
One and Only You

Hers is not a complicated life. She actually has what people see as a perfect one. She was born rich, like so very rich. She has loving parents, sweet brother, thoughtful grandparents, and kind relatives. She has loyal and fun best friends. She owns a successful shop and an elegant home. She has what a lot of ladies her age wants in life. And yet, she has not experienced what most girls her age already have. She hasn't gone on a date with a guy she can call boyfriend nor has cried a river of tears after a real break-up with a guy she, again, can call boyfriend. She hasn't had a boyfriend. She has never been in a relationship because apparently, her 13 year-old childhood crush and 22 year-old first heartbreak aren't counted as boyfriends. They are just the boys she used to know. All she has ever wanted to have before she turns 30 and ever single person in her life knows that is to be in a real relationship. Even him. Him who has kept her real feelings for her - his childhood crush, his first love, his best friend's sister - for like forever. Him who has seen her grows up to be the woman that she is now. Him who has witness her cry on sad moments and smile on happy ones. And when they get their chance in love with everyone around them approving it, her fears rise up and a girl from the his past shows up, troubling the relationship they both desire to have. Will she be able to let go of her fears and be able to have the only thing she has ever dreamed of? Or will the dream just fade like the memories she work so hard to keep and remember?

missrainlover · Thành thị
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43 Chs


"Dear Lord, I know that you've already given me everything I needed and wanted. I am truly grateful for almost perfect life you gave me. But if it wouldn't be too much to ask, can I please have my Mr. Right? My real first and true love? I'll be a very good person for you. I just really want to meet my The One. Thank you."

Abby made a sign of the cross after her silent prayer and sat back on her chair waiting for the communion to end. She was sitting next to her family and her brother's best friend Michael in church hearing the New Year's Eve Mass together. For the past ten years, her family had been welcoming the New Year with him whose parents were already settled in another country.

"The mass is ended. Let's all go out and face the New Year with happiness." The priest said his final blessing.

"Hallelujah, hallelujah!"

The crowd applauded and greeted each other a Happy New Year while going out of the church. It's 9 o'clock and they were heading home now to where they would be welcoming the New Year. She excused herself as soon as they arrived home to go to her room but not to change clothes. She sat in her desk chair and took out her new journal from the first drawer of her desk. She smiled as she felt the latest keeper of all her memories and secrets. She picked up a pen from her holder and opened the journal to the front page.

NAME: Marie Abigail Gutierrez


CELLPHONE#: 09082919890

EMAIL: marie_abby@gmail.com



NAME: Mario Apollo Gutierrez


CELLPHONE#: 09103019900


Write down your memories. You'll never know when you'll need them to be remembered.

Abby smiled as she finished filling out the first page of her new journal for the year that was about to come. She looked up to check the time in her dark green wall clock.

two hours.

A new year was about to start in two hours but she could already hear the loud surrounding with all the firecrackers they were excited to light up. She could also see the dark sky becoming colorful from the fireworks through the window infront of her when a knock on the door interrupted her sight-seeing.


"Miss Abby, your mom is already asking for you in the backyard."

"I'm coming. Thank you."

Abby closed her journal and put it back on the drawer where she first took it before she stood. She walked to the cheval glass standing next to her door and looked at herself. She was wearing a pair of flat beige strappy point suede sandals she paired on her dark pink boho maxim dress from the collection her mom's apparel would soon release. Her long wavy dark brown hair was laid down and her glasses were placed in her drawer before she put on her contacts. She gave herself a light make-up and wore a piece of jewelry on her ears and wrist. She couldn't say she was uncomfortable but she was always surprised every time she looked at herself in the mirror looking so different.

Very different

Marie Abigail was the youngest and only daughter of two business tycoons in the country. People saw her as the typical one. Beautiful, quiet, elusive member of the high society who barely flashed a smile in the crowd nor mingle with her co-elite people. She was present but not active unlike her parents who were the crowd favorites and her brother who was born sociable. She wasn't even like her other relatives who could easily involved themselves in a conservation without feeling lost or left out. She was the girl on the side or in the balcony constantly waiting for her watch to show the time when she could already go home. She was that person who was contented with the company of herself or of one or two persons closest to her. She didn't even like dressing up for parties because she found comfort with her collections of t-shirt and jeans. She was too different from the members of her family who established their life inside the companies that their elders built. All of them except her paternal grandmother who everyone thought she directed her life after but she believed was not a big deal to the clan.

We were not ask to get out of the family registry yet so yeah, I think we are still good.

She was also going to turn 30 by the end of the coming New Year and was desperately praying to have her first ever real romantic relationship with her most long awaited special someone. She wanted to believe God had already heard her prayers. She just didn't know if her eyes and heart were opened enough to see who he was. Abby sighed with that thought and walked out of her room to join her family.