
One and Only You

Hers is not a complicated life. She actually has what people see as a perfect one. She was born rich, like so very rich. She has loving parents, sweet brother, thoughtful grandparents, and kind relatives. She has loyal and fun best friends. She owns a successful shop and an elegant home. She has what a lot of ladies her age wants in life. And yet, she has not experienced what most girls her age already have. She hasn't gone on a date with a guy she can call boyfriend nor has cried a river of tears after a real break-up with a guy she, again, can call boyfriend. She hasn't had a boyfriend. She has never been in a relationship because apparently, her 13 year-old childhood crush and 22 year-old first heartbreak aren't counted as boyfriends. They are just the boys she used to know. All she has ever wanted to have before she turns 30 and ever single person in her life knows that is to be in a real relationship. Even him. Him who has kept her real feelings for her - his childhood crush, his first love, his best friend's sister - for like forever. Him who has seen her grows up to be the woman that she is now. Him who has witness her cry on sad moments and smile on happy ones. And when they get their chance in love with everyone around them approving it, her fears rise up and a girl from the his past shows up, troubling the relationship they both desire to have. Will she be able to let go of her fears and be able to have the only thing she has ever dreamed of? Or will the dream just fade like the memories she work so hard to keep and remember?

missrainlover · Thành thị
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43 Chs


Apollo was dropped off by Abby at the company after not less than 15 minutes since the park wasn't that far from where their company was. He was waiting for the elevator when he smelt a familiar scent on his side. He didn't want to turn but he'd been wanting to see the face of the scent's owner for a long time now. So he did after a few seconds of contemplation and a deep sigh.

"Hi." The scent's owner with a beautiful smiling face greeted her as she slowly turned her face to meet his eyes. "Good morning, sir."

"Good morning." He greeted back with a nervous beating heart, something he knew she didn't feel the same.

"Going to work late and..." She looked at his clothes before she continued. "casual?"

"It turned out that way." Then he smiled and the elevator door opened. He extended his hand to let Krizle and her team get in first. "Floor?" He asked as soon as he came inside and the elevator closed.


"You have a shoot?" He asked after pushing their floor numbers.

"Magazine shoot."


"Yup. For the network's magazine."


And just like that, the elevator reached the 16th floor and its door opened. They looked at each other with a smile still on her face.

"Happy New Year, Sir Pol."

"Happy New Year."

Then she went out with her team to go to her dressing room. He took a sigh before pushing the close button of the elevator.

When he reached his floor, he walked to his office with every employee greeting him a Happy New Year but their eyes were on the clothes he was wearing. He also saw how Liberty's eyes got wide and almost spilled whatever she just drank upon seeing him.

"G-good morning, Sir." Stuttering from his surprised look, he heard his secretary greeted as he passed by her table and followed him to his office. "Ahmm..I thought you won't be here until the meeting?"

Apollo looked at his clock and saw how it's just passed eight.

"Want me to leave?"

"No, Sir."

His secretary answered right away knowing very well that he was just messing around. He smiled as soon as he sat on his chair and faced her again. "My schedule today?"

"You have a lunch meeting with your father and uncle after your conference call with the producers at 10:30 and with Sir Michael later this afternoon. The rest of your day is free until these contracts are signed." She handed over a thick pile of folders that he was sure would keep him on his chair for a long time.

"Is that all?"

"Ahmm... You did remember wearing formal clothes for your meetings, didn't you?"

Apollo looked at his secretary who displayed concern and serious look on her face as she kept checking his looks right now.

"I did."

"O-okay." Hesistant, Liberty went out of the room and left Anderson with pile of works to do. Thirty boring minutes passed when a knock on the door stopped Anderson from what he was doing. He lifted his head and the door opened after the third knock.

"Hey Bo-" A young man in his well-ironed suit entered with a surprised look after not finishing his greeting to him. "Wo. Are we having new policy on office attire?"

"No. Why?"

"What's with the shirt?"

Apollo chuckled.

"Wait til you see the pants."

"Why? Are you wearing your cargo shorts?"

"How did you know?" He was his best friend but he still couldn't believe at times how much Michael knew him, even they way he dressed on every occasion.

"That's your go-to-clothes to wear every time you go out." He answered as he walked closer to his table and sneaked into what he was wearing. "Well, you really are. Why?"

"I went out with Abby this morning."


"Yup. She wasn't feeling good so I had to just say yes to her."

"Really?" Apollo stared at him with a vague look on his face that somehow startled Michael. "W-what's with the face?"

"No. Nothing. I just have a question though." He put the pen he was holding down and sat comfortably facing the still confused face of his friend.


"Do you now any nice handsome single guys who doesn't like attending boring company parties?" He described exactly the kind of guy he knew Abby liked.

"I do. Why?" Hequickly answered with confusion still visible in his face but that made Anderson excited. He stood and had his eyes wide on Michael.

"Really? Who?"

"Me." And Michael raised his free left hand.


How come I forgot!

"Yes. Single, handsome and nice." He said those three as he counted the words using his fingers. "And company parties aren't really my thing. You know that."

"I do."

And I didn't know how I forget that, too.

He leaned back on his chair still trying to process what just happened. He was trying to look for a guy suitable to be his sister's first ever boyfriend and here's his best friend claiming to have all those qualities. He looked at him intently and saw nothing wrong about him being with his sister, except the fact that he was his best friend and she was his sister.

"So why are you asking?"

"Nothing." He avoided the questioning look on his friend's eyes and noticed the papers he was holding. "You have something for me?"

Abby, now wearing a long lavender floral dress and a nice pair of wedge sandals, was taking the elevator to Anderson's office carrying the suit and shoes her brother asked her to bring for him. The elevator stopped on the 14th floor, and when it opened, Abby and the woman about to step in were very surprised to see each other.


"Krizle!" They hugged and kissed each other on the cheeks while the rest of the latter's team get inside.

"Hi! How are you?"

"I'm good. I'm so happy to see you again."

"Me, too. I just saw your brother earlier this morning."

"Really?" Abby felt awkward hearing her talk about Apollo but she didn't see that kind of feeling from her. Her smile was genuinely happy as she talked to her and she loved that. She always loved her brother's ex girlfriend.


Then she noticed the bag she was holding. "For him?"


Krizle smirked at her.

"Suit?" Abby nodded with a smile. "I knew he wouldn't stand that casual work in the office."

"He wouldn't. It's just that we went to the park this morning so he had to come here first with those cargo shorts and shirt."

"I see. I'm glad you guys are going out together again." Krizle held Abby's hand like how normal it was for them to do so before.

"Me, too. And I think we should go out together next time, too."

"I think we should. I promise to keep a free day for you."

"I promise to be always free for you." They smiled at each other and when the elevator opened on the 21st floor, they hugged each other goodbye before Krizle got off. That was the first time in five years that Abby saw who she always thought would be her future sister-in-law in person since her break up with Apollo. She and her family couldn't believe how a ten year old relationship ended just like that. She even nagged her brother and forced her to tell her why but her brother kept quiet. Until this morning when they had one of their most serious talk to date. She reached the 30th floor of the building reminiscing the perfect relationship her brother and Krizle had. And when she got into the office, everyone she bumped into was greeting her. She rarely visited their company but she knew they would recognize her with all the annual company celebrations she had to attend to because she was part of the family.

"Hi Libs." She enthusiastically greeted Liberty who always flashed a big smile to her everytime they saw each other.

"Abby." She noticed the big plastic cloth she was carrying.

"Is that for your brother?"

"Yup. He asked me to bring one. Is he in?"

"Oh God. Thank you very much. I really thought he would face the producers in a shirt."

Abby couldn't help but chuckled after seeing Liberty took a sigh of relief. She knew she would panic once she saw her brother on that attire so she decided to pick the best suit he had to pay for the stress they caused her.

"He wouldn't of course. Can I come in?"

"Of course."

So she walked toward the door of her brother and knocked three times before opening it.

"Hey!" Apollo greeted Abby a soon as he saw her face when she opened the door.

"Hi." She smiled beautifully upon entering the room but it faded when she saw Michael standing next to him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Am I interrupting something?"

"No, you aren't." Apollo stood and walked toward Abby to take the suit she was carrying before kissing her cheek as a greeting. "I need to change now so..." He turned to face Michael who was just watching them. "Keep my sister company until I get back."

Michael casually nodded before he brought his attention back to his sister. "Thank you for this."

"You're welcome."

And he went out of the room to change leaving Michael and Abby alone inside. Abby walked toward Michael and met his eyes who never left hers as soon as she entered the room.


And then she smiled.

"Hi. How are you?"

"I'm good. You?"

"Same. I heard you went out with him earlier."

"Yes. I made him clear his morning schedule so in return, he asked me to bring him his clothes for the meeting."

"He always has his way of getting back."

"Yup. But I got to drive his car on my own today so it was still a great deal."

"Oh, Congratulations."


And they shook hands while they chuckled at their own private jokes. And those big smile slowly faded as they felt a bit of awkwardness with how long they've been holding each other's hand. And at the same moment, they both cleared their throats and let go of each other's hand before they sat across from each other on her brother's couch. "So ahmm. Who's looking for a boyfriend?" Michael's attempt to start a new conversation startled

Abby who suddenly stopped flipping the pages of the magazine she got from the coffee table in front of her. She looked at Michael with wide eyes.

"Who what?"

"You're brother just asked me if I know a certain single guy."

"He is what?"

Her tone became even stronger that slightly confused Michael but he answered anyway.

"He just asked me if I know any nice, handsome and single guy who doesn't like going to company parties?"

"Really?" Michael nodded "Oh my gosh."

Abby covered her mouth with one of her hand.


"Did you answer him?"

"I told him me."




"Yes." Abby stopped breathing for a while as she tried to process what the person in front of him just said. If what she had in mind was right, his brother's attempt of helping her find the right guy wasn't what the two of them had expected. There was no way in the world did she ever think of her brother allowing his best friend to court her. She couldn't even tell Apollo how handsome she thought Michael was everytime he'd see him coming to their house."So who is that for?"

She heard him asked and without thinking carefully, she answered.


"You what?"

They both glanced at the owner of the voice who interrupted them and astonishment with what they just found out.

"Huh?" Abby asked back.

"You are what?" Apollo asked again as soon as he closed the door to his office and walked his way to his table.

They looked at each other quickly and glanced back to where Apollo was now.

"Nothing." Abby answered and forced a smile on her face. Apollo's eyebyows furrowed with curiosity and glared at the two of them.

"Are you guys okay?"

"Yup." Michael and Abby answered at the same time.

"I-I.. ahmmm. I'll go ahead. I'll just see you in the meeting later." Michael said right after and stood. Anderson nodded but still confused as to what was happening.

"B-bye," He awkwardly said to Abby which Abby awkwardly answered with an awkwad smile and an awkward wave.

"What was that about?" He asked as soon as Michael left the room.

"What?" Abby tried to act and sound natural as she picked up the magazine she was checking earlier back from the coffee table.

"You and Michael."

"Nothing." Then she looked at her brother and the suit he was wearing with an attempt of changing the topic. "Nice suit."

"You picked it."

"I know. I picked well."

"Hey." Michael almost dropped the envelope he was still holding when he opened the door of his office and found Apollo standing outside, smiling to him. "Dude. How long have you been standing there?"

"Five seconds." Michael took a deep breath to calm himself down from the shock.

"I thought you had a meeting."

"I do. But Abby decided to stay for a while and she was with no one in my office. Would you mind keeping her company again?"


"Just stay with her until I come back."


"Yup. She doesn't know anyone here aside from me except you and Liberty. Liberty will be with me and you don't have a meeting until the one with me according to your secretary."


"I asked her before I went here." And Apollo smiled once again which starting to become irritating but he controlled himself because he was his boss, at least until 6 pm.

"Isn't she going to open her shop?"

"She isn't."

"Really?" Apollo nodded. "I see."

"So..." Apollo's phone started to ring and after checking it, he looked at him again. "I'll leave her to you for a while. Don't make her angry."

"B-but-" He already left even before he could disagree and continue with his line. So with a discreet pounding heart and anxious mind, he put the envelope which was keeping him company the whole time on the table near him and went out to see his boss' sister once again.

He knock three times before he opened the door to Apollo's office and saw Abby sitting on the floor with his legs crossed under her long dress. Her sandals were now off of her feet and were neatly placed next to her. She was in front of what he thought was her brother's laptop on the coffee table with her earphones on so most probably, she didn't hear him knocked on the door and entered the room. He already closed the door and walked a few silent steps before she took her eyes off the laptop and found his. They were both surprised to notice each other but it was right away replaced with an awkward silent but genuine smile.

"H-hey." He started since he was the one who invaded her time.

"H-hey. You are back."

"I am." He was hesitant but he still chose to come closer and sat on the couch across from her "Did my brother ask you to come?"


"Sorry. You must be very busy to babysit a full grown woman." Michael smiled and suddenly looked at her vigorously.

"I'll always have time for you." That line made her heart fluttered and her cheeks blushed but she tried to pretend that she didn't notice it. So she smiled at him instead. "

So the shop is still on vacation?"

Abby removed the earphones on her ears and put it down on the table before she rested both of her arms on it.

"Yup. I don't think we have to hurry up with that. I want the staff to enjoy the holiday feels first."

"Good for them. It's nice to have someone like you as a boss."


"I heard about the expansion."

Of course he did. His brother was really quick in sharing details about to her to Michael.

"Oh, that."

"Have you decided?" Abby shook her head while keeping the smile on her face.

"It would have been easier if Spain was just a few steps away from here."

They chuckled.

"It would have been."

"And you? How's work?"

"Well, projects happen here and there. Lot's of business trips and meetings to attend and they are all very boring and tiring.


"Anything coming soon?"

"There is. But I don't think I can say it yet."

Abby pouted.

"Even to the owner's daughter?"

Michael nodded with a sad smile.

"That's unfortunate."

"But maybe I can once I discussed it with your brother."

And Abby's face lightened up. She was been a big TV fan since and without any bias, she always enjoyed the series that they produced. So she tried to use her 'owner's daughter' card to get a few secret details of what they were about to make.


"All information, first hand."

Abby clasped her hand together out of excitement.

"I'll treat you out for that."

And for the same time since they saw each other that day, he saw him blushed and gave him a smile that almost melted her heart.

"That will be great."

Apollo's meeting ended at exactly noon and he went back to his office just right when Abby's stomach started to growl.

"Hungry already?" He asked as he walked to his table fist bumping Michael on his way to thank him.

"Already? I haven't eaten for three hours already."

"But you ate a lot."

"Three hours ago." Apollo and Michael looked at each other while Abby was tying her sandals back on her feet. She stood and fixed her dress before he looked at her brother again.

"Let's go?"

"Where?" Apollo asked curiously.

"At the restaurant."


"To eat lunch? I saw your schedule and you'll have lunch with Dad and uncle. So let's go."


"Why not?"

Her eyebrows furrowed.

"That isn't a family lunch."

"I know. I'll just eat there and not meddle with your business. Promise."

"I highly doubt that."

"No. Don't doubt it." Abby smiled at him before walked closer to Michael who was already standing behind the couch. "Thank you for keeping me company. See you later." She gave him a kiss on the cheek and looked back at her brother. "I'll wait for you in the car."

She went out of the office leaving the two guys startled and shocked.

"What did just happen?" Apollo asked.

"Ah. You just agreed to bring her to lunch."

"And she just kissed you."

Michael looked at him not knowing how to react while his friend's eyes became too suspicious too stare at.


"That I will deal with you later."

"W-what?" Apollo picked up his car key on his table before he looked at him again.

"I'll see you after work." He tapped Michael's shoulder and left him in office, confused...and nervous.

Oh My God.

Abby held into her heart as soon as she got into an empty elevator. She tried to walk as confidently and natural as she could when she went out of her brother's office and said goodbye to Liberty. But her heart couldn't stop beating triple that it should after she realized how embarrassing her actions was when she kissed Michael on the cheek. Something that she didn't initiate ever since but now that she did, she was sure her brother would notice that.

And Michael.

Of course she would Abigail. Now, how on earth would you be able to face him without remembering that and blushing a lot.

She scolded herself. She was even worried that her brother would ask her about it. But luckily, he just glared at her and reminded to keep quiet and just eat while they were having their meeting. She smiled at him and kept her mouth shout during the entire drive to the restaurant.

"Dad!" Abby shouted happily upon seeing his father waiting in the private room of the restaurant they reserved for their meeting. She hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Abigail?" Her father asked with an evident surprised and curiosity on his face as to why she was there.

"Dad." Apollo greeted him with a kiss on the cheek before he stepped back for his father to talk to Abby.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm hungry."


"Abigail?" Everyone turned around to see the owner of the new voice that just got in to the room.

"Uncle Roy." their uncle and their father's younger brother showed up looking equally surprised to see his niece inside. He walked closer and they greeted him with a kiss on the cheek.

"What are you doing here?"

"She's hungry." Her dad and brother said at the same time.


"I'm hungry." And she smiled sweetly.

The restaurant's chef personally accompanied the waiters in charge to deliver the food they ordered. After the greeting and quite of a long introduction of every food that they prepared, the four got to finally start eating. Abby, who was not fond of small servings, had her own big bowl of rice and buttered prawns she loved the most. As she enjoyed her food, she silently listened to the guys around her discussed what they were there for.

"How was the shoot in the States?" Her uncle asked in the middle of cutting the steak and leading the conversation.

"It was good." Her brother answered.

"The team was able to finish it on time with some days to spare to go around the place."

"That's good then. Do you have the release date?"

"The production was still working on that."

Meaning the movie wasn't completed yet. Abby thought. His brother didn't want any of the movie or series that they were working on to release dates when he wasn't sure that everything was ready and clean. He didn't care if that would mean not getting a lot of production for the year as long as it was quality. Luckily for the upper head, Apollo hadn't fail them in bringing money to the company. His movies were blockbusters and his series were top-rating.

"Anything coming very soon?"

"That one I guess and I'm meeting Michael later for a new series. That might be the first for the year if it will pass."

"I see." Their uncle nodded before he cleared his throat and cleaned his mouth. He has something to say.

"Well, have you heard of Agatha Kim?"

Abby looked at his uncle after what he said but she stopped herself from saying anything.

"Agatha who?" Her dad asked which was expected because he had no idea what Youtube was. The last thing he knew that existed in the interest is Yahoo! where his email was.

"You don't mean the new Internet star Filipina-Korea Girl, do you?"

"Well, I do."

Abby watched her brother and dad looked at each other, then to her uncle with a very curious and surprised looks.

"You really do mean Agatha Kim?"


"And what about her?"

"Apparently, she is moving in to the country soon and is planning to stay here for good"


"She already agrees to sign up for Twinnote Records."


Her uncle just looked at her brother with a You-already-know-I-mean look and Abby couldn't help but control her laugh with the way she saw her brother raised his eyebrow.

"You wanted to sign her up for Twinact Agency, Do you?" His Dad asked and suddenly, Abby thought of Storm.

She knew her best guy friend was a very big fan of her that he could spend the whole night watching her uploaded vlogs over and over again.

"I do."

"Why?" Her brother asked.


"Can that girl even act?"

Abby couldn't help but glared at her brother. Though he definitely had a point, he just couldn't really stop himself from belittle-ing new artists who wanted to act and be an actor.

"She can apparently." Their uncle answered with a proud look on his face.


Abby sighed and decided to include herself in the conversation.

"She can big bro." The three guys looked at her all at the same time.


"She's from Korea and she was undergoing singing, dancing and acting training for 6 years before she decided to come here."

"Our pretty visitor knows what we are talking about."

She gave her uncle a sweet smile after that compliment and took a scoop of her ice cream. She was done with her main course even before the three guys finished half of theirs.

"You know her, too?"

She looked at her brother and shook her head before she answered.

"I don't watch her videos but Storm is a big fan and he tells us everything she learns about her every time he gets the chance."

"So she can act?"

"She can pretty much do everything." She looked at him with a teasing smile. "Who knows, she can even do your job very well."

Then she laughed while her uncle and dad chuckled at her joke.

"Hahaha. Funny."

"Hahaha. I'm not joking."

And Apollo, with pissed off look on his face, pinched her cheek after their banter.


Apollo parted ways with his sister, dad, and uncle in the restaurant after the business meeting that he wasn't really expecting and was still contemplating on agreeing to. He went back to his office and finished the remaining papers to sign up, left at six and waited for the elevator to supposedly go to Michael's office. But his person of interest was already standing in front of him when the elevator opened. He smiled and entered.

"Sir." Michael greeted that made Apollo smirked.

"It is already past six. I'm no longer your boss." He looked at the confused Michael with a smirk. "Have you had your dinner?"


"Good. Let's have dinner."


"In your place." Apollo added and kept the curious face Michael had ever since the first one entered the elevator.

"Did you change something in your flat?" Apollo asked after roaming around the bachelor's pad of Michael and finally settled in the kitchen island where the latter set their plates. They had to stop by the grocery store on their way to buy ingredients for his request since he wasn't prepared with his best friend's sudden visit. Most food that he had on his refrigerator were left overs from the holiday season when he last checked it.

"Everything." Michael answered while placing the bowl of carbonara in the middle.


"I had it renovated before the holidays. Did you forget?"

"Did you tell me that?" Michael nodded before he turned his back to him to get the chicken lollipop. Apollo was still trying to remember when he mentioned that to him. "Are we going to drink?"

"No. I have to drive."

"Okay. Let's eat." He said as he took his seat across from his. They only had two spoonful of pasta when he broke their silence.

"So do you like my sister?" Michael almost threw out the food in his mouth from surprise with the straight to the point question he got from him. He knew that him coming to his home would lead to that talk but not as sudden and as bold as he did right now.


"Do you like my sister?" They looked at each other with curiosity on their eyes, but of a different level.

"Ah, that was just a thank you kiss on the cheek."Michael answered instead referring to the kiss Abby gave to him in Apollo's office earlier.

"I'm not asking about the kiss."

"Isn't that why you came here?"

"I came here for this." Apollo pointed to the food in front of him using his fork.

"Really?" and he nodded before he continued with his food and asked the question.

"So do you like Abby?"