
One and Only You

Hers is not a complicated life. She actually has what people see as a perfect one. She was born rich, like so very rich. She has loving parents, sweet brother, thoughtful grandparents, and kind relatives. She has loyal and fun best friends. She owns a successful shop and an elegant home. She has what a lot of ladies her age wants in life. And yet, she has not experienced what most girls her age already have. She hasn't gone on a date with a guy she can call boyfriend nor has cried a river of tears after a real break-up with a guy she, again, can call boyfriend. She hasn't had a boyfriend. She has never been in a relationship because apparently, her 13 year-old childhood crush and 22 year-old first heartbreak aren't counted as boyfriends. They are just the boys she used to know. All she has ever wanted to have before she turns 30 and ever single person in her life knows that is to be in a real relationship. Even him. Him who has kept her real feelings for her - his childhood crush, his first love, his best friend's sister - for like forever. Him who has seen her grows up to be the woman that she is now. Him who has witness her cry on sad moments and smile on happy ones. And when they get their chance in love with everyone around them approving it, her fears rise up and a girl from the his past shows up, troubling the relationship they both desire to have. Will she be able to let go of her fears and be able to have the only thing she has ever dreamed of? Or will the dream just fade like the memories she work so hard to keep and remember?

missrainlover · Thành thị
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43 Chs


Abby wasn't able to really get a good sleep that night despite drinking wine the other evening. So at six in the morning, she got up of her bed and went to the kitchen to prepare her family a suprise breakfast. The househelpers and Tia Amy were even surprised to see her there that early when it was Saturday and she didn't advise anyone that she'll have somewhere to go.

"Señorita, are you sure you'll do it?" Amy asked while nervously watching her chop the carrot that she just peeled for the Thai fried rice that she would make.

"Yes, Tia. Never been more sure."

She continued chopping the ingredients in front of her while the house helpers were tiptoeing, unsure of whether to grab something to help her or not. She felt that so she turned around and faced them with a smile. "I'm okay guys. You can go do other things you needed."


"I'm good Tia Amy. I'll ask help if I needed to."

She gave her a reassuring smile and that's when Amy felt better.

"Okay. We'll be around cleaning."

"Okay. Thank you."

She continued cooking while the househelpers left to do other jobs around the house and when her family woke up, they were speechless to see the table well set. Abby's favorite purple ceramic tableware set were on it. The Thai fried rice, bacon, Korean egg omelet, and toast smelled good with the coffee Abby was pouring on their mug. The fresh pink roses from her mom's garden were well-arranged on the vase placed in the middle of the table.

"Good morning parents." She greeted with a big smile on her face. "and brother. Breakfast is ready."

"G-good morning, princess." Her mom walked toward her and gave her a kiss on the cheek while still feeling confused and surprised with what she was seeing. Her brother and dad followed as they took the seats at the table. "Did you do all of these?"

Her family glanced at her and she nodded with a smile.

"What did you do?" Apollo asked as he glared at her.

"Nothing." She answered right away.

"What are you going to do?"

That second question from him was expected but she still felt a bit surprised.

"N-nothing." She tried her best not to stutter but she guessed it happened naturally when her heart pounded faster than Usain Bolt. His brother squinted and didn't leave his eyes on her. Her parents were now even convinced that there was really something so she had no choice but to tell them. She sighed and sat on her chair before she cleared her throat.

"What is it Abby?" Her dad asked.

"Dad, Michael wants to go to Japan this weekend..." She looked around the three who was obviously waiting for her to finish her sentence. "...with me."

"Only?" Her mom asked and she nodded. Her parents and brother exchanged glances before bringing their glances back to her.

"Why?" Apollo asked.

"Because I won't be here for his birthday. He wants to celebrate it with me in advanced."

"Did you say yes?" Her dad next.

"Not yet."

"But it's weekend already."

"I know." She answered her mom.

"Do you want to?"

She hesitated but the very first thing she wanted was to spend more time with Michael now that they had to be apart for a long time. She nodded after seconds of thinking. Her mom smiled while her dad and brother kept their poker faces.


Her dad sighed and put both of his hands on the table before clasping it.

"You're a grown up now, Abby. You can decide on your own. I can say no but your mom here would nag at me if I tried to."

Her parents exchanged smiles before her mom turned her gaze to her brother who was still silent.


He looked at their mom and then her for quite a moment before he put his fork down and sighed.

"I trust Michael and I trust you, too. If you really want to go with him, I'm okay with it."


Apollo nodded.

"I'll just tell Michael my conditions." Abby and her mom chuckled but definitely saw that coming.

"Okay. Thanks Big bro."

They exchanged smiles and her mom squeezed her hand tighter to get her attention before they, too smiled at each other. She couldn't be thankful enough to have a mom who was as cool and supportive as she was.

"If everybody's cool about it, can we all eat this fine breakfast my princess prepared for us?"

Her dad interrupted and they all agreed with him.

Storm was awaken by a continuous ring of his doorbell. He tried his best to ignore because if it was his dad or any of his best friends, they would surely know that he was still on his bed at 7 in the morning and they could just open it with the pincode that they know very welll instead of waking him up. But with how desperate the person was outside the door who didn't really rest in ringing his doorbell, he figured it wasn't any of those people in his mind. So, with half-asleep soul, he stood and walked his way to the door to open it.


He was now suddenly fully awake after seeing the person by his door.



"What are you doing here?"

"Can I just at least come in?"

"Ahh.." He glanced at the closed door of the unit where his father was. "Yeah."

Storm stepped aside and open the door wide to give enough space for his mother to get in. He closed the door and watched her placed her luggage behind his sofa. She then turned around to face him.

"Why are you ignoring my calls?"


"I called you several times the entire week and none of them were answered nor returned."

"I-I'm ah.." Storm had no idea how to answer her without hurting her feelings and sounding angry. He bit his lips and put both of his hands in his pajama's pocket. He saw his mom sighed and crossed her arms.

"Have you seen your dad?" Storm nodded. "Where is he?"


"I went to our house and the housekeepers hadn't seen him yet. They didn't even know he is here."

"He, ahmm..didn't go there yet."

"Have you talked?"

"A bit."


They exchanged looks but the way that Storm saw her mom looking so calm, he knew he didn't have to hide things nor go around the bush. But he just couldn't say the exact words because he was afraid it might trigger the anger in him.

"Why he suddenly flew back here."

His mom nodded.

"I see."

Then seconds of awkward silence between them before they both heard the door being opened. They all froze upon seeing his dad got in and the first one he saw was his possible estrange wife across from the room.

Abby was checking on her closet to see what clothes to bring on their two days and one night trip to Japan when she received a call from Michael.

"Hi, babe." But instead of the same greeting, she heard a bad coughing sound from the other line that worried her a bit. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I am." He answered but she could feel the difficulty to speak in his voice.

"I don't think you are."

"I'm okay babe. Don't worry. I just don't think we can push through with Japan."

"Are you sick?"

"A little fever."

"Have you taken some meds."

"No. I just need to sleep more. You don't really have to worry." Abby sighed but not convinced with what he said. "I love you."

"I love you."

Michael ended their call first and without wasting another second, Abby quickly went to her bathroom to shower and get dressed. She wasn't very much knowledgeable about anything related to medicine but the way that he sounded on the phone was enough for her to know that he wasn't fine.

She informed her mom, whom she saw reading a magazine in the living room, about what happened and asked Jorge to drive her to Michael's place.

She didn't bother taking some food from home because she knew that Michael's kitchen was always full of food and ingredients that she could use in case she needed to make something for him to eat. She arrived at Michael's pad in less than 30 minutes, thanks to the safe but fast driving of her Tio Jorge as well as the smooth flow of traffic on the road that morning.

"Babe?" She called as she entered the house after ringing the doorbell five times and not getting a response. She looked around the dark living room and kitchen but evidently, there was no sign of him around. She knew the way to his bedroom but she had never been there nor to any guy's room except that of his brother. She hadn't even been inside Storm's room. But she had to. So with every courage she could take and a very deep sigh, she walked his way to Michael's room. It was opened so she was able to easily see her boyfriend laying on the bed, fully covered by a blanket.

"Michael?" She got inside slowly and looked at Michael's face closely. She saw him shivering despite having no fan or airconditioner turned on but also dripping with sweat. She touched his forehead and was surprised by how hot he was. "Oh my, babe."

She tried to wake him up softly and gently by calling his name a couple of times then his eyes slightly opened.



"Oh," He coughed a bit before he continued. "You're really here."

"Yes, I am really here." She sat on the space next to him and quickly felt his hand on hers. "And you are very sick, babe."

"Oh, I feel better now that you're here." He squeezed her hand tighter and that made her smile a bit. But her heart was still worried sick.

"That's good but you need to eat and take your medicine. You want anything to eat?"

Michael shook his head.

"You need to eat babe or you'll be like this for days." She said holding his hot hand with both of her hands and leaning closer to him so he didn't have to speak louder. "Please?"

"Okay." He finally said in his weakest voice and that made Abby genuinely smile.

"Good. So what do you want?"

Mushroom soup, garlic bread she cut into very tiny pieces, and warm water were what Abby prepared as per her boyfriend's request. She put them on a tray with the medicine she bought at the hotel's pharmacy. She found Michael already seated on his bed, leaning against his headboard but still looking very sick with his eyes closed.

"Hey, babe." She called while placing the tray of food on an empty bedside table. His eyes opened and his lips smile after seeing her already in front of him.

"Hey. I'm sorry you have to see me like this."

"See you what? Looking so handsome despite being sick? I actually love it."

Despite telling the truth, her words still made Michael laughed but he couldn't do it that loud like how he used to when he was well. "But you're more handsome when you're not sick so let's make you feel better."

"Okay." They smiled at each other before Abby took the bowl of mushroom soup and started to feed Michael. He ate everything that she prepared after almost 20 minutes of trying to slowly take in the food then the medicine which really made her so happy. She left him to get warm water and towel to wipe him before changing his T-shirt that was already wet with his sweat.

"Time to sleep Mr. Chua."

"No. I want to see you more."

"I'll be right here. I'll just clean your kitchen then I'll come back."


"I swear."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you." And Michael quickly fell asleep. As she let the love of her life took a rest, she went out to clean the kitchen and wash the dishes. She also opened the long curtain in the living and dining room to let the nice sun light got in. She was happy that she had a lot for breakfast because now, she didn't get tired despite the rush she felt after knowing how sick Michael was. She just made herself a mug of chocolate drink and brought it to Michael's room along with a book that she took from the book shelf in his living room. She checked on the thermometer she left and smiled when his temperature went down a bit before she sat on the couch next to the bed where Michael was facing so he could easily see her when he woke up.

"Babe?" She would hear him whisper and look for her every now and then in between sleep.

"I'm here, babe." She would answer and she would see him smile before sleeping deeply again.

Abby didn't realize that she fell asleep while reading a book until she woke up and found herself on the couch with the book on her lap. She stretched her arms but tried to keep it quiet to not wake up Michael.

Michael. She suddenly remembered her sick boyfriend and so she immediately looked at the bed where she expected him to still be sleeping.

But what he saw was a man sitting on the bed with his back against the headboard once again, staring at her with a very sweet smile on his face.

"Hey." She said as she stood from the couch and walked closer to him. She touched his forehead to check if he was still hot but fortunately, his fever must have gone down now. "How are you?"

"I'm good. Thank you for taking care of me." He held her hand as she took a seat on an empty space next to him.

"I'm glad you're feeling better. Are you hungry?"

"Ahmm, I think so."

"Okay, I'll make us some-" she looked at the alarm clock on the other bedside table to check the time. It's half past one. "late lunch."

She was about to leave when Michael stopped her by not letting her hand go. "You want anything?"

Michael only shook his hand and kept staring at her.

"Ahh..Do I not look pretty after taking a nap?" She joked around though deep inside, she was already feeling shy and conscious with his deep stares. Michael smirked.

"You are the prettiest even on moments when you don't think you are."

And that for sure made her blush.

"You surely know how to play with your words Michael Chua." They exchanged smiles then Abby held his hand with both of hers. "And thank you. But I'll have to prepare us lunch now before both of us get sick."
