointed at her light blue face. Leif whistled and El Diableo released Linka and wrapped loosely around his owner's neck.

"Sorry! But it's the thought that counts, right? Isn't that what good favorite brothers do?" Leif asked.

"Why does everybody keep saying that? Everyone out!" Linka demanded, voice grew horse. All four brothers hurried on out of there.

In Levi's room, he concocted a medicine for Linka's fever. When he went to answer his phone, Leon added more of his chemicals as his way of sabotage. Levi poured the tampered liquid into a test tube and walked into Linka's room.

"Greetings, middle child."

"What do you want?"

"No need to be crotchety. I prepared my own medicine, guarantee to revive you back to your healthy, normal state."

Linka sat up. "Finally, someone sensible. Our brothers have been in my face more so than usual and I just want to feel better." She took the tube from him and drank the liquid in a few gulps.

"Ew, bitter."

"How do you feel?"

Linka was breathing heavily and her face turned crimson. "Who- who turned the heat up?" She wiped the sweat off her forehead but immediately flinched when her hand burned against her skin.

"My face! MY FACE IS ON FIRE!"

Leon came to the rescue as he popped the cap off his bottle full of milk and threw it at the girl's head. Steam literally rose from her.

"My apologies, Linka!" Levi said. "I could have sworn that I did the conversions correctly! But as favorable brothers do, I-" Linka pointed toward the door and Levi picked up Leon and booked it out of there.

Once in the kitchen, Leon looked at Levi with an almost sinister smile. Levi bunked with Leon long enough to know what that meant.

"You fiend! What have you done?!" Levi sets the baby down. "Thanks to you, I have lost my chance at the title of Linka's favorite brother."

Lynn entered the kitchen. "You thought it be you? Get real! I protect and care for her more often!"

"This is coming from the guy who treats her like his personal punching bag." Leif said, he just entered the kitchen. "I had the Linka's favorite brother title in the bag!"

"Until your damn snake almost killed her!" Lane said. Luke, Loni, Lexx and Lars behind him. "If Luke hadn't shown up, I could have been the new favorite!"

"Well I got to her before all of you and I'm the cutest. So, no competition." Lexx said.

"Linka has a lot of things but low standards are not one of them, Lexx." Luke said. The little prince gasped and all of them talked at once, in a heated argument. The calamity was ceased by a sharp whistle, courtesy of Loki.

"All of you guys are stupid as hell. Allowing yourselves to be immersed in this petty competition. Just accept the fact that I'm the favorite and move on!"

"No, because that's BS!" Loni said and walked closer to his roommate. "It doesn't make sense that you're the favorite! You're bossy, pushy, rude and selfish!" He jabbed his finger in Loki's chest as he said those adjectives. Loki slapped his finger away.

"Better than being the dumbass of the family!"

"My ass is not dumb! And quit talking about it!"

"Do you know what would happen if you continue to be Linka's favorable brother? She'll most likely take after you and grow up to be your equivalent!" Levi exclaimed.

"And you say that like it's a bad thing!" Loki said and his brothers argued simultaneously again, this time against Loki.

Upstairs, Linka felt worse than she did before. She was sweating more, felt weaker, and her temperature rose, even after being extinguished from Levi's experiment. In weak, hoarse voice, she called out for her brothers.

"Guys? I need help! Anybody?" She groaned. The one time she needed help today, they didn't come barging in! With what little strength she can muster, she wrapped herself in her blanket and pulled herself out of bed. She went downstairs slowly and followed the sound of bickering brothers.

"Hey!" Linka screamed, her voice cracked in the process. The boys stop arguing and turned their heads sharply toward her. "I called you guys a while ago! What's the problem this time?" She asked in her hoarse voice.

"You!" Lexx pointed a finger toward her. "You've got some explaining to do!"

"Yeah! What aspect of Loki do you find remotely interesting to make him the favorite brother?" Levi said.

"You guys think Loki is my favorite?"

"Why do you think we've been such ass kissers all day? We each thought we should have been the favorite." Luke said.

"Guys, I don't have a favorite brother. I never did! I know better, you all know that." Linka said.

"But what about what you said to me?" Loki asked.

"Each of you have an aspect that makes you stand out. But that won't make me love you more than the rest. You're all equally great to me and you always will be." The brothers awed at her words; the burden of envy has been lifted from their shoulders.

"We're sorry for overreacting." Lars said.

She looked at them with tired, half-lidded eyes. "It's…ok." Her knees gave up on her. She would have fallen face first if Loni hadn't catch her. He picked her up and she slip into unconsciousness against his chest.

"You guys! She's burning up!"

"Loni, take her up to her room." Loki demanded. Loni quickly but carefully carried her to bed.

"I'll heat up some of Dad's soup." Loki said.

"I'll get more ice packs." Lexx said.

"And I'll get that bitter syrup medicine." Leif said. All the brothers went in separate ways to retrieve items and accumulated upstairs to actually take care of their sick sister.

"That was a great story, Loki. But why was that your favorite memory?" Linka asks.

"Because it was literally hilarious how you guys reacted when you thought I was the favorite. And it's cool to know you're not the one to take sides." Loki put his items in the box.

"I'm next, right?" Loni asks.

"Yes, Loni. You're the second oldest." Linka says.

"Yay! My item is this little dress." Loni holds up an orange dress with a pink heart in the center. It's so small, it could have fit Leon.

"I've seen that dress in my baby pictures." Linka says.

"Believe or not, this was the first feminine piece of clothing you ever wore. Before this, all you wore were our hand-me-downs."

One-year-old Linka crawled around the dining room in Lynn's blue "Boys Rule!" t-shirt. Six-year-old Loni looked up from the book he was reading with his paternal grandmother (she had the patience to sit down with him and hear him slowly sound out the words), and grabbed Linka before she bumped into the table leg.

"Careful, Linka." He set her down gently in the direction of the living room. She babbled cutely in response before heading toward her toys in the living room. He sat back down with his grandmother.

"It's a shame, really." His grandmother said.

"I know, Gram-Gram! Who came up with these words?!" Loni replied, squinting his eyes at the word "when".

"Not that, sweetheart. I'm talking about your sister. All she ever wear is Lynn's hand-me-downs!"

"That's not true! Yesterday, she wore my old footie pajamas. And the day before that she wore Loki's shirt that said "Pimp in Training". Whatever that means."

Gram-Gram was appalled by that answer. "That's terrible! A baby girl shouldn't wear those type of clothing!"

"Well, Linka is an adjustment because she's the first girl. It's not like Mommy and Daddy can buy new baby girl clothes."

"Well, why don't we make clothes?"

"You can make clothes?"

"Of course! The clothes you buy at the mall is made by a person far, far away. If that person can do it, we can do it!"

He high-fived Gram-Gram. "Awesome! But where would we start?"

"If my hunch is correct, your mom kept my old sewing machine in the attic. Follow me." Loni followed Gram-Gram to the attic. There she found the machine and several colorful pieces of cloth.

"This will do nicely. Ok Loni, before we cut the cloth, we're going to need to measure Linka."

"You mean with the cups Daddy use to cook?"

Gram-Gram pulled out a flexible tape measure. "No sweetie, we have to measure her body with this so her new outfit will fit her." The two made their way downstairs to where the baby girl was still. "Loni, you'll hold her and I'll measure." Loni crouched down and held his arms out.

"Come to big brother Loni, Linka." Linka stood up giggling and walked the opposite way, initiating a chase.

"Hey, where are you going?" Loni chased Linka around the couch until he tripped. Linka turned around and poked him in the eye. He took that moment to take Linka in his arms.

"Gotcha! And ow!" Loni picked himself and the baby up. He walked over to Gram-Gram on the recliner. "Hold still for Gram-Gram, sis." Gram-Gram took her body measurements and wrote them down on a notepad. Once she was done, Loni gave the baby to his younger brother Luke, who just walked in.

"What are you dudes up to?" He asked.

"We're gonna get new clothes for Linka!"

"You have money?"

"Nope!" Then proceeded upstairs with Gram-Gram, leaving the future musician confused. In the hallway, Gram-Gram turned to her little student. "Next, we have to come up with a design for the clothes. We cannot get to work without knowing what the clothes is going to look like. Do you have any ideas, Loni?"

Loni ran back to his room to fetch his crayons and some paper while Gram-Gram pulled the string to open the door to the attic. Rejoined with Gram-Gram, he laid on his stomach on the dusty attic floor and spread out his supplies. He drew as he spoke.

"Because it's for Linka, I want it to be a dress. An orange one, because that's her favorite color. Not too long through, make it stop at her knees. And to pull it off, a big pink heart in the center. Perfect!" His coloring was done sloppily and was outside of the lines, but Gram-Gram understood perfectly.

"You're in luck, we have pink and orange fabric! Let's get started."

With that said, Gram-Gram laid out the fabric and made incisions according to the measurements with some sharp scissors, so Loni knows where to cut. He used his child-safety scissors to cut out the dress and heart so it took longer. Gram-Gram used the sewing machine to sew the dress together. Then took out a needle and thread and handed it to Loni.

"And now the pièce de résistance. Loni, you will sew the heart on."

"I think you should do it, Gram-Gram. I don't want to mess it up. Plus, I don't want to hurt myself with the needle."

"No worries, kiddo. I'll guide you every step of the way." Gram-Gram threaded the needle and gave it to Loni. Sitting on the floor with him, she talked with him through the process. He pricked his fingers six times.

"Dang it!" Make that seven. "I can't do this!" He dropped the project.

"I know trying anything for the first time is hard but I know you can do this. And remember this is all for Linka."

"Ok. For my sister." He picked up the needle. Finally, after four and half hours of the dress-making process altogether, the dress is complete.

"It looks great!"

"Yes, it does. I'm proud of you, Loni. Shall we surprise her after dinner?"



During dinner, Loni couldn't keep his cool. He was too excited about the surprise he and Gram-Gram had planned. But he started to think, what if Linka didn't like it? Then all that time and energy will be all for nothing. That break his little heart!

"Dinner was delicious as always, son." Gram-Gram said.

"Thanks, Mom." Lynn Sr. said. "Okay kids, you're all excused."

"Wait!" Loni stood from his seat. "I have something to say."

"Go ahead, son."

Loni walked over to Linka in her high chair next to his mom. "Linka, it isn't fair that all you wear are our hand-me-downs." He pointed at the shirt she was wearing, that originally belonged to Lane. "You're my first sister and you deserve better. So, with the help of Gram-Gram, I made you a present."

Gram-Gram gave him the dress from behind him. He took it and held it up to his sister.

"Loni, that's so cute!" Rita said. "You did that all by yourself?"

"Well, the design was my idea and Gram-Gram taught me to sew the heart on."

"Let's try it on her!" Rita took off Lane's shirt off of Linka and put the dress on her. "It fits perfect! Well Linka, what do you think?"

Here comes the moment of truth, Loni thought as he twiddled his thumbs, nervously. But to his relief, Linka clapped and giggled at the sight of her new dress. "Oni!" Linka attempted to say his name and held out her arms toward him. Rita removed her from her chair and placed her in Loni's arms.

"I'm so happy you love it, Linka!" Loni said. "Thanks for everything, Gram-Gram!" Gram-Gram smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Wow Loni, you're finally useful for something." Loki said. Loni held a tight grasp on the oldest's words. The gears in his head started turning as he gasped loudly and his eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. At the tender age of six, Loni had an epiphany.

"You're right! I'm useful for something! This might be my calling in life!"

"To make baby girl dresses?" Lane asked, confused about his excitement.

"Or clothes in general. I could be a fashion designer!"

"I have to get a picture!" Rita rushed to her room to retrieve Lynn Sr.'s camera. When she came back, she took pictures of Linka and a future fashion designer.

"So, it was because of Linka you became interested in fashion?" Leif asks.

"Yep! When I saw Linka's face light up when I gave her this dress, I knew I can make other people look and feel good!" Loni put his item in the box.

"Wow, I'm flattered. And Dad's mother sounds like a really cool lady." Linka says.

"Oh, she was." Loni answers. "We were so close. She wasn't just my grandmother, she was my best friend!"

"Until she slept with the fishes." Lars says.

"Lars, she didn't go swimming, she died a long time ago." Loni says.

"When?" Linka asks.

"Like, two months before the twins were born. I remember how devastated Loni was when he heard the news." Loki says. Linka hugs Loni, he smiles sadly and hugs back.

"I don't even remember that. I'm sorry."

"It's ok, Link. I like to think she went out in peace. And she's still in our memories; it was my idea to call Mom's mother Gram-Gram so the nickname won't be lost. But let's not focus on that, it's Luke's turn!"

"My item is this guitar." Luke held up an acoustic guitar but with no strings.

"Is there a reason why it has no strings?"

"Yep, I cut it off! Remember? I suggested that you learn how to play guitar for your talent show at school a few months ago. Then I got jealous because of how quickly you learned how to play and thought you might steal my position of the Loud musician. So to defend my title, I planned my sabotage."

On the night of the Royal Woods Elementary Talent Show, Luke sneaked backstage. Linka had time to go to the bathroom before she went on, so his crime went unnoticed.

He walked up to the guitar he lended to Linka for the show (he barely uses it anymore). He took out a sharp pair of scissors. Now, he knew this looked bad but hear his side of the story; Linka learned how to play a song on guitar in week, and she looked and sounded like a master. He had to teach himself to master the guitar and that took years! He wasn't about to be in the shadow of his younger sister as the former "Most Rockin' Loud".

In a swift movement, he cut the strings. He ran out of the doors, leaving no trace of his sabotage. He ran into the house and sat in the aisle where his family is. He had on a poker face.

"Where have you been?" Lane asked.

"Bathroom." He lied, crossing his arms and legs.

"You know Luke, I think it's great that you taught your sister guitar." Lynn Sr. said. "With what we heard in the house, she might even win."

"Pops Star, you ain't seen nothing yet."

Twenty minutes later, Linka's name was called. The Loud family hollered and clapped louder than anyone in the audience. Luke was the only one who's calm. On stage, Linka took a deep breath, threw and caught her pick, and strummed guitar strings that wasn't there. Linka's face was sketched with horror. Her legs started shaking. When did this happen? Who could have done this? She thought.

"Are you going play something or just stand there?!" A boy in the audience said.

"Where's the music, you loser?!" A girl in the audience said. Everyone in the audience, sans the Loud family, jeered at the white-haired girl. Linka's eyes were filled with tears as she ran offstage, almost tripping over herself. It was a traumatizing experience for her.

And it was all Luke's fault.

All he wanted was to protect his reputation but instead he embarrassed his little sister in front of her entire school! He didn't know why he thought sabotage would bring him satisfaction. He felt disgusted with himself.

When Mr. Johnson announced the next student like nothing ever happened, Luke rose from his seat.

"Now where are you going?" Lexx asked.

"To help Linka." He quickly asked Lynn Sr. for Vanzilla's keys, ran back out of the house, out of the school and toward the family wagon. He unlocked it and took the case that held his acoustic guitar from the trunk; and his siblings said that he'll never need his back-up guitar in the van. Running back to the school, he stopped when he saw Claudia outside the door of the janitor's closet.

"Why the janitor's closet?" Luke asked, he already knew his sister was in there.

"She didn't want anyone to walk in on her if she cried in the girls' bathroom. She's really upset, Luke. Linka feels all your hard work was for nothing. I just don't know what kind heartless monster would cut her guitar strings at the last minute!"

Luke flinched at her words. He knocked on the door. "Linka, it's Luke." A choked sob is heard.

He leaned his head on the door. "Don't cry, sweet child o' mine. None of this is your fault. Could you please open the door?" He pulled his head back.

A moment later, the door opened and out came a red-eyed Linka, collapsing in Luke's arms. "It was so embarrassing! I didn't even see that my strings were cut until I was onstage!"

He patted her back. "You didn't deserve that, Linka. What you do deserve is a chance to redeem yourself!"

"Oh no! After that, I couldn't go back onstage by myself!"

"Then I'll do a duet with you. Claudia, I'm gonna need your violin."


Back in the auditorium, "Ok ladies and gentlemen," Mr. Johnson began. "That concludes our talent show, now the judges-"

"WAIT!" Luke screamed, he and Linka ran down the aisle and onto the stage with their instruments. "Please, Mr. J. Give Linka another shot! What happened earlier wasn't her fault!"

"But the talent show ended and she had her chance-"

"Let her play! Let her play! Let her play!" The Loud family chanted. The entire audience quickly joined the chanting.

"Ok! Ok! Linka will have another chance!" The crowd cheered and applauded. Linka took out the guitar from the case and Luke took out the violin. Once in position, Luke gave Linka a reassuring smile. She strummed and sang:

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road

Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go

So make the best of this test, and don't ask why

It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right

I hope you had the time of your life

Luke played in between verses. Luckily, it wasn't the first time playing the violin or this song. The crowd looked pleased. Some people even turned on the flashlight on their phones and swayed them back and forth in the air. Linka had a huge grin on her face as she sang. Honestly, Luke had not been more proud. And to think, he didn't want his sister's shining moment to happen.

So take the photographs, and still-frames in your mind

Hang them on a shelf in good health and good time

Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial

For what it's worth, it was worth all the while

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right

I hope you had the time of your life

It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right

I hope you had the time of your life

They finished and received a standing ovation. The siblings took a bow.


"I can't believe you got third place! You guys totally deserved first! Your act had heart, unlike the other acts!" Loni exclaimed, while the family piled into Vanzilla.

"Loni, I already told you, my act was last minute and Luke is not a Royal Woods Elementary student. They loved my talent so they gave me what they could." Linka explained, looking down at her blue ribbon.

"Yeah, and it's better than a participation award those second-rate talents received!" Lynn said.

"Either way, we're proud of you, sweetie. And you too, Luke." Rita said as Lynn Sr. pulled out of the Royal Woods Elementary's parking lot.

"Yeah, thanks for coming back for me, Luke." Linka hugged him. "I love you!"

"I can't lie anymore!" Luke exclaimed. "Linka, it was me! I cut the strings on the guitar!"

"What?!" The family screamed. Lynn Sr. had to fight the urge to look back.

"Why would you do that?!" Linka cried.

"Because of my stupid pride. You learned how to play guitar so quickly and I was afraid that you would continue with music and one-up me in the only thing I'm passionate about. I'm sorry I embarrassed you, sis."

"Luke, I wasn't planning on continuing with music because there's only room for one Loud Rockstar and that's you. Never in a million years would I, or any of us, steal the title that you so rightfully earned!" Linka explained. Their brothers agreed wholeheartedly.



"You're the only one, Luke!"

"Thanks, dudes!" Luke smiled wide.

"Classic Luke." Linka says. "But I don't think that will fit in there." Pointing at the guitar and box.

"I figured it wouldn't so I brought the sheet music for "Good Riddance"." He places the papers in the box.

"Ok. What about you, Lane?" He gives Linka a stack of cards.

"Flash cards?" The cards are of words or expressions in the expletive. It's a mild list; "dang it!" "what the heck?" "son of a biscuit!" and those words were in green. Linka gasped when she saw the "f*ck!" in red. Followed by "bullshit!" and "bitch!"

"Lane, why would you include words like this?"

"There's a good reason, I swear!" He laughs. "Get it? You were five years old and cursing like a sailor because that's what you heard from us." He gestures to the older brothers.

Linka was watching "Blarney the Dinosaur" re-runs in the living room. Her six brothers on the couch with her. Rita and Lynn Sr. left for the afternoon and Gram-Gram (still Lynn Sr.'s mother) was babysitting but she fell asleep on the recliner. Lynn grabbed the remote.

"Sorry sis! It's Adventure O' Clock!" The brothers became excited. He quickly changed the channel to Cartoon Network.

Linka became furious. "Hold the f*ck up! I didn't give you permission to change the channel!" The five older brothers gasped in horror.

"Did she just say what I think she said?" Loni asked.

"No duh, bitch! I was in the middle of Blarney but this piece of shit decided to change the f*cking channel!" Linka pointed at Lynn. Luke covered two-year-old Lars's ears.

This jolted Gram-Gram awake. "I know you did not just curse in my presence."

"No one should give a damn if I curse!"

"That's it, young lady! You just earned five minutes of time-out in your room!" Gram-Gram picked up the girl and carried her upstairs, Linka screaming all the way.

"This is bullshit! I didn't do f*ck! I'm innocent!"

"That was pretty intense, bros." Luke said, uncovering Lars's ears.

"Where the heck did she learn to speak like that?" Loki asked.

"Obviously from us!" Lynn said. "I mean, I'm seven and I've said all those words before. But that's because I heard it from Lane!"

"Only because Luke cursed at me before!"

"I learned the words from an argument between Loki and Loni!"

"Guys! Don't you see?" Loki said. "If Linka continues to curse, that will literally be Mom and Dad: blaming us for her language. We might get the belt!"

"Or a grounding!" Luke said.

"Or a bar of icky soap in the mouth!" Loni said.

Gram-Gram came back downstairs. "Well, I put Linka in her room. I don't know how you're going to deal with her potty mouth."

"Well, she already knows what those words are and it's not like we can erase it from her memory." Lane said. "But what if we can teach her when not blurt out those words? Boys, I have a plan!"


Lane entered Linka's room, who was facing the wall, crisscrossed on her bed. "Linka?" Lane said.


"I know you heard those curses from us, but you really shouldn't be saying those words. There are much safer words. Follow me." Lane grabbed Linka's hand and lead her out.

He imitated an Australian wildness explorer. "Here we enter our wild and dangerous journey of saying alternatives to real curse words!" Linka laughed at his impression. "Let's enter the dwelling of my roommate."

In Luke's and Lane's room, Luke was doing his homework. Luke saw his siblings entered the room and purposely spilled his cup of juice on the papers.

"Daaaaaa… ng it! Dang it! But that's alright, kids. Homework's overrated! I rather play on the old xylophone." Luke walked over to the instrument and played.

"Oh, I see." Linka said. "He meant to say the "D" word but said "dang it" instead."

"Good on ya, mate!" Lane poked Linka's nose. "But we're not done yet. Let's see how our two oldest brothers are doing." He left the room with Linka.

"What the heck, Loki?!" Loni shouted in his and Loki's room. He held up a ruined picture. "Do you mind telling me why there's a muddy footprint on this design for a suit?!"

"It's not my fault you leave your stuff on the floor, arsehole!" Loki rebutted, a quick glance at the door to see if Linka is still there.

"This suit was meant for you, you jerk!"

"I don't give a truck! Keep your piece of ship designs!"

"Jerk, ship, arsehole and truck." Linka repeated.

"Ripper observations, Linka!" Lane said.

"INCOMING SOCCER BALL!" Lynn shouted. The ball flew over the two's heads and down the stairs, Lynn in hot pursuit.

"A wild Lynn appeared!" Lane exclaimed.

"Shall we follow him?" Linka asked.

"Seems fair." Lane and Linka chased Lynn down. Lynn was aimlessly kicking it around, until he sent it flying and it smashed a picture of Lane on the wall.

"The picture from my sixth birthday!" Lane shouted in his regular voice. "The first time I had a clown! YOU MOTHER…. Freaker!"

"Don't lose your ship too quickly, Lane." Lynn snickered.


Linka, Lynn, Lane, Luke, Loni and Loki regrouped in Lane's and Luke's room. "Linka, I made some flash cards of the words you just heard and more. Those are in green. Plus, the actual curse words in red. I want you to say the green words out loud." Lane explained. He shuffled the deck and began the session.



"Dang it."


"Linka!" The brothers exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, it slipped. Do over!" Lane pulled out some cards.

"What the heck."

"Son of a biscuit."


"Dude! Are you colorblind? That's clearly red!" Luke said.

"Ohhhhh. Do over." Linka said. Lane pulled out another card.


"Linka, you have to take this seriously!" Loki said. "If Mommy and Daddy hear you cursing, we're all gonna be in trouble!"

"Even me?"

"Especially you!" The brothers said altogether.

"Oh man. Ok, I'll do a good job! I promise!" And Linka did. She read the green words out loud and shook her head at those nasty red words.

"Arsehole." Linka said.

"That's all the cards!" Lane said.

"Link, we're so proud of you!" Loni hugged his little sister.

"We're not out of the woods yet." Loki said. "If Linka can be in a real-life scenario without cursing, we've done it." He opened the door and called out into the hallway, "Gram-Gram! Bring in Lars!"

Gram-Gram brought him in and a pair of what used to be red shoes. "Uh oh, Linka! Lars here spilled his black paint all over your shoes!"

"Oops." Lars replied.

Linka turned red with anger. Her brothers gulped with nervousness. "What the heck, Lars?!" She exploded. "Who the fudge let you in my god darn room in the first place?!"

"SUCCESS!" Everyone else, sans Lars, cheered.

"I'm glad that's nightmare's over!" Luke said.

"Kids! We're home!" Lynn Sr. called. "Come downstairs, we brought Burpin' Burgers!" The six siblings literally raced downstairs with Gram-Gram and Lars behind. In the dining room, Gram-Gram put the youngest in his booster seat. Rita spread out the food and drinks. Linka was about to grab a Baby Belcher Burger but Lars slapped her hand away.

"No! That's mine, bitch." He said in that youthful, high-pitched voice. His siblings froze in shock and the adults' jaws dropped.

All the Loud siblings laughed at that memory. "Savage, Lars!" Lexx says.

"Indeed. All that energy focused on Linka, completely neglecting the influence the obscenities had on Lars." Levi adds.

"Literally no one saw that coming." Loki says.

"And I was right! We all got the bar of soap in the mouth punishment, except Lars!" Loni exclaims.

"Yeah, we were all bubbling with anger." Lane laughs as put his item in the box.

"Wow. I was even cool then." Lars says, smiling.

"If that's what you want to call it." Lynn retorts.

"Now that you're older, we don't care if you curse because you say the minor ones around us." Lane explains. "Hell, damn, crap. Never hurt no one. It's the harsher words, like the "C" word, the "F" word, or the female dog word that we don't want you to say out loud. Especially not in front of the little ones."

"Noted." Linka answers.

"Anyway, my item is this tutu." Lynn holds it up and all his brothers laugh at it.

"I know, right? Sooo manly. This is from the time I knocked one of your teeth out and chipped the front teeth."

"Whaaaaaat!" The younger brothers exclaim.

"Yep! And this happened, let's say, three months after Lane's memory."

"Come on, Lynn! I'm tired! Can we go inside?" Linka told her seven-year-old brother.

"Nope! We're going to stay in the backyard until you learn to catch!" Lynn said, throwing a baseball in the air.

"I don't want to play baseball!"

"Don't be like that. One day, you'll be playing in the big leagues with your big brother. Now, get ready!"

Linka groaned before putting her gloved hand up. Lynn threw his baseball in the air and batted it. The ball was coming too fast, Linka couldn't react in time. It ended up smacking Linka in the mouth.


"Linka!" He ran over to her. "Oh man, are you ok?!"

"My mouth hurts!"

"Let me see." Lynn removed her hand from her mouth. "No blood, that's good. But I chipped your front teeth and another one is loose."

"My teeth is jacked up! I'm gonna look stupid!" Linka began to cry.

"No no no! It's ok, well not your chipped teeth, but that loose tooth is a good thing! If it comes out, the Tooth Fairy comes and visit you!"

"Tooth Fairy?"

"She's a magical fairy that comes at night when you're sleeping. And she takes your tooth and leaves you money for it!"

Linka gasped, her eyes filled with wonder. "I wanna get money from the Tooth Fairy! Let's get this tooth out!"

"I might know just the thing."


Lynn went the old-fashioned way; he took some string, tied Linka's loose tooth with one end and the other end to the knob of his bedroom door.

Luke entered the room. "Bro, have you seen- what are you doing to Link?"

"I'm going to get her loose tooth out." Lynn said.

"Loose tooth?" Lane asked, followed by Loki and Loni. "Why does Linka have a loose tooth?"

Loni gasped. "And why is her front teeth chipped?! She looks stupid!"

"See! I told you!" Linka shouted.

"I accidentally hit her in the face with a baseball." Lynn said.

"What?!" The brothers exclaimed.

"I can't fix her front teeth but the least I can do is remove her loose tooth!" He turned to Linka. "Ok Linka, I want you to stand perfectly still. On the count of three, I'm going to slam the door shut."

"Alright, Lynn."

Lynn stood by the door. "One.. Two.. THREE!" He slammed the door shut. He turned around but Linka still had her tooth in.

"It didn't work." Loni said.

"Maybe I'm not doing it hard enough." He slammed the door several times but to no avail.

"Dang it! It always worked in cartoons!"

"Hang on." Loki said. He left the room and came back with a few minutes later with his father's pilers. "Hold still, Linka!" He placed the mouth of the pilers on the tooth, squeezed and pulled.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Stop it!" Loki let go.

"Hey, she could try eating crunchy foods." Lane suggested. Lane lead the group to the kitchen where he fetched a bowl of carrot sticks from the fridge. "Eat up, Linka."

"I don't really like carrots but if it means getting my tooth out." Linka chewed on a stick. "Ow, it hurts!" She ate seven more sticks before Lane checked her mouth.

"The tooth didn't come out, I see!" He laughed at his joke. "Get it? Carrots are good for eyes."

"We got it, Lane!" Loki said.

"What about my bike?" Luke suggested.

The siblings regrouped outside. Linka had a string around her tooth and the other end tied around the seat of Luke's bike.

"Alright, Luke!" Lane shouted from the opposite side of the backyard. "On your mark.. Get set.. Go!" Luke pedaled as hard as he could, dragging Linka through the mud like a rag doll. She screamed all the way for Luke to stop pedaling. Luke stopped halfway through. "Did it work?"

Linka lifted herself up by her elbows."No," she replied, face caked with mud.


One clean-up for Linka later, the siblings gathered in the living room. "That is one stubborn tooth!" Lynn said.

"She's only five, her baby teeth shouldn't be that strong!" Luke said.

"I blame good hygiene!" Lane said.

"How about one of us stands at the top of the stairs, holding one end of the string and Linka jumps over two steps at a time until it pops out." Loki suggested.

While the four of them were talking, Linka was wiggling her tooth back and forth, she gestured Loni to come over. Gently, Loni grabbed his sister's head and pulled the tooth out. "Got it!" Loni said, untying the string off of it.

"I loosened it!" Luke screamed, outraged.

"Sure, Luke."

Linka took her tooth back. "Thank you, Loni! I never thought I'd say this but I can't wait to go to bed tonight!" She skipped upstairs. "The Tooth Fairy's coming tonight! The Tooth Fairy's coming tonight!"

"Um, Lynn? You do know the Tooth Fairy's not real, right?" Lane asked.

"What?! Of course she is! Who else would leave that money under my pillow when I lost my baby teeth?"

"Mom. It's literally the oldest trick in the book. Mom puts the money under our pillow and tells us it was the Tooth Fairy the next morning. She then puts the baby teeth in our baby books." Loki explained.

"Are you kidding me?!"

"Yeah, it took me awhile to understand, too." Loni said.

Lynn paced the floor. "I don't want to crush my little sister's hopes! But if I tell Mom, she'll get suspicious on what happened! Our last resort is one of us will have to dress up like a fairy and slipped some money under her pillow while she's asleep."

"Dibs not!" The four oldest pointed to their noses.

"Dang it!" Lynn shouted.


That night, Linka slept soundly in her converted linen closet. Lynn stood outside her door in a poofy, pink tutu, a princess crown, and wired coat hangers bent in the shape of wings on his back.

"It's a good thing Linka likes to play dress-up in large clothes." Loni said.

"I feel ridiculous!" Lynn complained.

"And you look ridiculous too, but that's normal." Luke said. "Here. Take the dollar and go."

Lynn opened the door and tip-toed his way inside. His hand was under her pillow when Linka suddenly shone a flashlight his way.

"Aha! I'm sorry Ms. Fairy, but I had- Lynn?"

"Uhh, yes. But I-"

"You're the Tooth Fairy?! That's super cool! Talk about leading a double life!"

Lynn played along. "Yeah, that's it."

"So, you threw the baseball at my face on purpose to get my teeth?"

"No! That was an accident! Look, just take the money!" He gave Linka the dollar but she was not happy.

"Just a dollar?! You expect me to just take this after all I've been through today?!"

"I'm on a low budget!"

"Forget that! You give me more money or I'll tell Mommy and Daddy on you!"

"Ok! Ok! Calm down!" Lynn ran out the room and past his confused brothers. About ten minutes later, he came back with more money.

"Lynn, where did you get all that money?" Lane asked.

"It was the money I was saving for a skateboard." Lynn entered the room. "Here, Linka! You now have ten dollars." He threw nine singles in Linka's face.

"That's more like it! And don't worry, both secrets are safe with me: The baseball accident and that you're the Tooth Fairy."


The next morning, the Loud family sat down at the dining table for breakfast. "So, how are my babies doing?" Rita asked.

"Awesome! I lost a tooth yesterday and the Tooth Fairy visited me last night! She gave me ten whole dollars!" Linka replied.

Lynn Sr. looked at his wife questionably, to which she shrugged, just as confused. "Why would she give you that much money, Linka?" Lynn Sr. asked.

"Maybe because I'm a good girl."

"No use arguing there. But how did you lose your tooth?"

"You see what happened was," Lynn gripped the cushion of his chair, anxiously.

"One of Lars's toys was on the top of the stairs and I didn't see it. I tripped over it and fell down the stairs face-first."

"Linka! That sounds terrible! That would explain the chipped teeth." Lynn Sr. combed his daughter's hair with his fingers. "Are you ok?"

"Don't worry, Daddy. Lynn was there to take care of me. Right, Lynn?" Linka nudged her brother next to her.

"Absolutely!" Lynn said, smiling bright. Internally, he was relieved.

After breakfast, Lynn sat with Linka on the living room couch.

"Thanks for covering for me." Lynn said.

"Thanks for the money."

"I'm sorry we couldn't do anything about your chipped teeth."

Linka mediated on that for a moment. "Leave it. They make me stand out in a good way."

"And they still do." Lynn said, placing his item in the box. Linka gave him a toothy smile.

"I always wondered why Linka's incisors are chipped." Levi says.

Just then, Rita calls from downstairs. "Kids! Time for dinner!"

"Already?!" The siblings say altogether.

"Didn't we come up here at 3:00? It's 6:30 now." Lars says, looking at his watch.

"Three and a half hours spent and that's only half of our stories." Lynn says.

"Great idea, Loki! Going in "birth order"." Lexx says, annoyed.

"Yeah, we didn't even get a chance to share and we were the first to know about Linka's project!" Leif adds, just as annoyed as his twin.

"Take it easy, twins!" Linka says, standing and picking up Leon. "After dinner, we'll pick up where we left off. I'm just as eager to know about your favorite memories of me." The brothers stand up, the younger Loud brothers left their items in their spots, and follow their sister out.

AN: Loni's close relationship with his paternal grandmother was an idea suggested by FLASHFAN123. Luke's flashback was suggested by a Guest and the song used is Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) by Green Day. Part II will be uploaded as soon as I finish writing it. Bye for now!