

on a desert place full of alien-type buildings a beggar man is walking with a large gold chain binding his hand and feet and humming an unknown song. then he came to a very large building and came to the roof, sit on one side and start viewing every surrounding with his eyes. sometimes later the earth begins to crack and lava starts to come out, the air becoming black and poisonous gas fully but I can't see or hear screams anything anyone as they already dead. then I feel no sorrow, anger, funny, hopeless nothing but regret. as the lava from the earth coming to me and the building began to melt I gave a simple smile and thought maybe by becoming dead I will find the long lost peace .the lava meltdown the building and began to destroy my body from foot I saw a tiny little light came to my head and merge with it I became unconscious.

when I become conscious I began to hear someone.do you want to reborn with your memory in the past although I heard the same word many times I said yes? then someone said you can get 3 talent randomly from [ E to SSS ]tier. I said ok then I become unconscious. the unknown someone begins to tell I give you three talent 1, unlimited growth potential and talent 2, an unknown tier item that gives you 50% discounts with anything 3 unknown tier cultivation technic, hope that you can become strong and save the earth.....

the pain I feel pain in every part of my body where am I?? I can't see I heard some noise from women, I am feeling very tired and hungry I feel something in my mouth and I began to suck and sleep

(Clara)( Mother pov)... wow after 9 months my baby was born and he is a male he looks so cute and then my baby began to cry I feel that he feels hungry so I began to breastfeeding him and saw him sleep...

sometimes later my husband meng han came and said are you feel ok? I said I feel some pain and tried but it's alright then he said congratulations you finally became a mother and I also said congratulations you became a father and he began to hug me and look at my son Sleeping with a huge smile on his face. then I said what name did you chosen for our son he said his name will be Leo and pray to God that our son will become something big in the future and I pray to God that my son will live a happy life.)

After seven days

so I reborn in the past I thought as I see my mother and father same look in the past but younger and I got reborn in a baby state seriously I feel very happy and angry at the same time as I can train early and get prepared for the upcoming world chaos and don't leave behind any past regret, I feel happy when I see my parents happy smiling face but I also feel humiliated that I can't control my body. and I feel tired very soon and cannot awake much time. I vowed that I will not leave behind any past regret and save the earth kill the immortal and become the s

A strongest living being. I can think deathly I think it is because of my new soul overloading with my past 800 years memory. now that I think before I die in the past I saw someone and hear that I will get reborn with 3 things... I have reborn so what it is. as I master a very little mental energy I get in my inner place and began searching I saw that my inner place is no more than 50 meters. normal people, an inner place is about 20 meters so I have only 3 times of normal person inner place I bet it is because of my rebirth as I bet I am not a genius in my past life and I feel that my soul is fusioning. I saw a little tetter house in the middle as I get in the house I saw a table and a bed with two shiny objects. what is it??? I grabbed the two things and to see what it is I saw a ring and a book I can't identify what it is, I saw a piece of information in my mind that I have to permit to merge these two items with my soul to see its information I thought that it came from the same person who gives me a reborn chance so it will not harm me, I give my permission and the two things began to merge with my soul and I began to get information about it in my mind. 1st thing is a ring and it gives me 1 ability that is a discount of 50% on anything, I began to think what fucking discount do I buy from a shopping mall with a discount or from street food, do I need to start a business that I buy things with 50% discount and sell with 20%. the world will become chaos in 19 years and where strong get everything and weaker get nothing I will open a business fuck it, as I continue to get information my heart begins to beat very fast. I begin to dance with a very happy mind, with the ring I get 50% discount on everything means

that I only need half work to get full exp/every technic/and the system trade function I get a 50% discount. It's an op-level ability with it I can build an Empire. I clam down after some time and began to see what is the other book is, it is also an Unknown tier cultivation technique or mantra. its information says that by cultivating this technic I can improve mental, blood, soul, spirit, body at the same time with perfect balance and harmony and I cant convert every energy into unique energy to improve my mental, blood, soul, spirit, body cultivation I think that even sss+ tier cultivation technics can't compare with it. I began to cultivate this technic timidity 1 minute after I feel that my mental energy, blood, body split improved but I can't feel my soul improving, I thought maybe because my soul is very strong that I can't feel anything.. after sometimes I began to feel very sleepyhead and I Don't know when I get consciousness as my subconscious is taking over I try to command it to cultivate this technic everything as I became unconscious


two years later,

I regain consciousness on a night as I hear some noise I saw that my mother and father are doing their night course training and moaning from time to time. I thought they are working very hard to give me a younger sibling. i thought of my younger sister in the past as I clench my tiny hands I promise that I will never let you suffer the pain again and be a useless Brother who can't do anything but give you pain after pain. then I began to check my cultivation I saw that I improve quite a bit like the earth did not recover spiritual energy fully but I estimated that I became strong three times than normal HUMAN. A perfectly normal human status is 50 attributes

strength :10(attack/defence)




soul: 10(hidden)

if anyone breaks past a total of 50 attributes they will be lv 2 in the system. so in the system that will come from God in the future under 50 attributes will be lv 1 and 100 attribute lv 2 150 level 3... 50 extra per level up and

my status is estimated as I don't have the virtual system that comes in the future from god

my status

strength :30(+50)

intelligence :30(+200)




mind energy:2400 lv3(high quality)

body energy:300

blood energy:300

spiritual energy:300

soul energy: 3200: lv4 (high quality)

what is mind and soul quality???? when mind and soul attributes reach 100. you get a chance to upgrade your quality. your quality decided how much, densely, pure your power you can get with the attribute, suppose

soul lv1 consist


, low,


, high,




Soul lv 0(poor) can get max 100 soul power

Soul lv 0(low) can get a max 200 soul power

Soul lv 0(normal) can get a max 400 soul power

soul level 0 (high) can get a max 800 soul power

Soul lv 0(extreme) can get max 1600 soul power

To upgrade mind or soul quality

you need to spend

(Poor to low) -. 100 attribute

(Low to normal)-. 1000 attribute

(Normal to high) - 10000 attribute

(High to the extreme) -100000 attribute

(Extreme to the sky) - 1000000 attribute

(Sky to heaven) - 10000000 attribute

you can get attributes by cultivating, leveling up, and items or pills.